what do they eat
What do they eat
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The imports brought by the shipping company based out of the city. Or maybe the guards go hunting 10 minutes away across the Dragon Bridge. Or fucking fish. Its not hard dude.
They're supposed to have a harbor
isn't there a farm right outside the city
this just fill in the blanks yourself you autist its a video game
Who would build shit on that natural arch. Who knows when it will give.
What's the point of that wall? It's next to a fucking mountain.
what is their tax policy?
>dev does a shitty job at worldbuilding
>"just fill the blanks yourself"
do you stare at tv static and fill the blanks in yourself too?
user people can get up and down mountains... You still need a wall
good luck marching an army up and down a mountain that steep lmao
This shit makes me sad.
Isn't that place supposed to be like a sprawling town or something? But it's fucking barren, Bethesad can't do proper city designs at all.
I keep finding myself comparing this shit to what a Witcher 3 version of it might've looked like, you can't really enter every single building in Witcher 3 but at least you had the overall design of the town be way bigger and better looking.
To make a inclosed world space for console kiddies.
That wall makes sense, what doesn't make sense are the walls on the edge of the cliff to the right
Why not a spike pit?
>I can't put 2 and 2 together
Sounds like you have problems. If looking at a place near water and you can't imagine the inhabitants fish without someone telling you then you're already too far gone. Do you wonder how people who own cars get to destinations? They drive with the car.
There are farms three steps away from the main gate and the inlet is full of fish
If you can transport the resources needed to build a structure of that size up there you can also transport siege weaponry
According to a quest, a year's pay in Skyrim is about 1500 gold. That allows you to eat a single apple every two days; less if you have to support kids or something. Suppose people in the province just live on their really, really slow metabolism.
Whatever they want.
The scale of this game is "use your imagination". 10 NPCs and 1 tavern is the capital of a region. The city farm consists of 3 hay bales and 8 cabbage plants. A major battle is a 10v10 NPC fight.
Morrowind characters literally don't move an inch for the entire game.
You're supposed to fill in the gaps yourself with this thing called "imagination."
Well, when you stand and stare at a homeless bum for a month straight, neither him or you will starve to death even though neither eats a bite. Food only restores stamina in Skyrim.
On PC you can download a mod that allows for open cities so that the gates to the city don't lead to a seperate world space but just the city.
I haven't downloaded that mod because it does cause a tonne of conflicts with mods and bandit raids along with vampire attacks become more frequent and may end up killing NPC's in the city.
I love that mod, also most major mods have compatibility patches for it
there's nothing indicating that people eat fish in solitude. there's no fishing boats. people rarely have fish in their homes. fishing isn't mentioned by any character, only farming is despite there being no farmland. beth sucks at worldbuilding, deal with it fag.
Morrowind is 10 years older. Skyrim came out when we had cities and populations like pic related.
Bethesda drones will tell you that it's better to have 10 "unique" characters instead of a thousand clones. But Bethesda games still have a ton of clones and shared voice actors, they are only unique in the sense that some named them and pressed the randomize button in a character creation tool. The obvious solution is to have actually unique characters among a realistically sized population of clones. But Bethesda is one of the worst developer out there.
so people dont walk off
I thought it was obvious that skyrim is worse, but being too retarded to make simple extrapolations isn't an admirable trait.
Skyrim is shit even if you can do that.
This is why Skyrim has soul.
>Bethesda drones will tell you that it's better to have 10 "unique" characters instead of a thousand clones.
that to be honest is true but i wish the lore didn't pretend you're in some sort of major metropolitan area when there's really just a handful of people going about. KCD did it better, that game straight up takes place in a czech village area, but the 'cities' themselves are as big as Skyrim's are. And so everything czechs out.
Just make a wooden fence. It's mountains cheaper and doesn't come with near as many structural risks.
Tax receipts
An army in this game would be like eight people.
Pusy :)
kek this reminds me that the huge finale battle sequence in oblivion is the size of a slav football brawl
There was a guy who was doing a Civil War Overhaul, pretty popular and extensive mod that actually made the Civil War feel like one.
However, pic related.
lmao what a sissy
dark elves
he probably LARPs about starting a civil war over Trump IRL
wouldn't be hard for a handful of assassins to do that
based soulsfag
They don't eat, they aren't real.
take a hike retard
This, if you talk to the stall people for five seconds they tell you they get all their shit fresh from the farms and fishing boats that line the place, plus there's a huge shipping company hub right fucking there. They get tons of food, plus there's enough space in the town to grow quite a bit if they cleared out the random rocks and lavender plants. The whole upper coast of that city has loads of walrus and the northern sea is a gold mine of sea food. it's even in the lore. It's like nobody reads it or something.
>czechs out.
god, czechs are bad at meming. Shouldve never been independent from austria
>Bro just turn on tgm and jump down from the mountain into the city
you mean austrians/germans
Slow fall spells nigger.
It doesn't need to be so tall for that.
Bags of sand and salty coins
There are fishes seller in the market.
There are farm right outside the city.
They also could import food from port.
You are retarded.
They can just spam the jump button and go side to side.
It will take longer that way, but you wont be able to stop them.
i guess people who don't talk about food are like plants, you know photosynthesis
the game is shit anyway
The AI in skyrim's npcs is a shit ton more complex than assassin's creed 2, which is why AC2 can fit in more npcs. Halo 4 did a similar thing, in order to add more enemies than halo 3 but still be playable on xbox 360 they made the AI dumber
That's exactly how Tiber Septim took a city one time though.
Candle Cove was pretty classic, though.
>he's too young to have watched it as a kid
Skyrim's NPCs have simpler schedules than Oblivion's AND there are less of them in the game than there are in oblivion so there's no excuse
prettier graphics = more ram usage
>Sure thing, user. Hold my amulet of kings.
But I don't care about prettier graphics.
Amerimutts need to grow a fucking spine. Wahhh my candidate lost lmao
nigger that's only the bitchy half that literally only live in cities
Skyrim actually has more NPCs than Oblivion. Not only that but if you crack open any NPC's page in the Creation Kit you'll see it's far more detailed than any NPC page in a Bethesda game. So simpler schedules but more everything else.
this doesn't really work for Skyrim. Lots of the settlements have farms.
>he watches tv on easy mode
Does this include random event characters?
>landslide wipes out half the city
Who would build a bunch of towers that hold reality together? Who knows when it will give.
I can't believe that's supposed to be a major city
What do they eat?
Yes. While the numbers tend not to be higher by much in some counts, and being extra generous and not counting a lot of different variables like dungeon NPCs, Skyrim has more NPCs than Oblivion.
>General count: Oblivion:800+ NPCs, Skyrim: 1000+ NPCs
>By Hold/City: Oblivion: 616, Skyrim: 659
Skyrim is such a shitty game. It’s really unbelievable.
Absolutely fucking soulless. The music and visuals are so impressive but there’s no heart or soul in anything else.
Figures that the music, the one thing with any passion put into it, will be significantly worse in TESVI
Shit, I mean it does not include random event characters. I answered as if I was being asked if I accounted for random event characters and skipped them.
Are you saying that mountain there... you can climb it?
How many people live in this village?
Do you think it's hard to feed these few people?
TESIV is in preproduction at the moment. They're working on Starfield. Why would you make music for a game that is still ideas etched in a notebook and a bunch of concept art?
If it’s in pre-production they would be contracting people to work in full production. The fact they haven’t asked Soule yet, and gave the music of Blades to fucking Inon Zur an absolute hack, says a lot.
ur moms ass lmao
>there's nothing indicating that people eat fish in solitude
These threads are bait posted everyday. I don't understand why people respond seriously to them.
i will not buy it if it doesn't have Soule's music. they owe it to him for making the Oblivion soundtrack, which is a big reason why the Elder Scrolls is as popular as it is today.
Whatever they want
Fuck off Hines.
based pusyposter
Agreed. It’s really the only thing that forgives the flaws in Bethesda games. Without his quality music you would be in a situation like Fallout 4, where the lack of content and atmosphere really destroys the game.
Uh, dude?..
>hurr a game 5 years away from release doesn't have music yet!
Skyrim is better than any other shit in the genre.
>every little detail needs to be explained
but why though
Immersion, you faggot.
What genre are you even talking about
Action RPG.
It’s definitely not the best Action RPG.
Just snow.
Fish I mean there is a river underneath the city.
That assumes a lot about their preproduction process and what they do and when. It wouldn't be hard to believe they want to wait until they get more concepts finalize - a process that takes Bethesda a long time. Look at Fallout 4 and its settlement system. That was a last minute idea and the whole game became focused on it, the Minutemen faction changed to accommodate it and thus musical themes can change. Better to to wait for more finalization. I do feel they will use Inon Zur though and if FO4 is anything to go by, it'll be good.
What's better? The Witcher 3 was pretty bad. and that's about 5 years older than Skyrim.
good joke, tell me more
Fallout 4 has a fucking terrible soundtrack, nobody remembers anything from it. Inon Zur even back when he hit his stride with Crysis and Fallout 3 was copy/pasting his ideas from score to score. Jeremy Soule has made completely individual, genius scores for every project he has worked on.
You said Action RPG so fucking Dark Souls, retard.
If you’re actually talking about the open-world RPG genre, Kingdom Come Deliverance hands fucking down.
I guess you could say Jeremy Soule's music had Soul.
I opened this thread just for this
>nobody remembers anything from it.
I mean I certainly remember the fucking music swelling up to ear rape levels well after every enemy was defeated while I sit in amazement that anyone thought that shit was okay.
Wasn't there a spell in the game that generated food? Why do they even need farms if they can just hire mages to mass produce food with magic?
PLAYA! What's the score? How they hang? Good Vampire the Masquerade Thread and all that
Anyone got good mod recommendations?
Skyrim has shit combat system, garbage main story, copy/paste dungeon design and very little diversity in environments and enemy designs. It is a good game but far from best ARPG.
So you want a town greeter at the gate telling you exactly how this place functions or what?
>Welcome to Solitude. we eat fish and imported grains! Also our city has oxygen to breathe which we all do as well!
Are you retarded or Irish or both? They can fish retarded pattynigger
I dont see anyone
they probably starved
ah yes, let us fish to provide sustenance for the entire populace
>can't see character mode's asshole
But how does he shit
Cool, I disagree. A lot of people enjoyed Inon Zur's work on Fallout 4. And while I love Jeremy Soule he made a lot of mistakes in games like FO3 where some of the tracks dipped into copy/pasting ideas from Oblivion, showing even a genius fucking up bad during his early work with Bethesda. But now it's a matter of difference in opinion so I guess things end here.
dark souls is good for a whole 3 hours of gameplay.
Kingdom come was a massive mess that could be beaten by choking someone out and then you just steamroll through the rest of the storyline.
The ironic thing is Skyrim has instanced towns. At least Morrowind has the excuse of being both old and towns being loaded on the same map as the open world.
You load into Skyrim cities and they are still desolate wastelands.
Are you a fucking idiot; that is what hundred's of town and city's have done throughout history.
>the northern sea is literally the most fertile fishing ground in tamriel
I don't know why i'm still responding seriously to this shit anymore. Send help.
user, there's around 10 people in the city, I'm sure they can catch enough fish for that.
For Skyrim I really liked undeath. Im a big fan of necromancers and stuff like that.
>people having this much trouble with Skyrim lore and worldbuilding details
Don't ever bitch that Bethesda doesn't make deep and rich enough lore. People can't even get past the bare basic details of human civilization. We're explaining to people how fishing fish and farming food feeds people. Jesus fuck.
Do you know how retarded you sound? Try eating only fish for a year and I'll visit your grave, dab on it and post it here.
It's fair to assume that Bethesda fucked the aspect of food up as well since everything else is so fucking horrible. I'll bitch all I want.
I think you're well acquainted with what they eat OP.
Just like New York, buy everything from lowly peasants from around the country.
there is a reason why mountain soldier exists, user. Check Italian Alpini, German mountaineers and French Traseours. Also Gurkhas.
If you asked people what they eat in their town they'd look at you like the retard you are and tell you to fuck off with your autistic questions. There's your fucking immersion
Not really, especially when people are shutting you down.
explain this furfag
i went to every hold and killed every inhabitant, including "essential" NPCs
>this game would be way more immersive if everything is explicitly spelled out for me
Then how come literally no one talks about F4 soundtrack after release, a year after release, or even in fucking soundtrack threads?
It’s fucking ass dude.
>Fallout 3
That was Zur you fucking retard.
Murdering unique enemy NPCs in dungeons doesn't count as murder. Dungeons count as being in holds despite what you thought and the Oblivion population count includes dungeon NPCs as well. And killing hostile NPCs even in town (like the guy in Markarth who tries to murder the woman or the unique NPCs in the Ratway in Riften).
Try harder.
When can we get a new TES so people can stop shitposting about an 8 year old game and how "bad" it is.
You loved Skyrim when it came out. Admit it. You're just tired of it because it's one of the most played and posted about games on this board.
Name one (1) major aspect of the lore that isn't completely fucking garbage. You can't.
Your mothers pussy
Double defense
Where? Here? People barely talk about Soule here and if they do it's one of the few composers and soundtracks they sit down and talk about it past a single post. On reddit they talk about it. Normies talk about it. At best you proved Soule is a better composer - which I agree with - but it doesn't disprove Zur isn't a bad one at all.
And my mistake on FO3. Ah well. Guess Zur took notes from Oblivion during some of the wilderness tracks.
Oh boy, bait.
>one (1) major aspect of the lore that isn't completely fucking garbage
There are some reasons to hate on The Elder Scrolls series but the lore is not one of them.
Lore about the Towers, CHIM, Magna-Ge, Kalpas, The Hist, The Divines, Pelinal are all extremely well-written and thought out.
No. After replaying Morrowind recently, I can say with confidence that every TES game since then was worse than the last one. TES 6 will be garbage.
>Lore about the Towers, CHIM, Magna-Ge, Kalpas, The Hist, The Divines, Pelinal are all extremely well-written and thought out.
Never mind the wall, why don't the stormcloaks just sneak up the mountain and push snowballs down the mountain, they'll gain mass and speed and kill most of the garrison that is directly next to that mountain. Checkmate Empirefags.
Name (1) game that has better lore than TES
>in b4 Dark souls
Half the games lore was just taken form berserk.
Nice argument fag
The successor mod is much better anyway
>Dark souls
That game has shit lore too, even shittier than TES. So I guess you're right, TES lore is absolute garbage when atrocities like Dark Souls exist.
Morrowind is jank and you reek of boomer.
>dark souls has shit lore
You can't say something like that without having examples why you feel that way without looking like an idiot. It's not shit because you don't like it.
Protection from snow
Most lore is absolutely useless.
>here you go, read through 300 item description to get a vague idea of what might have happened that still doesn't say anything important at all wow so deep haha
>most lore is absolutely useless
Damned right it is
>Morrowind is jank and you reek of boomer.
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums, is this how you honor the Sixth House and the tribe unmourned?
Against what? Mile high ladders? People on stilts?
Better question. How does that rock formation not collapses considering it’s not an arch?
Is Skyrim considered unjanky now?zoomers proving idiocracy right, I guess
Compared to the shit that Morrowind pulls.
Go watch daytime TV old man. The world will be better when you finally go into a retirement home.
Pretty sure in game it's explained as super powerful magic
You don't like it or how it's presented. I'm sorry.
It’s bethesda’s absolutely retarded insistence that every single NPC have a name, every single fork and piece of chalk has physics applied to it and can be picked up, every single building has to be enterable
It adds almost nothing at all to the overall experience and more often than not what it does add are bugs and glitches and longer loading times and more restrictions on player freedom
It’s absolutely the dumbest shit and Bethesda is so retardedly hell bent on ‘every npc needs to be interactable!’ that their solution was to just get rid of them in fallout 76 lmao
Absolute waste of a dev studio, fucking out of touch hacks
Sound's like you have shit taste desu.
morrowind also had in depth explanations on the dietary presences of its people. What kinds of fictional plants they grow, when they harvest it, how they prepare it, etc. fuck i love morrowind
Naming all the npcs and having little things act go a long way in believability of a world. Morrowind only works because the world itself is so fleshed out. If morrowind was judged solely by its gameplay elements it would have been long forgotten.
Is there ever at any point any use to holding the E key to pick up an object in the 3D space in Skyrim? The only instance where it did see any use was putting a bucket on top of a shopkeeper’s head as he doesn’t react or move at all so his line of sight is broken for you to steal everything. It is never ever utilized for any other reason.
Aldmeri shits throwing fireballs with the size of Hummers
Skyrim actually has farms here and there, unlike F3
Zur also made new vegas Soundtrack you Dildo
can we ban south californians, seattlefags and new yorkers from these hallowed grounds
Its starting to sound obvious that this is a Thread made by XVkun
and he's probably masturbating to this while yelling " I TROLLED U"
Fallout 4 had some good atmospheric tracks though, it's just the dungeon tracks were mediocre.
This is advanced autism.
Ok Barry, continue evading bans
Is this bait or do people really think cities farm their food in-house?
Nigger, they have the sea under them
all these triggered bethdrones
how do they get the goods from the port to the city?
so they have people carrying that stuff up the stairs?
they have no cranes in this city
The service entrance below the city
>seething and pushing baits
drink bleach and die user, even satan doesnt even want you in hell
dont ever fucking reply to me again, if you really think thats true then you’re a drooling monstrosity of a retard
whats the problem OP, the nigger of your stepfather didnt fucked you up in the ass today?
i heard that carrots are good replacements for dildos
i think it's moreso to have battlements than a wall
OP and his seething posts in a nutshell
why the fuck are you using carrots for dildoes you shithead
Shadiversity made an video about it some time ago, its made to look "cool" but in historical concept Solitude is more like a comune, though its layout isnt that practical