Enemies can walk on walls

>enemies can walk on walls

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Steve became a superhuman after eating all of those putrid MREs.



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one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

did he died?


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Is that hillbilly still alive?

probably looked like tearing a hole in a spaceship and some dude getting sucked out

I'd fucking destroy that thot on the left

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>it fling him about a block away
How do you know it wasn't an intentional backflip

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

How is this a meme outside of /x/?


That's how you know it's a good meme.

>killing floor 2 trailer showed crawlers on walls
>never seen one do that in game
Thanks for adding the anthrax bomb crawlers instead, shitwire

someone post it

You're one pathetic sack of shit

>zoomers are so low IQ they're blown away by the gravitron

Me to user... me to...

Stop it

But where's his coffee type 2?

Worked on a carnival for 15 years. That didnt happen.
That canvas is strong as fuck and held down with fucking R-keys and tons of rope. It doesnt rip for shit, and trust me, I worked with plenty of retards who did enough stupid shit when tearing the ride down that would cause a rip. Some stupid fuck leaning on it wouldnt do shit.

gravitron is the best carnival ride, there is no disputing this

Am I going insane or did I alredy see this across varuious boards?

Deja vu.

thats because it's a meme

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only if you're way into puking, being puked on or being forced into dried puke.

almost like its copypasta or something