*gets on knee*

*gets on knee*

Will you be my player 2? ^_^

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No way fag.

Yes but only if i get to fugg ur boipucci

Attached: ohgosh3.png (787x356, 59K)

Anybody got the picture of the fortnite wedding cake.

Imagine being so lonely you see this and your first thought is I'm gonna mock people getting married.

Go outside.

Have sex.

I hate nerdy people. Both men and women. I hate all nerdy shit like anime, board games and comic books. The only remotely nerdy thing I ever liked was video games but I started hating them from my early 20s onwards.

>never used
Oh, it shows, Tyler. It shows.

>never used
There's a whole story behind that isn't there?

There's no way that melted plastic is food safe

Mentally unstable people get a divorce very soon though

I hate people doing silly cringe shit. I'd rather everyone act somewhat serious at all times.


story: the person crafted those things himself

If you look closely you'll notice that nobody is actually getting married in this situation.

I think its something he made himself for profit.

>Never used

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Are you implying that cakes are actual food?
Better pick those toppers carefully, wouldn't want them ruining the perfectly edible and healthy brick of sugar I'm about to eat!

I am angry, angry at normies being happy

i want to kill myself

Imagine being so lonely you see this and your first thought is I'm gonna mock people grieving.

Go outside.

Get ran over.

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That wouldn't be possible on the NES due to the limitations on how many colors a sprite can have.


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People who have sex deserve to be mocked. Nothing but a bunch of disease farm fucking faggots thinking they're great because they swallow juices out of someone else's genitals. No thanks.

Nice blogpost, fag.

Im married

normies arent happy though, they're just consumers who keep consuming until one day realize "life is pointless" ( which actually means their dumb ass life choices are shit, but they'll never admit it ) at which point they kys

Probably right. They look like perlers.