Which one is the best?

Which one is the best?

Attached: hitboxes.png (973x1006, 231K)

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Bottom left. Bottom right is every From game.

Attached: 1544643227852.png (441x302, 58K)

Top left if this is for fighting games.

This, a rare thread were fp isnt bp

I actually don't see the difference between upper right und lower left

Attached: DpInJNSUUAEf9aa.jpg (1000x900, 86K)


Bottom left creates variable heights which can impact how short characters interact differently.

I think lower left is automatically applied hitboxes versus hand placed hitboxes
Like all .bodyparts have hit and hurtboxes already in advance or some shit like that
I seriously have no idea so please someone correct me if I'm wrong

I would assume the bottom left is for hitboxes attached to 3d models and the top right fitting according to sprites. Do any 2D fighting games user bottom left?

Not sure, I'm not on the autism spectrum like you OP. The fuck am I looking at?

Attached: DS3.webm (720x540, 2.51M)

Attached: 1555879558577.jpg (1024x608, 97K)

You’re not even close lol. All the hit boxes are the same in concept, just how they’re placed and how many.

The answer is that it depends on the game. More hit boxes like in top right makes sense if the game involves a lot of subtle and complex interaction with multiple parts of a character model, which is rarely the case, so bottom left is more ideal and likely used much more often.
A good example for top right is like a mech game where different body parts can take/cause damage and can be disabled/destroyed.

We don't play gook games here user. Go back to your hole.

fighting games noob there, how does having a red square inside a blue one work?

Blue = “hurt” boxes you hit it and the character is hurt
Red = “hit” boxes you make it touch a blue box for the above interaction

The end result is you get counter-poked a lot.

you're more of a "cinematic experience" guy huh ?

Blue doesn't mean collision. So the attacks still hit as long as the opponent isn't counterattacking and hitting the blue hitbox.

It just means that your hitbox is larger than your hurtbox.

Nah I don't own a Gookstation4

red is hit
blue is hurt
red inside blue means you can hit him mid attack assuming your hit lands on the blue part

>bottom ledt
That's not how hitboxes work, user.

i can assure you that modern computer are powerful enough to compute all of those and modern engine/devtools are smart enough to be able to generate hitboxes that closely follow models, with customizable levels of semplifications.

it's all about the gameplay and how how easy it is for the designer to interact with the gameplay balance.

For a singleplayer game: Enemy hitboxes should be animation-accurate or smaller. Player hitboxes should be bigger than they look and player hurtboxes should be slightly smaller. Makes for the most satisfying experience. Adjust numbers and animations appropriately to maintain the difficulty.

>Weapon art without stamina and mana.

Attached: 1549132998772.jpg (720x447, 33K)

we're cool then

if you look closely it consumes the last part of his stamina bar

Post Plesioth

Both Capcom and Netherrealm experimented with it while developing their fighters. End result for both was they said it just doesn't feel right at all in a 2d fighting game.

Look at this faggot.

Attached: 1554879012046.png (364x360, 120K)

Attached: terrific.png (320x326, 156K)


fuck off with your cherry picked piece of shit

you only need 1 stamina to do it.

Top right lags the hell out of games

>active hitbox even when idle
These new simpsons devs have no clue what they're doing

Attached: mugen.png (803x543, 50K)

online hitbox doesn't count because there is a forced delay so you don't get parried every attacks. nice try

Attached: HitBoxes.png (1280x800, 405K)

While the lower left is nice, functionally the top left is often better. For example it would have a better chance at catching someone jumping in cause of the extra height, and you'd also have a better chance at punishing him cause of the wider hurt box.

Sometimes what feels like it should hit is more important than what would actually hit.

skullgirls kinda, it's a mixture of the bottom left and top right

>not bluescreen or worse

>auto regens super meter
>pauses the game for 15 seconds to deliver a 32kbs monologue in Japanese
>unleashes meteoric earth shaking screen-wide beam that hits 99 times
pff, nothing personell, Peter Griffin.

Attached: 1495252362033.png (350x230, 170K)

tick tock goes the clock

Are girls into this kind of thing?

Attached: harapan.jpg (1244x1812, 512K)

the knives in my kitchen have active hitboxes

objectvely speaking top left

bottom right is Smash Bros with squares instead of circles

>fuck off with your cherry picked shit here is my cherry picked shit. You were so close to not being a cretin.

>british """"""""""humor""""""""""


Attached: 5q950627duz11.png (640x762, 678K)

delay doesn't matter if both people are standing still.

*Almost* every greatsword and UGS are accurate with little to no phantom range.
*E v e r y* Straight sword has phantom range that effectively doubles their ranges.

It's not cherrypicking if it is a constant bug/feature, it is simply showing a global fact of the game.

you get countered easily

I see hurtboxes and hitboxes, but where are the collision boxes?

>melty blood
>hitboxes that reach high up

the skullgirls one will never not be hilarious