Is anyone else here considering just giving up on video games? Because it's just not fun anymore...

Is anyone else here considering just giving up on video games? Because it's just not fun anymore, or you don't want to support some business practices? Because it's getting expensive or you're disappointed in some specific franchises?

I'm thinking about completing my backlog, getting a Switch and a PS4 and play the games I want on these consoles, and then I won't buy anymore games or consoles once I'm done with these. I don't have as much time and money as I want for this hobby and it's frustrating.

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It's called growing up, kid.

I also love how your idea of giving up on games is buying two whole consoles and a bunch of games for each. Fuck off.

It's because I want to play some specific games I was looking forward for a long time ago now. When I heard about the PS5 I really wasn't hyped at all though.

Pretty sure games outside of latest full priced AAA releases on the most popular normie systems exist.

I had more fun playing 10+ year old games sometimes than playing anything released past few years.

Same boat. Its the sjw politics for me. For being less than a percent of the populace, the mentally ill faggots and their puppeteers have managed to ruin every form of entertainment

I've just accepted that indulging in nostalgia is more enjoyable than playing the latest games. It's easier to succumb to it once your backlog is completed of course.

>Is anyone else here considering just giving up on video games?
You were never really interested in them.

I just play nintendo and indie games now mostly. Indies especially. That's where all the creative ideas are now

I just play the ones I still have, don't plan on buying anything else.
Embrace the normalfag life, vidya isn't good anymore

>It's called growing up, kid
Yeah, you should be mature and grown up like this guy, shit posting on an image board specifically for video games he doesn't play because hes mature.

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Older games have more depth because they cant hide behind muh graphics bing bing wahoo

Fuck knows how you play this but im loving whatever it is

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lol get fucked fascist scum



It doesn't work that way. Video games are what motivates me to [find) a job and when the games lose their appeal I go back to a ghost-like state. I didn't give up on video gaming video games have up on me. I was in Destiny and the people on the other side of the mic couldn't see the status being made the section where Dinklage says "They're awakening the Archon" so what was I suppose to do?

I see where you're coming from, but in my case trans people turn me off fanbases, not games themselves. I sometimes want to talk about video games online and they're always bitching about everything in details, while not really buying or playing games themselves.

I've been into games since childhood, I can see myself replaying almost all the games I already have and have a lot of fun actually. When I hear about most new releases my only reaction is "oh, that's cool I guess" except for some specific franchises, and even then I expect to be disappointed.

Yeah duh

If you like knights in nightmare, you should also try playing The World Ends With You

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This. When I was a teen, I would own three modern consoles at a time, buy games I only had a passing interest in, complete maybe half of them, preorder games, buy DLC I knew I wasn't going to get a chance to play, get hyped for upcoming releases, etc. As an adult with a Wife, kids and a career, I literally have just a ps4 and buy maybe 1 or 2 games a year. It's all part of growing old and having your interests and tastes change, not to mention your shrinking amount of free time to spend on hobbies. When free time becomes a finite resource, you learn quickly how to optimally utilize it. Why would I put 200 hours into the new Ass Creed game when I can play a few rounds of Tekken7 and get the same dopamine release in a fraction of the time? It's ok to get old, user. Accept it.

i only play games that are actually worth playing
sekiro is the only game i've played in a long time
it's a great game and it doesnt have any microtransaction bullshit

>Is anyone else here considering just giving up on video games?
>I'm thinking about completing my backlog, getting a Switch and a PS4
These statements are directly contradictory, you utter retard.

Its not nostalgia.
I am not replaying old games i like i am plying old games i have yet to play or finish.

I legit find more enjoyment in a obscure PS2/PS1 JRPG than many latest titles.
And many action games from the Ps2/Xbox/GC era have some aspects to there design not found in newer games.
Not to mention all the 2d action platformers that rarely get made anymore.

Yes for several reasons.
>i'm 32
>I remember when this was better
>it's not, now.

I have a house and i'm married with a good job, so i'm not one of those faggots who think you stop being the person you are when you reach a certain age, but they're not good anymore. I love video games, but the entire industry needs to fucking collapse. 60 dollar movie experiences. Storylines stuffed with "real world" and political imitation. DLC accepted practice. Rehash after rehash. Esports and twitch shit are a death bell and some of the most unironically cringeworthy shit.

Indie games and old games are my future. You fucking cocksucking whippersnappers can fight over the scraps

I meant I want to play the games I already have and the ones I wanted for a long time but couldn't play before because I was really busy with work and college and my shitty health. And once that's done I really don't see myself getting into new games.

Adventure is my favorite video game too.
No, but really, you're not necessarily wrong, but not really right either. Games have pretty much had an emphasis on graphics, or at least "aesthetic" since the 80s, regardless of if their gameplay was good or not.

gave up long ago, just replaying pic related and soulsborne titles over and over. tried few new titles like re2re and almost died from boredom. sekiro is cool though.

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Ah, my mistake. I personally find many older titles to be unplayable without some modern day streamlining - JRPGs being some of the worst offenders for poor time management. The ones I do enjoy are carried mostly by nostalgia.

Almost every game I buy now is from Japan, western game development is trash.

>It's called growing up, kid.

No, Im not sure that's it in some cases.

See, I was replaying Tales of Symphonia the other day and could not believe how much better it is than the garbage Tales of we have today. This applies for almost any series.

I think some older games are genuinely better, fire up an emulator and you might get your love for games back.

>JRPGs being some of the worst offenders for poor time management
You're talking about level grinding or something else?

Well yeah I'm not buying anymore consoles but there are 2,000 games on PS2 alone all free.

The modern industry sucks dick but that's the entirety of video games.

go play Eldewrito I'm serious no unlocks no achievements no log in no username just play the game and fuck around with random anons

See, I was replaying Tales of Symphonia the other day and could not believe how garbage it is compared to the 2D Tales.

Grinding, filler content, random encounters, screen transitions, bloated animations. Fucking text boxes get em so aggravated now. They are unskippable cutscenes that you also have to mash through.

Still fun.

> you don't want to support some business practices?

No one sane can ignore the AAA bullshit and their indie bridesmaids, but steam is a wonderful solution where I generally don't subsidize cancer by playing niche AA stuff of quality.

Games were unironically better before. Even games that you're not blinded by nostalgia for.
The only games worth supporting now are Indies. I'd much rather have 1 Undertale then 20 cinematic open world games with survival elements.

Modern games suck ass, sure, but you don't have to make it a black and white thing. I've found a few gems despite the flood of garbage, just keep an eye out, try things that look interesting and stop forcing yourself to enjoy popular games because they're heavily marketed.

Also, time to start exploring new hobbies. This shit will get a lot worse before it has any chance of getting better.


Now that's a depressing post. I'm glad I'm not you.

>Also, time to start exploring new hobbies.
I really want to travel to many places once I have enough money for that so that won't be a problem. I guess I have that going on for me.

I've played only 3 games on this generation until this year - The Witcher 3 (and DLCs), Divinity Original Sin 2 and Dark Souls 3. The games became so fucking shit due to console brainlets that will buy everything they see in ads.
This year i tried to come back to gaming and played RE2make, DMC 5 and Sekiro.
RE2make is ok, but nothing outstanding, DMC 5 is mediocre and Sekiro is fucking great.
And I think it is over for me with games for this year, because nothing interesting is coming up (except CDPR will release Cyberpunk).

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God damn you have shit taste in video games

I think it all happened with the introduction of Xbox Live. With that came DLC and smaller transactions. Prior to that content updates were only really available on the PC and only certain games on the PS2/Xbox could be patched, and only really patched due to the limited downstream and lacking infrastructure. Granted games like Morrowind ended up with expansions, and you'd have to repurchase the GotY edition, but Morrowind shipped completed. Oblivion shipped complete, too, but it also gated you out of relatively sparse content by demanding pay.

Between Morrowind, Skyrim, and Oblivion the latter two never really expanded on the game with their DLC. Instead of Bloodmoon and Tribunal you get Horse armor and a 30 minute questline (that I totally forgot the existence of).

Now you've got this ramped up bullshit, Destiny 2 for example, where you pay $60 for a campaign and endgame that's worth probably $30 (or nothing, really, plenty of F2P games that are actually better) and then you're obliged to continue purchasing shit content on a schedule (read subscription) with innumerable problems if you intend to stay relevant in PvP/E which is totally ridiculous. And they don't really offer free content updates either, instead charging you for a small handful of actually new content with impact on gameplay, while recycling old content ad infinitum.

In this transitional period I think a lot of studios dissolved or got bought out. I think it went from sweaty basement dwellers a la Carmack and Romero to marketing directors that slowly churned the spirit of gaming out of the industry. Games were sold under false pretenses and heavily marketed, even airing on popular television slots, this instead of spending money on increased development time or advancing the tech. Other compromises like this were made until the marketing stole the show and ultimately drives gaming more than the games themselves.

>dopamine hit off games only lasts as long as I play
>have maybe one or two memorable moments every few hours
It's a shitty time investment and I feel bad after doing it when I get hooked on something new. I'll probably play once a week when I get my full time job and that'll be it

Isn't shivering isles considered one of the best dlcs for video games?

I don't even own a console anymore. I'm tired of all this "triple a" playing it safe bullshit. Every game is the same as last. Over the shoulder open world bullshit or 3rd person online multiplayer bullshit. No one wants to innovate or take a chance anymore. Everything is "muh graphics" when ghraphics havent evolved past a high end pc released in 2012. Technology in games is barely non existent anymore, and game play has become so streamlined that its press x to win. You know it's a sad state of affairs when a mobile game offers more depth than a triple a game.

> t.

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As I don't favor the direction the industry is taking, I'm just clearing my backlog and waiting to see if I even want anything else.

Do you people not have other hobbies? Like fuck, I just wait until there is something I actually want to play and then play it and when there isn't I do other things to occupy my free time.

How about picking up another hobby? If you only ever play games you'll bound to get sick of it. I enjoyed games a lot more after picking up another hobby I like.

Now if only I can quit coming here.

I used to do many other things, I played video games, watched tv shows, read books, etc. but with my declining health (even now that I'm doing better I'm tired all the time), college and insane schedules, and work all at the same time I only kept playing video games whenever I could and I lost many habits I used to have. I'm going to graduate in a few months hopefully but then I'll have to work full-time so I'm not sure I'll have enough free time and motivation to get back into some of my former hobbies. I'm sure for many anons they don't have much free time either and some hobbies are expensive or require time and efforts.

Every so often a game will come out that manages to put off my urges to quit for a while. But in between those times I want to quit or I just play games from 20 years ago that suit my tastes.

That's the problem really. They don't make the kind of games I like anymore. They don't release finished games that were started as passion projects. At least not that much. It's a combination of that and games as a service. The feeling that you can't ever be finished with a game these days can be off-putting, especially when the game at it's core might not even be worth playing once at 30 bills nevermind 70+60 for the season pass.

Are you excited for game of thrones later?

So you're number 2? Neat chart, dude.