What's your favorite game of all time?

What's your favorite game of all time?

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That game and everything made by westwood till ea killed them.

What were those flying infantry guys even good for?

Actually take targets out on the move for GDI, without them you just use the orca bombers and those aren't that good at killing anything that moves at a fast pace.

Good for harassing harvesters

command and conquer: generals

shockwave mod is like, two unofficial expansions. a truly magnificent mod that never gets the attention it deserves


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Fuck you, I liked it.

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looks cool. dont think my GPU can handle it though

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3 isnt that bad imo, sure its not tiberian sun, but still, its not c&c4..

If RTS followed this model instead of APM micro the world would be a better place today

Prove me right.

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redalert 2 and generals ZH was great though. Better than anything westwood produced

Tiberian Sun is one of those games like Diablo 2 that i can put 100's of hours into.

If i was stuck on an island for the rest of my life and had a list of only 10 games i could have, Tiberian Sun and Diablo 2 would be two of them. Third spot would go to either UT99 or Quake 3,

They have so much replay value its insane. People will laugh but it would be hard not to include something Minecraft or Terraria in this conversation too.

I could easily put 100 hours in those games then not touch them for a year then put another 200 hours in again.

Fable the lost chapters. I spent so much of my childhood playing that game. Still one of the few games I can always go back to a replay.

Am I the only one who would just go to the hobbe caves and grind phys shield levels until I was max level?

My gut feeling would be

Tiberian Sun
Diablo 2

Id be thinking about what driving and fighting games have insane replay value at that point.

Tib Sun was worked on with EA...

It seems like games like those are made to stand the test of time.
Developers definitely knew what they were doing and put in a lot of love into making those games.
The mods only show how much of an impact they have on the fans, and that the fans are devoted to not only playing but ensuring that the games are playable with the latest OS, and are 'updated' with new content as well.

Nah, my older brother and I would do that too.

What game allows me to:
Live in a different world
[sick bass line]

Ra2 was westwood.
I'll give you generals and zero hour though. That shit was so great even normies played it.

>3 isnt that bad imo, sure its not tiberian sun

Thank fucking God.
You're too young to remember but C&C3 completely pulled the brakes on Tiberian Sun story progression of robots, tiberium invasion fucking up the planet and so on for a reason.
The reason being that apart from 1 or 2 genuine bullseyes, Tiberian Sun was basically the antichrist that killed Tiberium series in the fan and grader public opinion.
It underdelivered, the music was moody shit, the graphics were bad, the units were more often than not nonsensical, etc.
That's why they made Generals and BFME after Red Alert 2 instead of C&C3. And when it finally came, a whole 7 years later it was dubbed a reboot/return to form of the series.

People gradually thawed to the idea of TibSun not being an absolute shitstain over time (largely because it was the very last RTS Westwood had made and EA got rolling with their more modern reputation by then). But it hapened a good number of years after the fact.
Heck, you can read the Kane's Wrath interviews where the director is saying they're adding a bit of TibSun back while being completely dumbfounded as to why do people want things from the franchises biggest low-point up to then, back.

RA2 was EALA/Westwood Pacific. It wasn't Westwood.

flat out 2 or gran turismo 2/3 is your driving game.

Monkey island 2 and hero's quest.
also diablo not 2

CS 1.6

Either Neverwinter Nights, or New Vegas

Red Alert 2 or Half Life
Though Tiberian Sun is an excellent choice too.

>Not Dune 2000

Now you made me remember those bullshots with the crazy lighting and huge explosions.

fallout 1 and2

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And those NOD tanks, laser fence effects,... Those bullshots along with the demo (which let you change the tech level in the files so you could build anything from the game) were my very first introduction to C&C. Alongside FF8's PC demo and a free copy of Free Space in a local magazine.

I know very well just what kind of nonsense TibSun back then pulled.

>make poorly balanced game with nonsensical stories
>bug ridden
>expansions that don't compete with other games'
>no real marketing
>don't sell shit for copies ever
>sequels are literal hot garbage
>surprised when the dev studio is closed

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1 and cataclysm for the story
2 for the gameplay and mods

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Honest question but what really creates that replay value for you in C&C? Even back in the day I always found it kind of bland gameplay-wise compared to other RTS, even though the setting is obviously excellent.

Most game devs are to brain dead to be able to put in a physic model in an RTS. Better to just use an random number generator or damage multipliers for countering units.

>2 for the gameplay

I always strongly preferred the gameplay in 1 for the tactical aspect in how much meaningful control it gives you over your units.
I was really disappointed when this entire aspect got pretty much ruined in the remaster because they forced it into the HW2 engine.

The literal God of RTS

Underated Dune game incoming

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I can just play skirmish against bots for hours.