Thoughts on muscular women in videogames?

Thoughts on muscular women in videogames?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They're the perfect body type
Except for Laura
Laura is brazilian
And we all know that brazilian's butt are fake as fuck
Also steroids is a deal

Fit/toned girls - sexy
Muscular/Yea Forums's """fit""" - degenerate slabs of meat even faggots would not want

don't forget that if they do enough steroids they end up growing a cock and are forced into shemale porn and escorting

Not enough of them

what muscle? i just see tits and ass and hnnnggg

insta pick in every game

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>And we all know that brazilian's butt are fake as fuck
I don't care
I love Laura and brazilian's butt no matter what

i love it when its coupled with round thighs and round breasts
it accentuates creases in all the right spots, wouldnt you just love to run your finger right down the middle of a girls defined abs?

Laura is for _______.


butt stuff

big feminine penis

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I wanna fap but my grandparents are here

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Only if they wear leotards or other skinthight clothing.

her boyfriend, Sean

Also I know fighting games dont get a lot of art but cmon man how is there barely anything with laura and sean? How is there no /ss/? Breaks my heart

Because that's her brother you degenerate.

Does someone have that "how could my dual katana crit build lose" pic?

stealth fap bro

I mean are they really "fake" though?
A brazilian butt lift is just fat transferred from somewhere else on your body to your butt so technically itʻs still natural.

That's because you only watch tranny porn

i date a girl whos literally laura
helps that im brazillian

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>Games want more diversity in woman
>They only want fat girls and niggers
>We will never live to see an age where buff girls are common in video games

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Wish i was a muscuclar woman

buff girls arenʻt common period retard, so why the fuck would they be common in video games.
Might as well make every video game female tall 6+ amazons too, and give them all cocks

Hug your grandparents, bro. AFTER THE BONER IS GONE. You'll miss them after they die.

I'm down for the 6 foot Amazon part, not so much with the cocks though.

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better to see buff girl than fat and nig

>why the fuck would they be common in video games
Because the characters in most video games aren't meant to be common people.

they're the best

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>She didn't. I carried her. It was very difficult
A real man, bet she felt like a real prinecss for the first time in her life.

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send pics or you're lying

In a world of fat acceptance and BBW fetishists, muscle women are our saviors. They are the best, plain and simple.

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Plastic surgery really isn't that big here. Especially since women realized that they can get big and firm butts just by going to the gym for 6 months.

what are some actually fun grapplers like laura?

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small brain: BBW
average brain: muscle girls
galaxy brain: strongfat

They are clearly the best type of woman

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This, musclegirls are based

Fuck you specifically if you're a futafag, you're everything wrong with why people don't like musclegirls you faggots

Got any examples of a strongfat girl?

>posts Celine Farach
Who are you trying to fool?

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In real life, basically any girl who works out that doesn't go for definition. It can be as simple as a layer of fat on top of muscle that allows the curves to be framed better.

In 2D, it can go a lot of ways. People will draw girls with fat guts but massive muscular limbs, or as musclegirls that have an exceptional amount of bulk, or basically meat golems with tits.

Post the gif

>tfw no br gf

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Fuck off normie

>You'll never have an oni drinking bro(female) who likes to rough house and occasionally gets so drunk that she gets overly affectionate and tries to convince you to put a baby inside her.

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My ex was brazilian and her butt wasn't fake, at all
Pic related

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So basically a ripped bodybuilder with a slight beer belly.

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This is a dyke, not a tomboy

good lord

I'm going to need proof that Sophie likes to eat vaginas.

You have any more of those by any chance, user?

brazillian girls have the best asses i ever saw in my life, i don't think they are fake

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a couple more, but she didn't want me to take pictures

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That's very nice, good job.

That one thigh has more volume than her entire upper body.

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and that's a good thing

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Plastic surgery is rampant in Brazil. Brazilian butt lift is one of the most popular surgery maybe the most popular.

While girls aspire to careers in Brazil the most popular and sought after "career" is geting plastic tits and ass and hoping to become a drug dealers wife/girlfriend.

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Only if you're talking about Rio de Janeiro. I lived 4 years in BR, 2 in Bahia 2 in Santa Catarina and most vanilla asses there are perfect and none wanted to become a drug dealer's wife or gf lmao

.t favelado

We're talking about decent girls in the first place.

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That's kind of hot.

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>she made me take her last name
I was on board until this. Pathetic.

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being trown into the trash and choosing bestgirl instead

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You've really gotta see it coming at this point, sad fact is 90% of people with this fetish just want to be the girl in the relationship rather than actually being into the girls.

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Is Capcom the only ones who put defined muscles the girls of their fighting games? I look at the likes of King of Fighters, Tekken, DoA, and even MK, who used to have them fit as fuck, ironically enough strayed from it in their push for photorealistic graphics. None of them have girls as consistently fit as Capcom's fighters.

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>buff girls arenʻt common period retard, so why the fuck would they be common in video games.
Fags and cliche blaxploitation chicks aren't common period either yet they're fucking everywhere in video games though

If you're in that position, throwing away a long-term (perhaps lifelong) relationship with an amazon qt who actually loves you over your last name is petty. It's different if that's what you want to do from the onset, but to me it seems like she just had a lot of pride in her own family name (she was Greek, it says).

>My big tall Greek Wedding

>caring about gender roles
uh-oh, retard alert

you donʻt know what a brazilian butt lift is tard, has nothing to do with plastic or silicone

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>Fags and cliche blaxploitation chicks aren't common
Says who? Those arenʻt things you can just outwardly see so whoʻs to say what a person is by 1st glance.
Buff females on the other hand are niche af, and the really buff ones are 9 out of 10 using steroids

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you just know she smells bad

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God I wish that was me and that Chun would tease my fat futa cock with her massive legs during an interrogation to get info about ex-Mad Gear members.

Difference is Capcom girls are also attractive

Most of the chicks in MK9 had a bad case of either manface or monster-face

if I knew a muscular women I would have a lot of intercrural sex with her

What are these bottoms called exactly? Are they like trainer booty shorts? Need a name for them they drive me crazy.

whats wrong with that

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You okay there, user?


Bloomers, maybe? The gym version not the 60s frilly version

The best

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Muscular women are gross.

Petite and frail is where it's at. Guys who like musclegirls just want to be the bitch in the relationship.


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Imagine being a fucking faggot

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I like role reversal. Being at home cleaning and shitposting 90% of the time is where I thrive

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And leave all the hard work to your girlfriend?

That's a nice, responsible boyfriend.

I wish I had a fit tomboy gf / personal trainer

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>Projecting your inability to be the man in a relationship unless she's small and weak onto others

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>i'm a little boy who wants to be princess carried *glugs onions milk* m-mommy crush me with your thighs

because you sure can be the man in the relationship to start with huh

Not everybody who wants a big gf is a weak mommydom house husband. I'm getting my MBA and finding a tall girlfriend won't suddenly make me not use it.

>Not wrestling and grappling your muscular girlfriend then fucking her right on the mat

I love muscular women's sweaty armpits

This bitch is such a fucking disappointment
Fake muscles and one of the lowest strength growths in the fucking game

That's called rape.

You’re a low test faggot, /hm/ and /lgbt/ are more your speed, bro.

extremely based

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>and even MK, who used to have them fit as fuck, ironically enough strayed from it in their push for photorealistic graphics
nice reading comprehension

>And we all know that brazilian's butt are fake as fuck
They're not, they just go to gym
t. Brazilian

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>He doesn't have nightly wrestling matches with his gf to see who's the dominant one that night

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>posts a girl with fake painted abs

Not enough of them

Fapping is a good family bonding activity. Share your fap with them.

>Not getting a giant, cold woman to dote on you

Are you fucking gay

Hellion is my wife
Boudicca is my wife

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now i need to fap

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thanks this is helping

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For some reason these make me chuckle.

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im nearly there...

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It's almost certainty fake but if it wasn't an attractive 6'7 greek girl who wanted to have my babies I'd be fine with it. In any more mundane case I'd refuse to take their last name and their not taking my last name would probably be a irrevocable issue that'd lead to breakup.

>Orangekisses art finally posted
Somebody post her photos. The idea that the artist behind so many hot musclegirl images is a chubby girl gets me even harder.

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I am good at cooking and gardening. I can give her some massage when she come back home from her work. I will have more time to train and make a small home gym. But I will probably never have a tomboy or even a muscular gf to start off. I will probably end up necking myself.

Didn't play the game, so idk

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one more

Love buff girls

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>no balls

That's the real tragedy here.

>a fatenigger and a ballsfag

thanks im done

Mordred is a dude anyway. Original Saber should have a dick as well

>likes chicks with dicks
>but balls are for fags

Yeah whatever queer.


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oh o-ok...

No one has ever said that about muscular female characters

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keep going

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jesus christ i can't fap right now don't do this to me

its becoming difficult to hold it in

fuck off fat enabler

Absotively Based

Hug your grandparents and talk with them. You'll miss them after they die, and the porn will still be around.

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did samus ever wear high heels????

im gonna bust...

>This is a dyke, not a tomboy
She's married to a man.

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I know, right? SFV is a miracle.

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now im empty

W-Why does she have a skull tattoo right there.

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She's barren from roids.

I tried to make a few Raider characters in FO4

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What does it mean though? If I put my dick inside of her, is the only way to get away from her death? Because I wouldn't mind that

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>What does it mean though?
I wanted to make an all female Raider gang that only took in male sex slaves I think the tat was because Raiders like death or somethin

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Best body in this whole manga and she was great in her early chapters but I really don't like how they borderline flanderized her in the lastest chapters, her wanting to be a mom is cute but it's all she blabber about everytime she appears now

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>tfw no crazy buff raider 2b gf to capture and rape me on a daily basis
I hate you for giving me this erection

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user please stop, i've already masturbated to this thread like 5 times. My dick isn't going to survive at this rate.

i like this bimbo

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They expect one of us in the wreckage.

6 times now. I hate you so much.

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No one calls them spats outside Japan

ran out of 2b

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You said you wanted to make an entire gang of female raiders. Are all of them shredded with womb tattoos?

>Are all of them shredded with womb tattoos?
I only make 2 of them on a game I didn't save, I'm still waiting for FO4 sexmods to be better

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Damn shame. Wouldn't mind seeing an entire group of these wiener cleaners, but i'm not buying anymore Bethesda games

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No retard. Guys who want muscular women want a sexual partner that can keep pace with them. It's the hottest thing imaginable.

Anything by NDC.

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I'll probably do it when I have a better GPU and an SSD, looking to get a 2070

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Is that it? Already giving up?

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Any other artists?

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I've done it 2 more times in the 30 minutes since then, give me a break.

I fucking love NDC

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Metal Owl

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Keep going.

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kunaboto/donought/2019 (He's had many names.)

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Capcom put definition on when it isn't even required. Their sprite work is the same, Rose is muscular for no reason at all.

I meant artists, but that works too.

Wish there were proper tags for strongfat, shit's hard to find.

As a female how do I get a body like laura or chun li without taking drugs

Fred Perry
Andou Hiroyuki

squat deep and heavy

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work hard every second of your day until you die.

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>without taking drugs

Impossible. Most female models that look like they lift use light steroids such as anavar. Chub-Li thighs are impossible without them.

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oh yes pls cammyfag PLEASE keep it up

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Do a lot of squats (crunches and curls and things like that too, but if you want Chun or Laura's body you need to squat like mad to get that ass), but also take in a lot of calories and protein. Your body needs a lot to add that much mass. I'm no expert in getting /fit/ but I've seen people use the term "Caloric Surplus" when talking about going Chun-mode in threads like this before and that makes sense to me.


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Holy shit.

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>Yea Forums suddenly likes women
What happened?

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gift to men

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Yea Forums likes whatever makes its pp hard

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Kunaboto is NOT donaught

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who is your favorite muscle girl artist

right is superior


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Obvious answer is yes. A light patch of blonde fur.


they're great

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Chun-li's thighs are imposisble to achieve without drugs, Laura is more reachable, but you would need to go through rigorous exercise and diet

start working out with a regular set upper body and lower body tradeoff make sure to have rest days and high protein diet
Focus on Squats and when you work upper body compound exercises like pull ups chin ups lat pull downs.

I will marry you if you promise to stick with the workout regime even if you're a female(male)

completely untrue

>limiting what you will fug
low iq confirmed

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Hopefully she actually looks this good in game

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FPBP, look at all the faggots you triggered. Brazilian woman are the most overrated in the world.

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I am not a musclegirl fan, just a big Laura fan.

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They're bullies

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>Being attracted to muscles

Attached: Z.jpg (1025x1500, 495K)

>Mature musclegirl
>but she has a dick
>but the other main character is also a girl
>due to unfamiliarity with the artist, and knowing my luck, the other girl has a 60% chance of also having a dick
This page is a rollercoaster.

>tfw my fit gf has started helping me get into shape because I am an underweight freak

i think i finally made it bros

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This thread is absolutelly stellar. Please continue, anons.

[Chinbotsu] Tropical! Banana Carnival [English] [Digital]

Post the webm.
THAT webm.

>Please continue, anons.

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based filter raping you into submission

source? google provides nothing

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>Masturbated to this thread nonstop
>Dick feels like it's about to fall off
>Balls hurt
Good thread

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diet and exercise, power squats and lunges for sure.

Maybe try this out idk:

good luck user

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I really wish Borderlands had more muscular women in the first place. The closest we have now is Athena, only thanks to her design change between 1 and TPS.

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You start by showing us your tits

God I want my dick to be snapped off by those thunderous thighs.

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Is this the image that inspired degrees of lewdity

I'll be sad when this thread dies

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Imagine the handjobs

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Just go back to Mar de Mijo, nobody wants to associate with you, bro.

I feel the exact same way

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t. portugay

We're three...

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>This thread

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armored too

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>tfw would like a girl like that
>on the other hand, would love a body like that for myself

Those two things are not mutually exclusive


Swear to god if I ever stop being a fat cunt and get hench it's going to be mainly motivated by the off-chance of finding an amazon gf and sniffing her pits

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if you have cash laying around, you can buy a bench press that doubles as a squat rack

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shut the fuck up retard

Getting both would be the ultimate goal. I love that physique specifically on a human bean.

fully, but I love girls

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They are great

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If all the Marvel movies were genderswapped, I would actual watch them.
>Female Captain America

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I feel you.

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bakhar nabieva, maybe closest to chun li I've seen

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i should get soulcalibur

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alright anons I'm going for a jog you all take care

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don't fap, zoomer. just buy a prostitute off backpages. stop being a cuck and do it for real

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Can we please we get 0 bullshit, 0 makeup, full natural pics here if possible?
Any women with that level of fitness should have flawless skin ...why fuck that whole image up with heavy powder.

Post something to your tastes if this upsets you.

It's nice more so in real life, friend. Having a gf that is athletic pushes you to do better physically and being in shape is great for your psyche and general health. The absolute best part is the nightly wrestling in the evenings!! P.S. despite what you might think, her dick doesn't hurt that much. :)

I bet you like fat women, fat.

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