It kinda just came and went, didn’t it?

It kinda just came and went, didn’t it?

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Other urls found in this thread:!Q8wlyYob!QVfDM2bMAIVrWHknhgPEwxnF0quaAFpHqjmXh9EYpg4

As with most Mega Man games, pretty solid but Yea Forums has nothing really to hate on it

That's Megaman in a nutshell. Games of good quality that won't keep you busy for long but are always replayable for when you feel like it.

Just talk about Roll's cunny and you will get your 500 replies thread

Literally when is any mega man game talked about on Yea Forums

Would have lasted longer if it got some DLC. Lack of content was the only real flaw of the game.

Battle Network, waifuposting, complaining about X6

Attached: 3D Mayl 1.webm (600x600, 1.4M)

Did you miss yesterday or what? There's threads in the past two weeks that go on for over 24 hours.

i liked megaman 11. good changes to the classic formula and i hope they continue like this for 12.

needed Proto Man/Bass/Roll DLC.

That how it be somtimes. If they don’t announce a new MMX, that’ll be the real shock


bounce man theme #1

Roll could suck up enemy projectiles + small enemies with her vacuum and launch them back.


Mega Man 12 is going to be orgasmic

This. Also no true Wily 3 and 4 was pretty weak.

Also lukewarm take - constantly adding numbers to the title like Mega Man 11 makes the series feel bloated and a bit offputting to anyone that might want to get into the series


Mega Man threads are 90% waifuposting and cunnyposting

Occasionally we get decent threads

Also 4>2>9>3>11>10>7>6>8>1>5

All the fucking time.

Also I just beat MM10, and I would like to say FUCK Block Devil.

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I made a thread last night about how I find 3 to be kind of hard. Now I realize I really don't like this game.

The games are short enough that getting caught up isn’t hard at all

Have you played any other games in the series?

Nah fuck that, I'm glad Capcom sticks to numbers instead of doing that "GAME: Generic Subtitle" bullshit.

Well yeah, classic really isn't that great despite the loud minority that sucks its dick. Call me when a new X/Z/ZX or Legends game comes out

Why the fuck would you want a new Zero game? The series came and went, its done.

Megaman the sidescroller isn't special anymore in a age where indies come out with way more interesting "clones"

I want to see megaman the IP used for other genres, like a ratchet and clank style game (basically legends but bigger) or strategy perhaps

The potential for more Zero doujins of course.

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The only good Zero doujin is the one where Ciel rapes Leviathan.

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While im happy for the fans, classic MM never interested me, so i never bothered with it. Now X on the other hand id be happy to see, or even [spoilers] ZX 3 [/spoilers]

11 > 9 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 8 > 10 > 5 > 7 > 1 but they're all great

Yeah, I've finished 1, 2, and 9, which I really like, and some of X which is great too - 3 is just meh to me. It's like they designed half the standard enemies to be a complete pain in the ass unless you have one specific weapon, and they often force you to do things like run away and shoot while turning in midair or other annoying things. Add to that the disappointing weapons: A lot of them just make a clink sound and do nothing to enemies, like the snake one, but even then you have shit like top man's which is often suicide unless you know it works on a specific enemy. Gemini man's weapon feels like crap too and lacks the instant 'zappiness' feeling you would want from a laser gun, and from what I saw there's another weapon that just freezes people into place. The needle weapon and shuriken weapons are both good, but that seems to be it. That aside, the stages also felt pretty uninspired, and the robot masters were either too hard or too easy. The additions to your rush powers are quite good, at least.

That sums up my experience with it. I won't say it's bad or not decent, but there are lots of design choices that bring down the experience and I just have to wonder why they made it like that.

That highlights one of the things I enjoy so much about 11. The weapons themselves are all very enjoyable to use, and even if you find yourself mainly using the buster for normal play there's tons of challenge modes designed to take advantage of a full arsenal. I also like how the weapon a boss is weak to is also exceptionally useful in their stage, usually neutralizing the most dangerous hazards outright

>4 above 2

shit taste

That exists?

>not the most overrated game of all time

Attached: boobeam trap.png (256x240, 7K)

I kinda want to replay it, but as Roll.


The weapon selection in 4 is more balanced. They’re both the peak of the series though.

To be fair, it was light on content. No DLC. No second playable character, very little post-masters content. Wily's Castle is tiny.

What's there is great, but if it doesn't have staying power, it's just because they didn't do much more than they needed to.

Bounce (wo)Man is my fav robot master

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I bet 11 would have been talked about more if it had a female robot master

IMO Capcom could've told me Bounce Man was a she and I would've totally fallen for it, kinda how MN9 did the same with the ice boss

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This is now a megaman thread I guess

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>Played It.
>Beat It.
>Liked It.
>Then forgot it.

Mega Man 11, I already forgot this game existed.

It would have been. But I'm OK with them not doing that unless they have a really good design in mind, like Splash Woman.

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When was it anything else?

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Not much to talk about, it's Mega Man. I'll probably do a replay soon since Capcom released the preorder music for free so I can play the game without oppressively boring music

Big bouncy boobs

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what's the context of this? I've seen it many times and I still have no idea what's meant to be

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Now that the franchise is dead, what was our thoughts about it?

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there wasn't enough to do in this game. nothing was hidden (rush/armor parts, protoman shield, anything really), only megaman was playable, there wasn't even a mid stage or an opening stage. it was decent but really lackluster in some ways

Yeah it's a Megaman game not that much to talk about. You kill 8 bosses then go through a multi part castle stage that is every classic megaman and MMX game summed up.

Dont think to deeply about it. Its a bit of a mouthful to explain. Although im sure someone will come eventually, and explain.

At least it motivated me to but the classic legacy collection so it's not all bad

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This was the question you should have asked prior to 11.

ecks dee

It's been dead more its been alive this decade.

It's a classic style game where you beat it and move, why the hell would people still be talking about it? It did its thing and surprisingly sold pretty damn well, so Mega Man is back so just sit and wait for whatever comes next.

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Will I enjoy this if I was never a huge Mega Man fan? I thought they were just ok, but this one seems a bit different and looks really fun.

i wish capcom would make a deal to release that megaman x corrupted game. that guy will probably never finish it, and it would be so cheap for them to just release it, considering most of the assets already seem to be done

Retarded or just fishing for replies? Maybe both, anyway Mega Man 11 was an unexpected success, Capcom literally said in the fiscal report that Mega Man is back and future developments are counted for.

it's not very different from the previous games. i don't know where you're getting that impression. if you don't enjoy the previous games, you'll probably not enjoy 11 either. unless your problem was the graphics

It doesn’t really stray from the formula so if you didn’t like previous games, you probably won’t like 11.

Its almost like realeasing a fuckton of games one after other killed the franchise in first place.

Just copy any AAA gamedev and make a Megaman open world games with tons of dlc and microtrans.

Is it really tho? Wasn't there a tease about X9 and a new mobile game a while back?

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No more fan games. If fans make them on their own fine, but releasing them in an official capacity is a cheat. I want professionally designed games with a unified idea pushing them.

Mega Man X9 is coming sooner or later, Capcom has made several "April Fool's" concept arts with new looks for the MMX characters for years but now it has entered suspicious territory since even after MM11 selling well Capcom did the same joke again in April 2019 by delivering yet another MMX concept art for a toy line that doesn't exist (well one manufacturer did make X figure based on it later) with Sigma this year.

>1 game after 8 years of nothing
Boy, they sure are overdoing it.

mega buster feels like im just shooting ping pong balls at enemies they could've used a better sound for it

You can thank Inafune of that. If one of the series was dying then he would just create a new one

Yea Forums doesn't ever shut up about battle network

Comfy bn thread time?

Attached: IMG-4145.png (640x480, 243K)

Please no

Why not

Except Classic and Legends didn't get revival attempts for over a decade each (one of which we all know never saw the light of day), and he dipped out of having anything to do with the X series halfway through. There weren't tons of games because there were so many series to keep on life support, it was just Zero and Battle Network nonstop, until they were replaced with ZX and Star Force. 9 and Legends 3 generated a lot of positive attention too, 10 getting a lukewarm reception pretty much solidifies it as a problem with how quick they were to sequelize successes with minimal changes.

Yeah, Inafune couldn't resist milking their babies for far too long I suppose. Let's hope that this doesn't happen again now that he's not in Capcom

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Jesus christ that gi

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What's the consensus about the newer cartoon? Good? Bad? Or just meh?

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How embarressing

Can’t even keep the thread alive for 100 posts


Not bad.

9 > 11 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 10 > 8 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 7

Is this thing still going?

>3 being that high
>when it has this shit

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Doc bot’s not that bad. Boobeam Trap is worse if you aren’t prepared for it

Or that the Rush part that if you fuck up you have to game over to redo.

Fuck Mega Man 3.

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>5 best


That’s a legitimate criticism. 3 should’ve had W tanks if only for that section.

The right stick weapon swap makes this my second favorite entry in the series.

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It feels more polished than 4 yet it ain't as easy as 6.

That is a hard disagree from me. 5's the easiest one, bar none IMO. Its only challenge comes from jacked up damage values on both ends of the spectrum, with the charge shot being so hilariously broken that there's almost no point in using any special weapons. Yeah, you die in like 4 hits but most enemy patterns are so lazy that getting hit by them is almost the actual hard part.

It's in the top five worst classic games.

Hell no, having the best special weapon synergy of any Megaman title alone puts it in the top half.

Some user has been posting it and swearing that it's good. If he gets enjoyment out of it I'm happy for him. But it just doesn't look especially worthwhile to me.

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The "Rush Button" is another great call.

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Easily the most relevant innovation in classic MM since the charge shot. Special weapons no longer feel like a tedious slog to cycle through and it's great.

Well of course it did. Its a good game but its also 4 hours long with no multiplayer or real replay value.

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>or real replay value

It's a fucking Megaman game, do different boss orders, a buster only run, gearless run, change the difficulty, there's tons of potential replayability. Megaman games are almost never meant to be played just once.

>4 aka Buster-Charge Noise: The Game

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9 and 10 had multiple playable characters and a ton of post-game challenge DLC.

Yea Forums is for discussing gaming politics, not about talking positive about any game being played, if they play any at all. Good games have no room in this board if none argue otherwise.

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Are megaman threads the new klonoa threads

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In what sense?

Pretty damn cute designs.

Mega Man threads aren't talking about a certified dead franchise though.

What makes them similar?

No one is spamming furshit here

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>MvC is dead meaning we'll never see Roll playable again

Darn it. Make her DLC for the next game you cowards!

Did the translation ever get finished/caught up or are we stuck with that half-translated version of the last build?

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Great game, but why is the music so bland?

I never buy anything, but I bought megaman 11 for one reason. There's gonna be more on the pc, right?!Q8wlyYob!QVfDM2bMAIVrWHknhgPEwxnF0quaAFpHqjmXh9EYpg4
Some guy in /jp/ used a combination of bing and common sense to finish the translation right to the end of the latest build, fixed some bugs, and added quality of life features. The translation is actually decent too, it doesn't feel like a machine translation at all.
His efforts kickstarted a group effort by /jp/ to "finish" the game using footage from Koki's streams. Progress is a little stalled right now while anons are gathering information and a new map editor is built. It's hardly organized, but I have faith that it might one day be finished.
Here's a link to the last thread if you're interested in reading through it.

It has the worst wily castle in the series by a landslide. And probably the weakest soundtrack too aside from maybe 1

Because you didn't download the arranged OST.

1 has a worse Wily Castle, that shit is tedium incarnate. Love the robot master stages, though.

What is there to say about it? It's your standard, few hours long Megaman game, but this time with ugly graphics. It's...fine, and that's about all I can think of to say about it.

What makes you think MvC being dead also means Capcom will never crossover with anyone else ever again? You dumb ass forgot Roll last appeared in a crossover without Marvel in it?.

I dunno. If the legacy collection isn't available for pc then you can always emulate the other games

Excellent. Thanks!

Arranged is actually really good, the piano works well.

The castle is fine, they just expect you to use special weapons through it instead of bustering through.

Because the game sold like trash, in no small part for not allowing the devs a full marvel roster + lack of budget.

You're right we might get to see Roll again in some other form, I'll give you that

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It was fun, I beat it and moved on. Not much else to say besides that fire level being bullshit without gear use.

I really love Acid Man's theme. Instrumentalized it sounds like a totally different song:

I think all the collections are on steam.

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She likes how well defined her robocunny is on that model

They are on Steam (well, Classic and X are, at least).

post rolls

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>doesn't talk about a game constantly on Yea Forums
>therefore it is forgotten
Take it from someone who was part of the Mania hype threads, you don't wanna do that as much as you think. The constant pre-release mania threads eventually got under the mods' skins and they forced us to /vg/ for the rest of the thread. Do you really want the revival of /mmg/ ? I'm sure you don't.

>Do you really want the revival of /mmg/ ?

Now that you mention it, how did the general die anyway? I recall seeing it many times in /vg/ until one day it was just...gone.

LC-kun made the entire place suicide by shitposting it to death. Their downfall was their inability to ignore bait.

Makes sense, people can't help themselves when it comes to obvious bait.

The moment they gave the shitposter a name, it was all over.

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Just like your father

Why can you see her panties?

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Why do you think?

this looks so good.

this guy's models are usually pretty good but i don't like this one. she's definitely too pale. her eyes are also weird, maybe the pupils are too big or something. not sure what else

Her pupils being huge deep pools of pitch black is definitely part of it.

Pale skin is cute.

you guys are dumb. It's supposed to resemble the art style of Cave Story.

Just because I commented on the pupils doesn't mean I didn't know what he was going for, user. For the record, Curly had blue eyes though. It gives a different sort of impression than a bottomless pit.

Attached: Curly face.png (200x200, 33K)

Is not fair that theres only one good Meryl doujin where the artist kept her actual proportions right.

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Mayl's got a big cute butt!

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This is shopped right? Did they really make her butt like this in the anime?

Alright Yea Forums, would you rather play MM&B as Megaman or MMX6 as X?

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Stinger > Newton's Bricks > Electric Spark II > Ice Age > Divekick Gun > Timed Mines > Ballz > Bubble

Attached: MegaMan.gif (540x304, 1.19M)

Why would it be shopped? Mayl's butt is perfect!

Attached: 1536260725112.png (640x480, 398K)

X6 as Megaman because it was a great game you casual.

X6 cause the Fuck You jumps are amusing to try doing as unarmored X. Donuts can suck it tho.

just tell me if that other pic is from the anime or not.

>King Stage 2

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>there wasn't even a mid stage or an opening stage
classic generally doesn't have those I think

7,8 and MM&B had intro stages, and 7 and 8 had mid stages.

I had a harder time as Bass in MMNB, honestly.

Every time, someone asks a question like this.
Every time, we answer "No. This is legitimately how the anime looked. How they got away with it, we do not know."

I gotta wonder how Vile was supposedly such a high-ranked Maverick Hunter when the asshole can hardly fight outside of his ride armors

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11 > 9 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 7 > 8

The placement of Mega Man 1 has little objective basis, just my ranking of the games.

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It is. I didn't watch that far the 4kids or whoever dubbed version, but it was like that at least in Japan

damn I gotta binge watch this now.

So does Fuseman have a pet eel or a pet rabbit? I've seen art with both.


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Well, that's fair. Because 1's placement is the only real qualm I have with this. Though personally I liked 3 more than 2.

In the Japanese version I believe it's an eel, in the localized version it's a rabbit. So eel is canonical but the rabbit is a cute idea too

>I gotta wonder how X was such a high-ranked Maverick Hunter when the asshole can hardly fight without his X-Buster.

Could have been mistranslation, unagi and usagi. Still, I like both so it works out.

10 > 4 = 11 > 3 = 9 > 2 = 7 = Bass > 6 > Dr. Wily's Revenge = 5 = Powered Up > 1 = SFxMM > 8 >>> R&F Wonderswan

I should play MMV. Zero 2 is my favorite game in the franchise AND the objective #1 OST in the franchise.

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Where’s 4?

the only real true bullshit of X6 is Gate 1
everything else is fair game

MM11 sold 870k in 3 months. That's insanely good for the franchise, as odd as that sounds. It will be added to Capcom's Platinum List this coming quarter's end, along with X Legacy Collection 1 (~930k between July and the end of 2018), bringing the number of Megaman games in the entire franchise that have sold 1 Mil+ to 7. Considering MM11 clearly didn't have a huge budget, it's probably one of the biggest successes the franchise has ever had other than Collections, profit-wise.

>ranking 4 this high
I thought I was alone

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Do you think I play X6 as Zero or something? I've fucking beaten X6 without Ultimate Armor, i'd sooner go through that hell than MM&B in its entirety.

X wasn't a high-ranked Hunter. He was a B rank, pretty average.

11 has a bunch of post-game challenge stuff. Light's Challenge, fighting various RMs without having to go through their stage on demand, obscure stuff like "hit the randomly-spaned enemy with its weakness, and see how many you can do in the time limit". That last one is really only possible because of the right-stick weapon wheel which is incredible.

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Way I see it, 11 had a lot of great new ideas, but it was the first time a mostly-new team worked with the series besides a few oldbies. As a result, the game didn't try as hard as it could've gone, because they were mostly testing the ropes. The game could've turned out a hell of a lot worse if you ask me, and with the experience on their belt they'll be able to work on future MM games more efficiently.

Attached: Trash_Can.jpg (1200x1600, 245K)

low poly is the future.
just like vector graphics they can get upscalled to the infinite and look great forever.

No user we need $600000000000000000 budget quantum computed graphics engines that look like dog-puke on low-settings and still won't run correctly on average PCs even on low-settings

This. MM11 reminds me a lot of Donkey Kong Country 1 in that regard; it plays pretty safe and abuses what little stuff it has to make solid fun level design.

Hopefully with the success of 11 we can get a DKC2 kind of scenario in the future where they're allowed to go nuts.

based. I wish it was harder, but it has some of the best bosses

>$20 even on sale


it did. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

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Only Roll posters have a similar kind of energy.
But I feel it's 50/50 in terms of horny people and people who just like the games.
Klonoa threads are 100% people who really need to fap and get over it.

you know it's a problem when the X6 Tweaks romhack as adding a platform as a patch for this stupid shit. X6 was probably less playtested than Sonic 06.

The entire game is a upwards slope of bullshit. I have no clue how Hide managed it.

Literally X6's level design in a nutshell.

One can theorize that they were expecting players to be well-versed with X4 and 5 by the time 6 came out, so they opted to make a hardcore game. But then one can also theorize that, in their 11 months or less of development, the dev team created a bunch of random ass gimmicks and level drafts, and then crunched to add it all in without refining a single damn thing, resulting in the broken level design and obscenely retarded Nightmare System.

>X6 apologists will defend this

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Isn't it just the slightest bit off-putting that X6 didn't get this many defenders until the last few years? It just sounds fishy

What are some themes?

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>Was it really important for me to be anatomically correct Dr. Light?
>I keep waking up in your bed after maintenance, Dr. Light.
>Why am I sticky down there, Dr. Light?

Wily did nothing wrong. He wanted robots to have strength so they could protect themselves.

Like clockwork.

Attached: madzero.jpg (676x816, 132K)

Just not from him and his lecherous thirst.

Hijacking robots is pretty much Wily's MO so allow me to disagree

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So it took Wily 10+ defeats to remember that ''Oh yeah, I have that shit that makes robots OP''.

In an industry where developers are obsessed with maintaining player retention at any cost, I really don't mind a game like MM11.

The shadow armor is literally perfection from both looks and playstyle, specially if you have jumper, hyper dash and ultimate buster parts equipped.

How many years passed between then and Megaman 1? He was bound to forget something during that time.

ninja action mega man with real light up beam saber is a bit too 90s action figure bait for my taste

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I dunno if it helps but I recall canon stating Megaman 7 happening six months aftee 6

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man Zero really got ahead of himself

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Never noticed how gorey this was all this time

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Man I remember when our good pal Mac betrayed us at the beginning of X3
Really tugged the heartstrings

I need pictures. Pictures of Megaman!
Especially the one with him in a dress.

I don't have the one where X is wearing a wedding dress, sorry. All I have are these more aesthetically feminine machines.

Attached: 1539582868331.jpg (944x900, 162K)

There are multiple different images of X wearing a wedding gown

>not having a dedicated crossdressing robots folder
Its 2019 for christs sake

I was actually looking for the classic Megaman in a dress pic.

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That's the one, thanks user.

This right here would have added some neat replay value being able to play with Bass's dashes and ability to shoot at an angle, Protoman's shield and they could have given some neat stuff with Roll.

Bounce Woman looks like Hsien-Ko

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there's no more hope for man

Who wins?



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