Handhelds are fucking dead and zoomers killed them. Imagine actually playing mobileshit over real games

Handhelds are fucking dead and zoomers killed them. Imagine actually playing mobileshit over real games.

Never again will there be a gameboy something, portable playstation, or dual screen something.

Attached: 1554769573249.png (1280x720, 217K)

Thank fucking god

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die zoomie


Nintendo just made a fucking handheld console thats selling like hot pancakes how the fuck is handheld dead.

So does the switch not exist anymore??

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I can't wait for all the tech illiterate to die

>calling samefag this early into a thread


Not when the Switch exists.
>b-b-but it's mainly used as home console!!
Still a tablet hooked up to a TV at the end of the day.

I'm sad we likely won't see another dual screen. The clamshell design kept it well protected and more portable, and the game didn't have to hide things behind a hud that it could put on the bottom screen. I want to see more designs using two screens, but the closest thing I can find is this ancient thinkpad. It's a cool design and it'd kick ass for having audio controls or a chat on the other screen, but no PC game will support that, not even if we got dual screen style laptops.

Attached: ds thinkpad.jpg (775x500, 77K)

Op is being a faggot

portable console retard

>handhelds are dead
>Literally running the same games as other consoles

The vast majority use it as a hybrid
People like options

I saw a kid with a Switch when i went to get lunch the other day. His mom was yelling at him because he didn't have the cover/case? on it.

Yes his mom wanted him to keep his switch clean. Nothing wrong with wanting your kids to take care of expensive items.

Well shit I must have been fucking hallucinating when I played my switch not only at home but also in an airplane, at my buddy’s house who lives across town, on the road while riding shotgun to New Orleans, and then during my lunch break at work sometimes....who would have thought the switch isn’t portable????

The only people I know who use handhelds are a few cousins and friends' kids who are like 8-15 years old. Zoomers are keeping them alive.

I just played my ps1 with a screen....holy shit its a handheld!

Attached: 51XA739GA6L[1].jpg (500x500, 36K)

But user the switch is too heavy for OPs onions filled arms

You can't hold the unit in your hand so it's not a handheld you still need a table to set it on and a wall to plug it into

You are unbelievable stupid

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Im not a manlet so it all fits in my hands fine

You are bad grammer

I liked the old flip phones that had a little screen on the back with the time.

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t. zoomer
Go give a streamer $20

There is a wire from the controller to the console so unless your some sort of psychic what you claim is impossible

>Fabric softener
>the NFL
>Harley Davidson
>the napkin industry
Is anyone really going to miss these things? I'm more concerned with millenials trying to kill freedom of speech, innocent until proven guilty, FOSS software, and privacy in general. Also hookup culture is going to come back to bite us. It enabled me to bang a few 10/10s, but I know that I'll never find a wife. When these girls decide to finally settle down after age 30 or 35, they'll already be sterile from years of untreated STIs.

>Are millennials killing credit
God I can only hope so fuck that noise

I feel like calling you a fuckin retard but you just might be too stupid to insult

I've disliked them since the original gameboy.

>Is anyone really going to miss these things?
(actual) boomers, which is why they're writing articles about them: to remind boomers to buy more of those things or else the things they like will die. Articles like that are basically ransom notes written by the victim.

I know you're too young to know what a psone is. Go play angry bird or flappy bird or whatever bird shit you kids play on your phones.

And just when you thought no someone made the stupidest possible comment
So meone else just has to outdo them

The DS4 lightbar kinda has a little bit of this but it's a retarded design. I've only seen it used in RE2 where the health bar is reflected in the color. Sony fucked up and made it useless because it's almost entirely frontal, and no one fucking uses it to begin with. Wish we could have focus more on shit like this than things they have to convince us we "want" like VR.

but those hippies/beatniks caused all of it to go asunder in the first place

Hey man, I know I’m a Yea Forumsrgin autist that frequents this hellhole but I still need napkins in my life

>thought no someone made
>So meone

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whats going on this pic? why is this person spraying hairspay on the girls face?

>Hurr you made typos you dumb

Now if only they would kill bigotry and organized religion

Not my fault your handhelds and games sucked. Maybe it's because I grew up with actual consoles and high end PCs during the 90's.

You’re just proving my point. Not only am I in my 20s but you need a fuckin power source to plug into to make a ps1 work.

You BIG dumb

Based boomer who remembers life before it was standard to release 6 million different versions of one generation of hardware with 4 exclusives worth having after it's life cycle is over.

Now that shit is quarantined to phones.

Attached: earth-is-the-melting-pot-of-the-universe_c_7242819.jpg (500x421, 84K)

Because she's a baka zombie.

>what are portable generators

>Millennials have officially ruined brunch

This one's true, though. Faggy hipsters can't go two seconds without talking about getting brunch and pressuring local places into only serving kale smoothies with extra estrogen instead of the delicious french toast they used to sell which is now off the menu because the Portland faggots don't approve of anything with eggs in it.

I just feel sad you missed out on minish cap and Metroid fusion

Where the fuck do you live? I desire to never move there

Try telling them that. It's an advertisement, it doesn't care what's real or not, it just cares about exploiting a demographic to make sales in the most effective way it believes it can.

>I’m merely pretending to be retarded

Ok retard

says the retard comparing the gba to the switch

I have never once in this entire thread compared the GBA to a switch.


Don't be sad. By the time Fusion came out I was playing MGS2, DMC, GTA3, Max Payne, Morrowind and all kinds of crazy shit. Back then you couldn't get me to play NES-tier stuff on a tiny, shitty screen even if you payed me.

Pro e the switch is NOT a handheld

switch pro? pro tip?

Prove the switch is NOT a handheld

Nice list of crap games poorfag.

>millenials dont eat big macs and in many cases dont drink bud light
>this ""kills"" the big mac and beer

So? Adapt to your market. Many local and craft beers are doing very well