Why doesn't Yea Forums like it?

Why doesn't Yea Forums like it?

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easy to shitpost

The grind to max the Sphere Grid for the platinum ruined the game for me. I can’t see myself actually getting that last trophy so I am doomed to be at 99% and it infuriates me.

No hate the original just hate the remake

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I sort of like it but I always get overwhelmed when reaching the Calm Lands. The game is so linear up until that point and then suddenly I get to Calm Lands and can go grind for ultimate weapons or go get optional aeons or go do battle arena stuff or continue with the story or blah blah. I don't know why but I always just feel drained at that point and stop playing.

The characters suck
The world is gay
It's a giant corridor
Has virtually nothing to do with Final Fantasy
Huge embarrassing marketing campaign
First Zoomer fantasy

I liked my first playthrough but the linearity and general restrictiveness of the game makes it hard to go back to. Most previous FFs also had a linear structure but FFX is practically on-rails most of the time. Also takes a while for the combat to get interesting, the Chocobo Eater is the first threatening boss and that's like a dozen hours into the game.

but it's my favourite ff game

FFX/X-2 was the last game I grinded achievements for. I supposed I should be thankful since going for 100% on games more often than not left me miserable. As for that achievements, I ended up just making a backup save and filling the rest of the slots with MP spheres since they're the easiest to grind out. The second each node takes to activate is some of the most tortuous shit I've ever experienced in a game.

FFX is brilliantly paced up until the Calm Lands. That being said, I've 100% more times than I care to admit, and only a handful of those times did I bother to do all the Calm Land stuff right away.

FFX-2 and the seemingly canon fanfiction story where Tidus dies by kicking a bomb and Sin returning ruined everything

I just do the side area to get Yojimbo then go right back to the storyline.

One note stereotypical characters, horrible voice “acting”, and some of the most cringeworthy moments in the series

Fun gameplay tho

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we don't like it,
we LOVE it


Beach Fantasy X
Horrid aesthetic

Thats x2 retard

Its not seemingly, it literally is a fan fiction
The author based a lot of the story off the fan fiction then accidentally sent the fan fiction he was working on itself to be published rather than what he was working on

Young Yea Forums users were born recently enough to have grown up with 7th gen consoles, meaning they missed out on X's era. They grew up when FF went down the shitter with the XIII games and probably didn't play any of them. They just know the Tidus memes and that VII is hailed as a great classic so they repeat those commonly accepted opinions like the retarded young meme-spouters they are. It's like how 10 years ago Yea Forums was constantly creaming themselves over VI despite never actually playing it. And the rest of the internet did the same thing. Remember all the forum posts and articles about how great a villain Kefka was? Funny how no one talks about him these days.

It wasn't good

are you saying vi isn't good?

I loved it. It was linear but well paced with one of the best settings and soundtracks in the series.

I think it became popular to dislike after the Tidus laughing meme. Although people are welcome to their opinion of disliking the game for other reasons.


It killed the series

Nah X2 is one of the best ff games.

Cuz its a garbage, like all fecal fagtasy gaymz

>Yea Forums is too young to like X
You have it backwards dude.
We're too old to like X
You're trying to shit on underagers when you're actually the underager lol

you really overestimate how old the majority of Yea Forums is

because the protag is a 100% chad and it makes anons uncomfortable. the story is ridiculous but the overall art design and presentation are groundbreaking for its time; it was one of the very first games to tell the entire story with voice actors. it's not a perfect game, but every element is polished and loved. the music is some of the best ever created for a video game. you can't discount where the game has made objective contributions to the industry and how it has influenced the way games tell stories.

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Love the aesthetic but it's very weak compared to most FF games

>it was one of the very first games to tell the entire story with voice actors
By 2001 there had already been a bunch of fully voice acted games that had come out

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In Final Fantasy X, developed by the brilliant minds responsible for such acclaimed hits as Chocobo Racing and James Cameron's Aliens for the MSX computer system, you play Tidus, the light-hearted rapscallion who gives fans the light-hearted protagonists they longed for, who suffers amnesia and childhood paternal angst. Being a youth of a special destiny, Tidus is bequeathed the sacred role of protector and unfettered affection of a a high-ranking and important figure in a completely foreign world based purely on conjecture. Be amazed at the spectacle of wide, breathtaking nautical horizons inspired by all the cruises the Squaresoft staff took with the bankrolls they made from the Playstation 1 games, in a story that spans 6 hours without making any sense before you drop it and get yelled at by nerds on the internet because you didn't "GET" it.

Where is this pasta from?

I love it. It's my favorite game of all time.

I just pretended not to like it.

Without it being my favorite in the series, it's probably the most enjoyable FF experience I've had.

>implying v right now was old enough to know how pc gaming works in 2001

soul vs. soulless

>muh zoomers
today's 19 year olds were 1 year old when this game came out. They weren't playing it.
>it's a giant corridor
no FF game before it is nonlinear. they all use area gating to determine which order you can do things in. FFX is just more honest about it.

not even a PC exclusive thing

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