How the fr*ck do I beat this guy?
Also Katana Zero thread.
How the fr*ck do I beat this guy?
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He's one of the easiest bosses, just dodge his shit and hit him.
>first Katana ZERO thread i see on Yea Forums
>a fucking scrub
why didnt you make a thread yourself then FAGGOT
I've been waiting for a Katana Zero thread for ages.
This guys is piss easy, just dodge his attacks and hit him from behind or when he isn't holding the axe. Hold the button, don't mash it.
I'm too shy to make a thread about a game in a video game board anonymously.
how do i get a better ending?
you have to wait for an opening to hit him from the back and knock him on the ground
I don't know, wait for a DLC or something? What is the fucking plan with this game's clear unfinished state?
Wait for a DLC/sequel, I guess.
>prison level
>suggested to get out while avoiding conflict
>actually manage to stealth my way past almost the whole thing
>then the outdoors part
This part drove me fucking mad trying to figure out how you get through undetected. The hearing range of the police here seems inexplicably larger than the police that were inside and that drives me nuts. I was able to consistently avoid detection by managing to jump beyond their sight, but doing the same shit this time just doesn't work for some reason. Is there some weird fucking trick I'm not aware of? I sadly eventually gave up and just killed my way through that screen which feels like such a waste after stealthing the rest of the level.
Fucking hell and I thought I was a brainlet. Thank you for making me feel better about myself.
Go slowly, hide behind the objects. If you're behind an object you cannot be detected. It's dark so cops only detect you if the light is shining on you or if you're right on their face.
Some objects require you to crouch to remain hidden.
Then stop eating all that sòy and eat more meat and eggs, you need that T
I feel like the biggest retard now. That's probably exactly the thing I was forgetting to do because I forgot crouching was even a thing in the game.I'd always manage to avoid the light and the police's sight, but as soon as he'd walk by me while I was standing behind the object, he'd just immediately see me and it was over. And obviously jumping over him was no option because he'd spot me no matter how high and beyond his sight I was even in the dark.
Why was the final boss fight so shit?
>expect to have to kill her a bunch of times
>die once to the turrets
>hit her 3 times
>she dies for good in a single go
To be honest it never came up before in gameplay besides pressing down to go through platforms.
Have you fought the Psychiatrist?
>eat meat and eggs
>t is reduced
like pottery
Seems like a waste when the concept implied a super long marathon fight.
I played most of the game twice to fight him and somehow failed twice
It's an absolute waste when all it needed to be 10/10 was a bit of extra dialogue and attack patterns
Do you know the requirements? I managed to fight him after selecting new game and replaying up to the bunker and then skipping that.
I follow multiple guides but it just didn't work so I checked it out in youtube
I hope the final boss of part 2 or the DLC is that good
user thats because she gave up
If you die to her couple times she will say that untill someone give up, fight will go forever.
>It's an absolute waste when all it needed to be 10/10 was a bit of extra dialogue and attack patterns
It could have played with the concept of the time-based immortality they have. I'm not even sure how Zero won.
If they can just give up doesn't that kind of throw away the danger of suffering for eternity?
I know, but she gave up way too quickly
When you fight her the first time you get to kill her once and then in the real time replay she manages to survive
Meanwhile in the final boss version she just dies in one death
>I'm not even sure how Zero won.
You are not the only one, when fighting someone with precog a lot of doubts arise about what exactly they predict
It doesnt work like that but ok, keep eating your grains and sugar
Stand at a distance where you can roll the axe throw or the jump without accidentally rolling into his float move.
The float move is designed to abuse your twitch reflexes, so you got to put yourself at a distance where you can't roll into it when you are trying to dodge the axe throw you thought you saw.
So why is his daughter so important?
It can't be the girl
Is purple ever used to address the girl?
I heard the game is really short, is that true?
Is it at least replayable?
I don't know, but the daughter is always mentioned in really forced dialogue that didn't need to exist so they must plan something
yes 4-5 hours
As replayable as hotline miami, so it's up to you
wait, i can't do anything against the masked guys? i can't save the girl?
The game literally ends on a clifhanger like halfway through its story, user. It's clearly unfinished, to the point that the "bonus stage" even has a door that says "Check back in a few months".
Not yet, but hopefully it'll take the Shovel Knight route and release free DLC to continue the story.
Hard to tell. It might be that Zero is just fucking crazy and when he hears that the psychatrist can't reach the girl, his brain creates a new narrative where the neighbor girl is kidnapped.
Because dude's fucking mental.
Maybe he created the girl from hearing about his daughter in the first place?
He sees the shadow of the girl in his first nightmare though, and that happens before meeting her and the first psychiatrist session
Are the masked men real? The police seemed to notice them
Yeah, Zero defintively remembers the village girl who is most likely Snow, thought that seem a bit too obvious almost. His memories/nightmares are clearly influenced by the stuff he sees and hears though, and he also sometimes interject opinion into what he's seeing (for instance by adding motive to an actor he supposedly doesn't know).
Where it gets weird though is that
>he has a failed conversation with the girl while he's violently drunk
>he's captured twice, once by a bomb, once by the police
>he couldn't just fight off the police by himself
These actions are weird. Zero should be able to avoid them if he wanted to, but he also wouldn't actually fail a conversation with a figment of his imagination if it actually was just imaginary (how do you fail at imaging having a conversation with someone?)
>for instance by adding motive to an actor he supposedly doesn't know
What do you mean? I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Well it's not really really true, but at the start when he's getting psychoanalyzed, you get the option to add motive to actors in the dream. Since it's actually part of Zero's flashback, it makes sense that he would sort of be able to know what the actors in the dream wants, but at the same time it shows that he's translating the stuff he's viewing through a lense of his own emotions. IE he's not being objective.
they also left the note on his room about one life for another, they probably are real
they do use labcoats so there might be an even stronger combat drug that made them exist or something crazy related to the computer inside the wooden house Zero destroys
Remember that somehow the cromags won a war aganist death squads full of NULL so they must have done something, maybe something that explains why snow can teleport
An interesting thing is that one of the masks likes "fucking with you", maybe he has a grudge because he was a cromag or a meme theory I have is that the chronos V gave the dancing stoners next door was defective and gave them godlike powers so they used them for revenge on Zero, but that is just a meme theory I came up with because the hair colors match
>Zero defintively remembers the village girl
She doesn't exist in the flashback at the end of the game though, so I don't think a village girl ever existed
I do think the girl is real because
>she gets the tape from V and gives it to Zero
>she cleans up the room, something that Zero doesn't normally do
A couple interesting points about the girl are the fact that her toys could be colored gold and silver and that the red color covering the screen when you find her toy is the exact same thing that happens when Zero meets Fifteen
Another interesting part of Zero's imagination is the church hallucination(?)
He knows about what happens when you run out of Chronos there, then forgets until he hallucinates armless V in the middle of the therapy session and V explains to him what happens when Chronos runs out, and he doesn't get this info anywhere else before that point
Lots of questions left to be anwsered, I hope they deliver
And I sure hope the loli is real and the section prior to saving her has music as climatic as
They seriously blew their load on the music for such a meaningless mission
anyone else disappointed that electrohead wasnt a boss
the real disappointment was Snow not being a boss
She probably will be one in the DLC/sequel though, the petals she creates when moving being sharp seems a better fit for a boss fight than a playable character
>because the hair colors match
Jesus Christ that's such a meme it might be true
I mean, I'm sad there weren't more bosses since all of those were fun as fuck in general, but I understand why there weren't as many. You are mostly just assassinating some targets who are low risk/high threat. Only on your own, or after fucking up a mission do you actually go after anyone dangerous, if you think about it.
>bar vets make it clear it's impossible zero was old enough to have fought in the war
>the flashback at the end
either that wasn't him, it wasn't real at all, or this story sucks
Use buttons and directions.
is this the sekiro of lisa games?
>He knows about what happens when you run out of Chronos there
His mind is fucked, I believe if it wasn't he'd know. V telling him is part of his shattered memories.
Or perhaps Chronos is keeping him young?
Yes, it seems to have some Lisa inspiration.
same thing happens to the Dragon, Chronos probably slows down aging, even the female chronos user said something that could imply that
there is also the fact that the creator of chronos ages quickly after leaving the cryotank so chronos affecting aging speed is reasonable enough
15 appears to be the same as the flashbacks too, so it's a reasonable assumption that the Gamma NULLs have some kind of screwed up aging process.
>She doesn't exist in the flashback at the end of the game though, so I don't think a village girl ever existed
The girl exists though. She hides under the bed, Zero walks past her, and when he's walking back again he picks up her toy (which is when he might have seen her).
Zero, Fifteen and Ninja all seem young. They might have been child soldiers (makes sense since they were brought up with Chronos).
Whats the point of choosing death during the mask guys + cops scene?
>She hides under the bed
That was a boy though
Even Zero thinks that was him playing catch at first, so it must be a boy
If he jump you either double roll or you don't get near him. Everything else is just roll through behind him and punish him, aka don't be a retard.
The game's easy enough that you can do everything (except the parts where you are forced to use it) without using any slowdown.
You're either getting tricked into suffering forever or making the suffering that is existence on Chronos stop.