Is the gaming industry heading toward a decline?

Is the gaming industry heading toward a decline?

Business model makes no sense

>built on massive amount of OT/Crunch Time
>requires a huge amount of capital for a relatively short lived product (expected life of games are similar to movies with any other being residuals/remasters)
>Intrusive DRMS hurting the bottom line and consumers, without making a dent in actual piracy rates.

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Other urls found in this thread:ōshi

All major 3D shit is built in crunch. It's almost inherent.

wtf, Green Fresco?
OP's pic gave me AIDS

studios are built on crunch, not 3d games as a whole

Name a 2d studio with crunch. I was trying to include 3d film/commercial as well, because they go through the exact same shit.

>crunch crunch crunch
confirmed for retards who dont know what it means


No, the tens of millions of people playing video games do not give a shit about any of thies.
Any workers who dont want to be part of this will be replaced easily.
Video games will continue to be on the decline until we reach a point something so terrible happens that the casuals will finally get upset over and the indsutry will not be able to recover for a very long time.

>>requires a huge amount of capital for a relatively short lived product (expected life of games are similar to movies with any other being residuals/remasters)

And? Why do you /biz/ wannabes like to pretend you know shit and hype a crash that won't happen?

In a sane industry where its critics aren't just paid shills and its consumers aren't braindead retards, sure, but I have a feeling AAA will be just fine. For every dev they fire or work to the bone, ten more faggots from this very board who say "I'm going to school for video games!" will take their place, and that's just temporary before AI is coding most of what we play.
All companies have to do to fix their bottom line is spend less on marketing. Instead of millions for an ad during Monday Night Football, they'll shill a couple grand to a streamer and have just as big of an effect while retards still lap it up.

My work videgames at dad, he says game industry will never crash. Trust me guys.

Nothing lasts forever, so might as well focus on obtaining as much short-term profit within a designated time range. The more you make, the more capital you can make for your next investment. Rinse and repeat.

Who says devs NEED to take part in that crunch time nonsense? Its just a social construct made up by bad businesses.

I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit and guess what, they make much better games than the west.

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The industry will never crash again. It's too big now.

The bigger they are...

Why didn't he just do a new TPS Report? He's getting payed to be there, who cares if it got lost. Make a new one, don't whine about it.

Yes probably but no matter what happens indie PC scene will keep the industry on life support at the very least so unless you're just a big fan of Triple A games i wouldn't worry about it

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit and guess what, they make much better games than the west.

What? Do you know anything about Japanese work culture at all?

innovation and uniqueness has also been dead for a long time now they got replaced by sjws and feminist proganda as well


>banks will never crash again, they're too big to fail

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit
>the country known for working 75 hours a week, and if you don't, fuck you and you've dishonored your entire family tree
Oh I am having a laugh at you, delusional weeb.

I honestly believe we're headed towards a resurgence of piracy, thanks to all these different launchers and exclusivity bullshit.

Piracy is already increasing again for the first time in a while on TV because nobody wants to buy a dozen different streaming services.

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If these San Fran retards are too stupid to actually go on strike/unionize then they deserve to be worked to death. Stop & Shop workers making ten fucking dollars an hour went on strike for ten days and got everything they wanted, what the fuck is stopping these idiots?
>B-but how will I afford my highrise apartment and my lifestyle of going to Whole Foods???
Get fucked

Oh look, its THIS thread again. The one you see every year. The crash should've happened in 2012, right? Lol get over yourselves

Game launchers are free and most people already have Epic launcher on their computer because of Forknife

I have the same feeling, I've started downloading a few things after being on a long hiatus from pirating. Basically why I stopped pirating was the ease of use (and perhaps "growing up") of Steam, keeping games always updated and guaranteed fast downloads. But now I'm starting to think that the hassle of pirating is worth it again

>requires a huge amount of capital for a relatively short lived product

gee maybe they should start releasing modding SDKs and dedicated server software so they last 10+ years

Get with the times, the market isn't going to be just Steam and Epic in 5 years time and people have reservations about downloading Epic's Chinese spyware bullshit.

Also, my hard drive and bandwidth doesn't exist so I can have half a dozen different browsers on it all updating themselves, unnecessary bloatware.

sheep it up shit so its gonna be ok, just look at how well sekiro sold, people are getting dumber and game publishers know this

>requires a huge amount of capital for a relatively short lived product

Which is why you have companies focusing on things like season passes, DLC, and lootboxes.

That doesn't mean piracy can't or won't increase, there are plenty of people who don't want the hassle of a bunch of launchers, especially with cancerous shit like alleged spyware and exclusivity. The latter alone is preventing me from touching the Epic Games Store, keep that consolefaggotry off my platform, thanks.

You'd think this ey, since the solution is so obvious.
Doom has had a modding community longer than many gamers have even been alive and it only gets bigger.

Half Life 1 and 2 spawned a generation of modders and many of them became developers.
But you have now, some fantastically stupid cunt who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing who sees modders and modding communities and thinnks "these people don't pay us! we don't get money from this!"

Recent events have amazed me just how fucking parasitic and money hungry many publishers are, their arrogance is so fucking blinding they don't realize the worth of a modding community. Bethesda had to be reminded they'd pretty much be fucking dead if it wasn't for modders because the unspoken agreement is modders fix their broken games.

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Triple AAA cinematic experiences, maybe. Macho marine, FIFA, indies and Japan seem to be in no danger.

The Gane industry needs a crash

We need AA titles back with smaller game studios that care about games and developing then for nerds

Gaming got to big and with it came big budgets, unrealistic sales, and anti consumer bull shit that will only get worse with streaming and epic store

People who buy sports games year after year are fucking morons, EA cottoned onto this a while back.

I'm sure than even Nintendo debes has to suffer crunch time. Crunch seems something you can't avoid by how industry works. What impressed me is how long people tend to stay working with Nintendo, a decadencia or even two.

We're going to have another crash. Hopefully it will kill Sony for good.

Yes. But not a decline like it's going away. Just a correction. Vidya matured as an industry during a time of global economic panic where central banking propped up the bubbles with cheap credit. Vidya is in a bubble like everything else. And like everything else, it needs to restructure and kick out the grifters that came in for the quick and easy money. It will do this within 10 years.

It would do it a lot faster if steam stopped allowing shovelware on it's platform.

>Bethesda had to be reminded they'd pretty much be fucking dead if it wasn't for modders because the unspoken agreement is modders fix their broken games.

I'm still amazed it took a completely fucked attempt at multiplayer Fallout to get the message across.

How do you guys even find this shit? I never come across any of the obvious shit on Steam and I'm baffled it's enough of a concern that anons bring it up all the time.

they didn't "crash" again though

Banks always win, no matter the system or situation.

We have a problem that many consumers are happily uneducated and will buy total horseshit and there are just enough of them that through sheer weight of numbers, you have to *really* sell them garbage for them to turn away enough to turn the financial tide.

I don't but I know it's there and because it's there, it turns off many creators who want to put in effort. Epic plays on this exact feeling in devs to get more content and I don't want that fucking awful launcher to survive.

All their fucking money and they put UT in development hell.

>The Gane industry needs a crash
No it needs unions

Crash, then unions.

All the kiddies here trying to meme a Crash, why don't you read what really happened in '83? Nowadays is a complete different situation. The industry as a whole won't die. Some studios or publishers might go out of business in the near future, but It won't be the Day of Reckoning you are expecting.


enough, day of the landfill soon

the shovelware issue is exactly what shit devs asked for because it was "too hard" to get on steam prior to the flat fee valve implemented. the problem really is that most developers greatly overvalue the products they create.

>why don't you read what really happened in '83?

Mass overprinting of copies due to hubris and getting fucked for tanking your finances? I'd argue the modern vidya industry is wasting more money than those goons could have ever dreamed to do.

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Digital landfill.

>it turns off many creators who want to put in effort
I get what you're saying but I think this is a massive stretch. Very few people aren't putting their games on Steam because there's also obscure shovelware trash on there.

I could agree to these.

Why is there always a crunch time? Isn't crunchtime the end result of procrastination?
Don't they just have themselves to blame?

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Is there some document that shows how much they spend only in marketing? I know it's a truckload of money, but I want concrete sums.

This, but only for devs. Fuck those faggot voice actors, they don't have a leg to stand on.

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Gaming "industry" needs to fuck off and die, there's no reason for it to exist anymore, individual nowadays have all the resources needed to both create and review games.

For AAA devs with major publishers backing them? Easily in the millions.

Reading how soul crushing crunch is, I think developers would already took individual measures to avoid It. Looks like an impossition from the bosses.

Western gaming is already in a decline and will crash in the next few years.

post more /bizzy/ frogmemes

I agree with Max Stirner here.

>a multibillion dollar industry should just go back to the underground scene
Oh come on, don't hyperbole this far. Do you want every game to be a piece of shit Fez knockoff done by some autistic fedora tipper in his garage?

Yes, I want more games made by autists. They are usually the most fun. The beginning of the gaming industry was precisely this - autists gathering together to do what they love. Businesses can't risk much and they like taking shortcuts. And you know what happens when you start taking shortcuts.

Your first post said individuals, that's what I was mostly railing on. Teams of inspired people who actually want to make quality games is fine by me and probably would be better. AA is fine, but AAA industry can die off immediately.

This is the part where I say the cause of the problem and everyone gets angry and screams at me.

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That I can agree with, people good at programming tend to be shit at drawing so at least two people are needed for a good game.

No, but these days you can form a group of like minded people to create neat games. With enough passion and dedication they could and are making interesting games.

Good goy

Now that's a good cappycuck

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I'd like to see all those great games made in communist countries.

You're not wrong, capitalism thrives on a good portion of the population being absolute fucking morons, which I would say describes the majority of impatient gamers pretty well.

Congratulations user, you are the best at gurgling boss semen.

No, because none of that shit is new just because you're discovering it.

>>crunch crunch crunch

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>everything is capitalist or communist!
What is it with you electionfags and your complete inability to see the grey areas of any issue?

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit
Wow I haven't read something this blatantly weeb in a while.

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What scares me is how short sighted and quick buck is everything driven.ōshi

You're a fucking idiot who probably is a NEET and doesnt understand money

Haven't seen any other ideology that doesn't involve capitalism in some form.

For one, Hershey's do not crunch.


b8 this obvious doesn't deserve a (You)

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I never understood the gist of that shitty meme, it's the worst from NPC and Soijak

That's why I'm a mutualist.


>TFW Normie's are understanding more complex mechanics im AAA that were absent from vidya for years (i.e more than 2 weapons, survival elements, puzzles that aren't "wait a minute that card" tier")
>TFW companies shoot themselves in the foot with overtly political micro transactions multiplayer only exclusivity BS that hinders their product and gives them either low sales or fan dismissal

No collapse, just the no creativity
The "free market" at work
Honk Honk

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muh jews" shit is literally anticapitalism for retards

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit

This is your brain on anime

It was made specifically to prove that ANYTHING can catch on if you force it enough, regardless of if it actually makes sense or not.

>you recognize and want to fix the problems in a system, yet you choose to use it to provide food and shelter for yourself


Which raises the question as to why it happens.
I'm no expert on the inner working of AAA vidya manufacturing but
>Making employees work overtime
>pay time and a half for every hour after 40 hours
>If you try to skimp out
>federal government fucks you in the ass and lefties ruin your rep on twitbookgram
>Try to blacklist snitches and complainers
>federal government fucks you in the ass and lefties ruin your rep on twitbookgram
Maybe there's a hidden bonus to going into crunch time? No matter how you spin it, the employees are to blame for not scheduling out their work.
I can't help but think of the West dev vs East dev comic. Where the west devs take their 15th break for the day and plan to make a dev commentary later on. Meanwhile east dev is working diligently from start to finish.
The only dev I've heard complain is Sakurai and maybe Kamiya. On the other hand, every 2-bit indie dev to AAA dev complains about crunch time and minimum wage.

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>>built on massive amount of OT/Crunch Time
Why do workers sign up for this? Or if they're naive, why do they accept the abuse to work on some middling product? I can't understand.

In a lot of cases, more and more with newer games, pirating is easier

You basically just described Hollywood.
Bad news about that: Unions exist, but only for labor, and Film is a mature enough industry to maintain its exploitative practices.
Basically everyone gets hired on temp contracts, then shit out. This lets them burn people out at the same rate games does without answering to the law.
That's the future of vidya development. Not some magic communist utopia where people work the same full-time role until retirement, comfy with their union overlords protecting them.

The sans monopolistic corporate overlords will get overpaid. The same wagies will burn out and die on their own (((passion))).

Vidya business model endgame will always stay the same: Rich get rich off the backs of creatives. This has been true for every creative venture in human history since the dawn of civilization.

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>you sign a contract for a guaranteed and agreed upon salary, then bitch and moan you got robbed when the game you said BING BING WAHOO for makes a ton of money
Sorry, friendo, life doesn't work that way.

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>crazy person eyes

fucken gottem dude

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>heading towards
It's been on a decline. Its also needed because it's in such a shitty state that starting over is the only fucking way to fix it again

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why should they? it's potential money for basically free, if some shitlord makes an asset flip and sells it for $5, Steam's cut from one copy covers their entire cost for hosting it

how in the blazes have you managed to miss that overworking people to fucking death is one of the most famous features of japanese culture, as well as several other east asian countries

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>it's ok to be a hypocrite if you get social justice points for it
A SOCIETY, user?

What I don't get is why companies don't just set deadlines like two months later. It avoids overtime pay and people complaining.

>the employees are to blame for not scheduling out their work.

Option A:
>shit producer ships game on budget at the expense of everyone else
>game launches
>retards buy it anyways

Option B:
>shit producer tries to ship game on insane schedule
>people put up with promises of a slight bonus and because they'll get blacklisted from the industry if they retaliate
>game ships

Yea Forums's Headcanon option:
>shit producer tries to ship game on insane schedule
>workers teleport behind shit producer and Iaijutsu his head off in one clean swipe
>burn the executive offices to the ground
>project put on hold
>union forms on the spot, demanding fair conditions and pay
>game ships overbudget 8 years later, but a magic army of people appear to buy enough copies to make up for 8 extra years of development
>utopia ensues for the game industry

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>Bad news about that: Unions exist, but only for labor, and Film is a mature enough industry to maintain its exploitative practices.
Also you build a bureaucracy like a union, it's just another avenue for power to corrupt. I've been in an entertainment related union and it is an absolute joke that these kids on twitter think the system looks out for the little guy. It's nepotism codified and it costs a lot of money in dues.

>federal government fucks you in the ass
labor laws in america amount to 'pay your employees at least one peanut per hour and do not murder them brutally on-site'
>lefties ruin your rep
yeah, after they gave you their money

basically it gets the product out faster meaning they save money on marketing, which is the actual biggest expense of any major entertainment release of any kind. it also lets them hit those 'sweet spots' for sales like the beginning of the summer months or holiday season
it's cheaper to pay your employees almost three times their normal wage for a few months than it is to market for another six months to a year

>I have no life experience but this one time I read a comic and

You people are so fucking stupid it's unreal

$0.01 has been deposited into your Epic Games Store Wallet

do you really not understand the implications of the dipshit point you're trying to make?

>no one should ever criticize society because we're all taking part in it

Not to mention anyone who's ever worked in a dev or creative environment knows that there's usually lots of dependencies that mean you can't just do a steady stream of work all at once. Someone else has to finish their work before you can rocket through yours on time

A blanket 83' style crash cannot happen at this point. Technology and talented developers are entirely too available. One Minecraft, Stardew Valley, et cetera and away you go.

AAA-specific crash could remotely, possibly happen.

user I like anime and japanese games but you are a delusional person

Nice job removing the other panels where people are complaining about things they actually can opt out of. The comic is retarded.

i like this comic and point which is why i hate this post because it's being used to defend an anti-violent-vidya argument by a documented cuckoldress

Union is the way to do it for the big AAA developers. Anything not Trip A should just pull a a Dead Cells and go co-op.

>What are these people doing with their time that it always comes down to crunch?
>I don't know, but I can't help but think of this comic that depicts them wasting time as is often noted in western business due to legally mandated breaks and a declining work ethic

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Yea Forums said there was going to be a crash every year, why hasn't it happened yet?

She could criticize violent video games and toxic masculinity without reaping fat checks from it, user.
You're honestly dumb as fuck if you can't put two and two together, someday you should learn to think beyond that shitty meme image you posted or at the very least look up the word hypocrite.

oh yeah, people compare the current situation to '83 but there really were only "AAA" developers back then, in a sense. they weren't as big as current companies but there also wasn't a thriving indie scene putting out quality games more frequently than AAA devs.

we really need a few more massive indie games, something to compete with the likes of Fortnite and CoD, and those companies to not sell to major publishers like MS(who bought Minecraft).

If anything only hyper realistic AAA movie shit will crash and die while small and mid size indie stuff will remain

>declining work ethic
Hah, that's a pretty funny idea.

Yea Forums is always wrong.

>what are these people doing with their time that it comes down to crunch?
i mean do you actually want an answer? jumping through hoops
every single AAA game from the west you've ever played has been re-worked several times to meet the latest demands from suits. games take more time to make than a market analyst can predict trends, so every game has to go through radical changes as the next 'big thing' happens to either try and capitalize on it or keep from being seen as pastiche
anthem is the best example of this, the game basically restarted development at least 4 times and went from being a single-player RPG to being a single-player RPG with multiplayer to being a borderlands-style shooter where co-op is encouraged to the poor man's Destiny it came out as.

For u

expanding on this, it comes to a point where publishers are sick of it and just tell everyone "alright it's time to actually finish the game with the current model, everyone stay till midnight tonight and every night for 6 months so we can get this thing out by mid-november"

Minecraft held it's own for a very long time before selling it all to M$. And even then M$ does not seem to have adversely affected the title from my understanding. Indies cashing out and reaping the benefits is not inherently bad so long as the title remains true to it's roots.

Would be even better if the said indie took their profits and worked on something else, but that is often not the reality of passion project successes.

At least give him a kit kat

Based bugperson apologist.

>just don't drive cars, use computers, running water, or any technology because it was made IN A SOCIETY THAT YOU LIVE IN HYPOCRITE

>you can just opt out user, go live on another planet and start your own society there, THEN you will be allowed to criticize without getting owned by my epic brain

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it's not bad for the game but it's bad for the industry, more indies need to stick to their independence. if the indie market grows to outpace the AAA market it'll put pressure on the AAA publishers to put out games made without the shitty practices that result in bad games

>first two panels

you know non-apple smartphones exist, right?

Fresco's suppposed to be red because hei's stressed. What is this?

>I don't like Apple, but I'll buy their products despite myriad alternatives
Yeah nah go fuck yourself.

Biggest problem with the industry is that AAA is mostly in the domain of the publicly traded. Places like EA and Activision need to make better profits year over year - and that's just not a tenable situation when you ship packaged products like five times a year. That's why we have loot crates and cosmetics and games as a service - because publicly traded businesses will constantly need improving profit margins. I believe, sometime in the next 10 - 15 years, publicly traded video game companies will go the way of the dodo.

And risk not being part of the latest trends? Are you insane? Try having sex lmao


I know this is bait, but it reminds me of my favorite japan creative work nightmare clip: Miyazaki desperate to load his garbage junk food with some kind of nutrients just to keep his staff working around the clock without dying from undernourishment.

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non-apple smartphones exist
non-slave-labour smartphones don't

Please tell me who was forcing her to do voice work for those games and anime instead of less-violent games and anime.

The orange shirt is right in every panel. If the society you live in sucks you make a new one. Forge it in blood if you must.

>built on massive amount of OT/Crunch Time
The software industry has been like this for as long as it's existed.
>>requires a huge amount of capital for a relatively short lived product (expected life of games are similar to movies with any other being residuals/remasters)
As long as it makes a return nobody cares. Besides, AAA without a revenue stream (microtransactions/DLC) are almost dead.
>>Intrusive DRMS hurting the bottom line and consumers, without making a dent in actual piracy rates
This has no real impact on sales. And again, the move towards always-online/everything-multiplayer is more effective anti-piracy than DRM.

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit

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Her gripe is specifically with Apple.

Sounds like a opening in the market. Why aren't you becoming the smartphone-saint-billionare cornering the market of non-slave-made smartphones as there is clearly a demand for them.

>Western gaming

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How does voice acting for videogames that are violent compare to a voice actor saying the games are structured to for men to be violent? She's a hypocrite because she is in violent games? Seriously what is the argument here

because it's impossible while slavery is effectively legal

while it is wrong of apple and samsung and all the rest to use chinese slave labour the solution is to punish them for doing so but our pansy-ass government is too busy licking the boots of billionaires to take away their ludicrous wealth and kick them in the balls for using slave labor to earn it

You can buy smartphones that aren't made in the PRC, if that's what you mean.

>these corporations are using slave labor but it's really the government's fault for not being communists

>Culture encourages doing your best for the product
>Culture encourages doing your best for yourself

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>make slavery illegal
>don't enforce it
The corporations are scumbags but laws that are not enforced aren't laws at all.

>WTF why isn't America enforcing their laws on the Chinese?!
>also it's America's fault the middle east is shit for sticking their nose where it doesn't belong

You can't buy smartphones that don't have parts assembled in China, or have minerals not mined by slaves in Africa.

>it's okay for us to let slavery slide, surely we can expect sociopathic billionaires and their willfully-ignorant shareholders to stop using slave labor out of the goodness of their hearts

Only the big devs
FUCK AAA games

Fuck unions. They never actually help.

Well we can solve that by bringing manufacturing back to the US but CNN told me Trump is literally Hitler for trying

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cite deez nuts biiiiiiiiiiiiiih lmfao

Unions have become corrupt or unnecessary in a lot of industries today but the games industry is currently in need of unionization because there's currently nobody with a modicum of power even remotely interested in treating these people fairly. Almost every industry has gone through the same process.

Didn't stop you guys from playing the world police on scores of other countries.

>I'm just so oppressed by the patriarchy as a woman!
>Sent from my iphone in a home with heating, running water, toilet, stocked with food, tv, internet, protected by police, white neighborhood, only country in the world with actual free speech

The US isn't responsible for Chinese communists fucking their own country up.

I sure hope so.

>Unions never help.
Unions workers on average make 30% more and get double the benefits of non-union workers *and* get better job security. Everybody needs a union, user.

The issue with unions is they only exist to exaggerate the problem rather then solve it. What we really need is class co-operation through some kind of guild system, which both the employers and the employees are part of, having them work together like a company should rather then constantly be at each other's throats.

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the argument this comic is making is that of being super special. Once you start excusing all the non-orange shirt guys actions and apply it to every single individual, then everyone becomes okay with everything and there is no longer an injustice.

>I bet the japanese arent doing this bullshit

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Oh I agree that the vidya industry is utterly fucked for standards, but I've never seen a good thing come from a union. Eventually it always degrades into self interest at the cost of the actual market.

The main problem is how workers can't have standards anymore. Competition is too high, and if they bitch they can be outsourced super fast.

Exactly. Who the fuck recolored this?

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I liked how the medieval societies did Guilds. It was technically market planning, but fuck me if it didn't work.

The only problem with crunch time is that the employees are often using that time fixing problems caused from exhausted coding after the 50 hour mark per week mark. It is funny how a code monkey working 35 hours a week can get just as much done as a 70 hour coder just because he gets enough sleep to think clearly.
That being said, it is more money in the overworked guys pocket unless he is on salery

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that mouth looks like an anus

here in europe there is this thing called labour laws, they regulate labor and basically fulfill the function of a union. why u not have labour laws in burgerland?

wasnt medieval economy so bad that people fled in masses to other continents (america)?

That's not medieval, user.

germany attracts workers from all of eastern europe because of the good working conditions there and i think their unions had a role in this so thats one good thing coming from a union.

feudalism existed until the 19th century in europe, professions were restricted to certain families and clans. sounds pretty medieval to me.

well globlization gives local unions a hard time, thats why a global union would be necessary.

>Fuck unions. They never actually help.

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Owning a car communist country's was a luxury and they were terrible cars with an 18 year waiting list, I doubt personnel computers and phones were all that common too, Be grateful for what you have.

No, you don't understand. If we were communist now then I'd be a party member and I'd still have access to all my favorite luxuries and past times except I wouldn't have to work like some stupid disgusting prole.

>piracy doesn't affect sales
and the rest is literally
>implying movie industry doesn't have this as well

we do not have and will never have full capitalism and we do not and will not have full communism. so stop with those utopian strawmann arguments. standards for labour do not mean you will have to live in post ww2 ussr.

>Fuck unions. They never actually help.

Attached: Union-Difference.jpg (1200x630, 200K)

>It wasn't real communism so this isn't real capitalism!
Yeah, No

>tens of millions of people playing video games
Over 2 billion people worldwide play video games.

Attached: Gamers worldwide.png (642x221, 24K)

>professions were restricted to certain families and clans
Any source for this?

well who owns america then? who votes the government into power? money or the people?

thats right, the people. its not full capitalism yet.

it would cost billionaires some of the billions of dollars they absolutely need and earned completely fairly and no will not spend ever on anything

you get what you get you dumbass it's not as if voice actors had always 10+ propositions

feudalism exists to this very day, the american medical association is a good example of a guild system. People think we are such enlightened 'modern' men and women, but many people are still peasants living on their master's land.

AAA games will continue to bloat until it finally bursts. Shit like MK11 is going to be the norm in a few years, just like how season passes used to be an exception and not a rule. Every game will have a season pass, day 1 dlc, and lootboxes that are p2w but completely luck based. Until people stop buying it and it suddenly collapses.

>using nazipedia
How about you post something in American, kraut

The first videogame crashed because there were 40 different consoles. What would be the reason it would crash this time? EA makes a billion a year.

they already do, where have you been?

the only way to get people to stop buying is to educate your friends, family, and children on this bullshit. Children especially, because they are the ones who are targeted for these things and then they become 'normal' for them. This is why corporate interests are so heavily invested in things like education. Take children out of the family and put them in institutions, then they can be groomed for corporations by the state to be isolated and mindless consumers who don't know any better. Dont let kids watch youtube videos all day, dont let them play garbage phone games all day. Participate in their lives and give them the attention they need to be properly socialized,otherwise they will end up being raised by whatever device you leave them in front of.

>but i played vidya as a kid

Not the same thing. Not by a long shot. Kids growing up in the 80s/90s even 00s playing games were in a completely different environment. Some jap with broken english couldnt put a political narrative in their videogame even if they wanted to, it was a safe form of entertainment for that reason alone. Multiplayer required having another human being sitting next to you, making it a positive social experience. Take your children back from the corporations and this kind of industry will collapse all on its own.

Attached: 11235341.jpg (1280x720, 330K)

mayb eyou understand this better:

under serfdom your local lord chose your profession, which was mostly farming. you wanted to be a carpenter instead? too bad, that role was already reserved for the carpenters son. guilds and regulations also had their own rules which were designed to shut out outsiders and create oligopolies.


Attached: piratechad.png (976x658, 272K)

the xbox guy is cracking me up.