Other urls found in this thread:
>it was for charity, Sonic
>it's funny because it's true!
>play vidya
>turn it off to shitpost on Yea Forums
Where is the goddamn joke, fuckley?
why do people post this nu-Yea Forums dobson unironically now
literally eat da poo poo tier brainlet comics
So what was it that made inceltoss go from a liberarian to a literal nazi?
Someone explain to me why stonetoss is hated. No sarcasm I think his comics are good
> straight people think others will murder them
What went wrong?
t. Seething tranny
>big black one and little white hole
Master of subtlety.
Facts and evidence.
That seems more a reaction of horrified disgust than fear of murder.
Last panel.
You know your ideology is low IQ when it can be literally explained by a bunch of simple geometric shapes with no text.
Post the one where the author gets butthurt that a woman won't have sex with him
did not expect stonetoss to go this low.
>literal nazi
... how?
Absolutely one hundred percent based.
A porn star was bullied into suicide because she refused to work with men who had done gay porn for fear of them being diseased.
more like
>normal people disgusted by (((progress)))
First problem was acknowledging the minorities. If you simply ignore them they'll completely leave you alone.
The orginal version of that comic did not age well.
He got hungry for /pol/bucks
Liberals everybody.
lmao seethe harder trannies and fags replying to this
Could be worse
>people who think like stonetoss are "normal"
top jej
Because somehow the gay porn actors are more likely to have aids then the straight ones?
You wouldn't be doing porn in the first place if you had any respect for your body or fear of STDs.
What? It is true... EA has some seriously abusive monetization schemes in their games
I wasn't being facetious
and don't call me tranny
Of course you would you political hack.
Everyone who isn't a dumb brainwashed yuppie is a Nazi now
Almost every male porn star has done gay porn, it's how they start in the industry, the guy does a bit of buttfucking men and then after a while as a
reward gets to graduate into fucking women. You don't actually think that all those mediocre looking male pornstars got there because if their persinality did you?
>Yea Forums suddenly anti bullying if it furthers their agenda
I love the girls in these comics. Post more.
how old are you? they're literal fucking I AM SILLY strawman comics for the neo-con audience
>Because somehow the gay porn actors are more likely to have aids then the straight ones?
Statistically speaking, yes. This is also why a lot of porn actresses have a 'no niggers' policy.
>Because somehow the gay porn actors are more likely to have aids then the straight ones
user don't be disingenuous.
>the gay porn actors are more likely to have aids
posting actual good comics
Of course.
>Of course you would you political hack
Glass her? Dont understand.
What's the saw one supposed to refer to?
tranny with an axe in gamestop.webm
>instantly snap to murder
whats wrong in your head that you think people just kill each other on a dime? obviously it's showing that the 'unnatural' have outnumbered the 'natural' and nothing more. if you instantly think they'll kill the outliers, maybe i should be more worried about this fast descent into 'progressive' territory.
Didn't that guy go to jail for rape or something
show the combo
why is Yea Forums so autistic about comics
first dobson and buckley now this
disgust is a normal emotional response to everything the merchant is selling.
>right-wing dobson
Those comics are shit and so is stonetoss. Yea Forums makes fun of shitty things.
what exactly is the problem here?
he pure
LMFAO... Epic
dobson and buckley aren't quite the same as this because no-one liked those two
stonetoss is actually liked by nu-Yea Forums, and it's another way of pushing """"vidya"""" threads that are just identity politics
all they do is espouse lazy propaganda; the punchlines boil down to "remember this meme?" or "remember this talking point"?
From the first panel one would assume he's playing a coin operated arcade machine but upon closer inspection in the subsequent panels, it's revealed he's playing a retail videogame on a home console! And what's more, the game is published by EA, known for the dubious monetization of their products! Truly that slaps me on the knee.
probably kindly hand her a glass with a beverage
>reddit filename
>edited comic from a literal tranny discord
If anything this just proves that poltards don't leave their basements.
it just means "get her a drink" user
ftm tranny
peanut brain detected
>the gay porn actors are more likely to have aids then the straight ones?
If a left wing person says the sky is blue is the sky now another color?
If these faggots were smart they would realize it's absolutely retarded to even bother doing that.
If you can reasonably question if the guy made it or not, you made a good edit, like Ben Garrison edits, but the left needs to explain
Fucking awful lmao
a square with a hole trying to become a cylinder instead
fitting how you can't even parse what it's trying to be, lmao trannies
it means smashing a glass or glass bottle in someone's face
wow what unique insight you're spouting. surely no one has made this exact same comment before.
Should have been just top right and bottom right panels, with whole screen seen in background (on mobile so can't do the edit rt)
There is a difference between bullying and relentless harassment.
They'd say the sky is a neo-nazi
I don't get it.
Time is white now, haven't you heard?
Why are you arguing with her position that she doesn't want to have sex with somebody? Her body, her choice.
I don't agree with his statements at all but I think he's still a good comic artist because he can creatively tell a joke withought writing a whole paragraph unlike most political comics and if you can't see that then come and fight me boomer bitch
>Walk down the street
>pass some nog sitting on a stoop
>ignore him, keep walking
>begins to give chase
yeah, totally ignores you
Do they think an immediate replacement won't be found?
women are useless at everything
Post the sans edit
Some people don't want to mislead people. It's more complex than you think.
>look at me everybody! I just learned this word and am using it incorrectly to fit in!
What a shitty non-answer to your ad hominem being called out.
The u.s rarely makes any effort to keep civilian casualties to a minimum despite this frequently coming back to bite them in the ass.
I dont get the green shape and purple shape sawing itself. Is the brown and white shapes supposed to be poking fun of BLACKED or immigrants raping children?
zoomers are always triggered, and make shitty edits of it, because they are obsessed over anything non liberal.
But every President after WW2 IS a war criminal.
That’s not true of the person she doesn’t want to have sex with is lower on the privledge totem pole than her.
peer pressure isn't a murder threat, but if course you wouldn't understand that you blind, autistic zoomer
a Yea Forums edit that is actually better than the original, wow
seems it hit its mark though
i'm not even that guy you originally replied to, I just couldn't help but call you a brainlet for such a low IQ post
Maybe that's the point, you can't tell exactly what is going on because you never know how far these people will go.
It's not really about misleading people, all it does is facilitate groupthink, people that like Stonetoss are going to instantly discard it, people that dislike him will instantly think it's funny.
Which brings me back to my point about the left needing to explain every detail, they're terrified of someone coming to their own conclusion
>ctrl+f trann
>8 matches
Political comics are the lowest form of argumentation.
this is the correct response, what's the problem
And I don't pay doctors to tell me this.
Should have emphasized I was talking about sexual minorities but you are a dolt, user
look up andrew dobson, he has comics that you'd like
s-stupid poor whites, you SHOULDN'T blame invaders who illegally enter your country, commit crime and drive down wages.... r-realy
Why are people discussing politics instead of funny comics poking fun at video game culture?
If you were smart, you'd take my advice, retard.
Plastering a gigantic "DON'T READ THIS" watermark on people you're trying to convince isn't helping you
Martian Magazine > stonecuck
Poor August
>people think straights are "outnumbered" in any fashion
An option in The Wolf Among us where you could smash a glass in someone's face during a conversation.
He still invaded Iran, even if he fucked up.
>drive down wages
That would be business owners.
Those aren't good edits because anyone who knows ben garrison's body of work knows he wouldnt put that shit directly in the comics. If you mean "sure art style same and this right wing tooooo" then most people could do "good edits" of stone toss.
>implying it's trying to convince anyone of anything
>implying stonetoss "convinces" anyone
>implying stonetoss edits "convinces" anyone
based retard
I was agreeing with you, no one sees that garbage as normal and most pretend to so they don't rock the boat.
The fact that fags can't come to terms with that is hilarious.
>on my way to work in the morning
>driving through parking lot of my apartment complex
>white guy pulling what looks like his entire life walks in front of my car
>stop so i don't kill this white retard
>"hey can i have some money where is the nearest place to eat around here this is so embarrassing"
>no emotion or inflection, sounds like a robot reading from a mental script
>tell him i don't have any money and point him to the bar across the street cause that's where most whites spend their time and money
whites are the fucking worst
This makes no sense. Gay men can have sex, just like heterosexuals can.
Classic StoneToss
because politics
i dont even like stone toss but the people who are vocal about not liking him seem like real weenies.
I don't think every edit is funny. Most of them are nonsense.
yeah, the government should force them to raise the minimum wage, oh but they should also keep allowing them to hire illegals for less than minimum wage
I don't give a shit about argument mouthbreather i literally only care about comic quality. If there was a comic out there advocating nuclear genocide in the name of furry Allah BUT,(you still with me brainlet) if the comic was well made I will still give it praise.
Aight man live in that tribalist hellscape in your mind and when you're ready to talk like an adult I'll listen to you.
Until then I'm not reading cucks slapping their own retarded watermark onto shit
whoever made this is a huge retard autist with 0 social interaction
Why are white folks so sensitive
Im not the guy you replied to either, actually. But it was an ad hominem and that was a shitty non-response.
We can't let Mio get her hands on the Cinderella codes.
Heh, I get that one.
el arrojamiento de pedrusco
I think its making fun of immigrants raping children, not what you're probably think of.
>not upholding the law and immediately reporting all law breaking to the authorities
the more absurd edits are funny, the hamfisted righty btfo ones are always awful and less funny than the originals.
Soo the person that draw these make the Dick sucking lips on purpose or what?
that's a good edit
Dobson does not have good comic quality, nor can he creativley tell a joke. Why are you so upset by my statement?
And the corrupt ass politicians who refuse to raise the minimum wage
I admire the free speach and stuff the u.s has but I don't fucking understand how they are able to put up with leaders so utterly controlled by corporate interests.
statistically illegal immigrants commit less crime than white people born in the US, and they have higher rates of immunizations. so we should kill all the whites and replace them with immigrants (ie better people).
Why is it always in a car
Trannies cutting off their dicks.
yeah too bad it's unfunny trash lmao
>Why are white folks so sensitive
Because they're coddled from birth to think they're the very best and any clash to that worldview drives them crazy.
should have moved the last bit of text to the second panel, otherwise solid.
>all it does is facilitate groupthink
That's every political cartoon ever.
This girl is giving power insight on women
They are trash and you should know it
pathetic weedlord
>don't make fun off stone toss
lel. It's shit.
Stonetoss unironically feels like leftist humor
It's the kind of art style that makes you think he draws awful fetish shit in secret
Everyone iit needs to like chill
porn girls have a lot of mental issues
people disagreeing with you on the internet isn't sensitivity.
did you just find out last week what ad hominem means? who cares you fucking nerd. no one is making constructive points and neither are you so fuck off and don't @ me
>Why are colonists who made this country mad their power, history, women and culture is being taken away?
Jesus, that's pathetic.
M8 the big box retailers are the ones pushing for upping the minimum wage to $15+ so they can have an excuse to lay off more of their workforce for when automation hits and crushing smaller businesses in the process.
stonetoss is definitely hitting a nerve if there's a whole anti-stonetoss subreddit
kinda shows you how fake the smug, blase responses from the left are whenever somebody posts stonetoss here
>waaaah don't insult my comic waaah i thought it was very deep when i read it on facebook
what happened to this place?
Are rage faces making a comeback
>Implying nu/v/ is now full of discord tranny and redditfaggot
>statistically illegal immigrants commit less crime than white people born in the US
i'm not even american but c'mon
>old fat blue color baby boomers made america.
Dont ban me
Nothing, your skin just grow thinner, it's just regular shitposting turning into unsourced political opinion arguing.
Tranny Libs invaded this place soo of course they Will get mad at a webcomic telling the truth about their retarded views
Why do they love glasses
Pretty much this
>Pretend to be smug, holier than thou cunt by day
>Furiously typing shit up and editing text boxes by night
Absolutely pathetic, even worse the cucks making it a "U defend comic guy>??!?!" issue
>the author doesn't grasp that politics aren't black and white and you can be fiscally right, while being socially left.
No, they fundamentally can't on a natural level.
Sex is BENIS GOES IN VAGINA. Anything but is sodomy, not sex.
Based martian
>both say the killers pictured are evil
>fuckin white people
no one is offended except you, we're all just having a nice chat
if we'd call anything that has an anti-reddit "good" we'd be here all day
his best one
>tfw your whole point boils down to the way you drew some exclamation marks, question marks, motion lines and deliberate changes of lighting
eh, based regardless
At the end of the day the left still can't meme
At the end of the day Trump will win the re-election
At the end of the day transexualism is a mental illness
>white people made america
you just going to act like slaves didn't have a part in it at all?
I always end up masturbating when someone posts these.
Be the change you want to see, user.
But they and their ancestors did? Good try though weeb.
Male to female, and female to male transexuals. I think the larger brown peg and smaller white hole is pedophiles.
>Her body, her choice.
not in the porn industry kid
contrary to the whole 'women aren't objects' issue that goes rampant everywhere, porn actresses ARE indeed nothing but objects and have no say in what she wants and what she doesn't
Shouldn't have imported slaves then, buttmunch
i can't stand the way this guy draws. his smugness radiates through his characters' expressions. also he's basically a shmorky knockoff.
If it's not natural, why is the male g-spot only accessible through the anus?
unironically SJWs
there is a reddit right now that is anti stonetoss called r/antifastonetoss and all they do is make leftist edits and shit all over Stonetoss
it has nearly 20k members too
But there's no indication whatsoever that the next one would be different?
no need to state the obvious user
Almost always Trucks and SUVs, specifically
socially right fiscally left is far superior neolib scum.
>redditors and discord trannies
Are there any of these shitty comics with tiddies in them?
every illegal immigrant is a criminal because illegally entering a country is a crime, user
do these statistics just ignore that fact?
>women are obliged to love me if I do something for them
you're giving me insight on how retarded you are
Who the fuck are they trying to convince? Are people on the right sp stupid that they would see a comic clearly contradicting everything stonetoss says in his entire body of work and be convinced because it didnt have a "this is fake label" and a similar art style?
The guy attacked the source and not the point. That's what an ad hominem is you mongoloid. Why does that trigger you so?
Where are the video games?
does anyone have any proof of discord trannies browsing Yea Forums? Genuinely curious. Do they just want to shit the place up so theirs no discussion or do they want to like "redpill" people into accepting fags and shit.
You know what, fuck you limp wristed faggots im posting stonetoss because you guys made me like him even morw
>I can take credit for muh ancestors
Thanks, Lori.
>colonists who made this country
first off, the first white immigrants to this country stole it from the original native
second, even the original european immigrants came here escaping the same bigotry and government control they espouse now
third, black and chinese immigrants built this country, its economy, and its infrastructure. whites leeched off the productivity of the better races, just as they do today.
slaves just took poor white people's jobs while depressing their wages and made money for massa, they were irrelevant
If the headline of the club attack said "Angelic Boy Who Grew Into An Evil Far-Right Mass Killer" with a big picture of him as a cute baby, you sure you wouldn't be bitching about that?
welcome to every political comic ever user
right here
Why do these always lead to comparisons to nazis even for the tiniest shit?
I never expected to meet the kind of retard that unironically thinks that America is built off the back of slaves. They picked cotton you fucking dunce. They were not critical to the existence of America as a first world country.
>tfw no orc gf
>Are people on the right sp stupid
>big titties in video games is literally slavery and genocide
yikes and oof
>I like stonetoss
>I'm going to cover my self in shit to offend you with the smell
honk honk
You cannot own property when being white?
neolib is the best.
If someone is poor they probably have no skills that are usefull for society or are just dumb.
>it's the daily /his/ raid
stop. also you're an insane person.
post the love potion one
based as fuck
>fuck you guys, you are so against eating shit, I'm going to eat shit now
ok user, have fun
can we just talk about video games
These comics are such a fucking shit. Half of the time spic vegeta looks like a gay.
Also I think he's a poo in loo not a spic.
>duh the only slaves was niggers pickin cotton
and you call me a retard
If you get mad that the Republicans aren't embracing racism, you might not technically be one, but you're certainly in the ballpark.
>i'm not even american
it's an established fact, one that you and your cohorts have to deny because it conflicts with your racist worldview
here's cato institute (right wing libertarian think tank) confirming it
What is a king to a god covered in shit user
No because I'm not a leftist baby like you
spoon plz
tfw stonetoss ruined lol threads
discord tranny is just a boogeyman /pol/ came up with when they finally came to terms their population came from r/TheDonald so they couldn't use reddit as a boogeyman anymore
manlets, when will they learn?
I'm happy it's being destroyed
>Why does that trigger you so?
because who fucking cares you chimp? the majority of this thread is "ad hominem" you retard. did you think I made my post not knowing it was ad hominem? I don't care and you literally cannot stop replying to me because i called you a retard for a retarded post.
>video games
>about black females being raised well and wanting a man like their daddies
I supposed it's really hard to date a breeze
glad you're honest about your grotesque views. wonder if they'd be as popular if that was how liberal politicians presented them.
My theory is Yea Forums is full of people who are suffering from a mental illness trying to make the entire world miserable like them.
Why are mexicans so obsessed over their height?
notice how these delusional whites ignore the basic facts of history?
whites are so fucking pathetic. it would be funny if they weren't so violent.
if you see a white, call the authorities (and request an honest non-white LEO to assist).
>right wing
lol wut
What did he mean by this?
Probably heading to work.
Trump literally would never say something like that. He needs the brown vote to get re-elected.
Because that position is a joke since the "socially liberal" aspect has to be incredibly shallow to not contradict the "fiscally right" part.
when your brain is big
I've seen this image so many times and only now just realized the joke.
>rage comics were the rival that teams up with the protag to beat the big bad
Sorry I’m late guys
White people can see in the dark at night so sunlight is extra sensitive to their eyes
>trans (mtf)
>trans (binary)
>cu'ck or pedophiles
>common sense is now grotesque
Not everyone deserves the same amount of reward.
Nothing, it's just what "libertarians" do
I forget these are the people who thought they could convince people that Hillary wanted to add women to the draft with a few shitty edited fake campaign ads, so they must think that if it works on them then it works on everyone.
I did think you made that post not knowing. If I didn't tell you, you still wouldn't know, so you're welcome.
Based and everyone knows it
you're probably right
when you are an emotionally developed adult with no childhood traumas
>Yea Forums suddenly uses evidence to prove their point
f-f-fuck those guys
Oh you mean like literally America for the last 200 years?
oh boy its THAT episode again
>stonetoss lol thread
>trannies come out of the woodwork to call him unfunny
every single time
When is the porn parody
even stonetoss is funnier then lefts memes. sad
>some blacks enslaved by jews picked cotton against their will for a while before being freed by whites so blacks made america, not whites
Anyone who gets triggered by this is a degenerate
No there isn't.
>all the buttblasted shitskins ITT
Wtf I love Stonetoss now
Im not miserable, I'm fucking euphoric.
And you know what else I like Stonetoss
Because they go outside
Stonetoss didn't "ruin" LoL threads, dumdum. They've never stayed the same. At one moment it's nothing but rage comics, the next it's nothing but loss edits. Something new is gonna come around soon enough, rest assured.
More like
>Nigger: *demands free shit*
>Comments Section:
>we aren't hypocrites though if you are too
Gonna gloss over the fact you tried to come off as intellectually superior and couldn't be bothered to proof read champ?
The amount of seethe this always gets is amazing, it's a modern wonder of the world.
Everyone is so busy arguing that they won't check my 3
Yes, invaders who illegally enter you country should leave asap.
>click citation for " All immigrants have a lower criminal incarceration rate and there are lower crime rates in the neighborhoods where they live"
>it's another link to their own website citing LEGAL immigrants commit less crime
this site is retarded and so are you for believing it
That was really sweet until I noticed it was her thought bubbles then it got even sweeter
also know as the "objectively wrong" ideology
>Brown cylinder
w-what is it?
They should split fucking Usa acording to race and enforse mass mandatory resettlement or it all will end in rwanda tier extreme race war.
They were usually about fucking games.
>thread has been pruned or deleted
Psychology doesn't replicate half the time, it's not useful.
>blacks and chinese
No it was the Irish and Italians, the blacks and Chinese were a minority, Irish and Italians did the hard manual labor and the English and Germanics did the law, science, trade, etc.
last panel is great
They hate it because it's effective propoganda against their ideaology. It's also a wealth of meme generation as the comic actually uses images to get the point across instead of walls of text that you find in lefty comics.
Honestly the only lefty comic that makes consistently good meme material is Natty Comics, but the guy that made it originally sold it off so it's basically dead at this point.
these are the best stonetoss edits ive ever seen
>2019 and i'm forgotten
does anyone have the esports one
I would, because he wasn't a far right killer, he was a Mudslime.
Weed is legal where I live
>what are the chinese
graduate high school before getting on this website please
>If you can reasonably question if the guy made it or not, you made a good edit
They're not trying to fool anyone, you idiot
Because I typed "p" instead of "o?" Pathetic, m8.
Nice larp dude. How about i fucking pound your boipussy while read stonetoss comics LMAO
strawman, learn to think. i have no problem with some amount of hierarchy.
You mean comic where woman regrets time, when she killed her child and lost father of this child and now lives miserable life?
It seems left brainlets can't understand this message at all.
That's the end goal. Just look at what's happening in SA.
>he didn't get all 7 dragon balls
Why is this manlet talking?
I wish I triggered subhuman leftists that hard man has a gift
Mexican here, the average dark skinned mexican its really and i mean REALLY short, white mexicans have an average height of 1.80 cm so just imagine being shorter than that.
My absolute least favorite people are THESE kinds of people.
>left meme
It’s a Yea Forums meme newfag.
Shitting on the son of Dob gets tiresome after a while
I would let Cortana sit with me...
Yes there is, bullying is harmless, relentless harassment isn't.
There literally have been tranny discords trying to blackmail people into hormone therapy but that was on /r9k/, there was a big fuss a year or two ago because some guy committed suicide because he was a dumbass who sent them a photo of him in a dress. Not a huge stretch to suggest they operate on other boards.
>I did think you made that post not knowing.
i guess when you're as dumb as you, you would be pretty eager to perceive someone to be dumber than you. cute you would think you're imparting some knowledge to someone with your passive aggressive weenie posts.
>>Why are white folks so sensitive
>Literally riots for a whole month if a whittie calls him a with a slur
Yikes to you too, nigger
If Americans didn't need slaves, then why did they bring them to their country?
But was it the fountain of doubt or not?
You might be too if you were the size of a halfling.
Post a picture of your hand, I'd like to know if you are actually a nigger and not a tranny pretending to be a mentally diseased monkey.
i was talking about left memes in general you absolute retard. your edit included
why are lol threads so good bros
here is the story on factcheck
and here is one of their cites, a published study confirming a correlation between illegal immigrant populations and lower violent crime rates
>“Increased concentrations of undocumented immigrants are associated with statistically significant decreases in violent crime.”
is there any other reason to be left socially other than pretending to be good person, when you're really a scumbag?
>game deliberately lowers the difficulty level for you
>has to put the name Lovecraft just below the Cthulu statue just in case someone didn't get the joke
>le disney was a nazi meme
Yeah, your own backhanded insult slapped you in the face, you fucking loser.
You mad no one thinks you're some gifted intellectual? You're some retarded lefty that probably can't see passed his idealism and realize that humans fucking suck, and some humans are better and worse than others, if physical features are determined by genetics, so are mental features, you're literally retarded if you can accept one and not the other
do they fuck?
Can anyone give me an idea to start my webcomic? I'm not sure how to start. Maybe I'll just make another brawl in the family
>LOL threads
>about video games
When was this? Are you like an actual 40 y/o oldfag or something?
How many people worked on Mad Max and at Disney compared to Stonetoss?
I can't think of anything else to say about Dobby, I mean we're all in agreement that he's got terrible opinions on everything.
Even the fucking trannies hate him.
>A beard
Is that difficult for niggers?
I like this one but it doesn't need both the 'lovecraft' and figure
lmao seething whitey
>tfw no flat chested red head gf to bully by titfucking a busty blonde in front of her
1. being a woman who wants social status in a socially left zeitgeist.
2. being a man who wants to fuck said woman.
slaves are cheaper than paying workers so rich people made more money you colossal spastic. slavery postponed industrialised farming in the south for decades and massively damaged their economy.
I think what triggers me the most is the punchline. The extra mild sauce should've been the reveal in the 3rd panel after the 2nd panel of the white dude talking about how spicy it is
>the left literally just replaced god mode with stonetoss and called it a day
that's absolutely hilarious
Bros. what on earth did they mean by this?
What game do you want to talk about, user?
>Yea Forums memes are lefty memes
Hoo boy
>imagine being this ass blasted over literally nothing.
Every time
How is a meritocracy morally wrong?
You are socially left in the sense, that everyone gets equal opportunity.
Not everyone producese equal output with equal opportunity and those that don't get less physical reward.
How is this wrong.
>When white people do it, its insecurity
>When black people do it, its racial empowerment
Really makes you think
Unless I'm reaching *Suck her good*
they used to be good before GG/pol/2016 election shit
To be honest, Mad Max is the best action movie saga there is and this dude just does a shitty webcomic no one cares about
>that pic
top kek
i dont get it
the extent to which these retards go to victimize themselves
jesus fucking christ
Idk, considering /pol/ is just an r/theDonald circlejerk
Is anyone else tired of /pol/-shit?
It doesn't piss me off or upset me it's just boring and tiresome at this point.
The only good Republican is a dead Republican.
Do you guys ever think about the fact that your political arguments on Yea Forums never accomplish anything?
First, consider all your opinions as fact.
Second, discredit any opposition in a "I'm silly" manner
Third, accidentally get personal abou your life by talking about things like never having girlfriend before or thinking about ending yourself
Last, use the first point to justify the third point.
i think alexa is hot
anecdotal bullshit but I don't watch tv at all. Last time I visited my parents they were watching some late night host show and commercials and I could not for the life of me tell what was parody and what wasn`t.
>it's how they start in the industry
Not really, some straight pornstar just do gayporn because it pays guys way more (except for really established straight porn dudes)
You don't have to start doing gay porn, but if you don't good luck paying the bills
>We don't like the thing!
>Lets make edits of the thing, and spread them, so people see the thing!
look forward to your argument against affirmative action
Hate me if you must, but you ought to respect me as your intellectual superior.
>sure he hit da letter next to da other letter
Please don't get angry that I imparted knowledge upon you, user. I will be more subtle next time if that helps you.
but only nazis believe in merit
I preferred them when they were "I admit it, I chuckled" threads.
>spongebob memes
it's a real black guy and not just some hapa larping as one
what a surprise
>statistically illegal immigrants commit less crime than white people born in the US
lmao. not even discord trannies can be this dilusional
imagine being so buttblasted that you edit every comic that triggers you and still fails to make them funny lmao
Blacks do it with slavery all the time.
White people always had culture all the non-whites just did the opposite and ruined a perfect system.
More like they saw how well we did shit and came over here to emulate us but suck so much dick at it they ruined it for all of us because they are subhuman.
See all the other responses. We had serfs originally (white slave in case you didn’t listen in history class while you were snapchatting). Which built this nation, but nice try.
More like we should have sent them back since they were so grumpy working 2 generations for good living versus feeding lions and being pillaged by warlords daily. Protip: Africans sold Africans for beautiful white technology.
If you are libertarian or ancap you eventually realize your ideas only work in a white ethnostate.
Because to do that you have to literally wade through shit.
>stonetoss isn't a good comic artist
>the rich brought in niggers to destroy their country
oh no no no no no
This comic has the same joke as the feet one.
This guy is a hack
Do some reading then
in other words, you pretend to be nice despite being a scumbag so you get an advantage
Who fucking cares about star wars
Not even the original trilogy is good
Lmao why are trannies SEETHING so fucking hard?
>Only the left hates pebblechunk
do you indoctrinate each other in tranny discord with these fantastic "sources"
Is the brown section supposed to represent the BBC or the cunny?
factcheck.org is fucking drivel dude
imagine i linked you to infowars. that's how i feel when you link this shit.
Trump won't shut the fuck up about black unemployment.
>having no merit beyond your race
Well has he even made a comic this year?
>We had serfs originally (white slave in case you didn’t listen in history class while you were snapchatting). Which built this nation, but nice try.
Black slaves were in American within first five years of earliest colonists.
Unless you're majority descended from mayflower group they were here before you :)
Someone who's not an actual mouth breather notices the little red squiggly line under a misspelled word if they're not frantically trying to shoot a post out ASAP in an attempt to win an internet argument
/pol/ hates reddit the donald
i miss when Yea Forums would just get mad/argue/troll about the vidya.
i also miss when vidya and politics weren't as entangled.
maybe it's time for this boomer to leave this place for good.
When your comedy is good
Actually laughed.
what the fuck
Except a good portion of his comics are strawman political comics and nothing more. So not sharing his dumb views makes it harder to enjoy his comics. There's lots to enjoy about Mel Gibson and H.P. Lovecraft regardless of what you think of some things they said.
>you will never get thousands of dollars a month for stealing /pol/ memes and putting them into mspaint comics
feels bad man
i'll concede to your superior intellect if you give me one last (you)
It just happens
i love how this pic makes that whole comic even more pathetic
Affarmative action is not inherently against meritocracy as a concept.
If someone is through upcoming or social status in a position, where they have an automatic disadvantage in reaching a position where they could unfold their full merit, i can see it as being acceptable.
keep telling yourself that as you fuck big burly men kid.
Based Hamill!
genuinely laughed too hard.
it's always greedy elites. always.
>Not even the original trilogy is good
>post objectively true statement, and the facts and research to back it up
whites are in full fucking damage control
Cunny or maybe both. You can clearly see the brown is regular size in the last panel.
I'm a degenerate but I don't see why this would trigger me
Every person over 15 is a criminal because going over the speed limit is a crime, user.
>feminist ants
>female ants already do all the work while male ants are just sex slaves
If anything you should flood it with MRA ants.
merit (unless you're nonwhite)
>Look at these funny comics I found
The sky isn't blue, its just the only light that passes through giving the impression that is blue.
>tfw no aids-free bf
um do you guys like hollow knight
oh no no no no no
but the guy in the Disney shirt is grandstanding about not supporting bigoted creators, not just saying "I'm not interested in right wing political cartoons."
Someone edit this to the white guy noticing that it's not spicy at all and threatening Mexito with a lawsuit.
you're actually retarded.
>post stupid shit
Wow that's fucking stupid
It's so easy.
[citation needed]
>factcheck and infowars are the same
whites are completely fucking delusional. no wonder they are so violent.
>rip kurosawa off and take LSD
wow masterful cinema
>thinks the original trannylogy is good
You have no idea how fiscally right the US goverment really is regardless of party in charge do you?
You retards argue about left and right all day and night but both of your parties are rightwing compared to actual social parties in other countries and social liberalism is the foundation of your fucking country.
Just use red ants.
There are like 5 actual /pol/acks on /pol/, the rest are Reddit vermin
Fuck off, paki
Nice non argument.
Seems like you are the retard here.
Mudslimes do it, chinks do it, japs do it, etc. They call it “nationalism”, but because it’s the same shit user.
Proof? Yeah didn’t think so.
Like I’m not going to lay in bed and win arguements.
Keep on trying bubbies.
I'm talking about people that get called nazis, not third-reicheners
I'm white.
why do they hate pleasant white people so much
your "facts" and "research" are biased sites that cite studies conducted by human gimps
The Empire State Building isn't made out of cotton.