Dark Souls 2 bosses....SOUL
Dark Souls 2 bosses....SOUL
Other urls found in this thread:
I love darksouls 2 for stuff like this. My favourite was the alternate way to kill the chariot horse boss
>Yea Forums suddenly likes B-team Souls
What went right?
Dark Souls 2....SHIT!
>alternate way to kill the chariot horse boss
Soulsborne is shit
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
>cinematic "gameplay"
and the most important
you are shit
>Using faggot tactics.
All the games are shit in their own way but for some reason it's illegal to like 2
Reminder that Yea Forums was really into Dark Souls 2 the first year or two it came out. Then suddenly all these faggot zoomers came nitpicking every little thing about it
>"Waaah the orientation of the geography doesn't make sense!"
matthewmatosis's video mostly started the shit flinging
Is this what you tell yourself before going to sleep?
>Reminder that Yea Forums was really into Dark Souls 2 then some autistic eceleb released a shitty """""""critique""""""" video
>Souls fan
>Dark Souls 2 fan
>Calling anyone else zoomer
Soulsborne is shit
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
Bullshit, people were shitting on the hitboxes and the nonsensical world design at release. And that was around the time webms were introduced so there was a ton of shitflinging over clips of bad hitboxes.
Peddle your revisionism elsewhere newfag.
>"Waaah the orientation of the geography doesn't make sense!"
Is this not an issue the game has?
If you lowered his hp without dropping the gate he would eventually struggle and you could just kick him down the pit
shockwaves memeposting started within one day of release
Reminder that Yea Forums is perennially contrarian and will call shit good and good shit just to be different
>counting contrarianfags who shit on it solely because it was a Dark Souls sequel
Yea Forums loves ds2 though
>t-they don't count!
You're stretching the definition of "contrarian" considering there were a ton of people posting about it. If anything the shockwavefags were the contrarians.
SoTFS is pure fucking garbage, look at this retarded enemy placement DURR JUST THROW 20 ENEMIES AT THE PLAYER HAHA PREPARE TO DIE!!
Sure had that in spades.
haha it's funny because it's Dark Souls 3 but haha those random wolves have better AI than any enemy in Dark Souls 2
Humans were really into sticking leeches to themselves when they got sick too before they discovered modern medicine, you dickless fiend.
You're allowed to think something is good/works when it's all you have at the time and then realise how garbage it was when you get something better.
That’s darksouls 3. I dont get why you would slate enemy placement when dark souls 2 was perfect at it, though i preferred the vanilla version
this game is pure garbage
im glad i never bought it and just went with pirating
people was hyped as fuck before release thanks to the network test and Bamco shilling on facebook, then the game released and it was downgraded to hell and everyone immediately started shitting on it, get your facts straight faggot
>Yea Forums hates 2, the one that gets shit on by ecelebs
>Yea Forums likes 3, the one with pretty graphics and is easier
>You were a faggot 10 years ago
>5 years ago you were still a faggot
>1 year ago you continued to be a faggot
>lat month you were also a faggot
>last week you were a turbo faggot
>today you're a huge faggot
>and in your future you will continue to be a faggot
>greatsword faggot
Opinion of 2 soured pretty quickly though.
i have more hours in ds2 against the other souls games. its a good game.
>he hasn't taken the scholar pill
dark souls 2 is the best dark souls
Are you having a stroke
Unironically this but the 10 small wolves you fight at once in AoA are one shot cannon fodder like the horde of hollows like in the room with the channaler just before gargoyles in DS1. DS2 throws multiple non-connon fodder enemies at you at once in small areas just to inject trivial "difficulty" into the game, which is completely subverted when you learn the AI is beyond shit and they can be kited like disabled kids into traffic
lmao, it's always the dex fags that are complaining about facing too many enemies at the same time
I swear to god this edits keep getting better and better
There were always enough people here that discussed DaS2 without calling it the worst game ever made in every post.
Shitposting parrots that take Yea Forums's most memed sentiments as the one true opinion one must have, have lost interest so you can talk normaly about the game again.
Happens with every single game on here.
No Mans Wharf ruins the game for me honestly.
oh yea, please give me more wojak edits in the year 2019
Then its a good thing you can skip that area entirely
Shut up, freak.
Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck. Dark Souls 2 is the hipster's choice.
if this boss was in demon's souls people would praise it
sorry i never liked 2 or 3
>get banned from ALL ONLINE FEATURES because the servers think you're using someone else's save because you played on two different machines
gee good job namco
true and they would be wrong to do so
Show me more webms
I actually didn't like Dark Souls 2 after two hours or so of playing it, just wasn't for me. I really liked the first one, but the second really threw me off. THere were so many little things they changed, but all these little things combined make for a more frustrating experience overall.
One thing that really fucked me was how excessivelly punishing the game was at times, with some enemies placed right next to bonfires, or how estus recovers very slowly, emaning using it during bosses is unecessarily dangerous because you're open for an attack, and it won't fill your health fast enough to at least tank the hit like in the previous game, you just die, because your helthy item didn't heal you fast enough.
They already had those little stones that do the same thing, why apply the same attributes to the estus?
the difference is that those wolves have low damage, hp and poise. did you complain about getting swarmed by broken straight sword hollows in DS1?
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
Dark Souls 2 was the last straw for me to never preorder a game again. It was shit at release and it's still shit now
Is this what terminal autism looks like?
it's been a shitshow since the beginning
fucking KEK
why would somebody copy natthelich like this
That boss was in Demon's Souls and gets most of the complaints. He's called Dragon God
So much soul...
I can't believe how much soul dark souls bosses have
>for a 2010 game
ummm, that's gonna be a "yikes" from me buddy
>it goes back 3 years
Ok real talk. Why do ds2fags need to feel validated every thread? Ok you like ds2, most people don't, get over it.
I mean, they're piss easy bosses anyone should be able to beat first try
Quick reminder that DaS having some rough patches doesn't make DaS2 good.
It's almost comical how the only defense of you niggers is always either
>b-but DaS wasn't perfect
>b-but look at these things DaS3 did wrong
Absolutely pathetic and speaks volumes of your favourite game, seeing how you can hardly bring up any good points about it
Actual, genuine autism
>another DaS2 thread
Ok, which tranny did the game piss off?
Meanwhile your argument is
>Dark souls 2 is bad because its too hard! Way too many enemies! You cant infinitely roll with massive i-frames! Stamina management is too hard!
Yeah absolutely pathetic
post where those arguments were made in this thread
Souls threads before "Dark Souls 2 Critique"
>people actually enjoying the games
>friendly, players giving advice to each other
>plenty of original content
>interensting lore discussions
Souls threads after "Dark Souls 2 Critique"
>this game is shit
>no, this game is shit
>these games were never good to begin with
Reminder that actual professional game critics enjoyed DS2 the most out of the trilogy, only austistic virgin nerds that populate this board have an issue with it.
As someone who enjoys fist weapons and dual wielding shields, its probably the best in the series for both of those. Only reason I don't think its the worst of the series.
Because each game caters to specific crowd, each one is good enough to generate hardcore fans and mega autists. It happens with franchises, when they invariably get larger.
>you don't like DaS2 because it's hard
Oh yeah, I forgot about that popular defense. You're a joke and so is DaS2
>a good amount of bosses are just gank bosses that they decided to throw 3 or more in a room just to artificially increase the difficulty
>motherfucking soul memory
>basically have to hack shit to be able to consistently pvp since soul memory exists
BB OH >>> DeS => DaS > BB >>>> Nostalgiafest DaS3 > Boring ass DaS2
1 > 3 > 2
they die in two hits
Why are you separating DLC from main game? That's autistic as fuck my nigger.
you forgot picrel
>look at me guys, I totally played Demon's!!1!
he only posted it 306 times, not very impressive
Enjoy you're port... oh wait.
My opinion as someone that started with DeS in 2010
I don't understand Yea Forums reverence to this guy's opinions. Seems like all he does is review increasingly obscure puzzle games.
Kill yourself, delusional 2faggot.
my biggest problem with the game is the gameplay itself. i could not care much about the shit bosses or locations or lack of lightning. but even just controlling the character feels like shit. its extremely unresponsive and feels like im walking in water. hitting someone feels weightless too.
Dark Souls 2 has the best backstab and riposte animations in the entire series, second maybe only to Sekiro
Prove me wrong
>"I fought all three Ruin Sentinels at once because I'm a twat"
>20 skeletons
>3 npcs
>prowling magus
Even the recycled mini-bosses from Sekiro had more soul than DS2.
nah I didn't like it even before that. When I fell off a cliff in the tutorial area and got the trophy "welcome to dark souls" I knew this game was going to be ass. Didn't help that 5 minutes later the old ladies tell you "you're gonna lose your souls over and over and over again HEEHEEHEEEEEEE WE ARE SO SELF AWAAARE!" Not to mention it just feels like shit to play in general. Like my character is running through molasses and weapons speed and weight is all over the place. The only thing it kinda did right was bone fists and that took 3 DLCs to get.
Another revisionist DS2faggot who screeches about youtube videos to cope with the fact that his game was always shit
>but muh video!!!!!!!!
This game was ridiculed even before that you fucking idiot, stop scapegoating.
>This game was ridiculed even before that you fucking idiot, stop scapegoating.
People where already suspicious about it way before release when they showed some post-downgrade bullshots.
Man, I didn't know the PS2 could handle such nice looking foliage. What game?
>dark souls 2 didn't have problems until Dark Souls 2 Critique
Das2 was a good game on its own, but easily the weakest souls game
>Das2 was a good game on its own
Even if you look at this game in a vacuum, it'/s fucking shit. Fuck off.
>making excuses for shitty gimmick bosses
Everytime but it's more fun how ds2fags defend this shitty game while everybody laughs at them.
there are a few good moments
but overall you're right it is a huge step down in quality from Dark Souls
No you fucking lier we always hated dark souls 2 but you redditfags invaded us like the tapeworms you are with your shitty taste.
Finding Vendrick roaming the catacombs under the castle was cool, but that was about it. And it didn't redeem the game. 2 was 99% shit.
Who're you calling Reddit
why was Vendrick so big anyway?
Pursuer is genuinely great though. His fight feels like a proper duel for a low level character.
It's one of the many issues with this fucking game. He's too big for the castle, there's no logical way for him to fit in it. I tried telling myself that "maybe he got bigger after going to the catacombs lmao" but I knew it was stupid. The devs probably just fucked up.
>When your game is so bad you retcon real life
How about the other forty five times you fight him in scholar?
More like why was Gwyn such a manlet
He took off the mask
>You will never play Bloodborne for the first time again
A fucking masterpiece.
this is actually tough to pull off though
I didn't fall for scholar meme
>ywn play TOH for the first time again
it's been 3 years bros
>maybe he got bigger after going to the catacombs lmao
Even then, you'd have to wonder why his throne was so big and why all the mirrors are hanging so high.
Nothing about Drangleic makes any sense, it's easier to just call it bad design.
what about it? I thought it was pretty cool how he'd swoop in from no where
Hell, the thing even has next to no windows.
BB has to have a sequel, it just has
Merely shockwaves
If you can't understand the difference between that scenario and this scenario you are literally too unintelligent to be discussing either game in any capacity.
I had something like shit happen in Scholar. God damn I can't believe people defend this shit.
You mean four times in the lost Bastille and nowhere else?
*Equips UGS*
how to beat ds2 in 2 simple steps
So this... is the power... of the Dark Souls 2 fan base...
Dark Souls 2 is janky as fuck but one thing it does not lack is soul.
After playing 3 I wanted to say 2 is better. But I recently started playing Sotfs and it is pretty bad even the bosses I remembered being difficult like Pursuer and Lost Sinner are shit. You can literally walk to the right of Pursuer and not get touched save for like 2 attacks you have to remember to dodge. Also enemy spam on runbacks is atrocious.
Really? All I remember are the leaks exposing the graphical downgrade and shockwaves / dragon fart webms.
You know Felicia you're not really that smart
Pursuer just blew away 2 seconds of time and all that remains is what happened after those 2 seconds
It's not that hard to kill all those dudes.
>miyazaki becomes preaident
>first new game under his leadership has shota walking barefoot everywhere. making cute sneezes and fawning over the character when heard behind walls
wtf did they mean by this
>deflecting to DS3 immediately
>With lance
>loved DS1
>loved Sekiro
>dropped DS2 after Iron Keep and forgot to pick it up again
>Doggos can be killed FAST to avoid them howling
>Howl has a defined AOE first pack will call about 5-6 extra doggos teaching you how the mecahnics work without fucking you over
>Doggos die quick but have a pack AI that will make you aproach them differently
Meanwhile Ds2
>9 dudes in armor with 300 poise and one big dude in armor with 500 poise and 6k with braindead AI that moves and acts like all the other 150 dudes in armor you've already killed
>DaS2 knights in armor don't even step to turn, they just spin around on an invisible circle
Truly a shit game
I can't beleive there are actuallly people who complain about being "ganked by enimies" in ds2
It's such a piss easy game and It's very very lenient on what you can do.
Try playing a real game like ninja gaiden if you want to know what ganking means
I'll gank your asshole, pretty boy
*backstabs you with a whip*
i haven't played through ds2 since 2013 and i'm feeling kind of nostalgic for it. should i get sofn for cheap or just play the original?
There has never been a good game before in gamings entire history. Sad!
>summon felicia
>she aggros a distant enemy and falls in the water
Just play a good game instead
ok give me a game then
now this is Yea Forums
retard genichiro is too big for any castle doorway yet you say nothing?
bosses are big for gameplay consideration. grow up and have sex
Jackie Chan
Even the hackers are more soulful than ds3
SOTFS is an improvement on the original
I've always liked Dark Souls 2 for the co-op and sheer amount of weapons. Every build is viable in PvP and PvE
Same, got SotFS and going through it now, feels comfy
>mfw making Dragon Rider fall off with the music instantly cutting off
Never gets old
>F:NV=DSII=Temple of Doom
its not really about the amount of enemies its just that the encounter design in DS2 is poorly designed in general, enemies that have big health pools and high poise instead of interesting AI or weird abilities, DS3 did this really well with enemies like the Jailers lowering your Max HP and the fat ladies with their homing magic.
Ds2 had potential and good ideas like the Pursuer and the Shadows in shaded woods but its so harmstrung by stupid shit because "DURR GAME HAS TO BE HARD" and you can see this shit the most in the DLC areas, enemy ideas that could've been good but they're overused and become samey and repetitive because they have too much HP, poise and are copy-pasted in the most lazy way possible
>try playing a game like NG if you want to know what ganking is
Lol Ryu is so much more maneuverable than clunky ass Cursed Undead this is a terrible comparison. Enemies in NG are difficult even on their own, DaS2 enemies are only difficult in groups which is why they are always in groups.
Are you fucking stupid? Genichiro is the same size as Wolf. Why the hell are you even bringing up Sekiro, anyway? Are you DS2fags incapable of taking criticism without randomly lashing out at other games? Hell, you idiots even randomly bring up movies when people call DS2 shit. The funny part is that I'm gong to assume you mean Isshin and not Genichiro, and Isshin is big, but he isn't Vendrick tier big. Him being able to move around the Ashina castle seems plausible despite his size. Vendrick is actually too big for Drangleic Castle.
>the boss is big for gameplay purposes
Explain his fucking Throne being massive, then.
I have taught him well
new vegas and temple of doom are good
Based Nioh player.
He's baiting you retard he ended his post with "grow up and have sex" because it makes him mad when people say that to him. It's like trolls that say "u mad" and you say "no u" and all of a sudden they say "what I'm not mad u r mad fag lol". The fact is they're always mad. user you replied to is probably mad because DaS2 was his first one and he loved it for that reason only for everyone else to tell him he's a pleb with shit taste.
More like Dark SouLESS 2
In this thread we list things that make Dark Souls 2 the best Souls game. I'll start:
>Non-linear 1st half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas that contain the items for your build
>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to drink while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regen is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not OP damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits can't drink estus, spirits can only heal via spell usage. This makes fighting outnumbered without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform 4 rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allows for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocks an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in DS3
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Most build variety, effectively pull off any build you want
>Best replayability, customization, and fashion in the series
>Yea Forums suddenly likes B-team Souls
>things that never happened
eat my shit ds2 cuck
SEETHING DaS2 fags lol
He was originally supposed to attack you randomly until you beat him in a boss fight but for some reason they made him one of the first bosses in the game
If you didn't laugh at that you're taking video games way too seriously
I don'T get it.
It looks like they had to retexture half of the game in addition to applying the half-life 2 overbright lightning
>>without grinding through the game again
So you admit DaS2 is a grind to play
DS2 was a fun game. Replayed it many times. You fags are just dumb cynical bitches who nitpick everything.
If you play the game it's meant to be played (NG no death/no bonfires) it is second only to DS1.
>>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous
>>>Phantoms and Dark Spirits can't drink estus
Are you going to ignore the 10 other healing methods in the game that don't require stopping to heal and aren't Estus?
>>Can only perform 4 rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
This is an absolute lie, you can do 5 consecutive attacks with a lance in this game before running out of Stamina.
Kill yourself dumb ass.
SOTFS is soulless shit. Original DaS2 is better.
Because by the time you would have actually had to fight him as a full boss you would have his moveset down and beat him first try. It was a shit idea from the get go, if they could design good bosses it would have worked but it is B-team after all.
have sex
Why did they get rid of so many great armor sets from 1
Seething DS3 fags getting put into place by DS2 chads ONCE AGAIN. These threads just don't get old.
What you played were the alpha versions of the levels that they "polished" since not only did they had to remove the lighting, they also had to roll back the levels to an earlier version to make it run at all.
That's why a lot of stuff in the final game is in an absolutely embarrassing and unfinished state compared to even the pre-release trailers.
Fuck I just want Fluted armor and BBS from DeS.
Things that never happened - the post.
what is the second "ask for the webm" with the hollow warrior?
Bull-fucking-shit. Year or two? Try day or two, a week at most.
It would've kinda worked if his powered up mode was his real boss fight so you would've been caught off-guard.
whyare they so pink
The Falconers have broken running animations that they never bothered to fix even in SotFS.
It's probably the reason why they slapped them into NG+ in vanilla DS2 like so many other unfinished/not fully realised things like the early cameo of the spider boss.
I can do this for every Souls game.
DS2 bros. I was thinking of playing a int build with self-help magic only.
What's a fun weapon to use?
Moonlight GS might be cool, but that NG+ (ascetic) freya is a bit long to gun for instantly.
I'm going to assume the second "ask for webm is the terrible running animation, but what's what first one under the salamander?
Do it, then. You won't get the same, or as much, shit as with DS2.
Them rotating on the spot with no animations.
>the early cameo of the spider boss.
not the ds2 hating fag, but could you do one for DeS?
It'd be nice to see others opinions nowadays
dark souls 2 launched as half finished broken garbage and Yea Forums rightfully called from out on it. it was only years later than the scholar of the first sin RERELEASE happened to fix the majority of the complaints and then a bunch of gamejewnose's decided to 'prove the haters wrong' by addressing people's points from launch while using sotfs version. That hfagbombertwat led the charge, literally using other people's years old videos to point out how wrong they were and hipster dipshits who never played the game at launch at it up. Frankly it doesnt matter if scholars fixed everything, the fact that those japanese kikes decided to re-sell us a game we already bought is reason enough to not ever give it a second chance nor forgive them for the launch issues.
>Do it, then. You won't get the same, or as much, shit as with DS2.
That reminds me:
Anyone got the large collage of DS3 nonsense with tons of lore/gameplay discrepancies like the Watcher armor having shit for dark resistance?
yeah right
fuck off ds2 cuck
In NG+ the spider boss in Tseldora attacks you early on but crawls away after a while.
Given that it only happens in NG+ and is pretty much the only boss having such a fight outside of the Pursuer it honestly feels like there was supposed to be a lot more of these events through the game but only that one was sorta finished and put into NG+ to make it look more special.
>lore and gameplay discrepancies is the same as bad level design, ugly graphics, downgrades, terrible animations, and reused assets
>when it's time to dilate but you're running late
>the Watcher armor having shit for dark resistance
that makes sense though given that they're already corrupted by the dark when you find them, that's why they're fighting each other
Honestly, the fact that DS2 did that stuff for NG+ specifically is the one good thing about it.
oh dios mio what the fuck how have the entirety of FROM not committed seppuku
I unironically agree. Haven't gotten further than 30% in any From game, and I've played em all. Haven't gotten stuck once, just haven't seen any reason to launch the game and play more. They are boring and bland.
Actually everyone was complaining about it, myself included to all my friends, at how mediocre it felt compared to 1.
Ive seen this Pasta before. Add something new to it
>If it looks kind of similar to something else, that means it's a reused asset
please stop butchering this term, thanks.
He started off by making a slew of retrospectives on classic games like Zelda alongside critiques of modern AAA games. Now he's too pretentious to make videos on games anyone has played.
It's a reused asset you fucking sperg, slightly editing the externals of the model and changing colours and textures doesn't mean it's a new model.
Fucking mongoloid.
>ruin sentinels
>royal rat authority
>whatever the horde of rats is called
>literally just gargoyles again
remind me if I've forgotten any, I haven't beaten the game since it released.
They just took quelaag's human half and stuck it on a scorpion.
Based user.
Gib BBS pls
It was only ever tolerated since it was pretty much the only other Souls game people could play at the time of it's release
wait what the fuck you can kill it without standing in the corner and shooting magic/arrows?????
those lizards and the falkoners are the jankiest enemies in the entire game, even in sotfs.
Even if it was made by the B-Team, I've enjoyed it as a magician
dab no ds2lets itt
DS2 is so ugly
Dark Souls 2 release was the last comfy release times the Souls community enjoyed. Every time From puts out a game nowadays it's full of shitposting, Bloodborne, the best game, was a mess with people yelling sickdark at every turn, and even Sekiro which is also great had nonstop shitposting before people even got to play the game at all and then shitposting about its difficulty. Dark Souls 2 was the last time the Souls community here was truly excited for a game and enjoyed talking about it and discussing it even through the awful issues the game launched with. There were a lot of cool events in /dsg/ too, I remember all those times very fondly. The community is probably why I spent so much time playing this otherwise mediocre Souls game, though the final PvP is indeed my favorite PvP in the series so I still play it from time to time. Shame not many good players are left.
>Dark Souls 2 release was the last comfy release times the Souls community enjoyed
>dark souls 2
I don't mean there was no "negativity". There's nothing wrong with criticism and negativity in the first place. But it was comfy, and it felt like people were discussing stuff or just having fun at the game's retarded issues instead of shitposting buzzwords.
It was.
On release day, nobody knew the game was bad yet. We were all just super happy to have a sequel to a great game.
>And that was around the time webms were introduced
like 50% of unique webms for the first 3 months were DaS2
if all the demons were born of the Chaos Flame and have correlations to fire why is one of them a frog that sits in a pond all day
>muh release day Yea Forumseddit discussions wuz okay! im only looking at that not the fact that the series got butchered by a colossal failure of a game
Doing this was actually pretty hard. The boss would almost never position himself for you to be able to hit him. You had to follow some online-strat in order to do it properly
I'm not sure. All of these funny bugs gave the game so much soul. Playing with friends on release day was just a huge blast finding all the jank and shit.
>colossal failure of a game
>3 DLCs
>still active community
Something tells me you weren't browsing Yea Forums when DaSII came out
The boss has multiple attacks where it just sits around doing nothing, and the ballitsa shots stun it. This isn't hard at all. All you need to do is proper positioning so what when the pursuer does is tard charge, you can just run straight to the ballistics and kill it.
>active community
kek delusional ds2 troglodyte
Literally just parry him
something tells me you are a sperg who thinks "comfyness" is how people discuss your favourite fiddly diddly on an indian semiconductor manufacturing board and use retarded reddit buzzwords like "comfy"
>cherry picking
>massive fisheye lens on a very small-nondescript passage
Dark Souls 2 lore is in a very precarious state of canon. Covetous Demon for example has no relation to the Chaos Flame and has a stupid backstory, yet is supposedly a Demon. But there's way worse underlying issues. The biggest one is that the game presents you the fact that the world is stuck in a cycle, first an Age of Fire, then an Age of Dark, then Fire again, etc. No matter what you do with the First Flame you can't escape the cycle. This is presented as a curse. It's also implied Vendrick's reign was an Age of Dark (Man). Then when Miyazaki comes back and Dark Souls 3 is made, there's a quiet retcon and it turns out the First Flame never truly went out, no full Age of Dark, people always linked it at the last second, and the game's actual plot is that it's going out "for real this time". Then the game lets you let the Flame fade which is the best ending and lo and behold a new one will appear again in the future and this is portrayed as a natural, happy event and also as a twist despite a version of it being the main point of DS2. Dark Souls 2 and 3 really made the Dark Souls lore so muddy.
It's more of a problem with how Dark Souls 3 handled Dark Souls 2 lore, but still. Dark Souls 2 wasn't a very good sequel to begin with, the game feels completely dettached from the first, which was actually pretty nice, except they still shoehorned some terrible fanservice like Old Dragonslayer for which you need delusion-level headcanons to explain.
>cherry picking
That isn't cherrypicking, Dark Souls 2 is just fucking ugly.
laugh at ds2 spergs
that sword felkin uses
I don't hate Dark Souls 2 but you need to admit the game looks like shit. The places that look good are the actual cherrypicking, and those are mostly centered on the DLCs, Shrine of Amana and Dragon Aerie/Shrine. Everywhere else is incredibly ugly.
thank god the shitposter has arrived to tell us what Yea Forums culture is really like
Literally never happend.
you honestly think you should be able to survive a dragon fart?
I've been playing DS2, I have no idea where all the fucking good weapons are. I always play a Dex build and I've heard that isn't feasible in this game, so where can I get an actual fucking two handed sword? I hate these stupid longswords you find all over the place.
The true reason DS2 has so many shitboxes is that the true shitbox is actually the player character's. The roll drops a lingering hitbox behind you and that is why things like this exist. DS2fags will defend this by telling you to raise ADP since the iframes mask this shitbox. There's still some enemies who have terrible hitboxes even if you don't roll but the main hitbox problem in the game is the roll's.
this ugly ass game plays like shit
With all the hackers DaS2 got and the modding surging DaS1 is getting, when are we getting level editors so we can fix DaS2 ourselves
God damn, those are some ugly animations. Is this the power of Dark Souls 2?
Second Sin mod has been out for a while. I didn't like it, but you should take a look. It's on nexus
there isn't a mountain directly behind EP though, only off in the distance
Someone post the rails on the Earthen Peak elevator that leads to Iron Keep. I'm pretty sure those are actually Nintendo 64 textures.
fuck this room
There is no mountain directly behind that structure.
That wasn't even the user that posted the original message. That would be me. Comfy is not a buzzword, people were genuinely excited for this game, then we just laughed together at all the flaws the game had, everyone accepted it was kind of shit as a sequel but Anons still played it and lots of nice events and memories were made regardless of the actual quality of the game. That's comfy, I am sorry user.
Huh, never noticed the shadow before. That's actually pretty cool.
Ice rapier was pretty fun on my mage, since people don't expect the soul spear
I'm sorry but can't relate, I don't care what people post on Yea Forums, I rate good releases by the game themselves because I'm not a mongoloid, you do you though and don't @ me.
I miss times when DS2 all bosses speedruns were popular.
He always smashes my shit before I can manage to hit him with those. I just use him as practice to get myself back into the parry
Cope ds2fag.
Can't remember him using a sword at all. Could you remind me which one it is?
>Soul Spear
>a self-help spell
nah man. And isn't the Ice Rapier Ivory King? decently long way there
There is a rumor that the game started its life as some sort of actual open world (think Skyrim instead of Dark Souls 1) and that's how some things were designed. Then Tanimura had to fuse everything together and reuse the existing map assets and such. We know this last bit is true and that's why the game has so many ridiculous transitions, but we will never get confirmation on the open world. Some of the early leaked concept art from Shibuya's original project looks very suspect however, which makes me believe the rumor could be right. Then there's the map...
>The entire second half of the game
>"A patch"
DaScucks are pathetic.
Kek, the fog that doesn't even block the far off mountains is going to block something right on top of the windmill?
no basis, wew lad
Absolutely fucking retarded, where is this even coming from?
Are DS2fags really this dumb?
You missed the point completely, I even admitted the game wasn't a good sequel in the post. It was everything surrounding it that was comfy. Also imagine coming here to post every day and not caring about the quality of the discussions in the site.
ah yes, good ol Aldia's Keep
The lore in DS3 is completely irrelevant and should be disregarded.
We now know that they've literally removed 1/3rd of the game shortly before release and hastily re-shuffled the content to make the game playable. So questions like
"Why is Pus of Man completely unexplained"
"Why is the "Pus of Man area" inhabited by Oceiros, when he's not related to it at all"
"Why is Wolfnir such a bitch and also lives in a huge cave that looks like it was made in a day using basic assets"
"Why is there randomly a huge worm, once, that's mentioned in maybe one item description"
"What the fuck is Profaned Flame and why there's zero info on it"
"Why Anor Londor is where it is, how the fuck did it get instaported to a new location"
"Why is the Anor Londo elevator VISIBLY rotating from absolute nowhere, clipping through the ground"
"Why is the game linear as fuck"
You could multiply these questions forever and the answer is "they've planned twice as much content and couldn't deliver".
only Izalith is bad
What the fuck is this?
This kind of stuff is why I still laugh when DSfags post the world design images making the world seem like a spiderweb. Sure, you can do some things in different order, but the actual areas are so much less complex than any in the other Souls games. Sometimes they don't even try to mask the fact that they're a gamey corridor.
All builds are viable. Dex is extremely powerful and easy to start since you can just use a rapier which can be bought at the start of the game.
Played DaS2 a couple months ago, did all the DLC. Hated the game. It's not even a difficulty curve, it's just the way the game plays out is garbage. The only thing I even remotely like is the rat nigger covenant.
>muh realistic level transitions
They prioritized diverse environment over realism. When are you autists gonna stop screeching about it?
a quality game
>"Why Anor Londor is where it is, how the fuck did it get instaported to a new location"
This is actually explained. The game goes out of its way to say that since the First Flame is fading for the final time, the Lords of Cinder were summoned into the kingdom along with the land they came from through space and time. It's even in the intro, Lothric is "the place where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge". Also the game did get some things changed pretty significantly but it wasn't shortly before release. The only thing that was changed shortly before release was the Bonfire creation thing, which was shortly after the 1st trailer landed.
>"Why is the game linear as fuck"
not him but this is by far my biggest fucking gripe with 3.
That and almost all weapons feel samey.
Shhhh look at the pretty particle effects
It's okay when Miyazaki does it
that's cool af. never knew that. this game truly had the most soul
>uses the shitter way to beat Pursuer
If you didn't beat him during the first encounter you're a literal git gud and will probably never make it.
Absolute nonsense
>people were pissed being lied to about what the game was going to look like
>people were bitching about ADP and what a mistake adding it was
>people were bitching about how soul level worked
>people were bitching about how inconsistent the level design was
>people were bitching about the tracking
>people were bitching about hitboxes and grab attacks
>people were bitching about how pointless torches were
>people were bitching about FIRE LIZARDS
>people were bitching at how many shit bosses there were
>people were bitching about no permanent red eye
>people were bitching about how many ambushes there were
and a dozen other things on the very first day or two of the game's release well before the release of Mattew's video, you can tell who is simply parroting his video when they start talking about bosses with swords and a few other clear points taken from the video.
dark souls was never about being hard. It's about being whatever the fuck you want it to be, an adventure you forge yourself. Hard games limit creativity, because only the best options remain. See das3, bb and sekiro as examples of souls games that are harder than das, and how differently they treat the player:
das3 doesnt give a fuck at all, you have all these options that don't matter (even parrying), because you just gonna fast roll, spam r1 and estus on every single encounter from gundyr to gael, the game punishes you too hard for doing anything else.
bb limits your options a lot, instead providing you with illusion of choice, where you only have two actual choices - fast dude who dodges around quickly and hits fast with melee, or fast dude who dodges around quickly and shoots basic magic.
sekiro goes even further - no choices at all, one sword, one playstyle, hit hit hit parry, repeat, do exactly what the game wants you to do to win. An ultimate arcade action game, insert coin plz, push button, good boy, credits roll, 10/10 based miyazaki mastermind how does he do it
>inb4 das2 was hard too
it was challenging player's creativity, foresight and critical thinking, rather than spinal brain reflexes.
>current time
>magic is a thing that exists
>"Why is Pus of Man completely unexplained"
Humanity running wild and leading to abominations has been a thing since Artorias of the Abyss with Manus
>"Why is the "Pus of Man area" inhabited by Oceiros, when he's not related to it at all"
The entirety of Lothric is being corrupted by Dark, whether it's by the Pus of Man or the Londor pilgrims turning into butterflies
>"Why is Wolfnir such a bitch and also lives in a huge cave that looks like it was made in a day using basic assets"
Wolnir is stuck in the Abyss and the gold bracers he wears are keeping him from being trapped in it permanently, when you destroy them he succumbs to it
>"Why is there randomly a huge worm, once, that's mentioned in maybe one item description"
The description explains why, it was originally from Carthus and infested the catacombs so they drove it down into Smouldering Lake
>"What the fuck is Profaned Flame and why there's zero info on it"
The Profaned Flame is a flame that never goes out, defying all known laws of the Souls universe. It corrupts those that worship it and is responsible for causing the Profaned Capital to be in the ruined state you find it in when you get there
>"Why Anor Londo is where it is, how the fuck did it get instaported to a new location"
Irithyll was built around Anor Londo, like how the Grand Archives used to be where the Duke's Archives is. Lothric is also described as "the transitory lands where the Lords of Cinder converge" which is why areas that should be from other locations are slowly congregating in one location. The kingdom apparently knew this would happen which is why the High Wall appeared and rose Lothric above everything else
>"Why is the Anor Londo elevator VISIBLY rotating from absolute nowhere, clipping through the ground"
that's just laziness on the devs part
Dude speeding through the first few bosses in the game is so satisfying you can get it all done quick and really get a build going.
I stomp the last giant, dragonrider and pursuer knight really quick and it's fun.
The other souls games are a bit of a slog even when you know what you're doing, dark souls 2 is really open ended even from the start and I don't think it gets enough credit for how open it is.
heh... nothing personnel...
Nigger Souls 2: Scholar of the first Nigger
Real From fans know this because it's how all their fucking games are. Not that we accept it entirely mind you, I'm still mad that that ACFA got the Line Ark route/end cut.
But in any case nu From ""fans"" who never heard of them until after Souls came about should just die.
Is there an uncropped version of this?
It's funny because Tanimura and some other guy ghost directed DaS3 too while Miyazaki was doing whatever.
During the first encounter you likely have base ADP and a shitty weapon.
There isn't any real benefit to fighting him before the last giant anyway.
Covetous demon... lmfao
From release people were complaining. Whether it was the greatsword hollow ambushes in Sinner's Keep, the molasses feeling controls, the rolls and actions being like to ADP, the story, the level design, the absolute easy mode of lightning spear, the shit visuals compared to fucking DS1!
This game was a bad sequel. It had a bad development, and like all games with that it suffered and never reached the heights of what could've been.
Nice rewriting of history there fag
>"Why is the "Pus of Man area" inhabited by Oceiros, when he's not related to it at all"
gundyr was supposed to be the boss of that area. Swapping him to oceiros was part of many last moment decisions when the game was going through the chopping block once fromsoft hit the deadlines. The giant was supposed to be the boss of graves ( hence the huge sarcophagus ), and Wolnir - the boss/covenant leader ofin prophaned capital.
I was here on release for das2. It was really shit.
And the shitty scripted merely pretending to be dead hollows getting in the way. The benefit would be getting more souls over Last Giant and the melee boost ring, but that doesn't really matter once you learn how to make Dragonrider fall.
kek. demon of song is probably my favorite boss in ds2 design wise. shame it was such a shitty fight
The soul spear is an effect of the rapier, and you only need to reach drangleic castle and kill the first few enemies in the ivory king dlc
The other guy was a minor BB dev. The whole A Team vs B Team thing gets increasingly mixed after Dark Souls 2 is made. During that time it was easy because the original team was working in BB while Tanimura's team made DS2, but after that devs started to cross from team to team, Sekiro for example is co-directed by BB's lead game designer and his team includes people from DS2, DS3, and BB. Tanimura and Okano (DS3's second co-director) didn't work on Sekiro however and went on to work in one of the unannounced projects after DS3 was done, while a lot of people from DS3/BB's teams were moved to Sekiro. So next Souls game is probably going to be Tanimura Souls.
I actually still remember the day it was released. I had an exam the same day and I was hyped as fuck because I felt I did well and I knew once I was home I will boot up dark souls 2 for the first time, and I had the whole weekend ahead of me.
It's funy because it's like the one thing I love about ds2. Idk why but I think that place was so fascinating, you got to wonder wtf was going on in that texture. It was sort of accidentally artistic
My favorite artistic texture is the one in this video
The whole thing was so surreal, it makes me smile to this day.
shows how much i used that weapon. But i'll pass.
Last time i did a enchanted weapon run it was with the drumstick.
silly amounts of damage
>Dark Souls 1 had a rushed dev cycle and had many unfinished areas
>Dark Souls 2 had all the time they needed to make it great but some executive demanded console parity
>Dark Souls 3 was scrapped and rebuilt a few months before release for god knows what reason
It's like the series is cursed.
You should play DeS, Gutter is a discount Valley of Defilement.
>you got to wonder wtf was going on in that texture
pure madness
The hollows shouldn't really get in the way during that fight except maybe for the one near the middle of the arena, but you can kill him before the pursuer lands.
>The benefit would be getting more souls over Last Giant and the melee boost ring
You can go fight the pursuer immediately after killing the last giant and get all that anyway after you've used his souls to upgrade yourself. Unless you were going to skip the last giant for a speedrun or something, there's not really a good reason to fight the pursuer first since the last giant is such a pushover in comparison that the benefits you get from killing the pursuer first don't really matter.
>Humanity running wild and leading to abominations has been a thing since Artorias of the Abyss with Manus
That is your theory, and not an official explanation. Obviously you encounter more Pus of Man as you get closer and closer to Lothric Castle, finally culminating in Consumed King's Garden, but then that thread is left completely severed an unexplained. There are many other abyssal threads in the game and none of them produce Pus of Man.
Why is Gundyr infected by Pus of Man? He obviously was meant to be the missing link and the original "Oceiros". In its current state, it makes no sense. Yes, the "guess it's some abyss" is the best we got.
>The entirety of Lothric is being corrupted by Dark, whether it's by the Pus of Man or the Londor pilgrims turning into butterflies
>Londor pilgrims turning into butterflies
This is never explained and certainly never explicitly stated to be the result of the abyss. So yeah, it's another loose thread, while the early screenshots showed them to be wurms/drakes of some kind.
>Wolnir is stuck in the Abyss and the gold bracers he wears are keeping him from being trapped in it permanently, when you destroy them he succumbs to it
This does not answer the question at all, he's yet another character with a story that you've just described in one sentence and he's not elaborated on any further.
>The description explains why, it was originally from Carthus and infested the catacombs so they drove it down into Smouldering Lake
Yeah, and that's that on that. It doesn't make it any less random.
>The Profaned Flame is a flame that never goes out, defying all known laws of the Souls universe. It corrupts those that worship it and is responsible for causing the Profaned Capital to be in the ruined state you find it in when you get there
Yes, that's basically the definition of "zero info". Just like above, that's basically all we know about it.
IIRC 3's changes were done for story reasons, the original game seemed like it was going to loop the series back to 1 and make everything cyclical whereas the final game wanted to bring the series to a definitive conclusion
and yet 3 is the one that's the most polished
I seriously never understood what the problem with this. Dark Souls is a fantasy game, it's ok to do wierd shit like fuck with geography. it actually gives the game more soul.
>want to do early Bramd or BlueBlood run
>Valley time
>It's like the series are made by a Industry Cancer knows as "Designer Producer", who will try to cram 5 years worth of development into a short development cycle, overwork his workers, miss every deadline and finally have to chop the game in half to deliver
Except when you roll or backpedal into them by accident, assuming Pursuer's moveset is new to you. The ring would help with Ladle runs.
Pretty much this.
That and sorcery, offensive miracles, and pyromancy never felt fixed. I still have to rely on melee half the time no matter the build, and it was still a simple brain-dead casting system like Souls 1.
It's like all the evolution and experimentation with the mechanics stopped at DS2, where anything good was scrapped with everything weak. I mean fucking Bloodborne did more experimentation with weapon design and the only thing taken from it was these weapon arts which were for the most part, absolute garbage in DS3 with a few being nice.
Dark Souls 2 was a completely different game and they changed directors, removing the original guy, and basically had to reuse every existing asset for new stuff since they didn't have time or resources to remake everything. They would grab an NPC's model and use it for a different NPC, this applied to the maps too which is why they're so wonky.
Dark Souls 3 was originally going to be way different than Dark Souls 1, including a system where you would create your own bonfires instead of finding them in the world, but these things were all changed until the end result was just a very "safe" by the book iteration of a Souls game. I think they were probably afraid of making a second fuck up after DS2 and didn't want to risk anything.
I hated the game from day one faggot. Absolute shitty game, from the very first moment you load into the tutorial area the game is garbage.
From the Forgotten Key description:
>Key found in the Gutter.
Intricately designed, but of unknown origin.
>All manner of terrible things have been
cast into the Gutter in Majula, forming a
settlement of filth and chaos.
I always see posts from people like "I finally went back and gave DS2 another chance, now it's my favorite Souls game!". Feels good to see people finally waking up to its greatness.
>the game is instantaneously shit if you know how to defeat the bosses
Really? Fucking really?
every time i feel like replaying DS3 i can never pick a weapon i want to use, or it's 70% through the game with no variety.
>"but you can do AoA early"
Fuck you
I would hope that the pursuer's moveset is not new to anyone trying to do a ladle run.
Dark Souls 3 released after Bloodborne but it was developed at the same time as it for a significant portion as Tanimura worked on the basics of the game before the BB team jumped on to help (BB's development was long and both DS2 and the main idea of DS3 were developed during it) and From is awful at making even progress in parallel projects. For example Bloodborne doesn't have any of the quality of life improvements DS2 made despite both projects also sharing development time.
>Why is Gundyr infected by Pus of Man? He obviously was meant to be the missing link and the original "Oceiros". In its current state, it makes no sense. Yes, the "guess it's some abyss" is the best we got.
it does make sense in the final though, since he's encountered in Untended Graves which is in an Age of Dark, therefore rife with abyssal/dark influence. When you fight him as the tutorial boss it's in the future past that moment, and his soul description backs that up
>This does not answer the question at all, he's yet another character with a story that you've just described in one sentence and he's not elaborated on any further
I did it one sentence to condense it, but Wolnir does have more to him than just that. Off the top of my head
>kills the three lords of Carthus and merges their crowns into one, becoming the High Lord
>the abyss began to creep into Carthus which caused the Abyss Watchers to appear and drive it back, which is why they're situated over the catacombs (transitory lands and all that)
>Wolnir's bracers and sword were holy artifacts that protected him but the sword began to erode after enough time due to the abyssal influence
>while Wolnir was in the abyss the Carthus grave wardens discovered black flame which is why you get that tome there
the rest of your complaints just seem like "well this didn't get 3-4 more sentences talking about it so it's bad" when the entire series has had explanations like those
That's actually a pretty well done gimmick. A lot of DaS2 bosses, for that matter, have great gimmicks. That Chariot boss for one.
Why they didn't make the Sotfs a truly remastered version where they would include every area as they were shown in demos, trailers?
Kek nice try at revisionism you SotFS fag. Absolutely BTFO.
I like Ds3 and even Ds2 to some extend but I'm really jaded about what they did to the original.
That probably would've required to redo the game from almost the ground and why do that if you can just scam people a second time with some minor tweaks here and there?
>not DeS
It's not my favourite but I like it more than 1.
I don't know, 2's world just feels more interesting to me. There's a feeling that you're exploring some ancient place that got fucked up real hard aeons ago and it's great, especially in DLC 1 and 3. Dark 1's areas feel really bland and has some of the worst stinkers in the entire series and also a greater number of stinkers than any other game in the series (Nito's shithole, Depths, Blight Town, New Londo, Darkroot...). I like 3's gameplay more but its world isn't as interesting, same with Bloodborne.
Kills me how little From took from DaS moving forward. Intricate world design with lots of replay value and little progression walls? Fuck you, have unconnected dead end paths at best. Boss fights reliant on level design? Eat shit, every boss area will be a flat arena now. Boss variety? Fuck off, every boss will either be a tall hollow knight or bipedal/quadrupedal Artorias.
Dark Souls at the time was still an unproven series at the time, so it makes sense that it would be rushed to fit funding.
Dark Souls 2 began development after the success of 1 but then Fromsoft started working on Bloodborne sometime after development had started, Sony probably saw an opportunity to benefit from a fairly inexpensive studio, leaks of BB confirmed it was being developed during DaS2.
It's clear that 2 and BB were developed in tangent and 3 was probably began while BB was still wrapping up, it's just speculation about that one but it is likely the case given that it came out so quickly after BB.
2 came out in 2014, BB came out in 2015 and 3 came out in 2016, my guess is that there was plenty of dev time overlap between the games in order to make 3 games in such a short amount of time.
Sounds like you're writing the story for the developers at this point.
You must really hate level design in your ARPGs, holy shit.
Just push the buttons that turn it off?
It's not hard chief, you get to choose which way you do it
I genuinely miss the DeS bosses
Sure they were easy, but they were all unique and interesting in their own way
I actually can't think of a boss that you fight exactly the same as a previously encountered boss. I mean, obviously you CAN fight them the same way, just munch on grass and spam R1 while overleveled, but that's not what I mean
Hey so i'm a poorfag and can't into ps4. I've seen everyone tell me the Lduwig scene is Kino, but just watching the fight on youtube doesn't really set him up, and i don't wanna wait through a half hour lore video or both to read the wikia. Can someone spoonfeed me so i can get even a tenth of the chills y'alls got when you saw it?
If it's as simple as "noble knight brought low by his mutations/moon mind fuckery, but before he dies he remembers who he is and nobles himself back up" then i can dig it, but i feel like there's a bit more going on from the cutscene. What significance does the moonlight have to him?
DaS's world may be more connected and backed by actual lore but that doesn't excuse a half dozen sewer/crypt segments
no he is not :》
I'm going off of what I remember from replaying 3, sounds more like you missed a lot while you played it
>dirty colossus
you just wail on them a bit with fire and you're good.
But yes, you're right overall. i might just be so used to all the bosses that i instinctively dodge correctly.
apart from Allant. He still fucks me up if i'm not careful
Thank you for posting these DS2 fail webms I had lost em when my HDD died
Ice cream?
That's because matthewmatosis made a video and woke Yea Forums up. A lot of people already knew it was bad, but it was in the honeymoon phase and no one on Yea Forums is as articulate as matthewmatosis to explain it to the sheep on Yea Forums.
That was during the golden age of bitching about bullshots, it was given quite a bit of shit for it as well.
I've always maintained that 3 is superficially good but mechanically bad, while 2 is superficially bad but mechanically good.
Once you see past the polished presentation of 3, you realize how linear and boring it is with very little build variety.
Once you get used to the shit graphics and jank of 2, you learn to appreciate its innovations.
Most of the time people just attack you personally for liking 2, they rarely have any arguments and if they do 90% of the time it's just muh bad graphics or a hitboxes webm or unironic complaints about reused content
everyone on Yea Forums was shitting on it before it even came out because of the downgrade
What's a good fun build in DaS2? Preferably one with no/minimal casting as I'm just finishing up DaS as a sorceror and I'm tired of it
>noble knight brought low by his mutations/moon mind fuckery, but before he dies he remembers who he is and nobles himself back up
Pretty much. It's a nice trope, especially in an oppressive world like BB's.
The Moonlight kept him sane on the nights of the hunt. Whatever anguish and bloodshed he faced, the Moonlight would provide him respite. But it only postponed his invariable fate. And the longer he was steeped in blood, the more grotesque and violent his beastly form was. It's also no coincidence his form took on that of a horse. Horses are traditionally symbolic for power, grace, nobility, and strength. The fact that he also came from a group of hunters, the Holy Blades, remnants of an ancient line of heroes that date back to a very early age of honor and chivalry, gives even greater context to his admirable character and ideals.
Contrarianism, DaS2 was much more hated by Yea Forums upon release when it was still in the hype phase and superior games like DaS3/Bloodborne weren't out yet. People still liked it here but it got shat on constantly even though a lot of people accepted it as "good enough".
I think a lot of the factors behind why people like it so much now is that DaS2 post-release got way more hate than it deserved, people act like its an unsalvageable piece of garbage but it's really not that bad of a game, its just a weaker entry in the series.
That means you know that fire works and that you are the right/higher level. Just mashing leechmonger for example while you don't have the level/upgrades will just mean he heals a ton, and you can't heal for shit once he hits you
big weapon, small weapon?
Shield, no shield?
Two weapons?
Power stancing?
Tell me, i wanna know.
>an army of Kirkhammer wielding church bros
Greatsword (as in the UGS) is always fun and can be obtained very early on.
I don't know how many hundreds of hours I put into it.
Would be cool to replay now so many years later with so many builds from 1/2/3 under my belt.
I still think BBS is among the more fun ones
Crypt Blacksword is fun and you can get it shortly after starting the game if you get gud. Flattening fools with the strong attacks is amazing
Powerstanced caestus.
TYVM, that helps paint a better picture. Nothing will compare to playing it (like dscribing the build up to Gwyn vs playing it) but this is good. One last bit of clarification tho, what is the moonlight sword? I get that lovecraft aliens and i think the dream that you're in was created by Gehrman's parlay with the moon presence alien, right? But where does the sword come in and do we know anything about it's purpse or porperties? Did aliens make it and it focuses the mind? Did humans make it with magic to combat the blood or something?
>people act like its an unsalvageable piece of garbage
It is, also you don't know what contrarianism means. Most people think DS2 is bad. If you go against this mindset, you are the contrarian.
Either a poking weapon or magic. There is no fun to be had in this game, these are just the least annoying.
Dark Souls 2 is literally the reason why people make fun of the souls series hitboxes, webms were introduced to Yea Forums around the time of its release and people were flooding the board with webms of terrible hitboxes being shown off coupled with B team shitposting.
Not to mention the huge visual downgrade and all of the webms being posted comparing the E3 footage to the final game.
Nice try
Dark soul 2 was heavily criticized for the downgrade and its other flaws. It wasn’t until numerous of patches, a re-release version, and growth of the PvP meta that people are somewhat okay with it. Everyone was glad that ds3 release went a lot more smoothly and deliver a good soul game to make up for ds2’s missed potential.
>people act like its an unsalvageable piece of garbage but it's really not that bad of a game, its just a weaker entry in the series.
Well, yeah, it is a piece of garbage. Otherwise you fags wouldn't all have to go into this meta discussion about how nice it would be to have powerstancing on a good game, you'd be satisfied with DaS2 as is.
People finally realized that DaS2 is distilled Souls injected right into your bloodstream to get your fix. There's nothing to 'wow' you here, it's just a prescription drug for when you're fucking exhausted with the other games.
The only thing the game lacks is quality. It literally has no other flaws than that. It does just about everything you need it to besides that.
I think you two misunderstood my post, I'm saying it's contrarianism that people love it.
I think Dark Souls 2 is an okay game that didn't live up to the Souls name so it gets way more hate than it deserves, but to act like its the best game in the series is simply being a contrarian.
Ludwig was once a prospector until he found the Holy Moonlight Sword and established his legend in the church. This can be inferred from the fact that the Tomb Prospector Set is unlocked after attaining the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge, which is associated with Ludwig. The Moonlight itself must have been a Pthumerian relic, and we know just how close the Pthumerians were to the Great Ones. Of course they'll have knowledge of the arcane, and them developing a cosmic imbued sword wouldn't be out of the question.
>getting summoned for this boss day 1
>use the ballista to kill the host
The moonlight was a delusion Ludwig clung to to make it through the horrific nights of the hunt. He kept seeing this benign force guiding him through all hardships. It's said that the hardest someone clings to humanity, the worse a beast one finally becomes when you lose yourself. Ludwig transformed into the most hideous beast because of how long he managed to fight it, and his willpower was high enough that in the last phase of the fight he sees how Moonlight is actually powering his own sword and recovers his senses, stands up upright instead of crawling around and goes down like a knight. You can talk to his severed head afterwards and he has amazing dialogues.
>Even in this darkest of nights, I see...the moonlight...
That's the basic of it
Aside from that thing you mentioned, the moon and moonlight have a lot of significance in the game in general. There's the obvious folklore connection to werewolfism, but there's also the role in the story played by Mensis, the Moon Presence, Rom, a variety of connected entities connected to the moon that manipulate events throughout the story. The moon is a manipulative force that hides the true nature of things, essentially. And the true nature of things drives men mad in Bloodborne. So perhaps Ludwig is assuaged or comforted by the moon, and is "guided" by its machinations.
Good times.
You're confusing it with "Before Dark Souls GWFL". PCfags started the shitstorm long ago, coning the "Artificial Difficulty" meme. Dark Souls II was given shit on announcement for PC being confirmed for a later release date, then that was doubled when it became another "Bullshot" fiasco when the final product didn't look anything like the Pre-Release alpha or the Network Test we haven't had proper discussion of these games since, bloodborne was caught up in shitposting the Idea it would even be an Exclusive and when it was confirmed sonybros wouldn't stop shitposting about it, Dark Souls III was considered DoA for being too obvious of a rehash of older concepts of the games as well as blatant references to Dark Souls I and now Seriko got Dark Souls II's "Get Gud" shitposting again.
Plus a lot of people don't realize the only reason the wolves aggro in groups is because they let off a howl, and even then it's usually only a few of them at a time. But people will often run into another group fighting the first and draw them all in at once. So if you're smart you can easily get through without triggering a bunch of bullshit.
DS2 is usually just like, "Did someone see you? Or maybe did you just walk past an invisible trigger? Bullshit triggered."
What difference faggot
That's literally a trap you posted retard, and you can kill them all just by spamming running attacks with the longsword.
The Moonlight also ascribed a rune in Ludwig's mind: guidance. Little sprites of light that appear before him when he closes his eyes (the "thread of light", "fleeting hair" he describes to you). This is what soothes him, and it comes from him wielding the Moonlight. In BB's world, runes are utterings of Great Ones. He's basically communing to a Great One whenever shuts his eyes, whenever the Moonlight nearby. The true intentions behind Great Ones are never known, beyond the fact that they are desperate for surrogates and to sire children. But we do know that they are "sympathetic in spirit" and answer when called upon.
>It was the only absolute and utter nonsense transition in the game that is never referenced or explained, in a series that is well known for it's otherwise mostly-coherent connections between areas of the world, it was totally intentionally meant to give the game soul and feel fantasy-ish!
Wow you guys really changed my mind on this
nuttin' personnel, kiddy
I came from the overflowing soul right there
Are soulsfags among the most autistic fanbases here? It's always either DaS2 shitpost or autism ranking threads.
DS2 is unironically the only souls game that I can replay more than 2 times and still have fun.
Dark Souls 1 is still, to this day, the only game that does this.
No? BB and DaS3 were able to do this as well.
This. I got 3 out of Bloodborne though at least.
Maybe more if hadn't gone STR/ARC on the third playthrough and basically could use every weapon in the game via elemental damage gems.
Minus a couple of bad transitions, DS3 mostly does it, and even then the world geometry is almost entirely consistent. Everything is where you see it to be from everywhere else.
And Bloodborne you can walk pretty much anywhere from anywhere else without even a transition and everything is consistent.
Then you have Sekiro where you can fucking glitch-swim to anywhere on the map.
I've like three builds, pick a favorite
All Vig/Vit/End, no other stats, dual broken straight swords only
Mundane Bard, level up everything use lots of weapons at low upgrade tier (it's actually pretty easy to beat the game with +0 gear; defenses is percentage based so you never do 2 damage like in DaS1), one of every spell type
SL60 Zwei swinging landsknecht, Bare minimum stats for it, high ADP, Lucatiel's Hat and Armor mandatory..
>series that is well known for it's otherwise mostly-coherent connections between areas
The fuck are you talking about.
Demon's Souls: hub
Dark Souls 2: practically a hub world without a hub
Dark Souls 3: hub
Bloodborne: hub
Nostalgia'd pretty hard
It isn't about the hub, it's about the rest of the world being interconnected in a logical way, you daft cunt
have sex
DS3 areas connect in a line, it's not the same. In DS1 you had the elevator from Undead Parish to Firelink and that sets up the rest of the game. BB does this but since there are only four areas it feels like it's much smaller in scale.
Is this guy really a lizard? I never noticed
oh fuck you're right. 430 hours and i've never seen the top of the brass as a head. only ever as the top of a helmet.
>Yea Forums
>Liking Dark Souls 3
Pick one
Dragon God is literally that except bigger
I've personally always liked 2 especially in terms of combat (ignoring soul memory and agility).
Nigga, I bought the collector's edition with the statue and everything and couldn't bother to ignore the falloff in quality compared to Demon and Dark Souls. What really angers me is how I wanted the next entry in the series to take advantage of the few things DS2 did right, and it didn't even do that.
Christ, the ADP nonsense was awful around release. I swear that hitboxes were worse then.
How dare the game provide ways to win other than mashing R1!? What a shit game. Who cares about variety, options, or creative thinking?
>Three fucking years of reposting
>do this to ceaseless
>nobody bats an eye
>do this to dragonrider
>Hahaha what a shitty game it lets you trick the big fat guy into falling. Unfinished game.
One is intentional and scripted, the other is unintentional, unscripted and hilarious as the music cuts abruptly.
Ds3 does use some ds2 stuffs. Multi directional rolling, dual wield weapons moveset being inspired by powerstance, more unique weapon design and moveset, many spells carry over, some npc and ds2 unique giant race, some world, weapon infusion, etc...
The only other good thing they didn’t bring over completely is powerstance ( while dual wield weapons are basically very similiar) but Weapon Art is as good of an alternative system if you understand the game and its application.
Idk what else do you want
>Actual professional game critics
Thanks user i needed that kek
I played DS2 the longest besides bloodborne, its ridiculous how made for gamers the game is.
>best invasion mechanics
>best weapon system with power stance and multiple moves for offhand
>best DLC
>meta design with the brilliant level transitions - 'dreamlike' indeed
>the number of bosses and brilliance of design easily provides a 100 hour first time playthrough experience
DS2 was the pinnacle of hobbygrade made for gamers design.
I hope more people here see the light just as some of us here have.
Holy shit.
Truly a SOULful game.
>tfw you find out that if you hit The Rotten's right hand enough you'll actually cut it and he ends up with no way to hit you other than his aoe attack
The rotten is also controlled entierly by the dude on his shoulder. He's making the same movement the rotten is.
Look at him next time
this lol
first few days everyone was having fun, there was outrage for the downgrade and then everyone discovered the actual gameplay was leaps and bounds superior to dark souls 1, started doing pvp and everyone had a good time
t.bellfag that farmed people for chunks on day 1, best pvp experience in souls history
No fucking way.
You know what, nigga? You're right.
too bad thats a garbage fucking boss
only ds2 giant is the dead tree in firelink
DeS > 2 > BB > 1 > 3
>too bad thats a garbage fucking boss
Literally. It's also a very distant descendant of the pygmy
How will this terrible label transform in order to comform with the existence of Sekiro?
Sekisoulsborne? Soulsborniro? Soulsekiborne?
I saw some idiot say this yesterday. God damn.
Time to post it again.
>Calling someone a shill for liking a different game in the exact same series made by the same studio and published by the same company
>Feeling superior for preferring a different game in the same series made by the same studio and published by the same people
Lost Sinner got nerfed from hardest boss in the series to literal babby who's only challenge is that she has a hitbox the size of a bus on her stab attack
Souls. I don't give a shit, Bloodborne and Sekiro are basically souls games in every way but name. If that makes you retards to angry, just call it Fromshit from now on.
>a int build
so unlike in real life?
Armored Core.
sekiro isn't a souls game retard
what's exactly wrong with jester and Ironclad set?
Neither is bloodborne. Autists still want to merge every Fromsoft‘s names together in the worst manner possible.
you say this while not acknowledging how some sets of dark souls 2 were really good designs
>"Waaah the orientation of the geography doesn't make sense!"
And let's not kid ourselves maybe 2% of these brainlets actually noticed that themselves while playing instead of being told
BB has
>stat leveling
>stamina management
>invasion/co-op system
>weapon variety
>bonfire checkpoints
>levelling currency that can be lost on death and picked up on the spot you died
That's everything that's needed to qualify as a souls game. Sekiro has none of that.
Autism speaks
okay I'm gonna come back to the game for a bit (quit for a while after beating my head against the wall at drangleic castle, tried going to Shulva but that was even worse)
seriously though how do I deal against fighting 3-5 enemies at once with basically infinite poise?
Longsword takes like 3 hits to stagger anything, bastard sword's DPS is much lower and Zweihander still needed 2 hits to stagger iirc
the smelter sword's only significant damage comes from charged R2s since I've run out of dragon bones or whatever, but that costs durability and has a huge startup time so I can't reliably use it too often
this isn't good hitboxes, its actually terrible hitboxes. If you run up and hug these guys they'll just always miss you
Would you mind?
There's very little outside of invaders you should have trouble poise breaking with a long sword.
Keep in mind that heavy attacks deal more poise damage than light attacks and two handing gives a multiplier to poise damage as well as physical damage. The royal swordsmen you fight in Drangleic Castle are also weak to thrust and can be dealt with quickly using the longsword's two handed heavy attacks.
You can try using a spear against multiple enemies to poke and stay at a safe range, or even just use the longsword's thrusting attacks the same way.
Retards complain daily about "muh poise" being gone from DS3 and not letting them literally facetank behemoths dozens of times their size and you're trying to argue that a gout of air from a dragon should kill you?
you wouldn't like it, the artist draws with oversized tits and vulvas
Shit, hate that shit
Love that shit
post it
Vulvas or "vulvas"?
No it isn't, he will always use the charage as his 1st attack, all you gotta do is position yourself against the ballista and do what he did on the webm.
I did this everytime easily
meme boss, but pretty cool.
DS1 > DS2 > DS3 is my new ranking having just played through 3
One is an avoidable trap and the other is not? I guess DaS2 wins then.
>with some enemies placed right next to bonfires
>or how estus recovers very slowly, emaning using it during bosses is unecessarily dangerous because you're open for an attack, and it won't fill your health fast enough to at least tank the hit like in the previous game, you just die, because your helthy item didn't heal you fast enough.
Actually, Agility increases the drinking speed of the estus. Also the fact that it regens over time instead of instantly actually allows you to tank and regenerate hits.
It's only avoidable if you forfeit white soapstone until next NG.
You can literally just go behind them by taking the ladder near the giant tree and kill them 1 by 1.
I was talking shit about it a week after it came out. Don't lump me in with these bandwagon contrarians.
Basically And you should feel like a faggot for not knowing the difference
Years from now DS2 will be recognized as the best besides BB.
Ashes of Ariandel was disappointing.
Actually, all of DS3 was disappointing.
What does DS1 do better than 3?
-Level/map design (FAR superior)
-Main hub
What does DS3 do better than 1?
I'm at a loss after that
Actually, once you approach the ones near the invisible wall they all aggro.
>liking non-AAA games like Rain World and Devil Daggers makes you pretentious
And you don't even get paid to suck corporate dick.
>those areolas
Just like how Yea Forumsermin pretended Megaman Legends was good and worth a sequel.
Dark Souls 3 bosses are 2x superior to Dark Souls 1's
Really? Maybe I'm confusing vanilla DaS2 and SotFS. At least you have more room to back up by doing that.
DaS3's bosses are good but they overstay their welcome with health sponging. The series power creep is fucking disgusting. Gael has over two times Manus' health, and all you get in exchange for that really is cheaper-costing dodges.
Like who?
I beat Wolnir on the first try because it didn't even try to attack me
End game's just a bunch of meme 2 v 1 fights (Lothric, Spear, Sister F)
I prefer Artorias, Sif, Gwyn, over almost all bosses in DS3.
I'm talking Scholar. You can, however, sneak up to the illusory wall, but the trigger is near the gate. What you can do is walk up the railguard, jump across the ladder gap, jump down on that trap, walk up to the trigger and bone out, but that's basically cheating.