Why is this acceptable? Every MK11 thread looks like this

Why is this acceptable? Every MK11 thread looks like this.

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I actually bought mk9.
It was fun.
MK11 doesn't seem fun.

I do play fighting games.
MK had always sucked fuck, and their removal of sexy costumes, which they did indeed do, just makes it worse. But it was always garbage and I was never going to but it anyway.

Which fighting games' your favorite?

the left can't meme

Haha I know, sex is embarrassing and bad and we should never accept it's one of our strongest drives as animals. We shouldn't embrace it and involve it in our art, that's what gross nazis want. Jerk off quietly alone at night and be done with it.

The females are boring to look at. Such a waste of nice gfx.

Shit game tho

3D I'm a soul Cal guy. Though I know it's not that popular. 2d I like guilty gear the most, and should still be at Evo unlike MK.

Horrible image. Most likely made by left degenerate.

not that user but I play GG mainly. And yeah, MK has always been a really bad fighting game its game design is focused for casuals and mechanics are shallow. All the money goes into "cool scenarios" and other irrelevant features that don't contribute to the actual gameplay

Are those costumes supposed to be revealing?

>p-please buy our game

But DoA sucks ass and I would never encourage anyone to play that shit fighter. The beach volleyball games though, now that’s a different story.

>TN gacha waifu game BTFO’d their fighter
lol, just goes to show, the fans never cared about the game, it was always about the girls, just like Tomonobu intended from the start. He is now laughing silently behind his shades.

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The Quartering is based

Man left wing memes are almost as bad and forced feeling as yang memes. Something about them just seems so manufactured and focus grouped.

Trick question, any game you said is shit.

Blame Boon for starting it.

Gimme something waaaaay spicy bro

Left wing ideology is centered around repetition and indoctrination. The "forced feeling" you get is to be expected.

just watched some gameplay
why does this game look so much slower than every other fighting game

This. Unironically fuck SJWs and games urinalists.

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Here you go, user. My favorite.

Attached: Salsa_Valentina.jpg (720x479, 40K)