I'm interested, tell me more about this game

I'm interested, tell me more about this game
Is it like loot shooter destiny and anthem style?

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Left 4 dead but lotr with rats with loot

L4D but warhammer fantasy

Picked it up on the recent psn sale. Havemt got much time in it yet but killing rat hordes is pretty fun.

Good game, shit content, even after two dlc
Saying this as someone with nearly 1k hours in

don't buy it.

runs like shit and gets stale and boring after 20 hours

it's not a loot shooter. it's l4d in fantasy and a bit more rpg elements - run around with some others and mow your way through hordes of enemies. If you're into that, it's pertty good.

if you didn't buy it at launch you live under a rock and shouldn't play my game you fucking faggot

>Good game, shit content
wtf does this even mean? that your skinnerbox isn't rewarding your grinding sufficiently?
The point is the gameplay, anything else is sad beyond belief.

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It means the game, as in gameplay, systems and all is good, but it gets old very fast after you're done running the same 13/15/18 maps over and over and over and over and over again in all four difficulty settings. Do you need me to spoon feed you any further, you drooling retard?

You misunderstand
>it gets old very fast
This means the game isn't engaging. ie there's something wrong with the gameplay. Otherwise it would be sufficient, no good game should require regular injections of new content to keep it interesting. Either the game, or the player is retarded in this instance.

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>This means the game isn't engaging. ie there's something wrong with the gameplay
You're one dumb motherfucker
The gameplay is fine, it's the game field it's applied on that's to blame. You have 5 different characters, 15 different classes all with different gimmicks to play around, but even if you have that much to play with, running through the same maps over and over again and realizing the only times you lose are due to the exact same bullshit the RNG AI director pulls is where it just loses its charm. They're now thinking of making some sort of procedural generation on the game maps, when they fail to realize the charm of the first game was the vast number of maps available to do shit on, as opposed to this year old's game with two dlc's dozen and a half

>exact same bullshit the RNG AI director pulls is where it just loses its charm.
Is this good game design?
>first game was the vast number of maps available to do shit on, as opposed to this
Bullshit, it had less maps also considering that so many of the missions were retarded collect x items, instead of having any proper progression.

>I'm interested, tell me more about this game

quite litteraly Left 4 dead in the warhammer universe but expands that foundation with 5 different clases with 3 subclasses each also different builds with varius equipment hidden behind a retarded lootbox system but no as retarded as the one in the first game

Also risk management with tomes and grims which gimp you for this level but increase loot and exp if you make it through

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The lack of map content, proper approved mods and the complete incompetence of devs to fix bugs and balance problems is what killed the game

its pretty decent but if you where there on the beta or the release the only thing you have now is a shit aftertaste on your mouth, because of all the months of horrible bugs that took forever to get fixed and all the unbalanced shit they dind't bother to touch, and every time they fixed something they broke 10 other things

the game could be so much better and it had massive potential, being so much better than all the other L4D clones and that L4D 1&2, it had an incredible amount of people playing the first days aswell, but that was all wasted because the devs took vacations just when they should have gave proper support to the game and then proceeded to be incredibly incompetent

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A lesser copy of Left 4 Dead

Vermintide 2 is a boring game. The visceral satisfaction of mowing down enemies just isn't there when you're primarily using melee or slow ranged weapons. Remember hordes of zombies pouring toward you in L4D2? Remember mowing them down with an automatic weapon, or taking out huge chunks of the horde with a shotgun blast? Remember the satisfaction of using a pipe bomb and seeing a gigantic crowd get blown sky-high? None of that is here. Imagine playing Left 4 Dead with a machete the whole time.

It would be dishonest of me to try to reduce the melee combat in Vermintide 2 to the level of Left 4 Dead 2. Each character and each weapon have numerous swings, and the fact that these swings come out in random different directions enforces an active gameplay style where the player is required to think about their every attack on higher difficulties. The problem with this system is that effort and skill go into the game by way of the player, and fun does not come back out. There aren't enough enemies onscreen at once, fighting rats is unsatisfying, and most blood in the game is black. I don't care if enemies in the Warhammer universe bleed black-- I want to see red. Concessions like this can and should be made for visual impact.

>get old
>after 1k hours of playing
Yeah no shit, nigger

>Is this good game design?
>patrol spawns in your face
>high mobility boss spawns in highly enclosed space
>hordes overlapping patrols/monsters
>4-5 disablers spawning even tho their number was supposedly limited to 2 long ago
Relying on RNG is never good game design, and adding that to the degree of spaghetti code we're dealing with, it's even worse

The game did not ship with dedicated servers and as of this review dedicated servers are not implemented. This is not acceptable for a $30 game. Tremendous bugs and missteps have plagued the game since release, with the developer being forced to admit, embarrassed, that they had been working on the wrong branch of code for several weeks and game features were not working correctly because they more or less lost track of what they were doing. Voice lines repeat endlessly. There are nowhere near as many lines as in L4D2 and seemingly fewer than L4D1. On many occassions, the game elicited a grin from me as the characters poked fun at each other, but this illusion of camaraderie is quickly dispelled by Kerillian's incessant "lumberfoots" and "mayflies". If you haven't played the game, the elf character references all of the other 4 with these demeaning terms constantly. It would not be an exaggeration to state that Kerillian says "lumberfoots" at least 50% of the time that she says anything. The developers thought this was cute and it is simply maddening. If you are playing as Kerillian you hear even more of this, and in the space of one level I counted my character saying "lumberfoots" at least thirty times.

As with so many games, the numbers tell the tale. Vermintide 2 peaked at 60k players directly after release and now hovers just over 15k peak players a month later. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people still play Left 4 Dead 2 daily. The lack of a versus mode is glaring ommission in VT2 and doomed the game to a quick death. The base mode simply isn't fun and Fatshark clearly thought grinding, item-based gameplay would hook players in. It didn't.

If you don't own Left 4 Dead 2, purchase that instead. If you do own Left 4 Dead 2, purchase Deep Rock Galactic instead of Vermintide 2. The developers of DRG did many new things with this genre, instead of just producing an inferior copy of a game that came out years ago.

tl;dr game sucks

I had friends to play it with. Yeah I know, shocking
If you dive in alone you'll probably drop it before the hundred hour mark

great game. got a couple hundred hours in, getting bored slightly but it's fun with friends, definitely worth the money. game runs great as well

>those times Ogres, patrols and hordes all happen at the same time

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It's amazing, Yea Forums shitters hate it so confirmed.
Warhammer is peak Kino and they do the setting justice.

DRG has some things going for it though so the second shitter here isn't hopeless.

Its bad because you have to beat the level in order to get the loot. Levels are too long and people are not good at the game and fuck around too much. Gets boring at hardest difficulty.

My point was that any game that relies on continual pushing of new shit, can't really be considered good design. There's something wrong if the game, as released, loses it's charm very fast.

Wasted potential

>they do the setting justice.
>dwarf who can drop in and out of the slayer oath at his beck and call
>wood elf can turn to and from dark elf at will
>mage literally abusing Aqshy, she only drops unconscious as a punishment
>end times lore

It is literally left for dead with loot. You fight rats instead of zombies, but it has special rats and they use most of the L4D specials.

>giant review with well thought out substantial points
>"it's kino"

game is garbage and dev hates their customers. still no dedicated servers, never will be.

>set in Warhammer
>no guns or spaceships
>no option to play as a Tau
Also why are humans cooperating with xenos?

Nice bait, 40k shitter

Why hasnt there been a 40k version?

>conflating game mechanics with lore


There is. It's just shit.

streum on studio is making it.

Because 40k and Age of Smegmar is utter shit.

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Both of you are massively retarded, Notice that you didn't even touch the core gameplay at all and just incessantly whine about dev incompetence which proved the user that you responded to right. The gameplay is exceptional but the game seriously need dedicated servers.

Wrong. Any game gets old if the content it has is limited. How would doing the same missions or playing the same maps over and over again not get boring to you after a while and after unlocking all the high level gear you wanted for your character? Doesnt mean anything is wrong with the level design or gameplay, just that you've played it enough and felt the desire to move on

it's pretty cool

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the core gameplay is an inferior copy of l4d. the first line.

less satisfying, always. never as exciting whatsoever

>The gameplay is exceptional

the gameplay is literally worse than l4d in every way. It's not satisfying to slowly kill small hordes with melee. At all.

its boring crap that takes up 100gb of space

>better than L4D

>Any game gets old if the content it has is limited.
Well.. what kind of a shit game design requires infinite content??

I thought the game was tedious and boring after less than ten hours back at launch.

This game is a perfect example of why you should never listen to Yea Forums's shitty opinion on anything.

There isnt a single game that can be played habitually that wont eventually get old, unless you're autistic.

Actually I just checked, I only have 6 hours of playtime.

Game was pic related

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2 is not as good as 1
All of the maps in 2 feel the same.
More customization than the first game(more weapons and skills) yet because so many are entirely unusable it feels like there's less.
It's probably worth running through each map with a few friends to do the "story". you are supposed to then grind maps for gear, but because they all feel the same, its too repetitive.

>game comes out
>has immense issues
>dev team takes month long vacation immediately after release instead of fixing bugs

How to ensure nobody will ever buy your games again.

It's not like Destiny or Anthem, it's more like L4D but with heavy focus on melee combat and also no PvP.

It's a heavily co-op reliant game where you and 3 other people play through levels (there are like 20 of them or something like that) and get semi-randomized challenges in terms of enemy spawns, very much like L4D in that regard. This game however has 5 different characters and each character has 3 different careers which bring different special abilities and different talent trees and/or weapon types. Each career can level up to unlock talents and increase power and you'll also get different weapon types. The game is occasionally glitchy but overall the combat is very solid and can be fairly challenging, on the highest difficulty people really need to know what they're doing and a mistake and/or an unlucky, extra-hard enemy spawn can easily fuck your run. It's the sort of game where you want to pay attention constantly and where you need your teammates to do the same (which is a bad thing if you get stuck with randoms who suck).

Overall I like this way more than I ever liked L4D, largely due to the variety available in gameplay and in the weapons themselves. You're not limited to bog-standard modern guns and instead get plenty of melee weapons which work differently (swings, damage, armor piercing properties on the swings, block capacity, dodge distance, stagger capability, etc.) as well as some pretty unique options for ranged combat (especially the wizard's staves). You have many more options available due to character builds, abilities and weapons (+ weapon traits) so it's hard to get bored of the core gameplay for me.

>slowly kill small hordes with melee
What about slicing through large hordes with a big fucking weapon? That was fun for me for a while. No other game gave me the same feeling, not even killing floor.

Also personally never found it satisfying to shoot zombies in l4d.

>not playing as a shade with conc pot and single handedly saving the team
Get on my level Lumberfoot

You forgot
>Everytime they fix something or update the game, old bugs re-emerge

isn't the same as in a few weeks. people left the game in droves very quickly. I never made claims about infinitely enjoyable games, my point was that the standards must have fallen to shit.

>What about slicing through large hordes with a big fucking weapon?

this doesnt ever happen in vermintide 2

also the point of l4d2 was versus mode and having no versus at all in this game is just pathetically lame

>its another versus nigger thread
Jesus Christ its being years already.

The game was more more harder easy/normal in the Beta than now in Legend

>this doesnt ever happen in vermintide 2
It does happen, the game is literally just you mowing down big hordes that keep coming

>the point of l4d2 was versus mode
I enjoyed it a bit but the strategies get pretty stale imo. Would be fun in vermintide, but only for a little bit. It's something you'd only complain about if you bought the game thinking it was gonna be a feature.

Why would you even buy Vermintide 2, the sequel to the original Vermintide, to complain about lack of versus when the series never had versus to begin with, nor did the devs ever say they intend to add it?

because the game is lesser due to the lack of it.

Are you retarded? You bought a game because
>the game is lesser due to the lack of it
You're retarded, there's no other conclusion to draw here.

There's you just forget because it was bad

While this is true, that also means it's lesser due to the lack of an arena mode, a jumping puzzle mode, an open world mode, a questing adventure mode etc

>this doesnt ever happen in vermintide 2
But it happens always unless you are using a tiny weapon or you are too retarded to know how to play

Is the playerbase as shit as the l4d one though? Meaning join game, move an inch, get kicked?

You get kicked cause you're a fuck up with no knowledge of the meta. Get good

Probably mostly if you're playing in the hardest difficulty, but to get there you need to grind levels.

Nah at most you will find fuckers how doesn't know how to play at the lowest levels

>If you dive in alone you'll probably drop it before the hundred hour mark
>playing coop games alone
Do friendlets actually do this?

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I said justice, not pointlessly obsessive autism.

Doesn't really happen. Last time somebody got kicked in a game I played was some fucker who intentionally aggroed a huge patrol on the hardest difficulty while we were already fighting a horde, then died, got another guy killed and almost wiped us. He got called out on his shit, started sperging, then when we revived him he started trying to kill us with friendly fire, at which point he got kicked. I've even played low-level characters on the hardest difficulty and nobody gave me shit. People expect you to know how to play if you're not on the easier difficulties but actual kicking doesn't really happen much, some people tend to rage-quit when they die though, even if the run isn't lost and the rest of the team would res them a few minutes later.

>What about slicing through large hordes with a big fucking weapon?

>this doesnt ever happen in vermintide 2

Shitters confirmed. Work on your English too.


>that one time where they wondered why the fuck they couldn't replicate bugs people reported, only to realize that their release branch was fucked and they were working on their own, fixed, internal branch all this time
Fun times

>set in Warhammer
>no Siegmarines
>no shark cavalry
What the fuck is this shitty fan fiction?

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Taste appears in the thread.
Welcome, Hope of Humanity. I'm glad you're here to counterbalance the endless dark tide of Yea Forums imbeciles.



left 4 dead but without the longevity or aiming. like all fatshark games they get old after a week because they have a hardon for minimal mechanics and constant repetition. not even the lootbox shit will keep you playing this dull ass fucking game.

They managed to make the sequel jankier than the original. Fun to dive into now and again.


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As opposed to l4d's 15 maps that are, in general, much shorter than even Vermintide 2's maps. Maps that feel damn near half the length of some of 1's.

This and the focus is on melee combat.

There's some loot and leveling up but they aren't the focus, more like just something on the side to work towards as you git gud.

L4D maps are much more interestingly designed and the zombie director allows for a large variety of encounters. vermintides director is probably just a random number generator

>and the zombie director allows for a large variety of encounters. vermintides director is probably just a random number generator
I'd love to see you support this opinion with some actual argumentation, because I've seen plenty of variety in both.