So, what does Yea Forums ultimately think of Undertale?
So, what does Yea Forums ultimately think of Undertale?
The real question is what does Undertale ultimately thinks of Yea Forums?
found it to be pretty kino. Don't care what Yea Forums thinks. Most of you are dumb kids anyway
it's fun
It's still on my mind consistently 3 years after release, I'd say it's done a good job.
I think it's a nice simple game that is probably the most overrated title in the last years and it is too flawed to be held in such high pedestal. And Deltarune is shit so far.
I liked it a lot. I'm not usually into pixel indie games but it was really well done.
Fuck the people who call it SJW tumblr bait. You're talking out of your ass.
The kind of people who play things like undertale are the ones who dont get pussy on daily basis.
I never played the complete game, but I did try the demo that was released years ago and it was alright.
I found it ok to meh.
It takes influence from a lot of things to the point of seeming lazy and disingenuous. Not to mention, out of all the games that took influence from MOTHER, this game is the one that took influence in a way that understood those games the least well. Hell, even South Park, which was influenced by Earthbound, specifically; understood what made that game and it's feel, tone, and humor work. Undertale doesn't. It ironically enough feels like an amalgamation of all these games Toby Fox liked and mashed together into one being. It doesn't feel like it's own thing.
Pretty cool game, inspirational
reddit: the game
no surprise most of nu-Yea Forums likes it
It's ok. Mother 3 does everything better, but Undertale is still ok.
It's a good game that got way too popular and is now stuck with retards on both sides of the barricade
Where can I find the left image
Good game, good characters, and somehow made random encounters and turn based combat fun
i get pussy maybe 1 to 2 times a week. I used to get 3+ but we have been dating for 4+ years and she can't always keep up with my libido.
She is fat but has nice tits and a round fluffy ass. The pussy could be better but i manage.
I like undertale and anime.
Oh, you're one of those people.
Literally my biggest motivator for being /fit/ is so I have the stamina to fuck my fiancee into a coma so she's satisfied enough to not chase black cock.
boring and overrated
boring and cringe-worthy
I played it before the fandom blew up and thought the game was fantastic. Did both routes and enjoyed my time.
Then i discovered and played the shit out of LISA and thought Undertale was ok in comparison.
Nowadays i still have good memories of my first playthrough of the game. Undertale is bretty good, not terribad or perfect, but still good.
Okay if you do the only route of the game that’s fun, the rest is shit and is completely pointless to even have in the game.
What kind of people?
furry game for pedophiles
never heard of it
It takes a lot of inspiration from Earthbound, but it goes in a very different direction with it all.
Fucking Itoi himself likes Undertale, that should say everything.
wtf, is that the director of FFXV?
A man can like something and not think it captured the feel of what he would usually do, or dare I even say the thought never occurred in his mind. It actually says nothing.
:the game
Played undertale first the year it came out and thought was ok. The played EB for the first time and other indie games years later and then my opinion about UT decreased.
The pope hated it though, that says everything.
It's cute and has a lot of soul. One of the few last games that had true soul. I don't care if the creator is a flaming faggot, he made a damn good game.
According to this board, every game is reddit
eh, it was ok