War is hell.
War is hell
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Imagine being such a tasteless pleb
She looks like she's ready to give me her milk
I like that one doujin he did where the x-ray cumshot was so deep that her uterus was up to her sternum.
looks like she'll ntr me
If the programmers haven't considered character emotions, it's not.
Unfortunately(?) the programmers of our world have considered emotions - if only implicitly -, so war in our world is hell.
Peak reddit post
What did he mean by this
Never even been there. digg was enough of a deterrent.
>failing to read an author's intention
You have never had text analysis in high school, right?
If so, consider yourself fortunate.
Wow. Did she turn 21 years old or something?
What's wrong with her boobs and spine?
bun in the oven
She became a mommy.
>Emprie bad
>Empires should never win.
>Democracy good
>Democratic state should win
>Small states should win and defeat big states
Valkyria Chronicles is fucking dogshit. It can't decide if it wants to be a serious war story or dumb anime shit.
I love her new torpedo saggy tits
It seriously tries to be both, but it's never bothered me in considering it just cheesy anime drama with enough waifus.
>war story
Choose one. Seriously, war is usually a fucking joke.
If you aren't involved, and look on from the outside, it looks like a fight among dogs.
If you don't see the punch lines all over the place in war stories, then there is something wrong with you.
2 years only?
But she had a kid in the cutscene
Where is that from
>muh anatomy
No one fucking cares /ic/. Especially not in a cartoon.
Alicia is the cultured man's choice.
>2 years only?
Where is the problem?
Bearing a child takes 9 months.
I want to suck both their titties
That's a truly EPIC redpill my friend!
VC3 patch motherfucker.
Her daughter didn't look like 1 year old kid
Team fortress 2
>I AM SILLY the comic
>Not liking torpedo tits and long legs on a slender body
why do women look so much better after having a kid
Made for breeding!
Milkies production making tits bigger and the weight they gained during pregnancy making them overall thiccer
ara ara factor
>Tags: Raita, nakadashi, x-ray
hnnnnngg user please its too early for this
Alicia is nothing, VC4 has the top mommy.
So instead of shooting themselves in the toe do women just need to get knocked up to be dismissed from active duty?
What the fuck is this
Kai is the only girl with a proper in-game representation.
I want to shove my face into her ass while she's prone trying to snipe people
unironically yes, that is what shit loads of women in the US military do
Motherhood is heaven
I bet you like Persia more than the Grecian states you massive fucking faggot
I would not call Grecian states comic book good guys, they were quite nasty slave states on their own.
>calling anyone a faggot
Go back to your erastes, you still have much to learn
Get out of here with that modern moral judgement, everyone practiced slavery at the time. At least the Greeks weren’t forcibly castrating theirs. Any bad they did was absolutely redeemed by their contributions to philosophy, mathematics, and the arts.
>raita cant draw realistic wome-
>Praising pregnancy and motherhood
Yea Forums - Men of culture.
Who gives a shit about realistic women, I just want to bang the ones with slim waists and fat T&A
Stealing civilization from the superior states before them isn't contributing
Pay your debts and kill yourself, turk rapebaby
Looks like heaven desu
Women exist to be impregnated.
>playing through VC4
>wonder why my dedicated anti-tank grenadier does no damage to Vulcan, when they were destroying it previously
>he's equipped with a fucking anti-personnel mortar
Fourth game, and auto-equipping the latest upgraded weapon on ALL units is still not fixed.
How hard is it to only equip the weapons from the upgrade trees corresponding to those currently equipped on them?
>series is full of Raita designed titcows
>only 1 has ever been romanceable by the player
Sega is run by retards
If Alicia became this hot imagine if Selvaria became a mommy.
Are you actually implying that the Hittites are responsible for all the advancements of classical Greece and her colonies? The Greeks didn’t exactly do a lot of empire building in the modern sense of the term until Alexander.
>series is finally dead
Raita only draws that way because his fans demanded he go back to anorexic titty monsters and flatties.
Regardless, it’s ironic that someone complaining about “stealing culture” through conquest is defending the Achaemenids of all civilizations.
That's what they said before.
Made for beating
Bought Valkyrie Chronicles on Steam. What am I in for in terms of
A decent tactical RPG.
I love my wife Selvaria, but I wish her titty mousepad wasn't $300. that's a steep price for something i'd never use
Why not both as a prisoner of war
Thanks, Ms. Skeltal.
Probably best to learn to actually draw in proportions first
if they release a VC5 I would eat my cum in a stream
screencap this
An anime lesson on Holocaust.
Since apparently that's not something Americans learn in school, it might be educational for you.
I want to drink her sweat
Story is stupid generic star wars type stuff I.e evil empire being with with evil emporer
Characters are nice and likable if you're playing the first one the side squad characters don't get enough development
Gameplay is fun and is stupidly broken when you learn how to scout rush
>hello, I am a massive fucking retard who needs the daddy state to tell me what to do and what to think or else I'll be a complete failure at life like I am now!
>Uh yeah, I know a lot about history - like that the Spartacists were a bunch of KIKES and that there's NO WAY the ovens at Auschwitz could burn 2,000 people a day? No I haven't read books or taken classes, don't you know those are all subverted and part of the jewish agenda? No thanks, I prefer /pol/ infographics
Meant to put "being evil with evil emperor" but whatever
They are.
They just run and gun down the civilians in the very first scene they appear. The Empire is so exaggeratedly evil it's funny. Which is contrasted even further by some cheap attempts to humanize them later in the story.
>being a footfag
end yourself faggot
I love RAITA so much.
Second is better in literally every way.
it's a stylistic choice
Screw you guys, this thread cost me $30. Just picked up VC4 for this ass: Stupid penis informing my purchasing decisions
>RAITA, Breaker of Spines
what does it mean that I like left more?
that back is barely bent
people irl can bend completely backwards with their head between their legs
does everyone on Yea Forums have a stick up their ass so their backs dont bend at all
one thing that i dont like about VC1 is how everyone but scouts have absolute shit stamina. even the tank feels that moves farther.
Kirara = Erika >>> other mahoe shoujos
Should I bother with II and Revolution?
Was the left one that wannabe Valkyria in 2?
It's a good game too you know.
Oh god no, it's a fucking abortion of a game. Can't speak to II.
Took so much of Welkin's baby batter she went MILF.
Yes, all Valkyria=best Valkyria.
Are scouts still retardedly OP and mission breaking? I loved 1 so 4 looks like more of the same + ass.
I want to shove my head in between that leg triangle
>that puffy pussy
Always judge a girl by the length of her legs
2 plotwise is the highschool anime bullshit people were surprised 1 isn't and has a retarded class change system, don't bother.
Revolution is awful with braindead gameplay and bosses that take way too long to kill. Brunhilde's tits are the best part and they kill her at the end, her tits shrinking as she dies
>That early desert map in VC1 that lets you scout rush and gain a million EXP way faster than 90% of the game
>no one playtested the EXP gain
kek the good times lad, scout rush wasn't the only fault. EXP gain was lmao tier at times,
You will never see an assgrab like that in western video games. Let that sink in for a moment.
Not as much so, they're weaker and missions are mostly designed to where they aren't terribly effective at rushing, although you can still do it sometimes if you know what you're doing (especially late game).
Exp and money grind is literally the purpose of the Skirmish maps. That's why you can't repeat them unlike the story missions until NG+ in VC1. That's just the Japanese game design. If the player is stuck or just bad at the game, they're given the option to grind.
>canonically has the fattest ass in the squad
minerva still best girl though
My jaw dropped the first time I watched some speedrunner play the game years after I played 1. Alicia is a force of nature. Downloading 4 as we speak
ass > tiddy
I'm not that far in, does she stop being a dumb domineering bitch?
Also that blonde mortar girl is kind of a bitch too. Why are there no nice girls in this army?
Is this official art? Is it compiled in an artbook or something.
Ara ara~
Best girls in all games are Darcsen.
I fucking love raita
I hate asanagi tho
Bossy girls with glasses usually are best girl
Should VC incorporate chooseable waifu romancing?
she is the only one in the whole of the main cast to actually be a character and challenge claude's decisions, she does cool off latter though yes.
and yeah riley is worst girl. really once you start unlocking the squad stories you realize that all of the main cast has the least personality in the game
squad e is full of boring no personality characters. Give me Squad 7 all day
Yes, both are cleaned up versions of illustrations from the VC1 design archive.
The one "stealth" mission with Welkin and Alicia was the first difficulty spike and everyone recommends you get grenade launcher upgrade for Scouts. Hell, I think the mission is designed in mind for that. Outside of that, I think VC1 was perfectly balanced in what it would expect from the player in damage output/def/the math. I think the Scout Skirmish grind wasn't really needed beyond the one time you need a Scout upgrade for the gimmick no-tank Welkins has to walk sessions.
Sure but make it so if you do choose 1 girl the other girls die and you have to reflect on how you chose one over others
Oh shit senpai I gotta have this. Is the Valkyria Chronicles 2 art book as good as this?
That makes it sound like you laugh at dogs dying which makes you chinese
>The one "stealth" mission with Welkin and Alicia was the first difficulty spike
What? No. It's easy, especially if you already know the enemy placement. It's only the missions with Selvaria in it that are difficulty spikes.
Why do all anime characters look like featureless blobs? It's like someone took the peach paint bucket and dyed an outline of a character
The Japanese really are terrible are telling stories or creating artful media.
Nothing wrong with sexuality, tits, and the like, but fucking have a little taste and craft for fuck's sake.
I-I-I-I I love Squad 7 too, A-A-A-A-A-user!
They're great art books but they're not all tiddies.
All 3 are on exhentai.
Absolutely. At least from a selection of 3. Valkyria Chronicles 3 did it, though as a post-launch update package and that was on the PSP.
Only 2 girl there though.
War was in the gates
Raita needs to draw more delicious brown
Vanilla is the better of the duo.
How can womanlets even compete?
A man of refined taste.
Duos are meant to be enjoyed together
What's with the plot in raita's mahou shoujo series? I mean, I know it's porn and his drawings are godlike but everytime I try to understand it, I end up very confused so I just masturbate.
Why was Riley such a dumb bitch to Claude? Is it seriously becuase he wouldnt let her run into a burning building when they were kids? It sounds like he saved her life but I dont know if I missed some explanation
yes it is literally just that. once you find out exactly why everyone calls him scaredy-claude it doesn't make any sense
Impregnation is a hell of a drug
i seriously thought i missed an explanation somewhere
whoever wrote this story needs to be flogged because that doesnt make any fucking sense
There are several retarded things that make no sense, especially at the beginning of the game.
i just got to the point where squad F gets wiped out because they sat on a sheet of ice with their thumbs up their asses and got run through by tank man and for some reason they blame you. What did they think would happen when you sit out in the open with no plan? I really wish Claude had some fucking balls.
Let me marry Lily.
I want to smell her sandals
>Minervacuck still seething
Give it a rest, already
Good riddance to this shitty franchise
I think you mean "When will Raita team up with someone to make a Zettai Shoujo eroge?"
At least she still has some meat in her bones and didn't transform into a boob mr skeleton like most Raita characters
Shut the fuck up you retardera tranny
Get the fuck out of Yea Forums if you're this triggered.
Based, gaijin pilled
Oh my
So raita used to paint trucks?
>regular women, raita haters
>men in second frame, raita fans
>men in first panel
VPfags, I only played PSP games and liked 3, should I pick 4 or 1? How do you rate all games?
1 is the best, 4 if you like 1, the end
Any VC figures?
Kurt was based as fuck and i loved the fact his squad are nobodies who go on bullshit secret missions
Really wish he would fix that weird ballon tits in his art
VC5 never ;_;
SEGA won't even make DLC for 4. RIP.
someone convince me to play vc4
is it worth going through the 40 hours
do you mean more dlc?
vc4 was too little too late
brb buying 10 copies
Traitorous whore. Should've been summarily executed when they found out.
Do people actually think Raita, one of the oldest artists in the japanese porn industry, doesn't know anatomy?
Of course he knows how to draw women with normal proportions, he just doesn't want to.
When is he getting the shadman meme treatment?
Did you like VC1? Because VC4 is VC1 with slightly better graphics and mortars.
Most useless and forgettable characters in the whole game, why did Sega hyped them so much before release?
>japs are still seething about august storm so they making an entire video games series just to rewrite history in their own fantasies
Well, at least they did it right and added tits instead of niggers
I very much like vc1, but it was my first time playing a game like it so I'm a bit scared of going into vc4
>Lel I ducked right before you shot me from 2 miles away, silly sniper!
Fucking trash.
>Not charging in with Raz to give her some Undodgeable Shot bukkake
Not even his worst mistake of drawing weird proportions
>Run up to her
>get in her face
>Shoot her at point blank range
>She ducks
>Raz keeps shooting thin air like the retard he is
If Undodgeable Shot procs, they can't duck out of the way.
FOOL. A man embraces both. Fuck titsmen and fuck equally assmen.
At least SEGA tried to flesh out that the Federation were a bit of dickbags as well with the attempted kidnapping of Princess What's Her Name.
This. If you don't like both in equal measure, you're a massive fucking faggot. Might as well suck dicks now.
>tfw no raita gf
Valkyria Chronicles 4 already has plenty of DLC.
>Left: Bright eyed, positive, enthusiastic, fun personality and great friend/girlfriend material
>Right: Soulless milk cow for otaku, in reality would become boring immediately after inseminating
Why are weebs afraid of women with actual personalities?
Both have the same personality because they are the same person, are you stupid? Just because my wife started wearing skirts instead of jeans after college doesn't mean she stopped bridal carrying me around the neighborhood to embarrass me into taking her side in an argument.
Wait, what was that about your wife carrying you
Which is better, Bitch Erika or dandere Erika? or tan Erika
So when will this duo makes it's way into anime version of WW2?
That you think they haven't belies your newfag status
The train guy who the Darcsen concentration camps was a literal anime Nazi. Gregori IIRC.
>your newfag status
Yep I'am.
But if they did it, then where is revolution and pact? And why micro-states exists
This isn't accurate.
I have seen this hotglued
Came here to post this
nigga that figure isn't out yet.
bitch erika. new erika is boring.
All of the above.
Team Fortress 2
Why are his old drawings much more kino than the new ones?
>>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
They truly aren't.
That's what Kirara is for.
I hope that when I complete my degree anime will still be the same so I can find a good job, be independent, and go all out buying dakis, onaholes, an this shit.
VC2 is pretty fun desu, also Aliasse and Julianna are great in it. I just hate the stupid grind in it
All Erika are best Erika
Was the new vc3 translation a joke?
I hope Asai fucks her soon
blessed thread
im grabbing mydick with incredible strength right now
Now post chocolate
i fucking love raita bros
i hope he gets even more art in games to make /ic/ fags seethe
>tfw get turned on whenever I use Raikou
I heard her rateup is soon, I have at least 200 dollars piled up just for her
How does Raita sensei do it? All of his girls are hot as hell.
>teehee you sure about that
good luck user.
Realized that reality is just a meme and that he might as well just draw things that make his dick hard, damned be the consequences
Who did you choose?
VC4 artbook when
Imca of course, I don't want a boy.
>tfw i didnt get her the first time around
>quit the game
>friend says she's back at the end of the year
>get her with a meme ticket
I want selvaria and raikou to smother me in their boobs. which makes me wonder why is there no art of them in each other's outfit?
I liked VC1, but have actively avoided the high school/academy bullshit
Is the new VC a return to form?
VC4 is VC1 with better graphics and a surprisingly good story. So yes, if you liked VC1, you will almost certainly like VC4.
I dropped VC1 when the anime mary sue super power shit started happening, but I think that anyone who doesn't recognize the true best girl should be executed for war crimes
>Virtually zero porn
When will she be pregnant?
VC4 is impossible. How can people play for more than an hour or so before having to quit and jack off to Kai's ass?
Why the damn not
I want to make a smore out of these two
Did that new VC3 fan translation ever happen?