Now that the dust has settled, can we admit this is the best game in the series?
Now that the dust has settled, can we admit this is the best game in the series?
It always was.
Yeah, if it was literally the only Metal Gear you played.
MGS3 is supremely better gameplay wise
The best game in the entire franchise is Portable Ops History will look back on you deniers as fools.
Better Gameplay and story.
Low IQ's will never accept that the story was meta genius.
Feels good to be a genuine fan of MGS2 and not a "I watched a youtube analysis and now its da best game ever!" fan.
This has been my favorite game since 2002. I've played it well over 30 times. My appreciation has only grown with time.
Maybe the Subsistence version, but only maybe.
Actually scratch that, even with the lowered camera the game behaves awkwardly in outside environments when it comes to stealth and I think this is the main reason why it's made way more forgiving on even the highest difficulties compared to the earlier games.
I like MGS3's gameplay for a change of pace, but MGS2 has tighter design across the board.
3 is literally for retards who couldn't understand 2.
Only pseuds who have never read the books that it ripped off like MGS2. No exceptions. The fanbase of this game consists completely of dumb redditors who think it predicted the future.
It'd probably would be my favorite if it wasn't for the Big Shell, I hated it so fucking damn much.
So was it real or not?
>couldn't understand 2
>"I'm such an intellectual for understanding and enjoying this deeply philosophical piece of media, if you don't share my opinion you are stupid".
Literally more to MGS3 than a '2 deep 4U' story champ.
This. Its clever for a video game.
I love MGS2 but the idea it's good because it predicted the future is stupid and always has been. I love MGS2 primarily for the game design. And while I think it has the sharpest and most meticulous story in the series, the real magic of it is in how its digital paranoid weirdness perfectly complements a wacky, fast-paced stealth game.
There are plenty of things I'd change about MGS2 but it's good at what it does.
What was wrong with Big Shell?
>t. retard who scratched his head like a dumb monkey the entire time he played 2
It's okay, buddy, not everyone has an IQ higher than 90.
The first time I played I was a huge brainlet, honest to god.
Maybe if I give it another shot i'll enjoy it, but apart from being a brainlet it just feel closed compared to MGS1
Replaying it after you've had a pseudo-intellectual youtuber explain the plot to you doesn't count. Defending it for (You)s doesn't either zoomer.
MGS2 is really good but personally I think MGS1 slimly crops it, with MG2 as a close third.
MGS2 doesn't really get good atmosphere outside of the Tanker (which is okay) and the Arsenal Gear (which is incredible). Shadow Moses felt a lot more engaging to me. I also prefer the more Shinkawa esque pixelated art-style of 1 to the early PS2 graphics of MGS2.
FOXHOUND was also a stronger boss collection than Dead Cell by a large margin and whilst I greatly respect Raiden's role in the story and why he was the protagonist, I preferred playing as Snake. Similarly, the MGS1 Codec is the peak in the series next to MGS3's team.
Nope. Game is way too easy with first person shooting + tranqs + small environments. Bosses were mediocre outside of one or two. The story made some good points but was overall poorly told and ended with an unsatisfying cliffhanger. It's a good game but worse than 1 and 3.
It's visually uninteresting and devoid of atmosphere. Shadow Moses is pure soul, as is Groznyj Grad.
I can see where you're coming from. I think the worst part are the connecting bridges, they're pretty restrictive and eventually just a chore every time you have to cross one.
I always liked it. I love that early 2000's sleek style it has going on. The cafeteria area always made me think it would be comfy to be a crew member on Big Shell.
First-person shooting is a lot easier to abuse in MGS3.
Tranqs pretty much trivialize both games and it's much more fun to play without them.
You think? Enemies are harder to spot in 3 and the maps are much bigger. There were a few struts in 2 where you could clear the room without moving more than a few steps.
Not him, but it's that openness that makes it more easy to cheese. In MGS2 there were a lot more enclosed areas where you couldn't quite get an angle on everyone. In MGS3 you can pretty much pistol snipe all the guards everywhere.
Also, MGS2 had more detailed guard AI, if I'm remembering right. They would be more attentive to guards going missing and not reporting in, etc.
>He thinks MGS2 is deep.
Too bad the gameplay was trash. As it id with the rest of Metal Gears. Fucking Kojima is a retard when it comes to gameplay.
fuck no, only memorable parts of this game are the prologue and meme codec sequence with raiden running around naked. MGS 3 is the most kino, cope more.
I think 2's guards did radio checks more often. And then they'd dispatch a search team who would give up after a few seconds and leave you free and clear.
Nice projecting, user. Don't be ashamed, you're probably not the only one dumb enough to need the plot explained to you.
If what you enjoy about mgs is the arcadey stealth gameplay, and confident cahrazy millitary fiction, then yes, 2 is by far tye best we got.
>You think?
Very much so, yes. The open environments and dispersed guard placement meant that you could easily camp out with camo and pop off headshots from across the map. Enemies can be trickier to see but they also move slowly and you have binoculars and thermal goggles to use as a crutch if ever you need to. You're almost always able to crawl around and scope things out with impunity, though.
MGS2 in contrast is more claustrophobic. Going for headshots is still often a good strategy (especially depending on where you enter a room from) but the faster, more densely placed guards (and the frequent status checks) encourage the player to find what they need fast and keep moving. The hallways themselves also mean you often risk exposing yourself to take a shot to begin with. It could've been better, but MGS2 was on the right track and I wish they developed in that direction more than they did. A lot of MGS3's issues equally apply to MGS4 and MGSV.
It's my personal favourite, though that might just be due to the fact it was the first MGS game I played as a kid. Since I played it before MGS1 I never went through the "What the fuck is with this sissy bitch and where's Snake?" phase, 'cause I'd only played Snake on Tanker.
But ultimately I think most MGS games are pretty great and there's a lot to love no matter which you pick.
Can you explain the plot? What parts were so hard to understand? What themes?