Made the only funny and entertaining editorials in vidya journalism

>made the only funny and entertaining editorials in vidya journalism
>stops doing them after he gets abruptly fired when gametrailers was shut down
>having to start from square 1 again and build up easy allies obviously affected him
>doesn't want to do those type of vids anymore even though everyone has been begging him to
>some faggot at polygon steals his entire bit and now gets millions of views with it

Attached: bosman.png (889x717, 858K)

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On top of that his puppet show fucking sucks.

I like Bosman but I can't stand listening to Easy Allies.

for me, it's First Fifteen

Attached: Callie Games.png (1000x829, 283K)

Mates, can you please explain the "some faggot at polygon steals his entire bit and now gets millions of views with it"?

In order for me to have a mental breakdown bunnyears society bunnyears would have to allow me and my demographic to relate to it in a functional way in the first place for that to break down. As it is we are not allowed not afforded that privileged so when you say mental breakdown you're describing some one who's half way between free and not free blah blah bluh and a reference to Wayne's World calling a girl "mental" to describe her obsession. And also Jadzeia Dax . This is the best video Bosman made

I like Bosman.
Is he still the best Easy Allies?

huber's more genuine

Sure but he's also a massive sperglord and the worst ally.

Definitely up there
Huber's starting to cross the Ben line for me where he's too enthusiastic about everything so it doesn't seem genuine

>retardera clowns
Fuck off

Huber fucking sucks.
>someone gives blatant problems of the original last of us during hall of greats

I don't even know this person and I want to choke them.

And they let him review games.

Each member of EZA represent an aspect of ResetERA

bossman thinks he's the pinnacle of comedy. if something is supposed to be funny, it's often off-putting to him. meahwhile he'll constantly lose his shit over dumb crap. he thinks he's too good to laugh at a real joke. he's so funny that this retarded shit that is not funny in the slightest is actually hilarious because he presents it as being funny.

it's definitely real. i'm an expert.

huber = soul

Someone post that webm of Bosman describing the flow of a game's pllot. You know the one. With the hand gestures and all.

who stole his schtick?

They fucking brought back their shitty anime show. Did they not learn their lesson from everyone but the mouth breathers that they have no idea what they are talking about?

I don't get it. They have a studio now, so why is Bosman's talent still going to waste?

Because he doesn't want to do it, and because he's only a part-timer at EZA, they don't want to force him.

wtf else does he do

He doesn’t work for a full time paycheck anymore and Jones won’t just tell him to get to work because everyone is buddies. Bosman will do what he feels like doing because nobody is forcing him to do otherwise. Show up to group stream, read a few articles for half a podcast, work at home on paper puppets, play an old game for a few hours on Friday night. Easy livin

Shitpost on ERA

none of them are "part timers" they all get paid the same despite blood doing a thousand times more work than brad. It's all complacency and laziness.