Yea Forums convinced me to play this series. Downloading this. What am I into?

Yea Forums convinced me to play this series. Downloading this. What am I into?

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The most influential series of the decade and somehow you still have no idea what you're in for.
Fuck off.

the most broken half finished gem since vtmb

>The most influential series of the decade
>the Dark Souls of posts

Only 3 things you need to know:

>don't trust anything
>you will die
>keep going even though you don't trust it and think you're going to die
be prepared to have your patience tested if you're not used to tough games

>What am I into?
Probably cuck porn

Ok dropped.

Haha your first play through can last anywhere from a week to a few months. Second play through will be done on sub 2 days. Further playthroughs, Consecutive runs can be done in one day with optimal routing

based retard

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Caution: the game. Just take it slow and be observant

>The most influential series of the decade

A couple of hack European studios and nobody else trying to rip them off does not make it one of the most influential series of the decades. The most influential game of this decade was Skyrim. Literally dozens of devs, both western and eastern, flat out said Skyrim caused them to change how they think about designing games. Nobody said Dark Souls caused them to change how they think about designing games. Fucking nobody.

Fuck everyone saying 'caution'
Caution teaches you nothing in the game
Just go in each situation with confidence and pay attention when you die
Souls aren't finite, neither is humanity after a point
So just do it

great game
>weapon upgrade matters more than lvling up.
>do w.e you like and play it as you like but remember that you get usually rewarded for exploring
>talk to every npc
>kill the dogs first.
>if you want to dodge the attacks rather than blocking with your shield and you see your animation is slow try to take off you armor.

The game is hard until you mearn enemy telegraphing. Once you do that, it gets piss easy.

>Caution teaches you nothing in the game
Bro literally the entire game is about triggering enemies and killing them off individually so you don't get overwhelmed. Slow steps are the only way to do that on first playthrough.

Caution can be interpreted too broadly as to discourage exploration or risk taking like weird falls and jumps. Or to turn away from fog gates instead of chance seeing the other side.
If you just mean "don't rush into an obvious ambush " then sure.

Skyrim was extremely influential and, yes, arguably more influential than dark souls, but you canmot pretend that Dark Souls has not completely changed the way people think about the games they're making and how everyone experiences the games they played after it. Literally everyone references Dark Souls, and it created an entire new subgenre in its wake.

>half finished
He got the AotA DLC my dude. The "half finished" meme is only aggravating to the base game. And even then, the Duke Archie is in my opinion one of the best areas of the game. Everything about Seath was grand, his introduction, his demise and his lore, which they expanded in the 3rd game.


fuck off vanilla skyrim sucks ass.
exactly there are games now that are inspired by dark souls and it created the soulslike subgenre

Shiva missing his sidequest is kinda annoying though. It would have been nice if they'd finished that.

best game this decade easily

it's pretty accurate though, not everything has to be talked about while steeped in ironic skepticism

one of the best game ever

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Good first half. Unfinished garbage second half. Stop playing after you reach Anor Londo and go through Painted World.

>le cake is a lie!
dont worry OP, you will get this reference soon XD!!

A slightly flawed game, that if approached correctly, will be one of the most enjoyable single-player experiences you'll ever play.



>dark souls 2 in shit tier
ah, its a brainlet poster

>28 posts
>nobody posts something actually useful to OP
Here ya go faggot.

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Remastered is prob a better way to go in terms for performance if you dont care about some graphics being worse.

>Every single enemy has a pattern you must learn. The game is only hard if you don't do that.

>Every weapon is useful, just remember to upgrade them.

>Look up what Poise is.

>Choose your build from the get go.

>Only level level HP, Endurance, and something specific to your build (STR, DEX, FTH or INT).

>Cleric Knight is considered the Easy mode for beginners. It' really easy to set up and can wreck almost every enemy and boss. Look up "the best pve class in dark souls become a cleric knight today"


>Weapon scalling is a thing, look it up.

>Fat roll fucks with your i-frames, look it up.

>Get a shield that blocks 100% of damage.

Have fun user, the game is great but can be hard for newcomers to get into.

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graphic being worse is mostly a meme, performance is infinitely better in remaster, navigating through menu too.

Based, BB and DaS1 are the pinnacle in the series BUT I didn't find DaS2 all that bad, desu.

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>Yea Forums

how do you not know what you're getting into if /VEE/ convinced you to play it?

souls fags make me think that nintards are better

OP if you are getting for windows without controller than stop and get DS3 instead

a surprisingly mediocre game

A garbage game