Phantasy Star Online

How's Clementine coming along?

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Why don't you go check their forums/discord

I want to go back guys

This image has too much soul, don’t let the zoomers see it

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Needs a mouse.

Man I fucking love PSO.
That said, I've been trying out Clem for the last week myself. I'm definitely impressed with the progress, but that's all it really still is, a work-in-progress, take it or leave it. If you can get past that, there is still fun to be had.

>LCD panel

CRT with VGA port or bust

Forums I could I guess but I don't use Discord.

But DC and PSO look great with an LCD.

Is it for the story or just nostalgia?

Never played PSO, but was trying out clementine. Seems like a clunky-er PSO2.

more overrated currently trendy shit on Yea Forums just like sonic adventure

why do zoomers pretend to love the dreamcast so much

Virtual-ON was great

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It had good games. "pretend" lol

Fuck you, the VMU was dope as shit.

>no scanlines to hide the jaggies
>black bars
>input lag
LCD is worse

If you are implying that Dynamite Cop is a bad game then you sir, lack taste and decency.

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Absolutely 100% nostalgia. I don't even think any of the story stuff even functions.

>Seems like a clunky-er PSO2.
You're not far off, but personally I find even PSO2 to be kinda clunky, though the clunky-ness of the series has never detracted me from enjoying them(and I have bigger problems with PSO2 outside it's combat anyway). It's still the same "turn your brain off and play slower diablo" type of stuff to expect though. If you're ever bored of the other two games, It's certainly worth a try.

Not sure how long I plan to stick around myself though, I'm pretty sure this character data won't be sticking around. If you happen to enjoy having your progress stick, then DO avoid it, at least until it's finished of course.

>How's Clementine coming along?
The new server that just came up (at the same time as PSO2 Episode 6, bloody idiots couldn't have timed it worse) is a far cry form the unplayable piece of shit they had last year. It's fun, it's playable, give it a shot. But it's also full of bugs and weird behaviour, just accept it.

>Needs a mouse.
No it most certainly does not. Mouse control in PSO is a bad bloody joke. So's keyboard control, that thing is for typing only.

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I have a garbage laptop that runs Ephinea just fine. Is Clementine considerably more demanding?

>No it most certainly does not. Mouse control in PSO is a bad bloody joke. So's keyboard control, that thing is for typing only.
Seriously. I don't know why people even try playing these games with anything other than a controller. If you really have to, just pony-up for a simple generic pc controller or some shit.

>m pretty sure this character data won't be sticking around.
What makes you say that? Everything stated in the past said that when the proper server came up, and that's this new one, it would stick.

I mostly used the mouse to destroy people at Quake 3.

I wouldn't say PSU is particularly demanding, just a technical mess. That said, I don't know the specs of your craptop. It's free and only about 5gb or so though, so It shouldn't take too long to set up and try.
Ah, probably. I could have sworn I maybe read a post on the old forums about it though, and it WAS referring to the rewrite server. It's probably a good idea to check with one of the admins, though. Don't really mean to cause misinformation, but if I can dig up the post I'll link it.

What, on Dreamcast? That's pretty cool. Ahead of its bloody time, even. Even some PS3 era FPS's, including some later Quakes, can't into kb+m.

is your laptop better than this?

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>Is Clementine considerably more demanding?
Probably less so actually, since it uses classic fullscreen instead of the bollocks borderless window that Ephinea only gets away with due to PSOs low framerate cap anyway.

Noice, will try.

I'm actually playing pso for the first time now, the gc version.
The game is incredibly soulfull and the extra mission are fun.

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Me and my sister loved that game.
DC sure had a lot of beat em ups.

Where does Clementine go on the spectrum of battle speed between PSO1 and PSO2? PSO1 is way too slow nowadays and modern PSO2 is way too fast. I know PSU is nowhere near current PSO2 but is it closer to PSO1 or vanilla PSO2?

where do I download this

Probably right in the middle, honestly. Maybe leaning towards PSO1 more? PSO2 is certainly the "fastest" of them all imo.

PSO is great but personally I can't stand the game if I play alone. I only find it fun if you do local splitscreen or play online.

>pso2 fucking sucks and they never released the english version

I love this gameplay loop of doing nothing but spamming over end.

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nevermind found it

it's a good thing they never released it in english. it would just be the inferior version just like the NA versions of PSO/PSU because they can't secure licensing deals and Sega of America simply doesn't give a fuck about support.

in the middle I guess. I don't find PSO1 too slow combat wise but I guess it differs for people because they hate 30FPS

>imput lag

Implying CRT have 0 imput lag

Personally I'd be cool with a PSO2 that had nothing but the REAL content and not all the gay crossover cosplay/promo shit. You can go ahead and dummy all that gay shit out anyway, shits for whales.

Even then, that will still never, EVER happen for the reasons you described. That and you'd be dummying out like 60% of the game since that's really all PSO2 actually is.

LCD input lag is so bad that they have to make a game mode for them to reduce image quality to speed up the display

pso2 was good until the abortion that was episode 4
it was already almost shitting the bed with ep 3, but they decided to double down their faggot factor
international "community" being pretty much discord trannies and weebmeister normalfags didn't really help their case, but in all honestly what would you expect

>over end
nigger what, that shit was only relevant for what, a month in 2012?

Urushihara is the best.

right. without the japan promo events the game is missing like 50% of its content. that's partially why the SEA version shut down, it was just lacking too much in content.

I never played PS before but I tried PSU and like it a lot.
Its really confusing though, theres tons of different desks that give different missions and you have to use to get to certain missions in a party so I get lost a lot and don't know where to go. I wish they all just worked from one desk.
I like having to time attacks and skills to get big damage, the only real shitty thing about the combat is blocking / evading is just a stat that automatically happens instead of being a manual thing.
I think i'll try PSOBB untill they wipe Clem tho.

I’ve been trying to convince my friend to play Ephinea with me.

He thinks it’s too much work to get it going. Which makes me think he’s a lazy faggot.

he is a lazy faggot. it's just download the exe and play. and account creation takes literally 1 minute.

That's retarded. It's literally just a client download. Link him this thread so I can tell him he's a fucking retard.

Sounds like he just doesnt want to play with you and wants an excuse.

He also refuses to play any multiplayer game where you have to unlock the multiplayer or finish a tutorial.

It pisses me right off trying to find games we can play together. PSO is perfect for us but no. Too much hassle he says.

I even spend about 100 bucks on him every time I get paid trying to get him into new games. All he ever wants to play though is fucking dead or alive 6.

Definitely starting to sound like he doesn't even want to play with you. Not only is he retarded but a disingenuous retard.
>dead or alive 6
You can do better.

I want to go back so badly.

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Well it’s doa or Mortal Kombat. I like fighting games but I like co op games more.

It's closer to PSO, in same ways slower with Just Attack timing, unlike PSO2 where JA's actually can speed combat up compared to mistimed attacks in PSU Just Attacking to do more damage is definately slower. It's noticably less clunky than PSO though and the pace of quests, or missions is faster than PSO.

>I even spend about 100 bucks on him every time I get paid trying to get him into new games
bro why he clearly doesn't want to play with you.

>Visiting the area for the first time after a clear
The fucking feels, man.

Rose confession is stuck in my head forever.

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PSU is automatically faster because it isn't locked at 30FPS.

I always buy friends a gift on payday.

I bought another friend a PS4 once. And I very nearly bought some guy on here warriors orochi 4.

I literally just quit out of PSOBB on Ephinea because they have maint in a bit.
My fucking buddies.

Me and my friends would regularly run through Ruins just to hang there and chat.

>I wish they all just worked from one desk.
You can go to the Guardians HQ on each planet to access all the missions on that planet from one location, but you still have to wait for each mission desk to load. It's a very clunky system, but it does remove the need to travel (beyond to the planets in question, or the colony).

he cba to even play good fg? sad.
you're a good friend man but you should maybe really chill if you're doing it all the time. as much as id love an additional source of gaming having someone dump cash on games for me would feel kinda pressuring.

I had a friend like that. I'd buy shit to play with him but he'd never even try free shit I'd want to play.
Eventually I got Legion to play WoW with him when it launched, and he said I'd need to play a different character because Death Knights we're bottom tier or something so I quit talking to him.

m8, you can't buy love. Please stop. You're only making your friends feel guilty. If they don't want to play with you, you just gotta accept it. It's obnoxious when somebody is constantly trying to get you into stuff you don't care about.

That controller looks awkward as fuck.

How unforgiving is PSU's leveling/character meta?

Can I misplace stat points or anything that'd be hell to respec?

PSOBB Ephinea lets you respec materials.


I didn’t think of it that way. I just buy him games because he’s paying for his medical bills.

>hop on VRchat one day
>someone imported that PSO shrine into the game
>literally nobody on the server knew where it was from and thought it was some OC thing

Maybe Ephinea is different than what I remember PSO1 on DC being but the time to kill each enemy felt way too long at the earlier levels.

Huh, strange. The only time I really remember anything being faster on any console was due to hacking. I largely just jump on to Ephinea for a quick dose of nostalgia though, I don't really stick around. I couldn't tell you the specifics of the private server.

Ephinea is based on PSOBB which changes a ton of stats and things from the original DC version. Also PSOBB has a MP mode and "single player mode" where the SP mode enemies have lowered stats to accommodate playing solo.

Maybe, and I'm not about to pretend I know what your friends going through medically, but I'm just speaking from a theoretical perspective. I think if someone was doing that to me, It'd start to get difficult to be excited for the incoming flux of games that I'm really not sure if I'd really like or not without some research, and I just know I'd eventually have to ask them to stop. Maybe I'm just projecting but that's honestly what I'd do in the situation.

Your friend still has shit taste, though.

that looks so nice

That's awesome. I wouldn't have thought anyone would give enough of a shit to do that. There's quite a few good places that would make great VR hangouts now that I think about it.

it was fine for PSO but it was awkward for a bunch of other games, MDK2 especially. you moved your character with ABXY not with the analog.

Whatever the case I think he’s just a bit lazy for not liking games where you have to do the work.

Problem is he’s the only guy I can play with because everyone else takes the games waaaay too seriously.

post more aesthetic Sega setups

this literally looks like my friends setup for FFXIV on PS4. Console next to monitor, dualshock 4 and wireless keyboard nearby.

>pal dreamcast
Opinion disreguarded

Well, either way, you can probably find SOMEONE that appreciates it more, AND isn't lazy.
As for taking shit seriously, I sure hope no one is taking games like PS seriously, at least. Metaslaving and the like is the worst.

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I always wanted this one.

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>>imagine not being at least 13 on 9/9/99 and pretending to have experienced Dreamcast

How much does it cost for one of those dreamcasts modded with an ssd or whatever?

The first time I ever prayed in my life was for a Dreamcast on launch day.

Were you playing mostly offline mode in Dreamcast PSO? Ephinea, being based on PSOBB, has One Person mode, which balances the monsters for one player like offline PSO had. Slower, lower stats, less health. Online mode (or normal mode on PSOBB) always had nastier stats and quicker moving monsters, balanced for a party of 4 even if you're in there alone.

you mean sd card. gdemu costs 130 Euro by it self.

That must have been awkward to move with those keys. Cool looking system though.

>wasting money on hdmi conversion when dreamcast VGA is already bretty kino
I still really like this set up

It's just the same thing with a blue swirl instead of red. Or do you actually think that the PALcast doesn't do 60hz all the while looking better than NTSCcast?

I'm playing Clementine but I'm not sure what I should be doing. I wish I had like a basic direction, what missions to do, what photon arts I should buy.

If only there were people you could ask.

>GC version
why not BB?

just grind shit and get what looks cool to you. PSU online had no real direction or even relevant story (the actual story is offline only), the multiplayer was just grinding missions for loot and hanging out with others.

Black bars isn't a issue
Only autists care about 0,0005 miliseconds of input lag
Clean image with jaggies is better than scanline

It was the easiest for me to set up.
Once i finish ep 1 and 2 i'll download ep 3.

Really your first thing you should do is just go out and acquire some levels/money. First mission should be "Unsafe Passage." Which can be access either from the 4th floor of the colony or the guardians hq. Once you get acquired, you can start to worry about what Type you want to grind and which weapons/PAs you want to use.

they could utilize quickload save-states to get into the game faster or cheese spawns/loot drops.

also for some reason the GC version text is sharper than PSOBB, you can try changing the font in PSOBB all you want but it will always remain blurry even at 4k.

See you space cowboy...

Sometimes I think about all the people I've played the game with.
I also sometimes think it would be great to just catch them on a private server out of nowhere, but I know that will never happen.

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Remember when you could have freezed other peoples console online through action replay and corrupt their save data/entire memory card?

good times

Remember the reason dreamcast ate a dick was because an actual, legit video games magazine at the time was publicly mass dumping the piracy exploit to people, that they somehow got a hold of.
I can't remember the name, but i think it was a magazine from the Bongistan that did it.

Shit, players never needed any of that shit to fuck people over. The game itself did a good job of doing it already.

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LMFAO, XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>the actual story is offline only),
There was an online only Episode 3 story. Not implemented on the private server, of course. Maybe some day (not holding my breath).

Just buy whatever PAs you can afford at the time, it doesn't really matter at first and you can make the seemingly bad ones work sometimes. Probably best to sell all the crafting materials you find early on too, I imagine anything worth sitting through the horrible crafting system for won't use those low level mats.

As for what missions to do, after the first couple of ones on the colony if you want to party go to the Flyer Base on Parum and do the level 10 mission there (even if you're only level 5), at the military base lobby after that do the De Ragon mission (Plains Overlord, I think?). People do that one often, you'll get parties and exp. You can join parties from the counter, too.

Look around other places for missions too but be prepared to have to solo them.

I'm not kidding user. The game can corrupt your file through normal gameplay means across all the old platforms.

only on dreamcast/gamecube because they autosaved too much. they learned their lesson with the xbox version where the game only saves when you quit the game instead of everytime you do something.

While my Xbox characters certainly never got deleted full on, they have lost all items in their inventory that aren't equipped or stored due to server issues. Not saying the Xbox isn't an improvement but it wasn't perfect either. It loved to hang on loading screens, just like the others too.

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GC version that i am playing also autosaves only when i quit to main menu.

oh yeah, all the versions had that problem where if the console crashes or you turned it off abruptly you lose all your unequipped items and money. don't know why that was even a thing.

Pretty sure it was a 'feature' to try and keep people from duplicating items or something.


I'm talking about the online mode from back then. in the gamecube version the game would save everytime you did something like talk to a NPC, drop an item, load a new area, etc.

This thread reminds me of the summer I spent playing PS02 and listening to mogra
The memories....

>that one game only like 12 people played

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they failed horribly with that because all the console versions had a duping glitch.

Oh yeah, they BIG time failed. They never quite found a valid solution to any of it, and I would believe it if they never really tried.

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well if I can recall they released a patch for xbox to fix the duping/god equip glitch but if you never played online then you never received the xbox live update.

my favorite glitch in pso was probably the unit stat stacking trick to have level 200 stats as a level 1 character.

Looked pretty great for a DS game

>unit stat stacking
Fucking brilliant, I remember that shit.
Really, it did. Didn't actually perform too bad w/ four players either. I think it just got a little boring a little too fast.

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Is it just me or is Universe fucking boring? Maybe I missed something but the gameplay is extremely basic, there seems to be like no mission or enemy variety early on and mission rewards are shit so you need to grind them a fuckload to be able to afford anything. Now that would be fine if the gameplay wasn't as boring as it is.

I agree, Universe gameplay was very barebones and excessively grindy. They improved on it dramatically with Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity but sadly that never came out in English officially and unofficially.