Why haven't you built a gaming station for your sons (wife's) yet Yea Forums?

why haven't you built a gaming station for your sons (wife's) yet Yea Forums?

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>how to overheat both PCs


That looks so soulless

That looks so fucking bad holy shit I'm triggered

That looks so fucking lame. It reminds me of an office or IT room. Fuck that.

this is actually be pretty based desu, thanks Tim! enjoy your reddit points

>shit i need to plug something in real quick...
>Let me grab my ladder

>PC's and xboxes
literally why
halo, xbox's only exclusive anyone even knows about, is on PC.



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What a cute little manlet you are.

Why don't Americans understand ergonomics they always put their tv or monitors up way too high.

>Sons (Wifes)

Did he marry his two tranny sons?

>this is where i place my children so they don't talk to me when they're not at school

i see this with my friends with kids too. give those toddlers tablet/phone/switch and they are mind controlled by god knows what youtube videos for hours. voila, you don't have to hear from them until bedtime!

intake blowing hot air where it cant escape, sasuga reddit

It forces them to sit straighter.

You have a son?

This. If you have a pc then there’s literally no reason to own an Xbox.

Please suck my dick meowie

>buying them separate screens, pcs and consoles.

Fucking disgusting, 1 SNES, 2 Controllers and take fucking turns or play a 2 player game.

t. '83 boomer

I wish I had children. Not in my current situation or anything but it'd be nice to be able to have kids.

This isn't a battlestation thread, tranny

also its cold and lifeless. the sons themselves could have probably done better. they also wouldn't be retarded enough to skip out on a halfway decent chair.

>PCs being too close to walls
>Desk not adjustable
>Wires everywhere
>Almost no space for mouse
>TV positioned for a fucking giant
>No desk chairs

But they're going to have to crane their necks to view the top screen, plus those pc's aren't going to receive adequate cooling.

why are all spice and wolf fans mentally ill, i've known like 4 now and they all literally suffer from evere mental illness.

how are they supposed to jerk off while sitting right next to eachother?

I am not a tranny.
I am also not mentally ill.

I bet the dad is real strict and limits their time on the "gamestation" and also uses it to reward good behavior.

You're gay aren't you?

Fuck off with your attention whoring and your mutilated dick.

>dual left handed mouse setup
What the fuck is wrong with the parent? Lefty mouse is retarded and I am a fucking lefty.

>ywn raise Meowie's children
kill me

They get the wall divider and computer chairs after getting good grades.

>can't fap because your brother is right there

fucking dad

It isn't like they're right up to the bottom monitor. The pull-out sections give them more space to comfortably view both screens. It'd only really be an issue if you're short.
Still an absolutely terrible set-up as it is though.

>Bro can you look the other way im trying to fap

I'm sterile, I can't have my own children. I'd have to adopt, raise my husband's children or wait until technology advances enough that he and I could have children together.

>Meowie will never raise your children
kill me

What's your fursona?

I suppose if they moved the chairs back a little that would help too.


From what?

>both left handed
I dont feel so bad about them getting this shit then

Attached: bro.png (400x245, 159K)


I felt hot just looking at this pic.

Also, if you ever have kids, Yea Forums, do NOT get them into games.

I can't tell if you intentionally ruin every thread you post in or if you're just that desperate for attention. Either way fuck off.

Reminder to build your own battlestation

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>left hand mouse
jesus fuck all this station is so wrong

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I get the feeling whoever I end up with won't want kids anyway. Oh well.
I don't have one.
I'm not sure. Probably hormonal imbalances.

>forcing their pcs together so they can never watch porn
based father

What makes you think you are sterile

maybe his sons are gay

Shut up you fucking blogging tranny faggot just kys already PLEASE

>implying they wouldn't just watch porn together and jack eachother off
What, you didn't?

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>I get the feeling whoever I end up with won't want kids anyway. Oh well.
What makes you think that?

I don't want kids, Kids are shit.

That set up is fucking awful. people already noticing how the computers will run hot [hope thats not AMD inside]
Two different sized monitors stacked ontop of each other like that?
Sure some people do that but still looks like shit
and those pull out keyboard trays are always fucking horrible.

>IT Room
This would be more utility focused if an IT person were to set up something trying to be so spartan - like there'd be room for two monitors each, and the computers would be on a wire rack at least if they were put that close together so they wouldn't be blowing air right back into themselves.

Still, I guess if you were building stations out of spare shit particle board and free old equipment you took home from work this could be worse.

Because I've brought it up to the doctor before and been tested.
Just a feeling I get is all. Most guys I get with don't like the idea of kids.

Fucking this. He even put a giant divider between the screen like he wants his sons not to interact or something.

>having an xbone when you have a pc
Why do redditors do this?

Hope you find someone to have kids with.

>pull out keyboard trays
Weirdly this is the only one of those I've found that I don't hate, since you can adjust the height of the tray on this one so it can be as close to the monitor shelf as possible. Granted this station really only allows for one monitor unless you're going off left/right or adjust one of the upper shelves down significantly.

It seems like a good desk for setting up a workstation that can move really easily.

Attached: CWC3124-2.jpg (500x500, 63K)

Why are so desperate for attention? legit question

I'd be so fucking annoyed by the shit on the bottom. but this looks more like a terminal. not something I'd sit at for extended periods

If it were up to his bastard children they'd shit it up with so much RGB crap it would make las vegas look like a weak firework

Its not that bad. He should have used a real wood though.

When we were kids it was TV, when our grandparents were kids it was getting kicked out of the house until dark. Parents have always wanted their children to bugger off and leave them alone.

Double dutch rudder.


It'd be nice.
My camera takes pictures at a pretty big resolution. Bandwidth isn't a problem, right user...?

This father is such a retard. Should I invest in some real hobbies? NO PC Gaming!!!!!

>shit chairs
>seats too low for the desk height
>monitor screens too high and in fixed position at wrong angle
>TVs EVEN HIGHER, have to bend neck like in front rows of cinema
I built a torture room for my sons!

What if I would adopt a kid with you would you suck my dick then?

How did people with brothers ever find the time and privacy to jack off while growing up? I had three sisters and no brothers so I never shared a room past the age of 10 or something.

>hope thats not AMD inside
not sure if you've been keeping up with cpus lately but the 9000 series is a housefire too, it's no better than AMD

Me and my brother had separate rooms. I being the older and the more tech savvy one got a computer in my room. I jacked it like crazy from 13-18.

Funny enough I lost my sexdrive at 20 and haven’t fapped in 15 years.

>Left handed mice
>PC cases crammed together
>Shitty dining chairs, completely uncomfy
>Blazing white paint
>Shit tier cable managment
>Power strip on the cieling, enjoy fraying cords and shit falling out
>Dirty floor
>Xbone when they already both have PCs

This must be a family of retards.

Attached: smash trannies.webm (480x480, 320K)

I said it for meme sake. I'm building a new computer soon and will be using AMD CPUs. Maybe even Navi

sending your kids to "no social life forever" all by yourself should be a felony. Nobody like the kid with the "rich dad" after all.

that borb plush in the corner of the bed looks pretty rad tbqh


>The way his body goes limp when his face gets stomped

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Not the first time i've seen this but its always a treat.
this and the one with the zoomers who throws the tranny to the ground,then walks away without his wig and butt plug tail

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havent seen the second one

Someone please post it

maybe his son is left handed you mouth breather?

both sons left handed? lmao would be better have an abort

Both of them?

I'm trying to find it. I've never saved it but seen it plenty of times.

find it faster

wow enabling them young i see. then theyll be 22 and never leave that room and dad will weep outside the door

He's an owl, he's incredibly soft. I love him.

stand by, and keep the thread open while i look. its not easy to find. trying to avoid porn results

Post face if cute.
Not gay but based on that room I'd roll around with you to change my mind

This is how you give your children back and neck injuries before they even leave school.


This looks eerily like the one with the dragon dildos. Did you get rid of them?

>2 pcs pumping hot air into a small, enclosed space
what a shitty decision

Based black man


You have the big gay, user.

I don't post my face publicly, sorry user.
Those are in my closet. I'm not the one with the Star Wars poster and hundreds of them though if you think I'm that dude.

We believe in you user
Thoughts on black men?

Not into them.

Hold on. I got an idea. I'll ask /pol/ I don't have time to search the whole board but i'm sure i can get someone to provide

That picture's bullshit anyways, there's not enough space for a tower to face that direction on the lower rack, they're only 12" deep. On the ones I've seen around the computer is horizontal, and there's room to raise it up a bit so you can put your feet under the thing, or rest them on the edge of the lower rack.

It's definitely not something I'd want as my main at home desk, but it is definitely very utilitarian.

>that flea market arab bed cover
based tranny

could work if it had a fan in the back, otherwise PCs would overheat.

>those 2 comps in that enclosed space

Top kek, I bet some retarded basedmale designed that

For a second I thought that bottom left image was of a fridge.

Must be fun listening to someone scream 24/7

i need to see this pls find it

I'm curious - have you ever had a normal job? Or did you always just get money from horny gay men?
Also the lighting on the bottom left photo looks scuffed af.

based on your room you seem to be a cute femboy
i wanna fuck your throat

I'm just a normal guy, not a tranny. Thank you though, I picked it up in Salem real cheap years ago, it's very soft and warm.
I've worked a few jobs, yeah. The lighting looks weird because the light inside my room is kind of conflicting with the light from outside and I don't know a lot about cameras or aperture or whatever it is that controls all that with light.
I'm only for my future boyfriend.

>I'm only for my future boyfriend.
I can respect that. Shame though

looks comfy

I need a new desk, any recommendations?

Because pc gaming is dead.

The chances you'd be close enough to fuck my throat are low anyway.
Thank you!

What is the highest amount of (you)s you've managed to get with a single post?

oh look, another battlestation thread turned into a gay circlejerk /soc/ thread

My wife has a son.

get a life nerd

Why the fuck are the bigger screens on the top.

small flat dining table
dont bother with any gimmicks like pullout keyboard trays or drawers

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faggot kill yourself

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>two left handed sons
what the fuck?

I dunno, I've managed to have it scroll up to at least three lines of them before using Yea Forums X with just one post.

That carpet is a terrible idea

Well, at least there are no racing seats.

Some racing gaming seats would be better than those shit ass chairs they have now.

Where did you get that poster/painting?

>he doesn't paint his own wall decorations.

It's an actual painting done locally. I got it in an art store near my home.

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what a shit monitor/tv setup. what the fuck is the point of having a slightly larger TV above the monitors?

Neat, sadly there aren't any art stores near me.
I used to

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I was surprised to see it, it was just in a local mall. I like to go check it out every now and then but due to the nature of the kind of store it is, they don't get new stock in incredibly often. They occasionally do exhibitions from local artists, I haven't actually gone to one of those yet but it sounds like it'd be neat to check out.

Post some of your paintings, user!

At some point soon, I want to recreate this IKEA battlestation. But I'll use two middle legs so my feet don't get bumped.

>1x Karlby Countertop
>2x Alex Drawers
>2x Adils Legs

Is there any reason I shouldn't? I've also been toying with the idea of getting a sit/stand desk, but I'm not so sure about that anymore.

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for playing xbone
why are there so many retards itt?

>rolling chair on carpet

>you cant plug a xbone into a monitor

>Gaming station
>2 monitors each

Did I miss something? If it is for the consoles, wouldn't it make more sense to just use an hdmi switcher instead of having multiple monitors?

just make sure the screen is in good position
looking constantly down is not a healthy thing

Those drawers are shit.

Oh I used to paint, just not my own wall decorations. I'm too cricital of my own art.

>and its worth buying a TV in addition to the monitor for an extra 2 inches and no other benefit

are the pcs just being shoved against the wall? there's no fucking airflow

Ikea is cheap quality and overpriced. For something so simple you can buy locally, maybe even used. It's just 2 standalone drawers and a table top. Any decent slab of wood that thick, especially composite, won't need additional legs so you'd only really need to screw a couple brackets to fix the top to the drawers.

Hell you could even just go to the local wood shop and buy some plywood and varnish or whatever catches your eye for the top.

“Yep, that’s me. I bet you’re wondering how a wolf like me got in a situation like this. Well, I’ll show ya!”

Then get an 8700k delid it and you'd be fine.

This is my current setup. I have another side monitor but no room for it.

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why do americans cover their entire floor with carpet?? i dont fucking get it

Those chairs good lord.

Pretty please? I'd love to see some of you work, even if you don't think it's great personally.

Just get a large ass table or something. The simpler the better I'd think. Only thing to be sure about is the height. You can always get some rolling drawers to put underneath it.

Sturdy chairs for fat kids


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comfy to walk on

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why are you giving that faggot attention?


>Stomping someone in the head while down.
>Tranny goes to sleep.
>Nigger goes to jail.

All is right in the world.

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Because I'd like to see his paintings? Don't be rude to others user.

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Imagine the shit that cat has seen

>2 small TVs instead of one central one for co-op
Did the guy expect his kids to never interact with each other? Also those rigs and the Xbone won’t last long with that ventilation.

it's rude to commandeer a thread for personal faggotry

I apologize for taking attention away from your my wife's son thread.

dont you guys also wear shoes inside

Put the tv on a wall. That looks awful shoved in the corner like that. You built a shitty desk setup

i want to literally kill myself for being poor so i don't know why anyone would build something that looks like it was made for poor people

Attached: shittysetup2.png (1400x1050, 1.84M)

Apology not accepted. You ruined a perfectly fine video game thread.

Casuals play on console.
Americans buy xboxes.

This looks really bad. A grown man posted this proudly on reddit. The power strip up top is possibly my favorite touch.

a kid is no less likely to get raped out in the real world as they would online in a videogame.

Meowie suck my cock

>Why do redditors do this?
UHD Blu Rays, of course.

Why do you have a midget stripper pole under your desk user?



Do it dammit.

Try asking nicely.

You must become my boyfriend for that.
Do this one too.

found the samsung bitch

Looks like a fucking prison cell.

I’ll shove my dick down your thought soon. If you want it or not .

Uhhh, that's not how you ask nicely.


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nice case lmaoooooooooooo

>why did dad put us in the white room?
>my head hurts
>can't handle mikey glancing over to look at my overwatch porn folder
>I wish we had better chairs
>my back hurts
>why does dad want to post this to total strangers on the internet?
>I hope everyone at school doesn't make fun of me for this
>wish I had a wireless mouse so I could use it on the right side of the keyboard
>I want speakers, not headphones

Is that a kinect on the side?
Hope you keep that shit unplugged
But no timestamp so probably not yours anyway

never mess with a tattooed guy wearing cargo shorts and sunglasses

>no cummy tissues
>no anime
>no half eating tendies
>no bong
>no giant anime pillow


>That mouse
What the fuck?

>Buy ridiculous case with a headphone holder
>Put your headphones somewhere else anyway
Peak stupidity.
That's old as shit mate.

No kids and no wife (thank god).

Attached: 771.png (256x256, 27K)

It's pretty comfy actually. You can adjust it so it fits your hand better. Don't know if that one has the same sensor as mine, but it has a glitch that moves the cursor if you move the mouse straight up.

>Letting your wife have a computer.
She has a Garden and a Kitchen why would she need a computer?

Also the daisy chain not on the floor because, you know, they are “foot pedals”. Put something on the fuckin wal

I have massive hands so I have to buy the biggest, most rugged mice I can find.
Same with headphones, my head is massive so almost all headphones are too tight and small, life is suffering.

I haven't dropped into battlestations threads enough
Only ones I can really remember are the basement one that got flooded and the one with the gamecube and blanket setup in that concrete corner

This attention whoring post again, fuck off already.

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Why are white people like this?

I had three of my friends live in my small spare bedroom for a few months, the entire thing was filled with computers, laptops and music equipment with three mattresses in the middle of the room, I should have taken a picture of that and posted it in a thread.

>that toaster
Oh user im so sorry. I have a 1070 and oculus and cant be fucked with to even bother playing nowadays. Having money is the antithesis to having time to play games

>hooked up my pc to a tv screen and a monitor
>pull the couch closer
>rest keyboard on my lap and have a little table for the mouse next to me
>now I could game, shitpost, and watch pirated movies all in one space
why haven't you taken the couch pill?

Attached: smugbear.jpg (640x640, 30K)

Just move to an eastern European country and you will live like a king (so long as you work online)

How can you stand to have a keyboard on your legs? I hate any keyboard that moves about.

White people tend to not abandon their kids and try to raise them

How arre you supposed to use those bigger monitors without breaking your neck?

>Chairs with no arm rests

Attached: Dumb.jpg (261x200, 15K)

What's wrong with a good chair?

His wife's kids are probably like 10 years old. Buy them some books instead

>Yea Forums mask

You can't do that user. That's rape.

Attached: 1556189181081.jpg (824x720, 65K)

Couch or any TV based setup is top tier comfy
However, it's not good for FPS requiring good aim or flicking

I took this pill a long ass time ago and it is the comfiest fucking thing. I literally play all pc games with an xbone controller so i can be reclined

He's fat so it doesn't wobble back and forth when putting pressure on it.

I need a new chair, my current one is killing my back. Any recommendations?

i think those are TVs for the Xbox, and the solution is to scoot your chair back.

Rape is good for the soul. Once a man forcibly cums inside you you become his forever.

I built mine almost 2 years ago with the help of my wife's boyfriend.

>all these inhumans with office chairs/gaming chairs
Get a recliner you fucking SHEEP I know your super cool streamer shilled them and its the status quo but get a swivel recliner and free yourself from trashy seating.

Scooting your chair back doesn't raise your chair, you'd still need to look up. Also, the TV would appear smaller at that point. Just use the monitor.

>first week with my Switch
Why are non whites so filthy?

Attached: mad5r4bk62v21.jpg (2448x3264, 693K)

why are both mices on the left

>tile backsplash
>not getting a modern panel backsplash
enjoy cleaning the joints daily after a whilte

It will ruin your fucking back.


>using a full chair at a desk
how am I supposed to sit up and reach the keyboard comfortably?

Which is worse shitty dad or no dad at all?

a real girl? hah, good joke user
time to go dilute

It doesn't work that way. I'd probably be rather unhappy.
I'm a man.

Only one way to find out .

Nice try Jamal, your dad never bought you a book

No dad

My dad died so I spent time with my uncle and my Grandfather, it helped that I was the only male family member of my generation so I had all the male attention.
Modern people don't understand the need for close family ties, it takes more then two people to raise children.

dilate. To dilute means to thin out or to diminish something by combining it in small portions to something else.

>Claims to be a man.
>Is actually just a cock-warmer.


Where can I find your content?

What art work should I get for my hitbox was thinking of putting my wallpaper as artwork

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>sons (wife's)
don't have one of those. Don't have a wife either. Just a gf with no kids and she doesn't give a rats ass about vidya. Also

Attached: 1530279694684.gif (416x416, 14K)

Honestly, it's not culture that drives families away once they enter the workforce, it's generally economic pressures. It's not the people so much as it is Capitalism.

>Multigenerational homes are the norm
>Childcare can be distributed among many people
>Oy vey shouldn't you be living indepedently you're nearly 18, the american dream goy
>Forced out at early age to work, same with your significant other
>Guess you'll need to hire a nanny right goyim?
>Boomers kick out their kids to struggle
>Milenials stick their boomer parents in a home
>Cuckservatives will defend this because it raises the GDP

>playing with that much input lag
tv's are garbage as pc monitors

No. Be kind.
I'm not a cockwarmer...
On the internet.
Thank you!

remember when posting reddit shit here was ban worthy?

>On the internet
No need to be rude, I asked politely for stuff you've posted publicly.

I think he took away the fun of having a garbage setup and slowly improving it over the years and personalizing it to what they want.

You will understand my kindness after I impregnate you.

That sonuffa bitch. DILLON.

Attached: 1539736269045.jpg (945x929, 269K)

Never ever tranny freak

I can't get pregnant...
Please find it yourself user.

The PC’s appear to be a on a pull out system.

ty :)

Sick computer. Its way more interesting to see stuff like that than to see another 1080, 16gb, intel i7 setup

I would find it myself if I knew what site or username to look for.

>not vetting the size, height and GIRTH of the chair, desk and living area
shiggy diggy doo my nigger. There are many choices and many styles of table and chair. Keep in mind that you can modify chairs as well to be swivel if you fall in love with a non swivel.

Don’t tell me you believe in the Jewish lie that only women can get pregnant.

Y-yeah... Should I not?
Just look up what everyone calls me on the archive.

No you should not. Have you talked to a women recently. Nature would force the survival of the human race in the hands of crusty roastie cunt. Other countries have male births all the time it’s just in the Jewish controlled ones that men are forced abortions without being told they are pregnant.

Would not*

>OP upvoted this shit

Attached: faggot.png (475x475, 6K)

I did see a reddit thread once where the parents remodeled and built their son a gaming rig for doing really well at a summer academic camp. I hope that's something my son and daughter can earn one day

Why do people even bother having kids when they never want to spend time or bond with them?

I know my taste looks bad, I don't care

You're wallpaper seems like a good choice honestly since the dimensions already match up well

Attached: 20190425_141029.jpg (4032x3024, 3.69M)

get the fuck out of here gramps. this is the future of couch co-op. 2 consoles/PCs, 2 screens, and voice chat through discord with buddies.
t. NoobMaster69

Too bad the tranny lived

I don't think you're being entirely truthful with me, user.

I am, look it up. I will warn you it’s hard to find cause remember who owned the media.

comfy, I always wanted a bed next to my desk

My dad did that for me and my brother, we've been gaming on PC ever since.
I always figured that PC gaming was something that you kind of passed down from generation to generation considering kids usually can't afford their own gaming PCs.

Where would the baby come out...?

nice toys little kid

Think about it. Where do you put the cum?

>have sex the thread

>20th century
>build boxcar with your sons, go racing

>21st century
>build tasteless white particleboard table for your sons, sit in chair all day

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based op making zoomers mad

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