The Witcher

Are the first and second Witcher games worth playing or should I just skip right to 3?

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Witcher 2 is worth playing, but it's way less polished and less balanced than 3. Expect obnoxious difficulty spikes.

TW 1, I would highly recommend watching a complete story cutscene video of it on YouTube. You can skip the dumb, tedious gameplay while still finding out all the shit that leads up to 3.

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1 has terrible gameplay but a good story. You can cheese through most of the game with a magic build if you’re interested

2 gets shit on sometimes, but I think it’s a good game with great characters. I just hope you don’t mind constantly dodge rolling

Cheers thanks. Yes I remember trying the first one years ago and the combat was extremely janky.

First witcher has the best gameplay and story of the series. Its completely different from the other two tho.

>TW 1, I would highly recommend watching a complete story cutscene video of it on YouTube.
nuke this fucking board already. no one even plays video games here.

bruh, W1 established something special, but let's not kid ourselves and say it was a legitimately good game.

Played through Witcher 3 on PS4 when it released but now i'm thinking about getting the GOTY on PC. Is it worth it?

Are there enemies you do you're best to not fight?

Witcher 2's problem is authors got way too into Game of Thrones which is not what Witcher is about.

it was and it still is. jump off a bridge mouthbreather

HOS and B&W are great expansions to the game.

yep, heart of stone and blood and wine add around 30 to 50 hours of content and are pretty good. Basically best DLC ever released

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If you're a pleb, sure, go ahead

Well, if you're talking about DLC then yes. They both honestly could've been their own separate games.

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If you want to be fully immersed in the games you simply have to play them all. And read the books if you want a real ride.

the books are great, too bad the english translation sucks ass. Serbian translation is god tier, spanish one is also pretty good

1 os the only one good in the series desu

So it's that great? Then i might actually consider it. It's currently 49,99€ on steam though. Maybe i should wait until it's cheaper.

it's 45 euro on gog, they always have sales for it so it will probably be even cheaper

also you get a shit ton of stuff like OST, artbooks, comics etc.

why should I listen to you Yea Forums
when have you ever been right about fucking anything
i bet TW1 is shit

neck yourself you fucking loser

Fucking slow walking and having to listen to everyone to make sure you can complete a quest is hardly a videogame.

Witcher 1 is the only one worth playing in the trilogy.

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I just treated it like a dating sim considering you're pretty much encouraged to fuck everything in sight.

Yes they are. TW1 is not a bad game at all, animations are just janky as fuck and I will never understand how the fistfights there are supposed to work because blocking doesn't do anything and I just spam mouse 1 until ded.

I'd wait. It's regularly on sale somewhere.

If I actually liked any of the Witcher games, this is pretty much the advice I'd give.

Just play W1, it's honestly a better game than the other 2.

u ok?

>Go to a banquet with Triss in TW1
>Talk to the young horny princess, fuck her in her bedroom, then go back to Triss as if nothing happened and fuck her later

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>dumb, tedious gameplay

This applies to all 3 though.

>having this much shit taste
W1 has the best combat and gameplay by far.

>W1 has the best combat and gameplay by far.
Contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism is as bad, if not worse, than pretending to be retarded.

The first game has the best atmosphere of the entire series, the gameplay is nothing amazing, but it's well worth experiencing as a whole.

>difficulty spikes

The only remotely difficult fight in the entire game is the encounter with Letho in that elven cave, everything else is a cakewalk in comparison to the first game or even the third one on Deathmarch.

>people still fall for this pasta

ladies and gents may I present you: the average witcher 3 drone.

I'd say play them, if you're not a retard accustomed to 24/7 action games.
But if you would choose not to, you better watch some lore playthroughs recaps or some shit on yt.

2 > 3
Fight me

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I suggest you skip Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 and instead devote all time and effort into mastering and beating Witcher 1, because only the first game is any good as an actual videogame and not a movie.

>fell for the 3 is the gotyay meme

I want my fucking $20 back.

>Can't handle the truth

It's true though. The combat is the best, the animations are just bad.

Chapter 4 is the best chapter in any game of all time, don’t @me



dont listen to this absolute faggot OP. Play all 3 of them.

w1 is the ultimate pleb filter

Triss or Shani?

>Horny yet pure
Can it get any better?

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just play 1

Oh boy, let's see.

>gameplay W1
>multiple dialogue paths
>can get quest items to show NPCs for different paths
>can bribe NPCs for another path
>can find evidence to open a path
>multiple ways to advance through the game
>actions have actual ingame consequences instead of simply a different powerpoint slideshow presentation
>signs are incorporated into environmental puzzles
>one of the best inventory screens in vidya existence

>gameplay in W2 and 3
>have like 6 bribery instances against TOGETHER against bums which are completely useless, no quest relevance whatsoever
>no items, no evidence
>no multiple dialogues that open up a patch depending on what you answer
>but hey, it has crafting! xD
>whole game is on rails, the only quest breaking the mold being the king of skellige quest
>inventory in both (despite less severe in 3) consolized shit

>combat in W1
>3 stances that each have their uses
>silver swords correctly used on otherworldly monsters, whereas steel is used correctly against regular monsters and humans
>can play a mage if you want to because signs aren't useless trash
>has special attacks
>alchemy is worth to use

>combat in W 2 and 1
>2 is "just like Dark Souls rollan' rollan' xD"
>alchemy borderline useless in both, made even worse in 3
>no stances, difference between strong and fast attacks are merely preferential but don't have mechanics behind them
>reduced blade coatings because retards like you couldn't wrap their head around it
I mean, I really liked W3, played vanilla 3 times and the expansion each 2 times. But you have to be utterly retarded to think that W1 doesn't completely shit on the consolized trashes that are its sequel in both gameplay and combat.

Woops, was meant for

I love how her boobs jiggle around in every conversation. Now THAT was a video game.


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We have to go back.

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>Action game with RPG elements
>Decent game
>Weeb Shit

What a fucking surprise

>mfw zoomers are actually nostalgic over the consolized mess that is TW2

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absolutely based

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1-2 aren't as essential as people here seem to believe. I jumped straight into 3 and the only things you really miss out on are Geralt's history with Triss and Yen, (two major characters), and even then it's not that hard to understand what's going on. Most of the other character interactions are basically "oh hey it's that guy, I remember you" cameos, and are easy enough to understand without context.

If you do skip 1-2, at the very least I'd recommend reading the "Characters" section of your journal frequently. Each character you meet gets a pretty decent story summary that's updated as you progress, and it covers their past if Geralt met them in a previous game.

3 > 1 > 2
Fuck 2 forever

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Based Kitano reference!!!! Fuck I love that movie

No fuck you. 3 abandoned everything 2 & 1 did right and became a generic open world Ubisoft game. Open world was a big mistake

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Witcher 1 was a lot of fun, in my opinion. 2 felt very linear, but was still fun. I wouldn't skip anything.

Except 2 is a shit game you underaged faggot, kill yourself

I'm 28 nigger. Making it open world destroyed the game's pace and making your choices matter. The entirety of Chapter 2&3 play out different in Witcher 2 depending on your choices at the end of chapter 1, and act 5 of Witcher 1 depending on the end of act 4. Whereas in Witcher 3 it basically comes down to whether you played Snowballs or trashed some faggot's lab near the end of the game. What you do up until that point doesn't mean shit.

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The Witcher 1 is easily a 40-hour game. If it was a 10-hour game, or if it was a really good 40 hours, I'd say sure, don't skip it. But why spend 40 hours slogging through a game you don't enjoy when you could spend that time playing something you like?

Besides, if OP really falls in love with the series there's nothing stopping him from going back and playing TW1 later.

Someone over nexus made unlimited use of mods for W3 available.

Nah, play them all.
It takes a while to get into W1 and the combat might absolutely disgust you at first, but it´s absolutely worth it, great game and engaging story.
People who tell you people to skip it are almost as disgusting as people who tell you to skip Gothic 1 and just play 2.

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Play 1, skip 2

Not the guy you replied to but you make a compelling argument for TW1. I just couldn't get over the core combat when I tried it a few years ago. Does it get more interesting as you progress? If not, are there any mods that you'd recommend to improve it?


2 has the best combat if you install that one mod which makes it incredibly fun and I wish they can do it for 3 as well
1 has that visceral feel to everything and a certain amount of edge that you can't find nowadays, it's also got some real great looking environments and comfy atmosphere, especially around the 4th act
3 is obviously the most popular and for good reason, it's accessible, has great graphics and probably some of the largest quality content found in a game ever
Being a non-book reader I found no greater joy than to cuck Yenneffer into nonexistence but this joy was all the sweeter having had a great relationship with Triss throughout the previous two games

Also FUCK shani what a cheating whore

Shut up fence sitter, you can only like one thing on the internet.

Why would you skip the best game in the series

Yea, I like video games


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when the first post is the worst post

Son I'm not sure you've played 3 properly because alchemy is anything but useless in that game. My n-word an alchemy build in 3 breaks the game.

The witcher 1 is maximum comfy. Sound track is 10/10.The gameplay isnt great and the story drags in some places but its overall goofy and fun. Pretty unimportant to the other games as a whole.

The witcher 2 is story driven entirely. The gameplay is a whole lot of tedious rolling but not TERRIBLE terrible. It sets up quite a few things that will make the third game less confusing than if you skipped it. If you play it though i highly reccomend having a world map on hand because itll make the political parts of the game make way more sense. Plus importing saves from 2 to 3 is neat