Dark Souls shits all over this trash. God, what a boring slog Nioh is.
Dark Souls shits all over this trash. God, what a boring slog Nioh is
Other urls found in this thread:
B-but the slog makes it fun
aite boys what's your favorite non Katana weapon? Odachi bros report in
I wonder what would compel someone to make a thread like this years after this game has been released. By all means make threads about games you like.
You realize this is you, OP. You've deliberately made a thread about something you don't like. That's worse than going into a thread about a game you don't like.
>Enters a thread he doesn't like becauase it triggered him when he saw it in the catalog
Kek, sure thing buddy.
I'm criticizing your decision to make the thread; not the content of the thread. Don't act retarded.
OP is retarded
It's the game for shitters that can't into Soulsbourne.
Basically the PG-13 version of Dark Souls.
Mediocrity, simplicity, and lack of effort, all come together to create the steaming pile of shit that is Nioh.
You said the pic was me despite the fact that it represents your train of thought more accurately than it does mine. The fact that you criticised me making the thread in the first place only confirms that you were indeed triggered by it.
I tried to like Nioh, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. The combat is fun at first but it loses its loser around 5-6 hours in. The rest of the game simply feels like a poor imitation of From.
>No argument
>Dark Souls shits all over this trash.
Nioh must be pretty bad, then.
Apparently this scenario you're describing is what you wanted since you're bending over backwards trying to make this discussion fit this narrative. You're transparent. You're a shitposter and you made a thread about something you don't like specifically to act like anyone who replies to you at all is mad. It's petty, and only something someone who has been blown the fuck out in other Nioh threads would feel the urge to do.
kusarigama or whatever that fucking thing was called
I thought Nioh's combat was better than the quick attack plus roll or simply circling plus backstab of DaS.
There is no narrative; I accurately described exactly what is happening with regards to you and this thread. I obviously don't like Nioh, that's the premise of the thread, so there is no need for me to hide this notion. You, on the other hand, entered this thread as soon as you saw it in order to respond to my OP. Therefore, what I said did, in fact, incite an emotional reaction out of you, and you felt the need to vent. Trying to act on the contrary now is disingenuous on your part. I did not make the thread for that purpose, since I don't much care for whatever opinion you may have, but it was entertaining, nontheless, to see your reaction.
I haven't even mentioned the game, and you interpret this as evidence that I'm mad that you don't like it. You don't see me making threads crying about games. You don't have the fucking cerebral capacity to escape this criticism. You're god damned furious about this game. You're such a fucking crybaby that you make threads about games you don't like instead of games you do like. That's why you're being ridiculed. You intentionally made this thread to argue with people who like the game. It's not disingenuous to point this out and mock you for thinking this is a good idea. For someone who don't seem to care about my opinion you sure as fuck can't help but beg for it by making this thread and replying to every single post I make laughing about your stupid decision. Make a thread about a game you like, you butthurt pussy.
Also the odachi for me, though I'm pretty fond of 2kat as well. All the weapons are great.
middle school musta been very hard for you, I'm sorry
nioh is shit played it 2h deleted it..
You didn't have to mention it, if the thread was about a game you didn't care about you obviously wouldn't have replied. So yes, you're at the very least a little bit mad that I made the thread. You're an anonymous poster, I have no clue what threads you have or haven't made so that's a completely irrelevant point.
You also seem to be getting more and more emotional as our conversation goes on. This only further reinforces the notion that me calling this game trash has triggered you. You've got a terrible poker face, even though our interaction is entirely text-based. And I do make threads about games I do like, but why shouldn't I make threads about those I dislike too? What rule is there that states I can't? Do you want Yea Forums to be a safe space that protects you from opinions you don't agree with? Sorry, user, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that not everyone is going to like the things you like. Again, I didn't make the thread to get a rise out of you - that's entirely on you, you could have easily ignored this thread, but you decided to respond to it instead. All I'm doing is expressing an opinion. That opinion just hapens to be that Nioh sucks, and you clearly have a problem with that.
odachi, the only weapon I can tolerate and even like a little. 10+ playthoughs, 30 abyss lvls. and still spamming mid/high stance. muh build variety, muh deep combat. if not for odachi I would have dropped it.
That's a whole lot of psuedo-intellectual babble to flat out lie. It took you almost 20 minutes to write. Suck my dick, retard. You should be ashamed that the existence of this game makes you so fucking mad you can't help but cry about it.
Lmao you mad as fuck bruh
Based. Odachi > spear > POWER GAP > everything else
The ching chong chain
How does the time it took to type the post out invalidate it in the least? I'm not monitoring the thread like a hawk and replying to you within the very second of you posting, I'm doing other shit and checking the thread sporadically. Anyhow, you just keep getting madder and madder the more you reply to me, so maybe it's best if you stay away from this thread from now on - had you done that in the first place you wouldn't have gotten this mad at all.
What not to like? The gameplay is super fun and responsive, you got loads of different ways to do combat too that you can play around with and the story is good old cheesy fun and also the bosses can be qiuet challenging.
Some of the bosses are cool, I'll admit that. But there is just too much about the game thst holds it back from being good for me. One of the main things is the non-boss enemies and that's for two reasons: 1, the enemy variety is piss-poor, you fight the same 5 guys over and over in any given level. And 2, they are simply never any fun for me to fight against because the AI is either super cheesey or braindead retarded - there is no middle ground here.
The only enemies that I find to be the least bit fun are the phantoms you revive. This in turn works against the combat, which does have potential, but it's mitigated by the fact that most of the moves you can pull off are pretty useless and you can coast through the game by spamming certain moves and combos instead of experimenting and mixing things up, and the sub-par enemy AI encourages that. There are other reasons too, but that's probably my main gripe.
yep the levels look really bad no variation at all. DaS3 has just so much more soul then this
Unironically more fun than muh ki pulse.
>basically QTEs
I will never understand the jump from dodging and parrying equating to quick time events
you're a retard btw but I don't even want to bother telling you that
For me, it's the tonfa gun.
>combat is fun at first but it loses its loser around 5-6 hours in
What did he mean by this?
Can't say I've had the same experience with the AI at all, it's generally always competent and actively punishes many close quarters strats but only if it realistically can do so. The enemy variety could be better but the effect it has on the game is a bit overstated, the depth and options in combat assuage it for those getting into it. The player damage is so high that you don't have to learn as much as you should, but pretty much all of the skills and stances are very useful, effective and worth learning. If you're not even trying to engage with the game on the level it's designed around that's your mistake, whether you beat it or not.
>bosses get stuck blocking against basic move spam until their stamina runs out
He meant he got tired of poking Amrita demons in the horns over and over again
God, I wish that was me.
Can't think of any that do off the top of my head outside of a very rare Magoichi case where he doesn't counter, almost all basic moves bounce on guard by default and any that don't are slow and have higher Ki costs and 9/10 times you'll be negative on Ki, unless you already played right to have a lead on them and are continuing pressure.
you could switch "dark souls" with "nioh" and it would actually make sense
nioh has actual gameplay while dark souls is unbelievably slow and shallow
How convenient that you can't remember every single humanoid boss that can block all of a sudden
>Dark Souls is shallo-
Agreed OP
>Movement feels janky as fuck
>Weird pvp system
>Randomized loot
>Level select
>Japanese mythology based enemies and lore
Overrated Souls clone
>dark souls is shallow
yeah i know
But it's underrated.
It plays better than any Souls game but the level, enemy and boss designs are all worse.
How convenient you can't remember the several systems in the game that work against trapping bosses in guard, on top of how said bosses actually act to stop that. I was giving you a chance to actually demonstrate your claim.
You must be the resident fanboy that lies through his teeth to downplay every single one of this game's flaws.
Look at all those """"""""systems"""""""" at work
By people with actual taste who know Nioh is shit.
Nioh is arguably the best game ever made.
the main downside is repetitive missions, it'd be better as a continuous game
It's worse than Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne so it's not even a contender for GOAT
>The gameplay is super fun
No it's not.
It's definitely better than Demon's Souls.
Nioh is a fine game. Soulshitters jst get over the fact it isn’t exactly the same as their favourite iteration, so despite the fact Nioh is a fine gsme, their obsessive nature lrevents them from enjoying it.
It is exactly the same as the Soulsbabies crying about Seliro being different
>Enemy swings his weapon like a retard
>Player sways left and right like a retard when he could have literally stood still a few feet away and it would have done the same thing
Ah, yes, I see now. Truly, this is the pinnacle of gaming.
>Niohcucks are phoneposters
>Can't say I've had the same experience with the AI at all
I can. The AI is complete garbage. I've had more fun playing PS1 games.
I’m taking a shit with my ipad. In other words, you have nothing interesting to say, so you revert to ebin meme replies. KYS
I'm so glad we stopped pretending that it's better than Souls just to be contrarian. Team Ninja should stick to developing fapbait garbage that is DOA
>Nioh is downright dogshi-
>does almost no damage
I was spoiled by my axe build
user, he could just be retarded.
Ah yes, everyone that knows more than you about a game is a fanboy, and only one person in the world. Very rich of you to call me a liar too, when you post a video of someone using two skills (not basic moves, and one requiring timing every time to get the proper attack) to get a bit of a stun lock going that even gets broken a minute in, and has him in danger of Ki break the entire time. But credit where it's due, you actually did manage to bring up the one other boss that's particularly susceptible to that kind of thing. Congratulations, you made an attempt and did some solid googling instead of only screeching about fanboys because of your shitposting.
Well if that's how you play then no wonder your bored, because you're a boring person with no imagination despite the game giving you tons of options.
how much of a fucking brainlet are you? That player is purposely playing with wooden weapons and no gear to prolong the video. If he had real weapons and a build it would be less than a minute long.
The regular katana and dual tachi. I'm going full weeb baby.
Is this supposed to convince me that this is a nice game? lmao
Yep, you're definitely that faggot.
Wasn't paying attention to his weapon autismo I just assumed he was on way of the nioh
>There's bad games, there's shit games, and then there's Nio-
git gud
It's a better version of Sekiro.
It has next to nothing in common with Sekiro.
it's autistic to point out stupidity now?
This is literally Dynasty Warriors but 'Daruku Soruzu iz popuraru now so we mast make gaem difficurutu'
>hurr durr i use a dynamic ip
It's weak but it's not wooden. You can't even watch your own videos? He also stacks every guard breaking effect he can fit onto his build and loses the loop twice. Perfect video for someone that doesn't understand the game or what it's real issues are.
What the fuck is this webm even trying to show?
I can't understand if it's a retard who doesn't know to play or if it's a retard thinking doing this makes the game look better. I hope it's former otherwise that's embarrassing.
lmao imagine being this retarded.
God you're pathetic
Not an argument.
This is just sad. I even called you out the last time you tried this on the other guy. Stick to what you're good at and post cropped pics.
>shitposter too retarded to even follow through his own bait
>and his meme bait is not even used the right way
Sad and a dash of yikes from me.
>no one is the same person but you, not even me.
You're right, it is sad.
What? That webm was god-awful. Do you really think it makes Nioh look good at all?
And yet after all this, you have said nothing of substance in regards to the original post. Congratulations, moron.
What the fuck are you even saying? Are you the one who posted that? Because it makes just as much sense
>Nioh Boss.webm
>it's just a regular enemy
wew lad you must suck at games if you think that was the boss
Not my fault that the shitposting retard doesn't even know how to use the unfinished sentence meme you dip.
How do you get the Izuna drop?
>soulsfags think they have any right to complain about the combat when they cannot even ki pulse
>Two people think you are retarded
>Get BTFO by pic
>D-dynamic IP!!
>Get called retarded again
>Get back on t-topic!!!
Ah, arguing with Niohfags really is an exhibition in bullying the mentally disabled.
You seem to be much more interest in me, than the game itself. You've given no reasons, just bog standard replies that any spastic could dish out.
>y-you are retarded
>haha I win
That is you. KYS
This is just sad user. Your bragging point is that the guy uses an IPad? Wow. This board is definitely filled with retarded zoomers and underages. It's already bad that there's twitch views = success threads. There's literal kids bragging how counter culture he is because the guy his replying to uses an IPad. Fucking hell.
You're really going to act like you aren't the Sigma/RE fanboy or whatever that always posts the same images and webms, with the same filenames, and has the same pretension of wanting to have genuine discussion before devolving into blind rage and ad hominem and painting made up targets on anyone that disagrees with you? I warned you a long ass time against this approach, shame you never listened, you're almost as autistic at the webm poster but at least you sometimes used that for good. The fanboy label is even funnier considering what I've said about this game before.
please shill me on Nioh
but nioh is 100x better than shitiro.
>The gameplay is super fun and responsive, you got loads of different ways to do combat too that you can play around with
Until you get to any of the actually difficult parts where the combat becomes either enter LW and mash or play hit and run using only your best special move and nothing else.
OP is so angry it's sad. Go apologize to your mother, it's Hito-emma's fault not hers.
>t. doesn't have an iPad
It's a rare drop from Jin Hayabusa, along with the fireball.
>If you're not even trying to engage with the game on the level it's designed around that's your mistake
No, it's the game's mistake for not giving those skills enough of a purpose. If the ideal way to play a game is to only use one attack, then that's not the player's fault.
>Weapon made specifically to fuck its way through an enemies guard
>Using skills with high guard break values
>quickly breaks through the enemies guard through a quick, very well timed series of attacks and skills
I mean, you can try and downplay it all you want but that is actually a very good run that no average shit on the internet could pull off. Shit, most players can't even keep track of their footing and just sprint to their deaths on The Ocean Roars Again.
>Soulsgame in Japan
>amrita/guardian spirit being bound is an interesting mechanic
>onomoya and ninjistu are fun mechanics as well
There you go. Props to you if you like it, if not that is just one less game to play. I think it's worth trying, I picked it up for $10 at Gamestop so it is pretty cheap already.
Impossible. There are some things that are so bad even the Jewiest Jew alive couldn't shill it to you. Nioh is such a thing.
Or you learn a slight amount of how the game works and what it offers, you never have to resort to that.
That isn't the ideal way to play at all though, each skill has plenty purpose barring about three of the entire list. It's just not punished nearly enough. Everyone should know who to blame for that by now.
>t. illiterate
I'm not the one who sperged out calling people samefags, retard. You are.
>Gets this triggered over someone shitting on iPad
Kek. Go back to R*ddit, you iPad owning faggot.
It's Dark Souls gameplay with slightly improved and much more varied combat coupled with vastly improved Diablo style loot progression, which is tied to your actual progress in the game. Also it has an actual story, which is well executed, even while it isn't the most original thing ever.
>it isn't a souls like
What is it like then? Bubble bobble? Why do you even post?
iPads are reddit repellent, retard.
You seem like a very angry person, user.
I always liked that the main character is based on a real world individual - the first Englishman to visit Japan properly who became an advisor to the shogun. He was also one of the few westerners that was granted land and samurai status, as well as a Japanese name; there's a town in what used to be his domain that honors him with a festival every year, so he's kinda like a folk hero.
Dunno why you feel the need to lie about the game to defend it. Some skills and weapons are blatantly more useful than others and trying to play with variety is a chore, thus the reason why people only employ a handful of moves for the entire game and be done with it. Nioh isn't DMC; it's combat is nowhere near as refined as you make it out to be.
I don't pretend, you do. How many times do i have to make this clear? You literally just hung yourself with your personal trigger faggotry, it's amazing how i managed to put that chain around some random loser on the internet without even trying, are you gonna carry it to the rest of your days? Do you lie awake in bed thinking of my posts?
You'd have to be an absolute cunt to pretend Nioh threads are not populated by the exact same people every single time for months now, just like NG threads were, but here you are doing it, like the faggot you are. You hide behind anonymity when it suits you and then try and label people who don't bother as boogiemen. It's a pathetic little cowardly game.
>this happens
>no i doesn't
>yes it does
>post proof
>no but you see *mental gymnastics*
This is Nioh threads in a nutshell, if you've read these fucking things you would guess that game is literally flawless instead of one of the most most flawed games ever released. Fuck off with your defense mechanisms will you,
Cool, now go back there.
Not as angry as the Niohcucks who've been crying all over this thread kek.
Why not just admit to what is right in front of your eyes? Why go through this dance? That AI literally has no answer to getting spammed on it's that simple. The game is filled with oversights like this, the tonfa ninja responds to getting spammed with a side dodge but because it's just a dodge and not a counter your moves just track to him and he gets hit again as if he hadn't done anything at all. Used to be a time where the humanoid bosses in this game were recognized as a cheese shop, now that there's only a couple of people left talking about this game suddenly there's nothing wrong with them just like everything else.
>All these seething Soulsbabbies that Niohchads have better taste
DMC combat isn't "refined" either, if enemies actually fought back you'd see people spamming 1-2 moves too.
The quality of an action game isn't defined by how many moves you use.
Blatantly is a grand overstatement, some skills are more general purpose but as I said very few are outright bad and any similar ones are different enough in their niche to have reasons to use either. Weapons also have most options and builds are so freeform that each end up coming practically next to each other in effectiveness outside of a few specific cheese builds which are the same idea anyway. Calling it a chore without elaborating is a mere opinion, though personally I found much to play with swapping between weapons and stances, which is smooth thanks to Ki Pulse and easy respecs to name a few things. People only employ a handful of moves because they are lazy, aren't told otherwise, and the broken damage values let them get away with it. That's just how people play games nowadays, but it's possible to acknowledge both the shit balance and what combat actually offers you if you learn it. I didn't say it was on par with DMC at all.
>but it's possible to acknowledge both the shit balance and what combat actually offers you if you learn it
Well, what does it offer you if it's poorly balanced? If you can one shot every boss in a single iai, why bother with the fancy stuff?
>DMC combat
>trying to play with variety is a chore
It really isn't though? Tons of moves have situations where they really shine, so it is to your benefit to mix it up.
>Low sweep is easy to land on small skeletons and preps them for a finishing blow
>Mid stance heavy blows through large skeletons Ki, similarly preping them for a finishing blow while dealing good damage
>Piercing Rain applies elemental effects and deals heavy damage to large yokai in an opening.
>Shove is handy for those fucking floating heads
>Windmill comes out instantly and shoves most enemies away from you, giving you breathing room in a group encounter
>Twisting Spear is a great opener and works perfectly on wheel monks as they are picking themselves up off the ground.
>Parry for humans
>High stance light for horns
I'm sure there is more but I haven't played very seriously in months. Or is that still just a handful by your count?
I mean, the whole fucking argument depends on you having "Parry disabled on guarding enemies" on your weapon and I don't think it was even available until the DLCs hit. It's LITERALLY there as a hard counter for guarding. Also I would hardly call it "spamming" when it requires perfect ki management to maintain for more than a few seconds.
What a surprise that a game with a heavy emphasis on RPG mechanics would have stats and abilities that work really well in specific situations.
Coulda fooled me, the only one that ever tries to win on identity politics alone on an anonymous message board is you. See, I didn't say anything about the threads having different people every time. I just called you a dumbass for thinking I'm someone else because they think differently from you. Because you scream and cry whenever your flimsy mask is pulled off. Find a different game to shitpost about.
>pointlessly jumping all over the place in the most inefficient manner possible = refinement
Action games should be about taking down dangerous enemies in the most efficient manner possible, not that garbage you just posted.
>posts DMC3 of all things
If you can spiral cancel, DT explode and dive kick cancel every thing in the game why bother with fancy stuff?
Holy shit what a stupid thread.
the only real flaw there is the availability of certain stats on items
without those stats the enemy would parry quickly, or just attack normally at some point
without those stats the player would have run out of stamina before the enemy / would be unable to keep the enemy stunlocked
without those stats the player would take much much longer to break through the guard
also that is an easy fight where the enemy doesn't go into overdrive and just ignores everything you throw at them
>If you can spiral cancel, DT explode and dive kick cancel every thing in the game why bother with fancy stuff?
You're right, why bother?
The vast, vast majority of action titles are actually trash.
It’s just awful. Wants to piggyback on souls but can’t muster the atmosphere, the sense of urgency in gameplay, or the designs
The moral of the story is
Just keep RPG shit out of action games
You brought up DMC, you tell me. Most games have things like that, Nioh's are pretty extreme though they require a bit of build designing and buff/debuff stacking. That's not to defend them, but to say they can be sidestepped easily enough and it leaves a very satisfying and varied combat system.
Good combat, I hope 2 adds more variety
It really isn't. Some skills are b l a t a n t l y more useful than others. I can get by most levels just spamming katana's high stance light-heavy combo. Most other skills are next to useless precisely because a handful of other skills are so far above them in terms of optimal ways to deal with enemies, they might as well not have been put in the game at all.
>Calling it a chore without elaborating is a mere opinion
But I've already elaborated in multiple posts why it's a chore.
>People only employ a handful of moves because they are lazy, aren't told otherwise, and the broken damage values let them get away with it.
Here, you just said it yourself. The game itself lets players get away with spamming, because, as has been firmly established at this point, certain moves make others look completely useless by comparison. That's not the players' fault, it's the game's fault for having such a poorly-designed combat system.
M8, I think DMC shits all over Nioh in just about every regard, but this is just bad. Combo autists are fucking cancer with their guard flying and reversal bullshit. They don't make DMC look fun at all.
>Any combat system that is worth anything on its own merit is better without RPG elements bogging it down because it allows the developers to design the game around a constant state of knowing what the player has
Was he right?
I'm not the guy who brought up DMC, I think DMC is overrated garbage.
DMC is underrated, though.
Yeah, all those situational moves are great and all, but instead i'mma just spam this same shit that can apply to practically any situation and any enemy all day because the game lets me.
Well made build, well executed strat . Whats the problem here?
This obliviously took quite the time investment and ability to pull off.
Literally no one else on this website knows or gives two flying fucks about who the fuck i am but you, NO ONE. These identity politics are literally all in your autistic chimp head. Maybe you should take your posting to some other website that accommodates triggers and personal drama. Otherwise take your fucking meds and shut the fuck up.
>the only one that ever tries to win on identity politics alone on an anonymous message board is you
I think you're the kind of person that would sell his own mother to win a petty argument. Even applying that sentence to this thread alone would make it literally false on just about every aspect. I keep repeating this to you, but you really have no self awareness.
The fact that an action game boss was solved by a "build" and a dumb AI loop "strat" to begin with.
How is using situational shit a "Chore" but mashing the same combos the whole game isn't? Especially in the situations where mashing the same combo is factually less effective? I'm not sure what point you are tying to get across here. ANY attack that deals damage will get you through the game. You can beat DMC by spamming your pistols if you take the time to do it but no one who thinks DMC combat is bad because that is an option is taken seriously.
It's an inherent flaw with the AI. The stats just make it a lot worse than that video even shows.
Yes, the only way human bosses can do anything in this is armoring through attacks but even that does not save them form the rest of the ways to cheese.
Yeah, ok, run along now.
>look look you can dodge rolll and...attack..
Whoa blowing my mind here with all this depth.
>Especially in the situations where mashing the same combo is factually less effective
ie never
Did he really say that? I can't believe i am agreeing with this shithead, though it is a pretty basic common sense statement.
SOMEONE used an Odachi.
Yes, it's in his nu-GoW video, where he shits on the game for including RPG elements.
Yeah, OK.
yeah, I don't mind progression but I don't like increasing statistics for little number increases, when I first heard sekiro has no character creation or levels I got excited for a metroid or zelda style progression system where you progress by unlocking new equipment and abilities instead of increasing numbers, sadly that wasn't the case.
>Dodge or block when the pretty blue lights happen
It's not too difficult, it rewards mechanical skill, and keeps you going on the offensive more often.
>metroid or zelda style progression system where you progress by unlocking new equipment and abilities
It does, though. You get prosthetic enhancements and you even get movement augmentations, like the ability to move underwater.
For multiplayer, that is certainly true.
It's legit difficult to balance a game with multiple fighting styles / builds for multiplayer.
However, in singleplayer, most players want to experience some character development / growth. That is the whole point of those rpg stat systems.
Balance isn't even that important in singleplayer, but somehow devs always find a way to downright fuck over their own mechanics.
For example, allowing the player too much stamina or too high stamina regeneration in a game based around stamina management. Or as in Nioh, where spamming quick attack gets stopped by guarding and yet they implement a stat that makes it so you don't get stopped by guarding anymore.
Or simply just allowing the player to become much stronger than the content he is currently attempting, killing enemies in a few seconds.
All they would have to do for rpg stat systems to work with the combat mechanics is to avoid stats that ruin the mechanics.
Dark Souls actually does that quite well, even though you can get somewhat high damage for the content, the initial gameplay and mechanics never get bombed by the stats.
yeah the health and damage increases are basically streamlined vitality, endurance, str and dex stats.
Same shit, different name.
I'm playing it for the first time myself and instinctively chose spear and odachi.
Did I choose the most OP shit?
>However, in singleplayer, most players want to experience some character development / growth. That is the whole point of those rpg stat systems.
Only because zoomers literally can't see a point in playing a game if they can't watch a number go up.
>Balance isn't even that important in singleplayer
It kind of is if you don't want to undermine your mechanics due to some tools being far too strong and others being near useless. Poor balance reduces a game's depth, even if it's single player.
With Odachi, you are damn right you did. Spears are just good, Odachis are gamebreaking because most of the AI can’t deal with them.
>is to avoid stats that ruin the mechanics
>Dark Souls actually does that quite well
*poises through your post*
>Firecrackers are the only good tools in the game
>Axe is only useful against anything that blocks everything else
Morning Moon of all skills is pretty niche. It's slow, requires a quick attack, and is linear. Most human enemies would block it easily and most yokai armour through if you're not careful, which forces you into punishing only. That's not blatant at all. Backwave is a very strong skill, but it only works on humans and certain attacks, can't be done out of guard, and Tempest can even waste damage if they already have low Ki. They're strong for what they do but don't do everything and focusing only on them means you miss out.
What you said was the AI and enemy variety made you not want to experiment, but if anything finding different ways to tackle those enemies and break up how they act would only make learning the combat more enticing, to mix things up.
That hasn't been close to firmly established though. There's been all kinds of strong uses for skills posted so far and reasons for using and not using them. Enemies dying too quickly doesn't change that, it means enemies die too quickly. You're attacking a symptom you developed yourself rather than the cause.
Oh, my mistake. I think it's pretty cool myself, haven't played 5 outside of the demo though.
>video of some guy wearing a single piece of weak equipment to showcase an AI loop
>uhm yes well made build, nothing else to see here
I am at a loss for words. This is some next level defensive bullshit. AI loops and cheese have existed in every single action game ever made, i've never seen them being outright denied even with video proof. This is just fucking ridiculous.
Here I'll post an AI loop from another game, maybe that will make you loosen up and stop clenching your fucking buttholes over this.
authentic medieval combat
That's a false equivalence, though, because the E&I guns in DMC are not designed to damage enemies, they are specifically there to extend combos and pad out the stylish meter, nothing more. Nioh doesn't have anything like that.
Every prosthetic is useful because they're fun, who gives a shit about optimization in a single player game
Every prosthetic runs off the same limited resource, and some will eat up a quarter of your reserves per use. If it doesn't specifically counter the enemy you use it on, it leaves you wide open to damage or just wastes that resource.
Tools are useless padding in an empty game, just like everything else you unlock.
>Combat arts are useless except the endgame one that deletes any enemy for free and the one that erases your posture buildup
>Shinobi arts also consume prosthetic uses and only work in a specific instance
>One weapon in the whole game and it doesn't even have combos, just R1 spam and a useless stab attack more likely to get you hit or mikiri'd
I care about my singleplayer games being fun, and a game that doesn't give me options is a shit game to me
>Why play videogames?
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
Nioh has several skills that are designed for dealing Ki damage instead of health damage, as well as defensive skills. Low stance is also there not particularly for damage but for safe interruption and low committal attacks.
The game gives you plenty of options, you're just too autistic to use anything but the most efficient strategy, which obviously is going to be the most boring one, too.
>video games must be about aimlessly doing pointless shit for no benefit
And yes, I realize the irony. But still, you can have a bit of actual strategy to the action instead of just shoving in options and deciding that having them exist is good enough.
You're right, I forgot about the tool that lets you negate any one attack every time you use it. Big, big game changer.
>Try to have fun with the mountain of shitty tools the game throws at me
>Get a slap on the wrist and a reminder that I can only do that five more times and should make it count
Jin actually does start attacking if you hit his guard enough, it's just it takes a few too many hits and the Break stacking means they can get past it if they manage to keep hitting every God of Wind timing. Except for the two times he gets out of course.
>Poise is bad game desig-
I see nothing wrong with this.
Dark Souls is about approaching encounters intelligently, not mechanical skill.
Sekiro does the exact same that every other action game did before it.
Except Sekiro has the most unique combat system of all time.
Passive poise reduces the intelligence you're able to use and display by dumbing down the amount of active intended decisions made in situations to a very limited scope and little consequence.
>Balance isn't even that important in singleplayer
What ever you wrote after this is not even worth reading
except it actually works this time because gameplay is good
By most unique do you mean not a single original idea in it? Is that what you mean?
You have ten seconds to name me a game that plays like Sekiro.
Sekiro is just a compound of various mechanics and designs from previous action games in a more lenient form. No game plays exactly like something else, don't be dense. You can name a mechanic and i can tell you a game that did it first before Sekiro did.
Hopefully, i might eat some crow but I'm game.
>You can name a mechanic
B - B - Weapon Art
It's not entirely unique but the concept of using your "guard" resource to activelydamage your enemy's "guard" through timing is a pretty great and original one, even if Posture and deflecting is just a bit like a combination of DMC Royal Guard and Nioh Ki, both streamlined and simplified.
It's not pointless. It's called having fun user. I don't need a reason to do cool shit in video games. Not everybody is a giant fucking faggot who can't enjoy variety because of their intense autism
really? You're gonna give me the easy one? You're even the thread about it.
Posture is basically just the same as the enemy stamina from Nioh. The minor differences amount to basically the same in the end.
Good for you that your preferred method of enjoying video games doesn't require thought or depth. Not everyone shares your opinion.
>video games
>pressing buttons
I can break down any activity into something retarded.
It’s uniquely boring, maybe that’s what he meant. The hardest thing about bosses in that game is not falling asleep.
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
Great game but it's such a fucking repetitive grind.
Hype as shit for 2, that's going to be a day one purchase.
>Hype as shit for 2, that's going to be a day one purchase.
Found the marketer.
Not him, but I can see why Morning Moon would be spammed, with the right weapon stats it can be pretty devastating to bigger enemies.
It's a great and strong attack worth using when possible, but it isn't the answer to every situation and needs set up to be done safely. You can't really spam it in many situations without it putting you in danger and other options work better for them.
>Posting on Yea Forums
>Being retarded
oh, so enemies use posture resource to attack you in sekiro and enemies lose more stamina in nioh if you perfect block their attacks.
weird, must have missed this mechanic in my 300 hours in nioh.
i also like how you can regain lost posture by timing a button press after having expended some of that posture to attack in sekiro
>not playing the game for the waifu spirits
>you're not allowed to be excited for a squeal to a game you like!!!!
Thanks Yea Forums
I hope Saiorse is in Nioh 2.
i like nioh and dark souls
What did i say about no game playing exactly the same retard?
In both cases, the enemies lose their resource when they attack you and you successfully negate their attack. Yes, you literally gain posture by holding the block button. I said that specifically to not get bogged down in nitpicking nuance shit, in the end the concept are essentially the same. Exhausting a bar other than health on the enemy through your own attacks and negating theirs so you they are put in a stun state and vulnerable to a context sensitive attack.
Souls Combat
>mashing r1
>abuse poise when it still worked
>abusing broken iframe rolls
>enemies don't follow the same rules they expect you to follow, such as unlimited stamina, poise and can attack through walls
Nioh Combat
>detailed combinations of light and heavy attacks
>ki pulses timing after attacks
>hitboxes are so precise that you can't abuse iframes
>enemies are subjected to the same rules as you
I went back to nioh because of the influx of threads the other week since I still hadn't finished the last DLC boss and I quickly remembered why it's shit
>enemy AI is terrible and uninteresting
>another generic jap human boss with a forgettable name and predictable behavior with too much hp
>hahaha grab attacks
>majority of fight is just running to the side which lets you avoid everything because you have sanic speed
>you can seemingly use the fox's body to block one of the projectile attacks from the human but not the other
I ran out of elixirs trying to kill the fox as fast as possible and then realized the human is basically retarded and killed him with barely any damage taken. They really put all the effort into the combat while all the other systems are either pointless, overwrought, or barebones. Every single level felt like I was doing the same thing but with different lighting. Hopefully Nioh 2 is a better experience.
managed to get 20 hours in and gave up
>boring mission-based structure
>boring level design
>boring enemy design with no variety
>boring boss fights
combat system is neat, other than that its an absolute snoozefest
You can just admit the game was too hard for you soulsbab.
Based illiterate poster
Shitted by SS Ishiin, one of the only bosses that presents an actual challenge
>Strawmanning is all the Niohfags can resort to, because deep down they know their game is shit
Based as fuck.
>huuur duuur boring where muh item descriptions to read and write fanfic about
dumb soulsbab
>make thing i don't like sound bad
>make thing i like sound good
>sword saint
Literally took DSP 3 tries to beat him. How you can unironically call Sekiro hard when you all you do is mash deflect and mikiri counter is beyond me.
Pressing the button at the right time solves every problem it could solve flawlessly and without any strategy, thinking or drawback involved. So it's basically a QTE.
>Souls has no story, and is nothing but vague half explained autism
Dunno who that is, I don’t pay attention to twitchturds or ecelebs of any type
I said SS Ishiin was a challenge, but only in the same dull vein as most multi-stage soulsdreck is. Nothing interesting about any of it, I only completed the game because I stupidly bought it when I should have pirated.
>Strawmans again because he knows, deep down in his soul, no argument can change the fact that Nioh is shit
>Any combat system that is worth anything on its own merit is better without RPG elements bogging it down because it allows the developers to design the game around a constant state of knowing what the player has
Is he basically admitting that he thinks fights should only ever be built around 1 strategy, "the right strategy intended by the devs"? If so, that's fucking horrible and bad gameplay.
I gave you a shitty starwman in responses to your shitty strawman idiotic soulsbad
No, can you even fucking read?
>Dunno who that is,
Thanks for confirming you've only been browsing Yea Forums for a month.
>Dunno who that is
lol come on now
are you retard?