Who actually enjoys this kind of trash?

Who actually enjoys this kind of trash?

Attached: bimbo.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)





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Not Switch owners, i can tell you that much

I love Anne and I love seeing her dance.

Attached: 234.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

persona fans, aka people who enjoy visual novels


shut the fuck up bobby

>Who enjoys music, dancing and attractive girls
No idea user, its a big mystery.

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Attached: lol.png (287x464, 187K)

Any other buzzwords you can think of to deny the truth?

Attached: 1552234177796.jpg (125x125, 7K)

Why do you have to start your threads like this?

Attached: p3 dan.webm (1067x600, 1.91M)


A persona 5 asset flip dancing minigame, game?
Jesus some people are retarded.

Looks way better with the hair down

if you criticize persona you're a seething coping switchlet


Attached: enkjewnfew.jpg (625x467, 138K)

no user, you're supposed to start the thread by saying
>japanese humor

You said it, OP. Who the fuck enjoy Anne

Didn't they make new, worse assets?

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