Lobotomy Corporation

How's that facility coming along manager?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Where do I get this game? Fallout shelter was alright, might give this a shot.


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Those text heavy tutorials bored the fuck out of me senpaitachi

Steam, obviously?

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>text heavy
Nigger what? The tutorial is less than 10 minutes and not much reading at all.

yikes, no thanks.

Then pirate it you massive faggot.

Big and Might Be Bad wolf escaped, what do

Give treats and hope for the best

Attached: 2121.png (1280x1792, 1.41M)

Enlist the help of a mercenary

Enlist the help of a mercenary

I got those two guys in a row, and queen bee just before that. Am I fucked?

Attached: help.png (1612x794, 1.04M)

if they escape, yes

This thread is maintained by weebs, waifuers, and femanons.

That is okay though because this actually has decent gameplay though.

Don't panic, just do as you do, restart if you die etc.
try to only get normal results from the one on the left, when you work the oneon the right qurantine the guy in a elevator room or other small room. Minimize their contact between other employees.

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Well that describes most of Yea Forums threads though

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So is the game completely randomized or does it follow a story? How many different monsters are there?

It does have a story, and there should be about 100ish "monsters". That's all you need to know.

Some games have no gameplay though or are dead. Like Senran and Dead or Alive threads. They're only made here because they ironically can't survive on /vg/ due to the power of waifus.

Might as well repost this post:
For people who missed the last thread:
Have a cache of korean lobcorp content. Guides, info, mods, even shitposting images.

There is a story
110 SCP
4 endings in total with one true ending

Attached: 372.png (1620x1620, 3.46M)

Man I like it but I suck ass at it, I don't know why I buy these kind of games.

but are the monsters you get randomized or do they follow a strict order. Are the guards randomized as well or do you only get certain ones?

Those games are nothing but image posting for the most part though

They are random, every day you get to pick between 3 random SCP you get to take care of

Attached: DHrzHHRVwAIHA3R.jpg (1980x955, 406K)

Monsters are given to you in randomly drawn three units and picking one every day. People you hire doesn't matter except for their stats in which all start out at 1 unless you spend additional points. And their gear in which you will be making later as you progress

Because madness is fun user, plus you get better every time you start a new run since you get to keep everything

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Attached: 2772693 - Kagei_Kakigoori Lobotomy_Corporation Malkuth.jpg (1715x2400, 1.39M)

That's my point. Some games are only image posting, and ironically those games can't survive on /vg/ because the image posting is stronger for other games. Lob Corp is different because it has decent gameplay which is why its surviving better then the usual single waifu poster.

game came out a year go, why is it suddenly being posted frequently now?

Because the game wasn't popular enough to have the actual discussion posts overshadow the "STOP SHILLING" posts Yea Forums does with recently released games

The game came out in 2016 user, we had several threads frome time to time but they do show up more these days. I guess because they are working on another game

original english translation was lacking
also fairly obscure

but it's a really solid and fun management game

Better translation and the general Yea Forums indie game cycle where people see a thread, get interested in the game, then buy it and make more threads.

Yea Forums seems to like SCP stuff and the whole "shill!" meme seems to have died a bit since it was pretty much impossible to talk about any new/niche indie game

Attached: Lobotomy-Corporation-Игры-Punishing-Bird-LC-Abnormaly-4250623.png (811x1068, 752K)

>Third trumpet starts playing

Attached: 1555623473922.jpg (998x1020, 74K)

Thats because 95% of the games since the beginning of the year have been shit and paid shilling is a tried and true tactic with dedicated accounts/computers/laptops.

Pick one waifu

Attached: descarga.jpg (1360x768, 230K)

Oh, daily LC thread? Ok, Daily best anomaly it is then.

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with enough time I think it'd work out

Psst! If you press me multiple times, angela and gebura will ask you out on a date!

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The whole shill meme has been a thing for years now user, not to mention that people started to call even aaa thread shill

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worst of both worlds

Am I missing something or I cant look at my employe's health/mental bars unless I go through loops like selecting an abnormality to work

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>am I cool yet Yea Forums?

Why is Malkuths ass so pinchable?
Hers must be soft and fluffy while Geburas in comparison is probably hard as titanium.

Queen of hatred
I would rather not be melted thankyouverymuch

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you can see it all the time, red bar is HP blue bar is Mental HP

Attached: EmployeesInTheMainDepartment.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

You actually need to complete some missions to unlock that feature.
Hint:pic related

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Fair enough, I didnt think it'd be locked behind research

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>expressing one's own opinion
>wanting to impress some randos in the butt hole of the internet

You hivemind kinds aren't welcome fag

AWCY? confirmed for using Yea Forums as a means to refine their craft.

Don't Touch Me, pls.

Sorry, but I only date the fluffiest girls.

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am I a brainlet for not figuring schadenfreude out?
after literally 30+ retries and trying every single possible work type and level I gave up and googled what to do, then I felt really dumb

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Dont look at it, his ability is screen based

dude I said I googled it I know now what to do, the point is that it had to come to that

It’s pretty early upgrade, I was annoyed over it until I released its just like 40
Minutes of gameplay away

Did the translation get better?
I remeber playing to like a year ago where it had less than stellar english translations.
I know it's made by one guy but I've had people die because I didn't understand what game was saying.

Attached: QECxeuB.jpg (1080x650, 163K)

Schandenfreude is pretty bullshit to figure out without knowing ahead of time what it does, since if you observe it while trying to get any amount of PE boxes it'll start fucking shit up.
Pretty sure keeping it off the screen is the only thing anyone wouldn't assume is how to deal with it.


A lot of people have problems with Schadenfreude and the Burrowing Heaven when they first get them. Simply because you arent really expecting those kind of mechanics in what at first looks like a rather simple game.

I see, I overlooked the google part. But how did you miss it? The hints are giving you a direct hint to not look at it while supressing/working

Attached: SchadenfreudeDetailsUnlocked.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

The main game is now more or less legible, might sometimes have an Engrish moment but your chances of dying from miscommunication are at an all time low
Except for the tutorial, last I checked some months ago it looked pretty rushed in the translation department. Not that it’s a big deal though, the tutorial only teaches you the absolute basics that you would’ve figured out ingame anyways, like how to assign people to work or what a meltdown is

Dude, are you trolling me? I couldn't buy hints because I'd get zero PE boxes to unlock them. I'd get Schadenfreude new with zero information and all I saw was getting 0 PE and then it breaking out and destroying everything no matter what type of work I did.

If the game is paused does the counter still count down? Just want to know how hard it is to issue other orders when you're working this nigger.

you can look at it paused, yes

If there’s one change I’d do for this game it’s lower some health values on the enemies/Abnormalities by like 10-15%, just to make suppression in the first few weeks less daunting when you don’t have many good items

No it doesn’t, I regularly pause to check on the progress when I’m working on him and everything is fine. You obviously need to unpause when he’s offscreen though

I have no reasons to troll you user, you said that you had no idea how to deal with this SCP, you didnt say that you had 0 boxes or hints so i just assumed you already had those, my mistake.

And of course pause does not count, you have to be looking at while the game runs so pausing the game is safe

Post your employee-fu

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Is that a screen in the game or just something someone made?

Fuck off waifu fag.

something someone made

Why does the TPB file have two exe's?

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I haven't pirated in years, do people still go to the bay for vidya?

Employees are not for attachment

Employees do attachment work all the time. The manager is not for attachment.

Attached: binahcute.png (500x367, 160K)

I do, just make sure you only download from trusted posters. There's also a browser plugin that marks fake torrents. It's still the only viable public site that I've found.

>about to do day 48
I don't think my mind can handle it. Really funny how you think the game is hard when you do these things the first time around, and then the final stretch happens

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Attached: Punishing-Bird-Big-Bird-(LC)-LC-Abnormaly-Lobotomy-Corporation-5156942.jpg (780x1040, 338K)

I could look up gameplay but can somebody post some GOOD gameplay so I don't accidentally see bad gameplay and think this game is shit?
Please? You DO want people to think this game is good right?

No, can't blame you. I also had the same issue

Attached: three mafia birds lived in the black town.jpg (1200x650, 132K)

A shit lot of people, playing the game, make art of their employees

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This, though I would recommend trusted repacks as well, despite the memes there is a good one out there that wont turn your PC into a crypto miner. If you are worried about that just install in a sandbox first. And that nyaa whatever shit for your japanese pornographic vidya

oh shit it does
pirating indie games like this always makes me nervous

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it's SCP manager: the game

>good gameplay
fuck I won't link you my shit then, please look elsewhere

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all of the gameplay you might find is more less the same, i think your best first impression is the gameplay trailer

that's why you have antivirus shit beyond "muh common sense"
check it and if it's fine, it's fine

Drawfags who can draw are drawing their employe

I can confirm that lobotomy corporation does have a memory leak if left on a started day for a long time; left the game paused for a few hours and suddenly things started crashing. Then I checked task manager and the game was eating all available memory. Was sad to close but I paused it in the first place because my top guys all died. Didn't take a screenshot of task manager as most things were frozen and I had to log off.
Kind of funny there's a memory leak huh.

What the fuck do I do with king of greed.

>friend got this game
>rage quit over fucking Forsaken Murderer, said he was too hard to handle
what do you think could sway him back?

Attached: gull.gif (400x300, 814K)

Tell him he's a fucking causal.
>t. get my energy fill on White Night

he is hard if you first start out and don't understand how stuff works, he killed a few of my starting employees
t. also gets his energy fill on White Night and has his weapon

But user, which one do I use?
Why even have two in the first place?

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Attached: hi.gif (100x100, 636K)

I choose Angela

Attached: Angela.png (278x750, 105K)

Does anyone actually do the challenge mode?
I've got another 13 days until I unlock it, surviving 99 days with penalties sounds like you'll come out of it able to handle anything.

I plan to after ending twice (one normal end and then the 100% completion one). the game isn't actually that hard, you just need patience and concentration

Did we get an answer user?

>mfw the second trumpet sounds

Attached: 2btjN7C.gif (1280x720, 1.77M)

Dude, chill. It's just the start of a Sephira core suppression.

>ywn hear seventh trumpet

Attached: the seven horns.png (2418x1614, 3.97M)

>Not on mobile
Kek, nah.

is that from the artbook? i still need to get around buying it

I still haven't fully understood what they mean with that. Or anything about the "outside world" lore for that matter

I don't think it's possible to hear the Seventh Trumpet unless all of the Wings have somehow fucked up beyond all possible belief.

Any NSFW content / 18+ patch or is this just a cute innocent SCP horror game?

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This is Firenze. Say something nice to her.

Attached: Firenze.png (380x396, 99K)

cute hair

the wings are just big fucking megacorporations that run the world. imagine EA being as big as a government and one of the only ways to make a living, so they enslave everyone. that's what the "head" is, in my understanding

I hope we can hear it in the sequel

I always thought that they meant something along the lines of company branches or other companies with similar interests.

Did any of you restart the game while keeping the unlocked stuff to do missions you cant seem to accomplish?
Im at day 31 and I get fucked when trying to do the ordeal of dusk, since Mountain and others go berserk regularly

I did several times, its not bad since you get to keep everything and such

Yes. Restarting is intended, you're not meant to be able to do everything easily on your first run.

What I want to know: Is the facility you are working in the whole company?
They made it out to be like there are several buildings, but isn't A like the boss?

Is X just A after a memory wipe?

>but are the monsters you get randomized or do they follow a strict order.

outside of two specific scenarios:
One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds being your first monster
Picking Yin (or Yang) forces you to get the other on your next selection

they come in sets of three and you pick one.

Also, every 4th creature is a tool type creature.

this is being explained in the story, you better not get it spoiled. but yes, LC A's company, and it's the whole thing

later on you get encouraged to restart, also for story reasons. it's quite nice how they interconnected that
I haven't yet and I'm afraid it might bite me in the ass on the last few days

Call for the mercenary.

Yes. The manager has always been A.

Zoomers not welcome

>this is being explained in the story, you better not get it spoiled. but yes, LC A's company, and it's the whole thing
I know the story, save for the secret ending, but it still is weird, how people act like, there are more than one facility.
Even in the end, Angela said then energy that is extracted here isn't added to the whole supply.

Why can't Punishing bird stay in his fucking cell?

There are other Wings that are basically supercorps that run the world, and they have "singularities" that are basically other hyper advanced AIs.

And the Head runs all of these, right?

basically this. LC on the outside is acting like a energy generating facility like many others, while their true goal is to refine cogito. all their energy is actually used up interally in order to keep the TT2 going, so A can continue his cycle. they try to play it low because of the head and since they got hit once before already

Are there still no nsfw mods for this game yet?

the cognitive filter doesn't allow for that. your boner wouldn't be able to handle the sephirah in all their glory
especially binah, fuck me, she's so hot and cold

A war broke at some point among the wings which left the world even more fucked than before, and the head appeared as a "regulator" agent to prevent it from happening again, they are basically the big boss of the show, and The Claw and The Eye are their way to enforce their rule over the rest of the wings.

i think someone on pixiv was making a few skimpy outfit mods, but for actual dicking and bare tits then you're outta luck

>thinking that granny is appealing

I've got the Angela one. Anyone else have the others?

Attached: Angela swimsuit.jpg (1024x576, 138K)

most mods consist of hair/eyes to make your employe look different and such

Attached: tumblr_p8u5rwMZ8v1umppupo4_400.png (256x256, 47K)

This game has pretty girls so I'm interested. Redpill me anons

Iʻd be content with just some lewdness desu

Attached: tumblr_p8u5rwMZ8v1umppupo6_400.png (256x128, 14K)

Not so pretty things happen to the pretty girls.

Local man and his waifu try to stop everyone from being edgy nihilists. Shit gets fucked up.

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what's a decent free antivirus these days? I have malwarebytes but I want more

actually the best summary one could give, I think.
checkmate, atheists

Things were going so well too at meltdown 8/10, I didn't mean to push it.

Attached: push button receive restart.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

>everyone panics
harsh. you can do better than that, manager. let's go try again

call me a fool but i use Avast
it probably sucks in comparison to its competitors and it's persistent in asking for you to buy a subscription when you open it, but i've had it quietly installed for years and it does its jobs

Attached: Impossible scenario.jpg (1448x2048, 657K)

it's more like twice daily at this point

I want to fuck laetitia!

why is this game suddenly being posted/shilled all the time? didn't it come out ages ago?



Because it is fun to talk about it.

The fanbase for the game on Yea Forums is a rarity for me, divided half between gameplay/lorefags and half by waifufags of varying tastes
Also most seem to advocate pirating, which makes sense to me since this obviously isn’t a game everyone will like, especially with that price tag

That's not Melting Love though.

Attached: D0_A6l6UcAYOBFC.jpg (1200x1200, 432K)

Because I have execution bullets.
Speaking of which, how does shooting the bullets work in universe?

I want to fuck Galaxy Boy!

Four words:
Spiders on your dick.

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t. Slime fag who wants his dick melted off

I always tell people to pirate to try it out and after that buy if they like it to support the developers. Since yeah most people shy away from the price tag.

Attached: Steam_2019-04-28_21-28-28.png (675x164, 137K)

Gotta peck those sins.

This game has horrible fucking UI, ignored.

I'm gonna pirate it and try it out. Starting tips?

Go in blind since thats the most fun, and dont worry to reset and start a new run since you keep everything

Geburah is love,
Geburah is life,
Geburah WILL be my wife !

Attached: e23256e94890753f7b051ab8b9ee7fe9.jpg (512x598, 43K)

lol, you can have her.

Attached: 1556201378143.jpg (600x960, 73K)

>Starting tips?

Have fun.
People WILL die.
Researching creatures gives you boxes that you spend to learn more about them and it DOES NOT take away from the energy you collected.
If you get a bad creature, you can do a quick reset (go back to the most recent day ending in 1 or 6) or a full reset (go back to Day 1) and you keep all research done, bought weapons, mission progress, and boss fights

What does she sees?

Attached: 654654.jpg (1200x877, 399K)

Furry porn

Tentacles and dicks and weird fur.

>furry porn
fuck you beat me to it actually

i remember when people were talking shit about Lobotomy Corp because of bad translation
does it get new patches, is it more playable now? if so then what are some new good monsters
i thought about buying it when i first time saw thread here year or two years ago but store reviews said that game is not good back then

No new monsters iirc, only a not-horrible translation.

is this post meant as comedy or something

That fucking rabbit is mine.

Lots and lots of cock

fat cunt can't get through the door

Attached: DzDupd3UUAIyAwt.jpg (700x700, 74K)

Is this game taxing?
Can it run on a toaster?

it's okay, I'll keep mine
binah > gebura > myo > hod > rest

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Also no

If you've got a toaster don't really risk it

Not too taxing. But ridiculous memory leaks issues, so reset often.

I really need to beat this game but so far just managed to get to day 36 and did reset several times, shit is crazy

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I keep hearing people mention custom outfits and hairs, but i havent seen a place to download any

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Why is talking about games now shilling? What kind of retardation is this?

Takin art requests, mostly simple bw stuff.
no video game discussion on Yea Forums allowed

Attached: bestah.png (671x836, 212K)

I posted a set for magical girl set in this thread. I found a few on tumblr while browsing for fan-art there and also there are a few things on the steam forums like steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1392403122

Attached: dasdsa.jpg (1550x2048, 335K)

Why is black + yellow highlights such a good fucking combo. You literally cannot go wrong with it

Do I need to fully research all the abnormalities for the true ending?

Attached: D3ciFX3UUAAa5LF.jpg (1199x783, 59K)

Can't talk about games on here in any form. Only Twitter screencaps and /pol/shit allowed.

curious about this too.

I want dat phat wall ass

no, and without mod support or a fanbase willing to make those mods probably never

White/black are neutral colors and go well with every other color, depending on the shade of course, as long as they are not neon

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literally the name itself is a hint.
how can you not realize that you WATCHING IT disemboweling your workers gives it more power ?

>Good morning manager, did I ever mention how I'm FUCKING NUTS
Honestly what the fuck is wrong with these "people". Just do your job and fuck off.

>fan art has cute anime style
>actual game has cancerous cartoon style

can I get a malkhuth being cute, drawman

probably why he teleports out the room in form of a will-o-wisp instead of actually walking out

Attached: big bird2big.jpg (849x1200, 500K)

>fan art looks different compared to ingame stuff

How is that surprising user?

Attached: 00.jpg (1430x2047, 595K)

Oh boy, this is my first ever time fighting a midnight.
I've seen a tiny bit of what this thing can do and am sending my entire kill squad and sacrificing these cheap guys to see how much it'll hurt.

Once this is over I'll never have to do this mission again!

Attached: First midnight.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

..... you dont know the name until you figure out what to do


>playing the game blind

nothing but suffering awaits

Attached: momoafb.jpg (800x431, 68K)


>Last Helix
>sending ALL your kill squad guys
Yeah, prepare to be lasered into oblivion.

how about Snow White's Apple? any interpretation you feel like

>Day 9
>Having trouble with the butterfly guy
>Accidentally left my new shitter employee on the Yes/No machine and turned him into a GOD
>Use him to cheese Butterfly-fag, he escapes but gets his shit slapped with no deaths
>Manage to debuff employee so he doesn't explode at the end of the day
>Aww yis perfect
>Lil Jester faggot shows up, goes straight to releasing Butterflyman again
>Oh no
>Almost done with the day but he goes straight for the employee room and annihilates all of Control team

Attached: jester.jpg (219x157, 8K)

Game is too expensive for what it is and there are no up to date torrents ANYWHERE for it

igg games
i know they edit some games but they didn't touch lobotomy corp, my file is fine

>i know they edit some games

Well I think I understand now what it does, 15 guys still alive.

Attached: ahaha.png (133x414, 43K)

A trick I did to get the latest version was to download a clean steam build version, then slap the crack of the piratebay file and it worked just fine.

to put their watermark inside the game its stupid

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I given up on making hair, backhair makes it too much of a hassle. Send me your best units and which department they are in. I promise they won't die, maybe

>Day 4
>Get some weird music box with a Ballerina on it.
>Send in one of my team to listen to it for a bit.
>Turn my head to deal with grandma shadow stories for a second.
>Turn back and the employee is a deranged lunatic just mumbling to themselves.
>She snaps her own fucking neck and then everyone else goes crazy.

Attached: 1412112310967.png (546x325, 34K)

More of this artist?

I dont know the source sadly just found it on some russian site while browsing fan art

Attached: Malkuth-Hod-Binah-Gebura-4576907.jpg (1453x2048, 568K)

Attached: Malkuth-Hod-Binah-Gebura-4576910.jpg (1495x2047, 421K)

How much time should I spend grinding for agent stats? I've been having them work on my harder anomalies in shifts up until the meltdown level hits 5 or so, but I'm not noticing much of an increase on the end-of-day report.

Oh, joyreactor
Thanks user

After a 20 minute fight, I finally took it down with no further casualties.
Now I only need to handle 17 meltdown containement units and not crash if I win since this has been a long session.

it works with thresholds. you really don't need to grind that much, as long as you can comfortably work your hardest abnormality. you can always push them up a little bit by investing lob

I've lost so much progress due to memory crashes.

Honestly I’d play it safe and cash in now, Midnights are no joke

This game would be good if it wasnt for the insanely annoying waifu bait shit

go back to sjwcp, tranny

>Day 10
What the fuck

Attached: Angela lingerie.png (900x1200, 1.63M)

how many faggots do you have in your damn facility

Glorious victory, and I know that much tougher things are coming soon; and that midnight is considered to be the easiest so who knows what I'm in store for. Not gonna reset unless everything is doomed.

Attached: glorious victory.png (614x778, 619K)

Both of you can fuck off anytime.

jesus user put some armor on your agents

you should really at least memory repository with that many dead

what's memory repository?

save states, you keep all your research/egos but you rewind time basically

this is when I killed my midnight btw. I only did it for old Gebbie, didn't bother with the core suppression and just pushed through it.
>what's memory repository?
are you..serious? it's basically day checkpoints to which you can easily return to. you lose your progress on stats and new employees, but old ones that died up to that point are revived again and you get to keep missions/ego gear extracted

Attached: midnight.png (1029x992, 883K)

Ah, yes. You never forget your first midnight and all the death that comes with it. Did you manage to kill it? I got purple for mine and lost like half my dudes, but completed that fucking mission.

Most of them were just cheap hires since it only costs 1 lob to buy a III in all stats; almost all those that died where when I was too slow for the beams and I still have enough people to complete the first mission with people having 100+ health.
Gotta lose some of my better gear anyway so I can get the EGO mission done, so some deaths will be good.

>some deaths will be good
Chesed, you hang out with Angela too much.

Does anybody have that pic with the magical girls and red hood giving out valentine gifts?

Attached: LC Valentine's Day.jpg (1334x812, 195K)

Is getting Plague doctor worth it

How the hell do I handle the Express? Should I send an employee on third light or fourth?


you return to memory repository after researching it

Yeah, he’ll bless your shit
For free

>mem repo
Too bad, I dont have that one yet

I just have an employee in the hallway to get the ticket as often as possible


Attached: really.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

>day 11
>choice between plague doctor, singing machine, and king of hatred
Im fucked

those are the two easiest ALEPHs in the game. Unless you're retarded

Why is it still this high? Are worst koreans still buying it or something?

thank you for watching my dog bro

Here ya go, workin on the next one now.

Attached: moekuth.png (745x743, 189K)

bury the loli and shota department in cement RIGHT NOW

If you're still taking requests, could you do Angela giving X a lap pillow?

dev team are still trying to recoup costs from outsourcing the english translation to con artists

>singing machine
Not even on the same order of magnitude of threat as the other two. SM is way easy to take care of, doesn't even do shit if its counter goes to zero.

At least you didn't get Nothing There, Wall Gazer, and Forsaken Murderer all in the same department

I might be misunderstanding the wiki, when it goes to zero doesnt it possess people?

Pretty sure it has to eat someone first. It will only eat them based on stats or if you send someone when it's counter is 0

Attached: Everyone's out.jpg (683x1170, 137K)

who do you think was the prophet?

Attached: 85D2C152-50D0-4993-A7CD-E5D5AAC2DB43.jpg (600x501, 110K)

Probably some random forest dweller. The better question is what was One Sin's sin?

How the fuck am I supposed to do the supress alephs gebura mission?

being the coolest bro around

That's not a sin

it is if you're that cool. it's a sin to be that cool. yeah, man.

But Jesus was that cool, and he never sinned

w-who are you comparing him to here? one sin is NOT jesus. I repeat he is NOT.
jesus took on our sins, which could be considered him having ONE SIN, but he is NOT a metaphor for jesus, no...

So One Sin is basically Jesus and WhiteNight is basically Satan. Are there any other religious themed abnormalities? I know Blue Star is focused on cults.

I did it with Orchestra, smiling bodies, and censored. Sent the rabbits after censored, sent all my aleph guys to suppress orchestra by the third movement, and smiling bodies ain't shit if it can't eat.

I feel like these are getting more barebones as I go on, hopefully the next one won't turn out as stick figures.

Attached: are you my prince charming.png (562x690, 104K)

The entire game is neck-deep in judaic terms and themes

I don't know if there's any more abnormality wise but obviously the game is full of religious/spiritual references, even beginning with the "sickness" that has befallen mankind and they want to cure

also take my advice here, do NOT send the Rabbits after Smiling Bodies
his AI is programmed to run away from fights and eat dead bodies, but if he's trapped in a department then he just runs around forever and the Rabbits have a tough time trying to catch him. I wish i recorded it, it was like reverse pac-man

Attached: big mountain.png (1176x1294, 633K)


I wish at least one of the birds are as friendly as they are depicted in the comics.

The names of the department heads are all tennets of the abrahamic(judaic?) tree of life as well as the terminology for each abnormality difficulty (zayin to aleph) are hebrew numbers

i like how you seem to recognize that her eyes are hollow with the rims
Thank you user

Little bird is a bro. Just send people who are feeling down his way and he'll peck all their sadness away.

Punishing Bird will sometimes peck panicking employees back to sanity

Attached: Punisher.jpg (655x1200, 331K)

Can you try drawing Child of the Galaxy?

>The names of the department heads are all tennets of the abrahamic(judaic?) tree of life
same with their locations in the facility

They were all nice and friendly, once...

>void dreams

not that art-user, but here, have this high res picture I found of him
underrated abnormality really

Attached: galaxykid_2_png.png (800x1000, 305K)

is it best to go into this game completely blind?

yes. YES


>jewish installation
>makes shekels as a cover
>working to end the world for the chosen
Game was made by /pol/, change my mind.




Attached: 1555798428893.jpg (2472x1936, 1.24M)

After meeting Hokma for the first time, the Record teams appearance when not dim sure looks suspicious. I never noticed those things when it was all dimmed. Some things make more sense now I realize that.

Also noticed the Plague Doctor clock in the background?

>Angela will never do this to you
It's not fair bros...

Attached: 69724799_p0.jpg (725x872, 311K)

Would you accept her gift?

Attached: Skewed eyes.png (211x276, 101K)

She would never do this to anyone, because she is a bitch.

why are korean stories 95% of time depressing?

Attached: 1556384428675.jpg (800x600, 166K)

*muffled third trumpet on the background*
I-it's going alright, n-nothing out of the ordinary today Angela, haha

Attached: 69565253_p1.png (1239x1491, 1.15M)

Rude. Angela, in addition to being the best and most advanced worker in the company, is a very good girl who wants you to talk to her and treat her like a human.

Attached: Heart hands.png (1600x1200, 730K)

Do any of you guys use the tool abnormalities? It seems to me like they're usually a minor temporary buff that is far outweighed by the risk of death if you don't babysit the employee using it.

There's one I use multiple times every day

Attached: Reply to this post.png (224x392, 117K)

the mirror is really good for raising justice

I generally don't, even when you lose the ability to recover hp or sp I eventually got through.

I ignore them until they go into meltdown.

I used the shelter for geburahs meltdown. Took forever, but easiest suppression ever.

The Birds are Cute!

Attached: 1556393330288.jpg (600x480, 65K)

Ppodae is so fucking annoying, its always breaching when I'm not looking

Shit, i'm late to the thread
>inb4 reddit spacing

Due to budget cuts and a lack of new employees, we at Lobotomy corporation are now implementing a new Roommate system in a attempt to tame the abnormalities, even the dangerous ones. We were going to sort these by skill and affinity of each agent but because a outstanding number of clerks and agents requested to be paired with Ppodae and Blue Star, we are doing this randomly


Roll from 1 to 110 and say hello to your new roommate. Do try to survive and cultivate a friendly relationship with it.

Attached: Lobotomy Corp Speed Dating.jpg (1200x800, 101K)

The painting is OK if you want to keep your best employee alive the longest

Well fuck

This one is very useful

Attached: 1522875229_preview_Don't_Touch_Me_Close-up.png (241x240, 111K)

Backward clock is great.
Else I barely need any. Maybe some HP buffs for my best guy if he goes on one with an Aleph or Red Mist.


Attached: Everyone was harmed into the making of this video.gif (500x370, 1.88M)

Doc? There is no 39


Attached: DhY_yPGW4AApUbW.jpg (1200x980, 114K)


Attached: 69446022_p7.png (400x400, 52K)

What the hell

Attached: kisspng-thumb-finger-snapping-hand-click-the-material-in-the-direction-of-the-finger-5a920f897b7269. (900x800, 82K)

>that scene on day 10
Wait so was that supposed to be something on a screen or is the room the manager is in literally filled with rotting corpses?

I just noticed that

Attached: Worried Laughter.jpg (153x199, 6K)

im not furry enough to enjoy this

if you wanna talk about dim, check out Extraction Teams/Binah's room, that basement is so dark that when Big Bird shuts off the power you really can't see anything but health bars and Big Birds eyes

Attached: 1529569658.png (716x671, 627K)

Have fun, No rerolls ;)

as long as i don't get reassigned then i'm fine

At least I got something to read

It's just a big ugly scarecrow, I don't get what's the big deal abou

Attached: ScarecrowSearchingforWisdom.png (228x241, 76K)

Do not be afraid, for he is with you

I wouldn't worry about it.

Hey this game looks charming, what's it about? Is it like Cultist simulator?

I never played Cultist Sim but i can tell you that a lot of people draw a comparison of Fallout Shelter with SCP's
Harvest energy from then to fill the daily quote and don't let then escape

Attached: decorate.jpg (903x473, 35K)

if you're a cowardly brainlet you should be safe

Attached: abnormalities.jpg (1080x1920, 1.24M)

>drinking beer
>not filling your water bottle with bear
Get the fuck out and stay out


If I fucked her would she get mad?

These are fun once in a while but it kills the thread, lets not do this every thread since people keep missing them later at night.

The only similarities it has with Cultist Simulator is that it's about mysterious and eldritch things & you do a lot of plate-spinning.

I've been following this game for a while but I'm now determined to play it after watching some fuckface try and suck all kinds of ass. Do you guys have any more helpful images like pic related? Or any general tips?

Attached: 1556376005280.png (3657x3908, 3.5M)

i'm not good at paint

Attached: Bear.jpg (903x473, 58K)

Only in the sense that it's a management game, otherwise it's nothing like cultist sim. Writing is worse in this game (might just be translation) and it goes for a much different tone.

which fuckface did you watch?
please not me, please not me

Aye, it is going to be the last time i make it, i just dozed of in the bus and thought up that little blurb there and felt like posting

Attached: 67807581_p11.jpg (500x300, 98K)

Increasing a counter is good right

It's not really like fallout shelter gameplay wise but I I see how you could come up with that

Thank you, now I can crack open a bear with my boy Netzach.

Attached: a48.png (764x796, 86K)

ha, that's unlikely. I'd rather not say because I'd feel mean, and the guy didn't actually do all that bad aside from forgetting the kind of work an abnormality liked even though he already figured it out and losing an employee because he wouldn't end the fucking day during an ordeal. The point here is that when you're getting frustrated at someone for screwing up in a game you've never played it's time to stop browsing the wiki and play the damn thing.

Attached: 1551071533119.png (1514x710, 1.59M)

No but some anomalies can fuck with your ability to pause, save, or change game speed

>Monolith spawns
>crushes an entire department

Attached: 1527146702022.gif (420x315, 1.99M)

worst part is save for that the ordeal is a total pushover

You're welcome.

I make mistakes all the time, but people seem to find them endearing. Mistakes in this game and not knowing/forgetting stuff actually makes up most of its charm imo

Should I just restart if I get Train? The thing looks like a total fucking chore I dont want to deal with, but the positive side is actually nice

>Get Shy Look Today early
This thing is fucking annoying

Attached: ShyLookTodayCloseUp.png (341x186, 95K)

>watching someone play the game
>Malkuth meltdown
>he doesn't notice that everyone is doing the wrong work down until almost the end of the meltdown
>when he finds out, he blames it on the painting he recently got

>someone saved my image
i had worried that such things wouldn't be appreciated because of the reliance on blind runs to deliver like 80% of the entertainment value
I can tell you some brief advice about the Ordeals, because those tend to fuck people up good the first few times
>Green Ordeal
Green Ordeals are the most combat oriented of the colors, which deliver robots meant to fuck your shit up. Green Dawn can be kited easily because they're slow, but you'll have to bite the bullet and fight once you reach Noon and Dusk, because that's when the machine guns and buzz saws come into play. Gather everyone up for a fight and bring your best Red resistant gear
Amber is like Green but instead of robots it's bugs, and they're fast things. Dawn you can avoid and ignore, but you'll want to deal with Dusk and especially Midnight.
This one you absolutely cannot ignore, because these little clowns are designed to cause containment breaches, and they do not leave until they're dead. They're pretty weak in the DPS department, but you want to snuff them out as soon as possible. Also they might multiply when killed, so be wary.
These things are kind of like a slower Crimson, but they got the DPS to make up for their slower speed when it comes to causing a containment breach. Get ready to stomp their Dawn worms out fast before they explode. Before Noon comes, evacuate the departments, you'll know why later. If you get Violet Midnight then RIP you, I guess.
There's only one of these and they're either Noon or Dusk, I forgot, but it's like fighting a bunch of smaller Green Dawns, but instead of 4-6 robots it's like 12-16 Borderlands looking enemies that deal heavy Black Damage. Fortify all your employees in one spot and take them out one by one, or you'll be swarmed.

Attached: 1304125493763.png (480x361, 156K)

>ez way to level up workers

is the translation fixed yet, that's what's kept me from playing this game that looks otherwise decent.

I just this minute had one spawn next to an elevator and squish everyone; didn't think it affected multiple rooms like that.

Attached: Elevators arent safe.png (629x445, 279K)

>when you play this right after Kancolle

>Why is Malkuths ass so pinchable?
The filter.

It's really not worth it. You will inevitably forget to get a ticket and have multiple people killed. Especially frustrating when doing a long mission or core suppression. Just memory repository it.


Attached: ExpressTraintoHellTicket.png (502x320, 270K)

Attached: -1 Qliphoth Counter has been deposited in your account.png (340x340, 132K)

HOW do I get people promoted. They're all doing a good job and I get tons of LOB

>mem repo
How does it work actually? Just did it and lost a few other abnormalities with it, and my employees to

If I go back a couple days, will my abnormality choices be the same?

More or less fine. There's some typos, which can be amusing, like employees drinking bear. There's only one abnormality's tips and shit that completely confused me, crumbling armor is full Engrish Other than that, seems fine.

Raise up their lower stats


I wish there were more indigo ordeals. When I first saw noon I though it wouldn't be the only one and the rest would be related to the wings or the city or something, but nooo!
Also I don't get why people think violet midnight is that bad, when I was doing the supression mission for one of those I couldn't tackle amber or green but I didn't lose anyone during violet, though that was quite a long ago and I never had to do a midnight ordeal ever again since then.

Attached: DeMQ-QRWAAEeicZ.jpg (640x914, 128K)

Every 5 days (1,6,11,etc) the game makes a checkpoint. Returning to memory repository just brings you back to the state of the last checkpoint with all the gear and research you've done before pressing it.

you lose everything, including abnormalities, new employees/dead ones/new gifts on them. you keep mission progress, extracted ego

Just bought, any tips anons?

Attached: 1543827988910.jpg (400x370, 30K)

Don't be upset if you have to restart a day.

Plague Doctor is best doctor. I no longer trust in anything else, for he will guide me.

Always keep your eye on Schadenfreude

>Plague Doc's class is Zayin
>but in Red text

Attached: 1542836620418.jpg (477x724, 117K)

Don't feel bad if you lose a day or a few days. Restarts aren't a rare thing.


It's only annoying if you have multiple things like judgement bird where you can only assign workers at certain times. Early on it's great because you can level any stat pretty easily.

At specific amounts a stat will increase, e.g. I think 25 or 30, 45, 65 and 85. I tried to keep people close to levelling so they could all be promoted at once to hit the criteria.
If the selection text sounds scary then it's probably harmless! I think the record was an Aleph class on day 3 someone posted so it's possible to have to restart within the first 20 minutes of playing.


You have received a voice mail


The note and the yes/no machine are really good.


Whose the cutest abnormality

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you built.

little birb

>paid shilling is a tried and true tactic

Based on what evidence? Someone saying "shill" all the time until someone just caves in and agrees?

I'm going to start playing this tomorrow, so I just know that these threads will be gone by then. Fuck you guys in advance if it happens, thank you and good night.

Attached: Heartfelt girl.gif (317x508, 1.88M)

It's the best time to play Lobocorp if you want to play with threads, the past 2 weeks have had daily threads. If there'a no thread tomorrow by this time I'll make one.

Is there a way to just tell an employee to wait on your signal before going in or do you have to cancel, retry, cancel, retry, cancel, retry until you get the timing right?

Honestly that has worked with me a few times, maybe it's because I'm a brainlet but when there is heavy shilling I want to know how shit a game truly is that they need to do shilling, and to avoid them from taking my money I just pirate.

I want to say queen of hatred but I do love me some frilly girls so

What is this thing? It's adorable

I think canceling and retry is the only way, I don't think you can make them wait for at a specific spot in a room.

have them chill in the hallway

can i get a jojo crossing street meme here please.

Attached: 472.jpg (1024x3136, 712K)

Oh no. Try not to feel too good.

Make them stand in the hallway until a good face appears.

No shading this time since I gotta go now, I'll draw Child of the Galaxy later and drop it in some future thread.

Attached: tfw a clerk spreads melting love's infection AGAIN.png (594x709, 108K)

The apple.

Can skills decay?

Thanks, user.


>Honestly that has worked with me a few times, maybe it's because I'm a brainlet but when there is heavy shilling I want to know how shit a game truly is that they need to do shilling, and to avoid them from taking my money I just pirate.

You did not answer my question.

Where is the evidence that game developers, Indie or AAA, are here on the ass end of the internet trying to get us to buy games?

Or you could just admit that there is no shilling and it's just a tactic assholes use to dissuade anons from having positive conversations about upcoming games.

I just noticed that one of my characters had their justice go from 3 to 2. No idea why. I'm pretty sure I've seen it before too.

it calculates it weirdly with ego gifts for some reason

I bought the game a good while ago but didn't touch it. This last week I saw a thread and a Youtube video called "Lobotomeme" with 156k views and got back into it after seeing the mayhem going on.
I liked when things like the red shoes had specific targets, e.g. optimistic traits get killed by some things, females on the insanity shoes or so on; but there are still some effects such as too long of a task speed that also can cause incidents to occur.

Found an interesting bug. If you accidentally touch THE BUTTON, but have collected all the energy and then end the day you'll keep all of your agents alive, but lose all the equipment they had on them.

This but with mercenary and wolf

Interviews with employees and former employees.


Forgot where its mentioned but went into detail about if people were going to talk to the community, they were to do it on desginated, incognito accounts because the community tends to react negatively no matter what is said. Although that was just one reason for the accounts.

It calculates the level from the base stats, so reducing them with a gift reduces the level, potentially.

Why would you end the day after pressing it?

Attached: skw39.jpg (1600x900, 162K)

I see that, but here's the catch, it assumes they would go for more "reasonable" places like Facebook, or Twitter.

If I were a Marketer at EA, I would ask why would anyone try at Yea Forums? It's like trying to go fishing off the coast of Somalia.

The end if day screen shows their actual, base stat. When you look at them during the day, they'll be higher due to ego gifts and other things that buff them, like department bonuses

>Where is the evidence that game developers, Indie or AAA, are here on the ass end of the internet trying to get us to buy games?
Confessions from faggots being paid here, admissions by former employees elsewhere, and overly positive spam from the OP, and other things non-autistic people notice.

>reddit spacing
Fuck off with that gay shit, space it out


You fucking retard

>marag ama lilith rimok samalo naamah
now give me cummies

cute! CUTE!

Devs can't even afford a well done English translation, but you think they can afford a shill team for 4channel?

It's still not a good excuse from shutting out those threads. I mean have you considered that some people are excited for certain upcoming games, or games already out that get barely talked about? No, it's all just "shill shill shill" until the threads dies, then make another thread to attempt to TORTanic it. Plus saying you're going to pirate something isn't really as cool sounding as it used to be, so that just kinda annoys me to be honest.

>level 2 qlipoth meltdown
>Old Lady and Little Helper, easy
>Nothing There suddenly breaks out for no reason I can discern

Attached: ....gif (171x172, 962K)


Nah, this game doesn't have shills, devs have moved on to LoR and honestly it just stands here in Yea Forums because it's a genuinely good game, with things to offer for both the gameplay crowd, the lorefags like me, and the waifufags.

He asked for
>How do you notice these things
Obviously there are going to be faggots saying threads like these are also paid promotion, which they probably aren't, should've said that.

Again, he asked generally, not specifically to this game.

Its a neat game but I'm too lazy and prefer just reading SCP articles
bump over shit drama threads

Good thing I'm a lore/waifufag who loves the game


Curiosity and retardation.

all i could find was this

Attached: 222a1.png (1229x1149, 2M)

Man, these trailers were so edgy

Can I ignore Porccubus? Theres no way I can kill it but its chilling. Wiki says it doesnt move.

Im noticing the threads are slowly gathering ire from the board. Can’t people talk about vidya in relative peace

Attached: 0F230E21-DB69-435F-B41E-699DC25CFCCD.jpg (1024x780, 47K)

No fun or games allowed in Yea Forums

Attached: hod.gif (437x415, 271K)

Just move to /vg/ LOL or filter out "shill"

>move to /vg/
>threads die after a month because everyone will get tired of it like last time
>stay on Yea Forums
>get called a general and told to leave even though this thread is one of the few threads on the board that actually discusses games

if there's one thing I noticed, its that /vg/ kills games discussion on Yea Forums everyday

This is the future of any thread that isn't somehow related to ecelebs, nintendo and sony

Attached: 1553435008708.gif (600x446, 3.14M)

Aren't they always the cutest when they're a bit retarded?

>not to mention that people started to call even aaa thread shill
You mean back when the original borderlands was coming out and the same threads were constantly being made with the same images?


She's just shy

Attached: Spin.png (1536x1536, 823K)

that means I might still have a chance

Attached: 1556203450746.png (159x149, 44K)

I want to explore the world with Angela!

Attached: Let's swim, manager.jpg (1024x1280, 321K)

>get the "supress 4 different abnormalities" mission
>most of my abnormalities happen to be non-escaping
>have exactly four that can escape but one of them is the red shoes
>guess I'll stall until I have another one that can break out
>get the cleaning robot
>it fucking rapes me when it escapes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Log Horizon - 24 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.44_[2014.03.16_02.38.42].jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Just wait outside the room its in for it to hit a wall and power down, beat it up a bit, and then run away when it wakes up.

thanks for the advice, user. This is a huge help.

>Actually existing
If they are real I'm sure you wouldn't notice them

>day ends
>i can complete it
>Abnormality has escaped- OLOB
What? I don't have an abnormality called OLOB.

you do now

>needed to do Ordeal of Dusk
>Noon time, have no idea what it would do but i put everyone in a elevator shaft for safety reasons
>Obelisk crushes most if not all Clerks
>Army in black breaches
>Big Bird Breaches and causes Blue Star to breach
>Plague Doctor calls my best boi for a kiss

Just another day at the office

Attached: 67889193_p0_master1200.jpg (566x642, 80K)

The only open department I have has 1 sole employee dealing with Snow queen and Beauty, and now I have to choose amongst the fucking train, scarecrow, and the Naked nest. Wew lad

That means how much LOB you'll lose on the results if you end the day before suppressing it.

>We can change ANYTHING!

Attached: 1456297788665.jpg (938x477, 58K)

Sure you could. Get ready for all your employees to get fucking exploded if they go through where it's camping though.

Everything ended up fine, did a green noon ordeal with it sitting there. Would Porccubus kill ordeals? (or any hostile breached abnormality) The machines didn't go near it.

Any breached Abnormality will typically try and fuck up any others that come their way or that they encounter. It's just a thing that they do.

Every single game that isn't a AAA shitposting thread has this same retarded meta argument. It's better to just ignore it.

Using Abnormalities to fuck up the Red Mist is strangely satisfying

The Tutorial is absolutely garbage. Can someone give me a tl;dr of the basics that isn't convoluted broken english?

>did this yesterday
>have silent orchestra
>game stuck at x1 speed the whole time
It took an hour and a half, but she's dead and I didn't have to hit her once.

How many employees died?

Only used 1 throwaway employee per department. So, 8 deaths while one survived in the shelter.

why is this game just now getting shilled

Attached: Power Word Go Away.gif (423x234, 1.69M)

Has anyone figured out why suddenly all my anoms start breaking out with zero provocation?
I didn't press the button either.

Did you leave someone in the shelter?

>le shill
It begins.

Some anomalies cause other anomalies to breach containment


People actually talk about video-games on Yea Forums? I better go and make them stop.

Have you forgotten someone inside the Shelter?

In the containment unit, the boxes on the left indicate how well you are doing. more green boxes means you're winning and getting points, red ones means you're failing
On the top left of the containment unit there is a circle with a counter, when this counter reaches 0 the Abnormality will become angry and display anomalous effects. Do not allow this to happen, see each Abnormalities page for more details.
On the top right is a box that displays how many points you have for that Abnormality, you can use those boxes to unlock information and tips, and later on weapons and armor that the Abnormality can produce.

As for the Hud, the top left shows off how close you are to an Ordeal or a Qliphoth Meltdown, the former of which spawns enemies of escalating difficulty the longer the game goes on, the latter will target random containment units to begin a meltdown. Units with a Meltdown in progress will have a red timer that gives you 1 minute to reach them, if you don't send someone there in time the counter will automatically hit 0 and make the Abnormality angry.
On the bottom of the screen are bullets that can shield, heal, or kill your workers. You unlock these later. The bottom left is your time control settings, which freeze or speed up the game as you so desire. Finally you have the Rabbit Team, when you unlock them you can push the big orange button and summon the best units possible to destroy absolutely everything: monsters, your workers, everything, so you gotta evacuate the department before calling this in. Also it costs 25% of your total energy and can only be done once, so use it wisely

Attached: reused.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

I'm just asking a question

If either breach just restart.

First you come in here calling us shills for talking about a game and now you want us to spoonfeed you the answer to a question that's been answered literally more than once in the thread
go back to your smash shit already

Some anoms break out if you have them in/out of your site. That along with anoms that like to breach when others breach might be causing your problem.

forgive me o virginal one for not wanting to read a nearly maxed out thread

People enjoy the game, so they talk about it. Do they really need more reasons?

don't be hostile user, he's just curious is all
Besides, it's the end of the thread.

Do you ever get the ability to move Abnormalities to different containers?

sadly no, the closest there is is an Abnormality that randomly switches places with another every day

No, but a certain doctor can change them for you

The Button sometimes does it for you. You don't get to chose where they go though.

I'm a dummy and can't deal with Army of Pink. He's the first """""aleph"""" I've gotten so far and seems to always breach and panic my dudes. Not sure if I should invest more in combat stats or just keep resetting until I get a day where he doesn't go apeshit

>close to maxing out 3:00 for the Shelter
>at the same time, 1 work away from activating Red Noon
>got someone stationed outside of OneSin so I can run in and get that SP boost
>completely forget about the Shelter the entire time and panicking over literally everything escaping as well as the clowns stealing all my Eboxes away and breaching my shit too

Attached: AAAAAAAAA.png (493x402, 3K)

His Counter goes down if 5 people die, that includes the Clerks. If he breaches, get everyone to a hallway or elevator shaft that isn't in the way to the central department room because he is gonna go there to nuke it with black damage

Attached: Drink.jpg (600x851, 194K)

So did the devs ever fix that button that caused Sinvicta to rage quit the game or is the button still a big FU to new players who know nothing about it and don't want to look up stuff about the game ahead of time?

>button says don't touch it
>they touch it
They brought it upon themselves

Still exists, still does the same thing. Though honestly I'm surprised he didn't mess with it the moment he got it. Or maybe he did and I don't remember jack shit about what happened.

Attached: 1527472184930.gif (640x512, 60K)

i've watched like 2 eps of Sinvictas stuff but i got no idea what you're talking about

Attached: corvid1.jpg (634x635, 181K)

Is there a UI option to view the stats of all my employees at once? Sometimes during a fight it gets hard to keep track of who is low on health/SP when it's like 20 dudes on top of each other

>using the button incorrectly

I don't think so. The UI is probably the worst part of the game

Attached: Resting.jpg (1104x792, 420K)

You can scroll through the departments and see the various employees when clicking on an abnormality you're suppressing.

just don't ever touch it in-game, on loadouts it's fine and doesn't wipe ego equips.

>abnormality says Don't Touch Me
>touches it
stupid fucking e-celeb

When it nukes, it also causes the qliphoth counters for every abnormality in that section to drop by 1, so get ready for that as well.

I don't know who that is but if he encountered Don't Touch mid game and not early game he should know to not trust the blurb of text that's under it. Or under ANY abnormality.
I learned my lesson with We Can Change Anything.
>on loadouts it's fine
No, it cracks the screen and clicking it 3 times during the loadout screen 'crashes' the game (with no negative repercussion)

How do i into Binah's core suppression