So remind me again why Yea Forums hates this game
So remind me again why Yea Forums hates this game
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Because 343 made it and 343 is shit.
>but muh multiplayer!
Bad campaign. Multiplayer isn't bad despite what shitters who didn't even play it say. Competitive was fun, Warzone was fun, Firefight was fun, customs were fun.
Story was so bad I haven't replayed it despite completing all other mainline games multiple times and doing solo legendary.
isn't warzone p2w?
Campaign was designed around co-op instead of it being optional. Made the game feel like playing solo Left 4 Dead.
Because it's shit.
>but muh multiplayer!
Also shit. Stop memeing this.
they mad because its 60fps unlike most games this gen
>heavy focus on co-op
>no playable Arbiter
what did they mean by this
Yeah kind of because you can buy packs with random items. Can be a hit or miss I guess if you have those people, but most of the time the games are pretty balanced between players and the times they have gotten from gameplay and then earned throughout the match
Litterally not shit you boomer. The game is different for sure, but the multiplayer is well balanced and stands up on its own as a good experience.
but halo 5 has the best multiplayer of all halos tho, it really compensates for the shit campaign
That revive system made Halo 2 legendary look like a cake walk. The Jackal snipers could be evaded. For 5, half of the enemies were literal aimbots.
It's fucking garbage and feels nothing like halo. It's just advanced warfare with shields.
>3D exosuit bullshit
>ground pounds
>waypoints to power weapons
>one-shot melee after sprinting thing
>p2w warzone and being shit overall. Go fight warden eternal for the 92nd time this game, lol
>completely forgettable maps (
>it really compensates for the shit campaign
It was half baked for months on end. The only gametypes they released the game with were slayer related. It took like 6-8 months for infection to even come in.
*blocks your path*
No, and No. Fuck off 343 faggot.
But I don't, it's one of the best multiplayer games of the generation
>Halo 5 is one of the best MP games of the generation
damn have video games really fallen so far?
They haven't fallen at all
Worst campaign ever and the new characters are fags
>multiplayer wasn’t bad
Fuck every dumb shit zoomer that says this.
>the most insipid uninspired maps in any halo
>no btb
>maps so small you can’t fly a bandhe or have tank warfare unless you play the icotransaction mode
The abilities and weapons were fine but there’s not a single memorable thing about the multiplayer except it being “different” and “balanced” but also having aim down sights bullshit ruining any newfound “movement smoothness”
Ugliest armor ever too. Basically fuck you if you think it was good. Just because it didn’t ruin the series forever like the campaign doesn’t make it “good”
Because to Yea Forums it's not Bungie, I enjoyed it because of the gameplay, story was shit but I did enjoy some of the levels in the campaign because it was fun to play, I hated Osiris, Locke, and Blue Team though, squad gameplay dragged down the experience. I also wished the levels were bigger, Halo 4 had the same problem here along with the ammunition problem.
Ehhh 90% of your statements are pure opinion
>3D exosuit bullshit
that's that's one of the things that made halo better in the first place?
>ground pounds
another good addition to halo?
>waypoints to power weapons
i don't see how this is negative? there is a 20 second timer every time a powerful weapon is about to spawn, you will most likely have to fight for it if there are other smart people on your match
>one-shot melee after sprinting thing
you didn't play halo 5 did you?
>p2w warzone is being shit and overall. Go fight warden eternal for 92nd time
??? there is over 8 bosses in the game, 2 being added back in 2017 and mysthic variants of the bosses that adds extra mechanics to their powers and how they behave and how you have to defeat them
I will take the bait,If you think this you are really not a halo fan, thanks user made me so angry i had to respond
I'm primarily a campaign guy. Though I do love a good custom game and occasional competitive multiplayer. I found the only thing 5 did right was custom games and customs browser. Which was not there at launch.
>you're not a halo fan if you like every halo =C
Opinion discarded
Sorry if you dont care about story zoomer, multiplayer doenst make games good if so then Fortnite would be the best game of the century
No, to these guys it's if you don't like all of Bungie's games. I'm never going to like Reach. That's when Bungie started treating Marty and Joe like shit and fucking up the series so as far as I'm concerned, Reach was made by the same Bungie that made Destiny and Destiny 2, Frankie may be shit but he left because he saw it coming especially when they had him on Reach's story and then when he left for 343 changed everything because some of the devs on Reach (Marcus Lehto) had such a hate boner for the books because they had better-written stories than his game. He should have just stuck to being an art director like he was for Halo 1-3.
By far the shittiest maps in the series. Both in aesthetics and design. Bland, uninspired, cramped, small. It makes Halo 4 maps looks like masterpieces, that's how shitty Halo 5 maps are. I've actually never been mad at how absolute garbage maps are before, but Halo 5 changed that.
>that's that's one of the things that made halo better in the first place?
Stopped right there, i'm not even going to waste my time reading the rest of your idiotic post.
Tried too hard to be like cod and ended up losing its identity.
>By far the shittiest maps in the series
How can you say that when Reach exist?
halo 5 is dogshit, but those open raid custom games 12 year olds and clan shit run are hilarious to completely fuck up and ruin.
If you like every Halo then you're a Halo fanboy, not a true Halo fan. Fanboys of any series like the game regardless of how shit it is. The same is true for lorefags. True Halo fans like CE, 2, and 3, because they're real Halo games. Zoomers and COD kids like Reach, 4, and 5, because they're casual and unbalanced. Halo fanboys like every Halo for no other reason than to say, "I read the books, so thruster pack isn't a bad thing, but Halo 3 was fun."
Lorefags and fanboys are not allowed to have an opinion about Halo, especially the multiplayer.
Are you retarded? ??? doesn't mean the flaw isn't there, you're just such a fucking idiot to acknowledge that I was criticizing it. Saying I didn't play the game after another criticism just shows that you're unable or unwilling to admit it's a stupid mechanic.
Reach's maps were just as bad aesthetically. They were also boring and uncreative looking. But their design from a gameplay standpoint was superior to Halo 5's maps. Reach's maps don't feel like claustrophobic clusterfucks, Halo 5 maps do. I guess they thought players were too stupid to use strategically placed cover, so in 5 they literally made the entire maps cover and destroyed long-mid range gun fights which made Halo great. No coincidence they also seriously buffed the AR in 5 so that the same casuals could take advantage of the gimped maps and forced close quarters combat.
Not him but there isn't a such thing as a "true" Halo fan or a "real" Halo fan just a Halo fan and a Halo fanboy, Halo fans love the games and don't care about anything else, Halo fanboy plays every single game release while reading all the books and wating all of the media shit.
If sprinting made Halo better (more popular), then 343 would have no problem showing us the population.
None of Reach's maps were even made for the gameplay, that shit was either just pulled directly from the campaign, or was some boring ass Forge map. Also, before Halo 5, the weapon balance in Halo was dogshit, it was only good in CE.
>343 removed the population counter from 4 after it showed nobody was playing and haven't add it to another game since
the absolute state
True Halo fans/veterans like CE, 2, and 3. Zoomers and COD players love Reach, 4, and 5, because it's easier for them. Fanboys like every Halo game.
I know it bothers you all when we say "true Halo" fans. Much like how immigrants hate, but envy 1st world nations. I pity all of you.
Your Halos simply can't compete.
It's not up to you to decide which halo is shit, as said, halo reach was made by the same bungie that made destiny 1 and 2, and the next halo(in which was halo 4) was imminent that was going to be somewhat what 343I made, your entire post is made by your own vision of what lorefags and fanboys is, and disregarded the fact that i said that halo 5 had the best multiplayer,but a shit campaign, but above everything,there is no such thing as "A true halo fan, halo fanboy or lorefags" there are people who played it and knows what it is and people like
that probably didn't even play halo,are here just to troll and you are falling for the bait
user, the population count was removed from all games after the release of xbox one and ps4, just look at CoD ghosts for example, for some reason, everyone stoppped, not just halo
You were doing good user but you played your hand too early and gave away the joke,
Work on it some more.
halo fanboys are the consumerist drones who eat 343's shit and ask for more
halo fans are the ones who don't put up with their bullshit
>for some reason, everyone stoppped
yeah why would a real time counter of how many people were (or in this case) weren't playing you game be something devs and publishers would like to get rid of hmmm
Halo Reach is kino
There ain't no such thing as a true Halo fan. You're either a fan or a fanboy.
This, Sonyfags are known to shit up any Nintendo or Xbox thread even if those companies aren't brought up.
Not him but
All the spartan ability shit isnt halo and fails to keep the arena shooter aspect. You know the part that made halo an actual good videogame MP wise.
Sprinting fucks up arena shooters it doesnt work, it fucks up map design as it needs to accomodate it, makes positioning fuck ups less costly as you can run away, you actually move slower because of it being in the game, vehicles lose usefulness on small maps which again fucks with map design.
The sprint melee shit also made melee rushing skilless and stupid.
warzone is just shit, its a hacked to death version of BTB that forces a shit map design with shit base design (343 cant make many good maps to begin with and they look crap visually), it forces 'new weapons' that basically the same weapon with gimicks or stats that again removes the arena shooteer aspect as they gain an unfair advantage. It also favour people who play 24/7 as they have more cards. Bosses are stupid, theyre only bullet sponges with stupid damage and serve no real purpose. Theyre like neutral creeps in an mmo which doesnt work in an arena shooter. Whats worse actual good gamemodes were sacrificed at launch for that shit mode. The fact that you had to wait for more of these shit things to be added only further proves how shitly designed it is.
Disgusting people like you only promote 343's shit design choices. Thank fuck they somewhat intend to not listen to people like yourself again and try and make an actual halo game.
>halo is pretty much non-existant in my country
>mfw i'm glad it is
>if you don't like Halo 5 you never played Halo!!!!
God damn, 343fags are fucking pathetic.
They's the ones that invest in everything and are crying like faggots because Blue Team are getting thrown out in Infinite.
A child is not allowed to run for office, because he's young, immature, and his brain isn't fully developed yet. You aren't allowed to have an opinion about Halo, because you simply don't have the experience, credentials (50s), and time spent to argue. You jumped on bandwagon when it lost its playerbase due to the shit game mechanics you're defending.
The truth automatically defends itself. 343 can't show the numbers. If you go on Waypoint and ask why, you get banned.
Nobody gives a shit about Reach.
There's no such thing as a Halo fan that likes Halo 5. Nice Reddit spacing by the way.
They actually started playing at 5. You can't judge them for being ignorant. They know not what they say. A lot of them are kids too. You might as well argue with a woman.
>If you dont like the game i like you are not a real fan!!!!!
You can screech and seeth all you want, the story on 4 and 5 was a sin in the franchise and games started going downhill on reach (which bungie didnt even want to make) and multiplayer doenst save it
>the fans who actually care about our setting are the enemy!!
nice marketing strategy you got there, retards
>There's no such thing as a Halo fan that likes Halo 5. Nice Reddit spacing by the way.
Go the fuck back.
You guys are annoying and never shut the fuck up about the story, it's the gameplay, levels, enemy encounters, and AI that matters the most, should be last on that list.
>stop liking what I don't like
also nice job being so upset that you can't even reply to your own posts idiot
*story should be last on that list.
You can make a mistake on posting, shit's annoying when my computer jumps like that.
the gameplay, enemy encounters, enemy design, weapon design, level design, AI (particularly the horrendous friendly AI of 5), boss design, sound design, visual design, soundtrack, and ESPECIALLY the story all suck dick. There is literally not one single element of the setting that did not get fucked up by 343's abominable campaigns between 4 and 5. I just consider the damage to the story to be the worst sin of the entire long, long, long list of sins because the gameplay of 4 and 5's campaigns being shit just fucks up 4 and 5, specifically, whereas ruining the story and lore retroactively makes all of the previous games worse and nonsensical.
Basically fuck off you stupid drone.
>All the spartan ability shit isnt halo and fails to keep the arena shooter aspect. You know the part that made halo an actual good videogame MP wise.
What made halo good was the fact that it was an innovative sci-fi shooter, now say one game that has the core mechanics of halo 4 and 5?
>Sprinting fucks up arena shooters it doesnt work, it fucks up map design as it needs to accomodate it, makes positioning fuck ups less costly as you can run away, you actually move slower because of it being in the game, vehicles lose usefulness on small maps which again fucks with map design.
Sprinting is what made it good to begin with, the previous halos was too slow, sprinting made combat more funny, fluid and competitive for late-game players
>The sprint melee shit also made melee rushing skilless and stupid.
Only a brainlet can't counter an melee rush attack, just look at your fucking map, if they still manage to get close enough to you, you have the chance to shoot at him before they take out your shield, and even if they hit you, you have a 2 second advantage to finish him off since you can't shoot after hitting someone with melee rush for a short period of time, only brainlets think melee rush is stupid
>warzone is shit and blah blah blah
The warzone was purely made for fun, it is a better version of BTB that allows you to use the things you earned by playing the game, and in long terms, you end up with a huge variety of unique weapons, there are variants, but each one is different, npcs are essential to progress with the flow of the match, you kill them? you win a reward, it's simple to undeerstand lol, everything that came in updates are a bonus
>Disgusting people like you only promote 343's shit design choices. Thank fuck they somewhat intend to not listen to people like yourself again and try and make an actual halo game.
Bad news for you, they actually listened to people who played halo 5, just do a little search
lmao ok
Spartan abilities/movement in this game is amazing. Multiplayer is among the best in the series.
But the campaign is bad, and it's nu-halo so every contrarian has to hate it.
>now say one game that has the core mechanics of halo 4 and 5
the grenade icons are definitely call of duty and the squad revival mechanic reminds me of gears of war
>Sprinting made the combat more funny
Stoped reading right there, im convinced now that you are either an elaborated troll or a kid, i hope you and your clan keep liking shit mechanics so the series die for good
>this entire post
I only consider 4's campaign to be slightly worse than Halo 2 which isn't something to write home about, Halo 5's campaign is worse because it takes from Halo 2.
>A child is not allowed to run for office, because he's young, immature, and his brain isn't fully developed yet. You aren't allowed to have an opinion about Halo, because you simply don't have the experience, credentials (50s), and time spent to argue. You jumped on bandwagon when it lost its playerbase due to the shit game mechanics you're defending.
Shilling and saying a bunch of bullshit, the only one who has no experience to speak about halo is you since you didn't play halo 4,5 and probably didn't play halo reach, fuck off troll
It's a Halo Game
>Halo 2's campaign isn't something to write home about
begone, stupid zoomer, leave this website until after you turn 18
I have a really shitty touchpad on my computer.
Stay in denial all you want, this is the truth
Halo 5 feels nothing like Halo, advanced movement is fucking stupid and doesn't mix with Classic Halo
>Sprinting is what made it good to begin with
Honestly all I do is play Infection while I draw
Going back and forth between the two really keeps attention
Implying the shit mechanics in 5 are innovative, interesting, or good additions to the arena shooter part that made halo popular. Halo was an arena shooter for consoles that worked. The new mechanics dont and thus fail.
Youre fuckign retarded. I literally list objective design flaws with sprint and you still beleive its a goog thing. kys for good of mankind please. The previous games were faster as you actually moved faster and the maps didnt have to be made bigger to compensate for shitty sprint. Theres tonnes of videos showing this and you still ignorantly hold the belief that spint is a good idea. 'funny' this shows that you dont like arena shooters and dont like actual halo games. the combat has less depth, takes less skill and is more gimmicky than before. thsi is less competitive and just downright shit to play.
The fact that you can spint melee rush to begin with is stupid. its not hard to fight but its stupid mechanic, also if its that easier to counter then the mechanic is pointless and offers nothign to the game other than allowing noobs to go round meleeign stuff quicker. but off course you would call me a brainlet yet not see the flaw in any of the stupid and unliked by the vast vast majority of people that you retardedly defend.
Warzomne isnt fun though, hence it fails. Its a shit knockoff of BTB as you cant have the big combat earlier and the maps have be designed in a stupid way for the gamemode to work. Its a shit BTB quit lying. You enjoy earnign shit? Cool play cod or other shit and not an arena shooter. The game shouldnt have to change genre to fit your stupid downsyndrome tier preferences. The weaposn arent unique though. they only have different sights, colours, or minorly altered stats or gimmicks. the weapon is ultimately the same and not a new weapon. Not to mention that 343 hasnt implemented loads of the previously good weapons in the series. NPCs arent essential to the game. Theyre only there to make the game seem bigger 1/2
>Everyone who dont agree with me is a troll!!!!
I played halo reach,4 and 5, i was one of the persons who enjoyed halo reach campaing (all noble team dieing actualy made me sad) but 4 as atrocious and one of the worst games in the series, the covenant design is horrible and the current cortana arc is shit.
Spartan Abilities from Halo 5 add nothing to Halo, they only serve to make maps shit and combat worse. The abilities aren't integrated into combat well unlike Titanfall which lets you do everything while still being able to shoot, in Halo 5 the abilities are for the most part used for movement only.
why would I be mad when I'm going to be playing 3 at 144fps soon enough? Lmao 60 is poorfag tier
It's the first to start the stupid story > everything push for Halo so it's automatically shit in that regard since most of the levels sucked. I better be careful or the autistic Halo 2 baby is going to throw a shitfit because I don't have the same opinion as he does and then he will say some shit like but Halo CE's worst levels are the same quality as Halo 2's or some shit.
It was too competitive and Yea Forums is full of casuals
>muh boogeyman: the post
You are a child
Halo 3 on PC sounds awful, I don't know why more people don't complain about the awful movement acceleration
You win a reward for what beating a shit AI bulletsponge instead of playign the actual PvP part. useless. besides I can get the reward by payign for it and getting the card. it is simple to understand, that doesnt mean its a good mode. its shit and is a borign and crap version of the gamemode that was asked for that is similar. It also fucked over other gamemodes by makign them be delayed. forge and infection were delayed for that brainlet mode. I.e you remove core aspects of a game it ceases to be that game. It isnt halo and its shit.
yeah they listen to the 5 retards who play halo 5 and not the milliosn who have left in digust of what the franchise has become. some have moved ship and play on a PS4 or PC because of how shit the game is. If the game was good then people would buy ti and play it beyond 3 IQ retards liek 343 employees. I played the game its shit. listenign to the fans of the worse performing game theyve ever made only further proves their incompetence.
That retarded football melee attack
War zone fucking sucked
Stay mad
The only truth is that youre a collossal faggot. Go back to halo waypoint.
>there are people defending Warzone
It's a shit gamemode with power creep out the ass. It only got worse as time went on because progression is RNG bullshit. If you're a new player you're absolutely fucked and not going to have fun.
Here is your godlike being architecture bro.
> I literally list objective design flaws with sprint and you still beleive its a goog thing. kys for good of mankind please. The previous games were faster as you actually moved faster and the maps didnt have to be made bigger to compensate for shitty sprint. Theres tonnes of videos showing this and you still ignorantly hold the belief that spint is a good idea
That argument again lol, the maps on halo 4 and 5 was designed with the fact that you could run now, the only one who thinks that is a flaw is YOU, just because YOU think it's bad it does not mean it's bad
>but off course you would call me a brainlet yet not see the flaw in any of the stupid and unliked by the vast vast majority of people that you retardedly defend.
Where is the vast majority? only people who liked classic halo games dislike the new machanics, halo got better and got more mechanics, get over it, it's not going back, if you want classic halos go play them!
>Warzomne isnt fun though, hence it fails. Its a shit knockoff of BTB as you cant have the big combat earlier and the maps have be designed in a stupid way for the gamemode to work
>The weaposn arent unique though. they only have different sights, colours, or minorly altered stats or gimmicks.
lol, all of the weapon variants are significantly different, not gonna explain every one of them since there is many
>You win a reward for what beating a shit AI bulletsponge instead of playign the actual PvP part. useless.
wtf are you on? every time a boss spawns at least 6 people are required to defeat it, especially if it's a warden eternal, and shit AI? tell me one game where the AI are able to shift focus between over 20 players over a short span of time, the AI is simply incredible and uses their powers according to the situation while having to focus players and vehicles!
>yeah they listen to the 5 retards who play halo 5
Opinion again, you can't prove that millions left the franchies
shit story
asshole MP dev prioritizing e-sports shit over casuals killed population
REQ bullshit
achillesfaggotry / lack of prioritizing implementation of party-based matchmaking
""enhanced mobility""
that bullshit where they suddenly region locked everyone for a months near launch then unlocked it only when it was rapidly dying
it's a damn shame because I really enjoyed Breakout when I wasn't against stacked teams / the same fucking stacked teams
Yeah theyre designed with spint in mind, hence theyre dogshit. How do you not understand this. it doesnt work for an arena shooter and plays like shit. Im hardly the only one given that 99.99999999% of halo's playerbase fucked off and that the maps that people actually like use the old map design concepts instead of the new shite. I think its bad because its objectively bad. You thinking its good doesnt make objectively bad things good. Your circular argument only further proves how shit the game is.
You mean 99.9% of the player base for the franchise. You dotn like halo, you like the knockoff shit that it has become, as much as I hate the zoomer meme that is zoomer tier thinking. of course people who liked halo for its style hate that its changed. it common fucking sense and the reception to the games goes to show how most people think its shit. the game doesnt even compete with other games that off similar experiences (that is has now devolved into) to make it grab people, again its shit. We can play classic halos, we want a new halo game that is an actual halo game, it will sell well. Just look at the MCC people want none of the gay new shit. It has more mechanics, this isnt a good thing on its own, especially since the old ones have been watered down and the new ones are dogshit and dont work to the games benefit. You clearly lack an understanding of basic game design hence you like trash.
The weapons arent really different though. If they were then why not make them actual different weapons instead of 'x version of the AR, sword, hammer, BR, DMR etc.' its a gimmick nothign more. so many, yet none are particularly memorable and if they are its 'this skin/version of x weapon'
6 people who fight a bullet sponge boss that is broing to fight, has a shit AI, do stupid damage if it does hit to compensate for its shit AI and how easy it is to fight (its tedious not hard). Why have that crap in the game when its not interesting or adds to 1/2
The AI is shit, the AI will only focus on peopel around it so theres most of the lobby out of the way, then it cant hit people easily unless it does AoE or has tracking to a stupid extent, it will needlessly shift focus stupidly and doesnt fight in a fun to vs way.the AI will react to the player in the same way regardless of whether its in a vehicle or not, it will shoot you if you are at a distant, dodge shit if it can, and melee you if you drive close. That isnt revolutionary at all. If you think that AI incredible then play more games or any other halo game as the AI for it is shit which is yet another recurring flaw in shit 343 games.
The pinion of many supported by objectiev facts of shit gameplay design and style of play.
I can prove it, halo 5 has shit sales, poor reception, common word in the gaming community on any site says its shit compared to what it was before, zoomers dont even like it, they dont show population counts. all points to how millions of peopel dont play it anymore. Halo 4 was a example as its shit (and better than 5 somehow) and its population was worse than halo 3 almost right after its launch.
So far most of your arguement is 'HURRR DURR WEL DATZ LEIK UR OPINON MANZ' ignorign the OBJECTIVELY shit parts of the game or how the population and reception for the game is dramatically worse than its predecesors. You are retarded. Go shill on waypoint, youd fit in with those other retards, maybe snickerdoodle will make you a mod and suck you off.
Jesus, i don't remember the voice acting being this cringe.
>Halo 3 on PC sounds awful
FPS on consoles sounds awful, I don't know why people don't complain about needing aim assist to make the game "playable"
>ugly overdesigned power ranger artstyle akin to >nerf guns
>loot boxes
>hitscan br
>bullet magnetism
>rated t for teen
gay vomit
They made Cortana like the generic western girl
Reeee ok
You mean 99.9% of the player base for the franchise. You dotn like halo, you like the knockoff shit that it has become, as much as I hate the zoomer meme that is zoomer tier thinking. of course people who liked halo for its style hate that its changed.
Let me explain this to you, i know what you're trying to say, but if every halo that was released kept the core mechanics it would be like CoD on Battlefield, like
>"Hey look, there is a generic zombies mode now! hey look at this woman with purple hair that is not customizable! hey look at this mechanics we stole from titanfall lol"
i stopped to play CoD on BO2 for example because it was always more of the same, there was a little change here and there but it was always the same, 343 and bungie was the only companies with balls to change the game while keeping what it essentially is
>The weapons arent really different though.
They are, they managed to make the needle pistol become an anti-armor needle pistol for example, or with extended mag in which the needles travels faster into the enemy, it's always different, even if it's the same weapon
>the AI will only focus on peopel around it so theres most of the lobby out of the way
Nope, i already tested many times during my gameplay and it will always focus on people doing more damage to it, someone is hitting their weak spots? they will attack that player with melee or a power that repel them, it's far away? they will move to cover or use their weapons to destroy you depending on how far you are, maybe they even advance on you to kill you, if there is a tank attacking it, it will go out of it's way to avoid the damage, and if it can't? it will try to attack the tank, also it's confirmed that they have tons of behaviors for many situations, the giant grunt for example knows when you are attacking it with a banshee and will even yell at you for being unfair and will send a bunch of anti-armor needles at you
As for
>The pinion of many supported by objectiev facts of shit gameplay design and style of play.
>I can prove it, halo 5 has shit sales, poor reception, common word in the gaming community on any site says its shit compared to what it was before, zoomers dont even like it, they dont show population counts. all points to how millions of peopel dont play it anymore. Halo 4 was a example as its shit (and better than 5 somehow) and its population was worse than halo 3 almost right after its launch.
The only thing anyone can prove is that halo 5 sold over 8 million units, they never said how much players are playing the game or what was the peak, all i can prove because i played it is, there are A LOT of people playing it right now, if you install halo 5 and play ANY gamemode you will find a match in less than 15 seconds
>sprinting is what made it good to begin with
>the previous halos was too slow
I enjoyed playing Halo 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and I can't wait to play Infinite.
I welcome good additions to the games mechanics like the series progressively added. I dont appreciate shit mechnaics. Again new/more isnt objectively better.
An instead of makign them into new weapons that can be used in actual gamemodes and havegreater design freedom theyre latched onto shit knockoff versions. And I liek how you pick the odd one which is still a gimmick whilst ignoring all the 'different' versions of the AR, BR, DMR etc.
Wow you tested it, means fuck all to me, because I can also say the same thing as when I played against them the AI was shit. It will focus on people doign more damage to it, aka it will switch targets and leave people on the verge of death. thats a basic as shit aggro AI, its not an intelligent AI. Wow the AI decides to use cover and use ranged attacks at ranged enemies, so new, so intelligent, its nto like any other game in 'current year' does that already and does it better. Wow it dodges large tank attacks, wow it must have an Iq of 9000. the coding for that AI must be so impressive. Confirmed how, besides again 'tons' of behaviours that arent really that different that are shit quality doesnt make it good. (recurring theme here you think lots of shit is equal to a lot of gold when in reality its just a large amount of shit, the amount doesnt change much). Oh so it knows Im in a banshee, I bet it will do soemthign completely different to what it woudl do if I was in a hornet....
Sold 8 million while halo 3 12 million (not even counting ODST sales for MP alone) or even shitty 4 sold close to 10 million. Not showing population statistics is akin to basically saying theyre bad. A lot of people on halo 5 is next to none comparitive to what halo 3 had. The game wont find it hard to match you with the same 200 people, especially since your games end at roughly the same time.
The game is bad mate, just accept it and stop this cringe shit. Youve had your 'You's
that's literally me
Since when was the BR not hitscan?
Based and redpilled.
The chad
>lol i liked all of them
the virgin bungie halo2/3 elitist
>that Chad Bungie purist
>the virgin consumerist NPC
Truly based
t. zoomer that started with reach and then played the others when they were no longer relevant
it has a good multiplayer, but not the best, and it sure as shit doesn't make up for that absolute shit campaign
I hate Reach though, that's why it's not listed.
Chad just wants to have fun and doesnt takes video games seriously.
What's wrong with Reach?
Oh my sweet summer child
The introduction of those promethean shit "robots" in 4 killed Halo's campaign and story, fite me. Their design is awful, and doesn't look at all like the old forerunner technology found in previous games.
Literally Halo 3.
That wasnt an answer
I'm pretty sure that the BR was hitscan in H3, same with the carbine
>Halo threads on Yea Forums
The definition of insanity
Literally nothing, anyone that goes muh airlock exposes themselves as an automatic retard
Nothing in Halo 3 was hitscan.
It was still shit though because it was random.
Not him but everything.
Everything is awful to look at and the game feels bad to play
Nope, every weapon was projectile based in Halo 3.
>Multiplayer isn't bad despite what shitters who didn't even play it say
Oh no no no found the shill.
Projectiles had basically infinity fast speed in H3. Name even a single instance where you actually had to compensate for BR travel time.
How many times should this video must be replaying so the shills stop saying bullshit?
No, they just need to make them fun to fight, in Halo 4 they were Halo 2 Brutes with shields and annoying teleport, in 5 they were better but need more work. They'll get it right with Infinite.
>They'll get it right with Infinite.
Basically there are a bunch of Redditors who are like "WAHHHHHH WHY ISN'T HALO EXACTLY THE SAME AS IT WAS 15 YEARS AGO, I DON'T LIKE CHANGE". I think they have autism. You should ignore them because they don't have any legitimate arguments. They have failed to understand that "IT'S DIFFERENT THEREFORE IT'S BAD" isn't a logically sound inference.
I haven't played through all of 5's campaign yet, only bits of it, because I don't have an Xbox One. Had to play it on my brother's. It seems like a very solid game though, the gameplay is awesome, and the graphics continue the same leap that started with 4.
4 was also a great game, I played it a lot, including the multiplayer. People are like "BUT COD DID THIS SAME THING" - well then we should all criticise Halo CE for copying the FPS genre from Quake, Doom, and GoldenEye. It's a non-argument.
>The comparsion is flawed
- It's only comparing a single map
- It's only comparing a single route along that map
- It's not utlisizng slide, thrust
- As a result, For all we know, on average, 5's maps can still be traversed faster, other routes in the same map could be faster, or THAT route could still be faster if using the other abilities at the same time
>It's not accounting for other elements that determines game speed
- The base, nonsprint movement speed is still faster then in past games even if the maps are larger, which matters for things like target trackibng
- 5's animations are faster
- 5's killtimes are faster
- As such, more interactions and inputs cani occur over a given amount of time, which is the actual most important part in determining game speed
- Furthermore, due to the larger maps and higher base movement, more interactions and inputs can occur over a given % of maps space
>It's not even clear that the thing being alleged is a bad thing
- Why is a longer map traversal rate inherently a negative?
- Why is not having access to being able to shoot at all times inherently a negative? You already can';t shoot after meleeing., there's a delay, even after the animation ends. Is this not comparable?
In short, if you want to actually approach it logically and have a real conversation about sprint, you, fucking firstly, need to actuall verify the claim it makes traversing the map take longer is true, a sample size of 1 route on 1 map doesn't cut it, and secondly, you need to consider and question if that one element that the game is slower as a result if it's true really outwighs all the other ways the game is faster, ESPECIALLY the ways that it's faster as a direct result of sprint itself, not just the faster killtimes and animatuions, and thirdly, need to ask EVEN IF DOES OUTWIEGH THAT, if that's even inherently a bad thing
It's not meant to look like normal forerunner technology because the Ur-Didact is a renegade who made his own army of Prometheans. Can't believe I have to explain this simple facet of the story to you. You're obviously not too bright.
I'm convinced they've never played it.
still looks like shit though
Will Sangheili females be playable?
The webm isn't entirely flawed because he's comparing core gameplay. The maps need to be stretched out in order to compensate for the sprint and other abilities.
A good lot of the maps have just open windows so the players could make use of them.
When you use a number of the new abilities, your guns are down in the first place. Strafing and other old techniques are basically useless, and it relies on either bull rushing or diving behind the walls.
Halo 3.
>The maps need to be stretched out in order to compensate for the sprint and other abilities
Name 2 maps that were stretched.
That barely counted, they shared the same voice as female spartans.
>gets told why his brainlet ideas are completely wrong
The multiplayer was great and you're a dumb faggot if you think otherwise.
The story however, was irredeemably bad.
>people saying advanced movement is fine in Halo when 343 have yet to make a single iconic Halo map
You can't make good Halo maps with shit like sprint, it just enlarges them and increases the average engagement range leaving maps with dead space people don't want to be in. It's why they added zoom for pretty much every weapon.
>user says they look like shit and aren't like old forerunner shit
>you explain why they don't look like old tech but ignore the it looks like shit part
oh that's why
Truth and Regret were the first ones that came to mind. Quite a few of them are just rehashes of one another.
They're rarely warriors (if some existed). However, they did learn combat. We may get some for infinite.
That's just gonna make the MLG children asshurt again. They'll have to make females smaller/leaner than males so there's no mistaking it. I want Halo 2/3 style player model choice again, one and done for the entire range of gamemodes. Invasion was cool as fuck but it was one single mode.
did you fix your comic book folders yet?
If you play nothing but war zone, yes? But play they game normally and you’ll have an over abundance of req cards. More than you know what to do with. Especially if you play during holidays.
Oh fuck, give me like 10 minutes
>Halo Art:
Art of Halo (Book):
Art of Halo 3 (In Pictures)
Art of Halo (CE-Reach Era)
Art of Halo 5 (In Pictures)
Art Compilation from CE to 4
Halo Books:
Competitive players won't care as long as they aren't in the competitive playlist
That's 1 (Regret is a remiix), what's the other one?
user I hate to break it to you, but elite women are canonically slim, not thicc
Regret is still a Halo 5 map, which was stretched out. Truth is another iteration. Two different maps.
Dear Humanity...
That's not how 343 thinks, though, every mode is balanced for comp from the getgo
Halo 5's MP is better than 4's or Reach's but that's not saying much
Do you want or have need of the Bestarium or Mythos? I have both and can get good quality scans of the former but the latter might be too big for my scanner.
If you could scan and email, I'll add it to the collection. My scanner is too small for the art books.
You can find my discord through twitter, or email me at [email protected]
If that was true competitive would not have had radar and ARs for over a year pissing competitive players off.
Because Yea Forums is full of shitters bad at games.
Advanced movement is exactly what this franchise needed and it's a shame we'll be back to the whole no skill required pseudotacticool gameplay of old because a bunch of shitters can't understand the concept of skill gaps and layers of complexity.
RIP Halo 5, you might've not been ""gaylo"" to many but you were a fucking wonder to me, too bad you never had a real chance to shine.
Reminder Sangheili women are looking for human men to escape their oppressive society!
Stop sexualizing the Elites
Remember the TWENTY THREE BILLION humans from Earth's colonies that died by their hands
Remember the THIRTY SIX human worlds glassed by their navy
Remember the UNCOUNTED TRILLIONS of dollars of property and infrastructure damage they inflicted upon our civilization
Friendship with hinge-heads is TREASON
Alliances with hinge-heads is TREASON
>oppressive society
It's not.
>oppressive society
>It's not.
>he hasn't played Halo 5
>implying Halo 5 wasn't the first Halo since 3 about even starts and map control
I swear to god if you're a Reach apologist
The Arbiter is a false leader
Because the game controls like a battleship and isn't terribly fun once you get going either
>He hasn't read the books and saw that they're still given higher roles and equal training
>Even if it's patriarchal, a female can still be Kaidon
The concept of the SoS is dumb. How would a few clans convince different races across thousands of star systems to follow their path?
The Banished is quite flawed as well, I guess.
t. Jul "huge retard" M'dama
>Sangheili have state sanctioned cuckolding
Dumb lizards
Here's the real question: Now that the Prophets are gone, wouldn't any adherent to the Great Journey be worshiping humans as pseudo-gods due to our Reclaimer status? Why do the Storm want to kill us?
Nice. I'll get in touch some time this week. I don't always have access to the scanner but I'll get Bestarium digitized asap.
lol did someone's gf get SQUIDDED DOT COM'd?
The humans are stealing Sangheili women! What should be done about it?
There's already a form of the Covenant that alters "The Great Journey". Keepers of The One Freedom is pretty done, and it includes humans.
Thanks user. Just add me ahead of time.
If humanity was absorbed into the covenant would they be friends with the Brutes due to both being primate races or would they be enemies on account of the humans massively upstaging them in their debut to the Covenant by impressing the Elites and being an independent starfaring empire?
I wish Rube drew females with proper proportions. It looks like she'd snap in two with a waist that thin. His males are exceptional.
user this is what Elite women look like
Halo 5 has map control, though?
What the fuck, this sounds way more interesting than what we actually got in Halo 4 and Halo 5, why are they locking this behind spinoff books instead of bringing it to the fore?
I know about those guys, I'm asking why Jul is still so butthurt about humans even after all the prophets are dead?
>Wipe the other team completely
>They spawn behind you in YOUR spawn
Not map control.
These books were released after the story for 5 was already completed. Troy Denning is pretty based. Most of the other recent books are just UNSC power trips, and the majority prefers that perspective.
Bad writing. Both KV and Spartan Ops involved shit authors.
Wouldn't mind fighting them in Infinite. Rumor has it we'll be fighting Banished or something too.
I guess CE doesn't have map control either.
That's a thing on any Halo game though.
>Wouldn't mind fighting them in Infinite. Rumor has it we'll be fighting Banished or something too.
I want to fight these guys >The Prelates were an order of San'Shyuum organized by the Covenant Ministry of Preparation. Prelates were genetically enhanced San'Shyuum trained to serve as supersoldiers for the Covenant. Most Prelates were killed during the Battle of Installation 05, with the exception of Tem'Bhetek.
>The augmentations provided to Prelates were developed in the Sacred Promissory of High Charity and included genetic, physical, and chemical changes, as well as suits of highly advanced powered armor and intensive combat training. Prelates were capable of releasing chemicals into their bodies to enhance their combat abilities, or to attempt to control their consciousness
>Prelate armor included an anti-gravity belt that could be used to quickly propel themselves in various directions, or allow them to engage in limited flight. The armor also included a gauntlet made of hard light, which when activated produced a crescent blade on the forearm, as well as a shield of hard light to deflect shots that managed to connect with the highly mobile Prelate. Prelates were considered formidable foes, powerful enough to give even veteran Sangheili pause.
>The augmentations given to the Prelates were not without risks, however. Prelate abilities were expected to be used in short bursts; pushing their bodies too far could cause sudden exhaustion, seizures, and—in rare cases death.
Basically at the tail end of the war, the Prophets made their own version of the Spartans and used them to train the Brutes to prepare for the Great Schism and they were all killed in the fall of High Charity.
A bunch of Punished Prophets acting as enemy Spartan-type units who are out for blood and vengeance would make fantastic villains.
CE has a low amount respawn points that are easy to remember
Halo 5 has 60+ on every Arena map
>I wish Rube drew females with proper proportions
What are "proper" proportions?
>get 20 minutes into the Halo 5 campaign in 4 player co-op
>kills the entire Halo marathon I was having with some friends
>haven't played in nearly 2 months now
No it's not. They're only supposed to do that when all other spawn points on their side are blocked. Halo 5 does it all the time.
In case you didn't see the canon version here:
Here's a decent example.
I'm fine with different body types, but you have to scale the remainder to better fit.
Cuz they didn't play it and they go by Kotakus version of every story
When you start using obscenities, you know you've lost the argument.
Reach always kills it for me, that campaign is so fucking boring and it doesn't help that I know it's all downhill after anyway. I actually never even finished the second mission of Halo 5.
I don't.
Warzone sucks ass though.
Halo 5's respawn points are all clustered together.
Anybody in here denying the return to form that Halo 5 represents for Halo multiplayer are emotional manbabies and you can guarantee they have trouble with women, work soulless jobs and if they are married their suspicious their wife cheats on them
Their arguments are based purely on platitudinal bullshit, emotion and nostalgia. They remember an emotion and they can't recapture it. That's why they hate.
>huurrrr they jsut dont PLAY IT
Fuck off to your dead general
>Warzone sucks
>818 warzone bosses killed
Stop trying to fit in.
It's mandatory to play Warzone to get the Achilles armor. Not like I enjoy the mode, I just want the shit.
Also Warzone Firefight counts for that and it's much more fun than Warzone standard.
They've made tons of iconic Halo maps. In Halo 4 these are some of my favourites and probably some of the most iconic: Adrift, Haven, Exile, and Longbow. Halo 5 I've not played much of because I've only played it on my brother's XB1, but Plaza is a pretty dope and iconic level. Coliseum is also pretty iconic, and so are The Rig and Empire.
>complains about lack of map control
>doesn't know how to force spawn points
Lol you'll be playing my game in 2 years loser
Piss off melvin
Good post, besides the anime shit.
>doesn't have an argument
As is the case for every "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" dunce.
>Their arguments are based purely on platitudinal bullshit, emotion and nostalgia. They remember an emotion and they can't recapture it.
Except I don't enjoy classic Halo either anymore. The games are riddled with unavoidable flaws that have been there for 15 years, and every time a new Halo game comes out by 343 NONE of the flaws are addressed.
-Halo 2's incredibly shitty melee lunge system is still there
-The lack of exploration or mystery is still there (Halo 5 addressed some of this with easter eggs but not to the degree the series is needing)
-The lack of player tools during engagements is still there, you shoot each other until the other player dies and that's it, whereas Halo 3 was on the right track with equipment
-The lack of Singleplayer progression is still there (there's no way to make Chief 'grow')
-The crippling linearity is still there
-The utter lack of new experiences is still there
This motherfucker turning the elites into some kind of autistic dragon fursonas.
Shut the fuck up dude and stop posting this shit, its against the rules because this is basically furshit.
>canon elites are autistic WOW tier OC's
Your taste is unbelievable shit.
>As is the case for every "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" dunce.
Truly epic strawman faggot. As is the case for every retard that defends 343.
>Here's a couple of examples
Nice argument faggot.
You for being a bootlicker, every lorefag needs to be rounded up against a wall.
best multiplayer in order
>Halo 3
>Halo Reach
>Halo 2
>next morning beer shits
>dealing with customer support
>flat tire one the way to the hospital where your child is being born
>Halo 4
>Halo 5
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
It was funny at first, but seeing this shit in every thread is getting tired. How are you not banned yet for furrypposting and on top of that avatarfagging.
Probably because I make decent discussions before children cry.
>Reach that high
>CE that low
awful list
I'm sorry you're wrong
You and your ilk has been so dismantled over the years that I only come here to laugh at your red-faced bullshit justifications for why your baby outlook of the world is the only outlook and everyone else is a meanie
How the fuck does anyone like Halo 4 mp more than 5? Fucking 4, which has full loadouts, perks and killstreaks?
>hurr durr here's your jetpack bro, don't mind me just breaking all pretense of map design
kill yourself
Nice, another schizo in these threads. Just what we need.
You provide nothing except for the book links you spam, which everyone has seen 100 times anyway.
Anons have even started to post the links to spite you and get rid of your excuses to "contribute" to threads.
These pictures also scary away more people than you think because they think they have walked in to one of those threads that would be deleted in 10 minutes.
>You can't have map design and jetpacks
>Because this is doom
>proper shitpost
>shitty attempt at classic halo
Can you imagine the hairline of these Halo 1 was the only good Halo posters
The only real reason the MP mechanics get shit is because after Reach and 4 people hate anything different on kneejerk reaction even in term of adherence to actual core Halo design principals, none of 5's mechanics violate anything
>perks are gone from 4
>ordiiance/killstreaks are gone from 4
>even starts are back from 4
>you can pickup grenades again after 4 removed it
>on map weapon pickups are back after 4 removed it
>descope is back after 4 removed it
>Returns to a pure Weapons, Melee, and Grenade triangle after 3, Reach, and 4 disrupted it
>Brings back emphasis on on map pickups, power weapons, and map control that Reach and 4 undermined
>Has CE and 2 style vertical level designs, the same emphasis on platforming that other Halo games have
>Still retains the same basic movement and gunplay feel that other Halo games have
>Retains the same sandbox staples as prior games in the series, further refines it with more guns then ever actually being useful, precision weapons having no spread, autos being good for once, etc
>has high base movement speed, doesn't feel as sluggish
>indivual aiming sensitivity per axis per stick, inner and outer deadzone adjuistment for each stick, seperate per axis accelleration options, etc
>Custom Game Browser
>Forge mode has 5+ forge world sized canvases, Limited texture editing/programming, prefabs and object grouping, copy-pasting, Time of day and weather effects, sound/particle effects
Also, no local play, which admittedly is super, super fucking shit
Theoritcally, yes, but in practice you earn so much points just by playing the game, you get so much warzone shit per pack, and the mode itself has multiple layers of control (you can only use better shit as the match goes on and each time you use something, you get a cooldown depending on how good it is) that not really.
Paying for packs with real money is really only that useful for getting cosmetics.
It was casual but kinda fun, halo 5 is casual but playing it is just frustrating.
You can, but the maps and gameplay weren't actually designed around it. I refuse to believe you actually appreciate Halo 2 if you can't see how jetpack completely fucks traditional Halo map design.
>pics scare away faggots who are too thin-skinned to see fanart without running to the jannies
good riddance, also you should leave with them
Well I wouldn't play lockout in 4 or reach, but I'd play it in 5
>You provide nothing except for the book links you spam, which everyone has seen 100 times anyway.
I guess you brushed over this discussion then.
>Anons have even started to post the links to spite you and get rid of your excuses to "contribute" to threads.
I didn't even need to post the book links to contribute, stop seething.
>These pictures also scary away more people than you think because they think they have walked in to one of those threads that would be deleted in 10 minutes.
Apparently not.
Quit being a fucking faggot. Leave if you're so upset.
I would rather you stop posting, go back to your RP forums and have your gay furry orgy there.
>halo 5 is casual
No fucking way, 5 is far and away the sweatiest multiplayer of them all, pretty much the reason why i don't like it because i can't just randomly boot up the game and dominate on my first match like i do in the other games.
Nigger what about Ascenscion, Sanctuary, and Ivory Tower, all of which shipped as default maps in Reach?
I only used sprint and evade and i stand by my tier list. fuck jetpack and armor lock.
warzone is half of the time, campaign has bots to assist you at all times.
Movement was changed for the "modern, casual gamer"
Its definitely casual.
2 arena playlists doesnt change that
So what are your contributions, aside from whining on a video game board?
>(FPS) on PC sounds awful
lmao this is the mindset of the halo idiot
Don't worry user, I can be an elitefag for you too. I don't have artist connections but I do have a trainer for H2V!
no couch co-op killed it for me and my wife
The multiplayer feels more like CoD than Halo.
It doesn't matter if you use it or not. I only ever used sprint and evade myself but jetpack still blatantly breaks traditional map design and map control.
I played them there too but I'd like them better in 5
Honestly didn't want to expose myself but I played (and liked) reach more than 3 or 4. 3s netcode murdered melee, and 4 was absolutely CoD. I think I liked reach cuz I wanted Halo after hating 3 so much and I just settled for anything.
Besides those I played Halo 2 for well over 1000 hours and Halo 5 for 500
Which Halo has the best looking Elites though?
>shooting game with high bullet magnetism, no recoil, no damage dropoff, stupidly low base movement speed and huge hitboxes on PC is just what i've been asking for all my life!!1
lmao fucking pctards
Im an elitefag too, but i dont sexualize them and turn them into my fursonas.
You guys are going into unhealthy furry territory.
I just like them because theyre cool vidya enemy.
Yeah, Halo 4 sucked. But what about 5?
>still blatantly breaks traditional map design and map control.
that's why all the Reach maps were designed with jetpack in mind
CE then Reach, only furfags or 3babbs will disagree.
It all depends on your tolerance for sprint and ugly armor.
Probably because you're a boring normalfag
Halo 5 has a good visceral fun to it IMHO but it's a very different kind of fun from Halo 1-3 and tangentially related to Reach
I can totally see how it splits people
3 are my faves, I don't really mind their hunch. 1 and 2 are godtier and I genuinely like the ones from Reach aside from their faces.
I elitepost for fun though, user. He's more of a tertiary character for me anyway.
Yeah man, those Halo 2 forge remakes were totally designed with jetpack in mind.
Imo it's how I remembered Halo 2 feeling. It has all the acrobatics and movement I felt like I executed when I was 16 playing H2 into the night. H5 delivered that for me.
Literally this.
If you don't like the Halo games then that's fine, there are plenty of other games out there to play.
Since you talk about exploration, you'd probably prefer Metroid. I think most Halo players probably don't want exploration. We want to shoot things and blow things up.
I know you're probably developmentally challenged, but it's accurate. The "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" circlejerkers are cancerous, and you're one of them.
They're awesome, you can customise things to your own style of play.
Same shit.
>kill streaks
Getting rewarded with good guns after making a few kills makes sense. Bet you're salty because you never get enough kills to get the guns. Git gud, faggot.
He's right. The "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" cancer is irrational bollocks and objective evaluation defeats it every single time.
I really love the way their armor looks in CE
Reach elites had the best feet. I like the sleek appearance of the CE/2 designs as well.
Anyone with taste would be fond of a both powerful and intelligence being with a similar makeup.
Im far from normalfag, but i dont romanticise elites.
I want them to be feracious warriors, similar to Warhammer fans how some love the Chaos warriors.
Doing the shit youre doing with chaos warriors would be pretty autistic dont you think?
>none of these can be altered when porting
wow. Low speed is a problem (hitboxes arn't even very big), but the other shit can be alleviated and allow for a better experience
im with you there but it won't dissuade me from believing reach had the best multiplayer. it was one its few but glaringly obvious faults and yet I still think it's second only to h3
Warhammer is already pretty autistic man I'm not sure it could go any further
I don't think it can be any worse than 40K, user.
If you want loadouts play Call of Duty. Halo is supposed to have even starts and weapons that spawn on the map.
Fuck off schizo.
>the feet
Youre lost, because oh how bad they look compared to the hove shoes from CE and for the reason why you like them.
I feel like the Halo community doesn't like me for the specific reason that I genuinely enjoy every halo.
Its not the same kind of autism, normalfags would just think
>look at this nerd with his fantasy game
Vs you
>a furry
I believe they're far more agile with toes such as those. Having flexible appendages for rugged/uneven surfaces are useful.
I liked that different ranks had different armor permutations. The weird crested helms, the traditional ones that made it to Halo 2 as the only style and then the exaggerated pointy stuff worn by higher ranking warriors. I wish the customization for elites in 3 had made it to campaign somehow, like N'tho having a commando or ascetic helmet.
I think he's right. Halo CE was great at the time but Reach is much more varied and therefore interesting. Going back and playing CE now, it gets a bit boring after a while, because it doesn't have much variety (always walking at the same speed, limited weapon selection, doesn't have armour abilities or tactical packages or anything like that to add some variety to the mix).
You must be a pretty gigantic brainlet to think that they can't design maps to accommodate the use of jetpacks. Woah, that sounds like rocket science!
Jetpacks aren't in Halo 2 so where's the problem?
Autism is autism, sweaty, and 40kids are cringe
Bungie got the Flood and Brutes right in Halo 3 so why wouldn't 343 with Infinite when it comes to the Prometheans?
Yes. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are shit.
>alter shit while porting
>all those retards clinging to their imaginary "good ol days" start crying because it's not muh classic 1:1 experience made for mechanically incompetent boomers like them anymore
whoever plays halo on PC for anything but free pirated online is 100% a fucking retard and a complete shitter
This, I just ignore them, they're the same faggots bitching about why 2D Metroid doesn't still plat like Super Metroid or AM2R.
Why does everyone think halo is america simulator when everything memorable was created by an asian called Shi Kai.
Thank based chinaman for basically creating halo.
>co op designed around multiplayer
>no split screen
Guess that's the power of the Xbone
>You must be a pretty gigantic brainlet to think that they can't design maps to accommodate the use of jetpacks
They may be capable of it for all I know but they sure as hell didn't show it. Reach has easily the worst map design of the Bungie Halos.
>Jetpacks aren't in Halo 2 so where's the problem
Are you illiterate? Reach has several Halo 2 remakes that showcase precisely how jetpacks fuck up the traditional map design.
This, it's hard to go back after playing Halo 5.
>doesn't have an argument
>If you want swords / destructible vehicles / SMGs / health packs removed / an armour bar in the bottom left instead of the top right / etc. then go play another game. Halo isn't meant to have any of those because the first game didn't have them.
>doesn't have an argument
True. Or the people who claim that ALttP is better than OoT. Some people are stuck in the past, I guess.
Shiek wanted to give them tails that looked like weiners when they sat in a vehicle, user.
>True. Or the people who claim that ALttP is better than OoT. Some people are stuck in the past, I guess.
I started with the first Metroid and first Halo so I just got used to it.
Have you been in a Gameworkshop store user? That shit is just as gross/autistic as any furry con
He based a lot of his art from varying pieces of sci fi. It's pretty obvious with Aliens aesthetic mixed with Korean manga inspired concepts.
>swords / destructible vehicles / SMGs / health packs removed
False equivalence. Those changes and additions didn't destroy the foundation of the gameplay, which is even starts and map control. And even then many of those changes were poorly received regardless
>an armour bar in the bottom left instead of the top right
You're really reaching here bud
H2 ruined elites by exposing their faces and making them speak english.
I loved how in CE when their mouth was closed their whole face was sealed in with no skin showing.
For the longest time as a kid i thought the armor on the CE elites was their exoskeleton
wow how did I travel back in time a decade?
creating mangos is in all asian genes, i dont think he intended to copy anything.
He probably developed his artstyle from young age like most artists do.
Halo 5 didn't try to put Chief in a irredeemable bad light and he is getting full focus in the next game. Disney is evil and 343 is dumb, there is a difference.
>H2 ruined elites by giving them their most iconic feature
big brained post
They had to make compromises since they were going to give us an inside look at the workings of the Covenant at some of its highest levels through the eyes of the Arbiter. They only became more anthropomorphized as the series went on until Reach where they became de facto head enemies again. And then 4 and 5 went off the deep end by turning them into Doom 3 rejects. I will say it's unfortunate that they abandoned the mandible armor being more protective. They reminded me of knights as a kid, when as long as they weren't talking or roaring the mandible plates locked together like a visor.
This I agree with 100%
prob the biggest factor that makes it Halo in this day and age
I'm pretty happy that Infinite is returning to a more simple story like Halo CE. I felt after Halo CE they gotten too convoluted with Halo's plot, Halo 3 was a return to that but feels like it's held back by the opening and Truth's death scene. Halo 4 and 5 were more convoluted than Halo 2, that's an accomplishment.
>Halo 5 didn't try to put Chief in a irredeemable bad light
But it did.
>H2 ruined elites by giving them their most iconic feature
What? a generic grey slim human body with a snake head on top?
The most iconic thing to the elites is the armor, its not like they didnt have the split mouth in CE either, they even opened it when speaking.
This, I wish reddit stop making that shit comparison, there are barely any similarities, Halo has more in common with Alien and Metroid.
How is it even possible to be so big of a brainlet that you're confused by scenes like Truth's death, what the fuck?
>What? a generic grey slim human body with a snake head on top?
You mean what they literally always were, minus the multicolored armor? Fuck off retard, you're literally just butthurt that graphics got better.
Imagine literally being a sub-70 IQ brainlet who defends sprinting
I wasn't confused, I was annoyed at how it was handled. Why did the Flood have to take the third bridge for me? Why did Truth have to die in a cutscene when I the player could have killed him, just felt like poor writing to me.
Not really, at the end he was 100% in the right to follow Cortana and stop her. It's not like he lost hope and stoped giving a shit about the war and his fellow comrades.
no split screen coop
To intimidate the player given that they instantly clear a section of enemies that you the player were struggling to kill. And you the player smacking Truth once with the B button and him just exploding would be very anticlimatic. These are 0/10 criticisms, go away.
>didn't like Reach
Its why i place reach elites above all of the elites except for CE.
>They reminded me of knights as a kid
Thats really awesome, and kind of true
So halo 2 didnt invent anything right?
And fuck you idiot with this graphics bullshit, you cant pull that when i said i like the reach elites aswell, the CE elites were way better when the armor glowed and looked more inditimating compared to 2.
Feels more fitting that a disgraced warrior whom the prophets tried time and again to kill either through circumstance or direct order ends up cutting the head off the entire civilization.
A weird marketing campaign that does not reflect the final game. Hell, that is one of the most common criticisms of Halo 5. The Last Jedi fucked Luke really hard, Halo 5 didn't fuck Chief like that and Locke was thrown in the vault of obscurity as result while Rey is still the Main Character of ST.
>shit campaign
>shit multiplayer
Why would I like it? The only good thing about it is the grenade launcher
>shit campaign
that's a "yikes" from me, pal
>He's right. The "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" cancer is irrational bollocks and objective evaluation defeats it every single time.
No he's not. He's projecting words onto me that I've never said like a fucking schizo instead of addressing what I say directly
The only memorable mission is the space one and it's not even good.
Sprint and clamber are cancer.
Art is ugly.
Characters are ugly.
Forge is good but ugly.
Multiplayer has lootboxes.
Story is shit.
Music is shit.
Audio is shit (Retarded tacticool Spartan voice lines in multiplayer).
Vehicles are shit.
The thing that killed Master Chief character was 343i trying to make him more human and have feelings, chief was born to be a cold killing machine thats what made the covenant call him "demon"
Can we please stop pretending that anyone cares about the story in a Halo game?
Just because you are a brainlet that cant enjoy a story doenst mean that nobody can, H3 has a good story and what made me care about halo games
>defends Halo 3 for taking gameplay away from the player to kill Truth
>shits on Halo 5 for taking gameplay away from the player to kill Jul whatever the fuck his name is
If you're fine with bad guys getting killed in a cutuscene you should just play a Sony movie.
>absolute garbage campaign/story
>at launch the game was barebones and lacked forge, staple Halo MP modes, no BTB, over focus on Esports instead of casuals
>no split screen
>cosmetics locked behind lootboxes
Also this
>Master Chief is still loved
Yeh, I'm not seeing the 343 killed Master Chief anywhere, if you said Cortana I wouldn't have even responded since that's actually accurate.
>shits on Halo 5 for taking gameplay away from the player to kill Jul whatever the fuck his name is
Who are you quoting, user? Link me the post where I said this
>Master chief isnt dead
Only people in the US care about halo games, i bet that if you ask casual nobody would even know what a master chief is, halo popularity is going downhill since Reach
Didn't say you said it but Yea Forums does say this.
Truth is an old and infirm man who you encounter after all his guards are dead, his "fight" would be a Press X to Awesome moment.
Jul Mdama is a hardened warrior with a pack of handpicked soldiers at his side -- and the cutscene where Osiris fights Jul is literally a Squad vs Squad bossfight that you just don't have control over.
These are two different situations against two very different enemies. Stop pretending they are the same just to make up some schizophrenic strawman argument.
They'll know here in the US, Master Chief is Halo.
Yeah, so much that they had to bring another group of spartans to share te gameplay between OH NO NO NO
Why did they have to make them sleeveless? It looks so stupid
>likes halo's basic-ass story
>claims superiority over anyone else
I get the feeling you'd cry if they'd had a similar "boss battle" at that point as they did in Delta Halo. Wow, shoot some mooks, jump on an old man's hoveround and punch him in the head until he dies. Dense motherfucker.
Literally at no point before 343 was in charge was the campaign of Halo games ever a factor. MP was what mattered. Contrarians coming out of the woodwork to shit on 343 because they suddenly pretend to give a shit about the game mode that never ever mattered and then pretend that this irrelevant excuse to cheevo farm is suddenly the big deal-breaker for game quality is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
I agree there were many missteps
Thank God the core gameplay was the tightest since 2
If you like tangled up storys with absurds amounts of lore and characters go play WOW then, the combination of story,gameplay and music made halo 3 the best of the series
Halo 3 didn't have the best of any of those.
>Literally at no point before 343 was in charge was the campaign of Halo games ever a factor.
lol are you sure you're thinking of the right game series? sounds more like cod
Halo ce and that's it
Halo 2 was peak Halo story
Who gives a shit about forge
>Being this stupid
Go back and find where i said it was the best of any of those in the series, i said the combination made the game the best because all of them together worked, the music combined with the scenes/maps, the gameplay was fluid and the story was to the point
Stop trying to justify bad design decisions, your Truth comment means shit when you fought Regret in Halo 2, it's just a lame ass excuse, nothing else.
I do, fuck you, Forge is fun and it greatly expands the game
not even the same guy
>defending the Regret "fight"
>when accusing others of defending bad design decisions
holy shit the irony
And now all of them are being dropped and Infinite is just Master Chief again.
I would have been funny and this should have been a boos fight where I crush Locke.
But I did it, not the character.
>I would have been funny and this should have been a boos fight where I crush Locke.
No we need to fight the Warden a few more times
Any distance beyond 200 metres.
The third shot of a burst also had random spread which made the weapon far less effective at distance.
The fight sucked and wasn't fun, and if making Truth another (incredibly fucking contrived) Regret fight is what killing him in-gameplay means then it would have been incredibly lame. Truth dying like a bitch at the Arbiter's energy sword was a fitting death.
Also the weird thing about the Jul fight in Halo 5 is how soon into the game it was. You're barely playing the game for a half hour before he dies. It's like the 3rd Hobbit movie where Smaug dies 5 minutes into the film.
They made cortana evil for no reason and they made her not fat enough.
ok but what did they do wrong in the actually relevant parts of the game?
I just told you, they made her evil for no reason and they made her not fat enough which is enough sin of itself.
They didnt made her nearly fat enough man are you blind?
Cortana isnt fat enough you shithead, and you call yourself a halo fan...
but cortana's body in 5 is peak performance
No it isn't! IT NEEDS TO BE BIGGER!!!
>implying a god level AI would voluntarily be fat
nigga you dumb. break your slavery to cum already
I guess you're right when I think about it, honestly, remembering now, all of Halo 2's boss fights sucked ass.
Halo has never had good bossfights. FPS isn't a genre that allows for good bossfights. Especially not FPS on console in which your aim is gimped so hard by the controller that you can't make it fun without also being impossible.
Warden wasn't that bad not even the Goblin is bad and the Scarab was one of the best things the series added, it's just that with the Warden they overdid it too much and didn't change it up at all making everyone tired of him. Plus building him fr the gay ass squad mechanic didn't help.
The lack of local multiplayer and the T rating in a core Halo release makes me sad...
canonically do the elites even have dicks?
Halo has always been mainly T rating, it barely ever deserved an M rating.
I dunno, the difference in tone between H5 and the others is measurable.
Osiris is a marvel movie