What games do you play outside? Looking for something to play in subway

What games do you play outside? Looking for something to play in subway.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yea Forums

god i miss him so much



remove zoomer

Is this recent? He looks healthy.

tetris and Game & watch collection on my gb emulator on my smartphone. Scored 700 at parachute yesterday :)

Press F to pay respect

Of course he's healthy. I bet he eats nothing but Tokyo ramen on his googlebucks.

He hasn't posted anything publicly for like 3 years, fuck.

not sure if thats shitty lighting but his hair looks gray, imagine graying in your 30's lmao

the virgin look

He did, actually. He made this update last year.

remove kebab


MOOT worst girl.

Oh shit, he's in Tokyo. He got the good ending after all.

remove niggers

I miss his smile.

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i thought he stopped being a weeb years ago

I got my first gray hairs at like 14

when he'll visit Zun's YT drunk podcast?

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Not possible. Weebism is like HIV, you can treat it but not cure it.

Fuck you Moot. First you copy paste the jap site and then you ride the female train.

Yes you can

I doubt he's a hardcore weeb these days because the majority of it is a dumpster fire, but I'm sure it's still a very good place to live and has stuff to enjoy.

What a weeb. Atleast he made it.

Attached: Won't forget.jpg (480x519, 27K)

fuck off christopher

Who is this man?


Attached: moot dick.jpg (900x675, 484K)

Some LARPer.
This is the real moot.

Attached: meximoot.jpg (600x449, 65K)

>Pokémon, Final fantasy on an emulator
>Chrono trigger apk

I'm glad he made it

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>mfw I also live in Tokyo
What the fuck, there's a chance I passed God himself on the street and didnt even notice it

Try to find him near your Google Maps office.

God I miss him.

Attached: moot.jpg (480x360, 22K)

God, if I ever met Moot I would just push him to a lonely alley, get rid of his pants and mating press him like an animal in heat.

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what happened to hotwheels?

How do we know he's real and not a google robot replicant?

If I somehow got his adress I'd unironically knock on his door and record it

I miss maybe who he was. Moot became a massive fucking faggot, moreso than he original was.

This kinda shit is why he left New York in the first place

Leave him be

Attached: moot at google.jpg (1200x2493, 453K)

>tfw saw moot on the subway once but too nervous to say hello to him
Pretty sure I looked like a stalker

Zun/Hiro probably knows it, catch and ask them at their 2hu/niconico conventions.

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Who gives a shit, he works at Google and lives in Japan. That's the fucking dream, even if he isn't doing any real work.

At least he saw he was out of step with the site and left. He could've stayed and forced the site to be more acceptable to him, but he didn't.
Whether you like moot or not you have to admire him for getting out when he felt no longer fit to run the site.

Can you imagine how hard moot's life is these days?
>come into work at Google
"Hey Chris I hear one of your friends at Yea Forums shot up a mosque, that's hardcore man!"

I bet they make him do daily reeducation lessons to weed out the Yea Forums ways.

He's probably familiar with that kind of encounter

luggage cuck

Moot lives in Japan now? What's he up to?

>snacks DJs and continues to host his internet radio show
>moot living it up in tokyo working for google
>hiro still has no fucking idea what he's doing
I miss both him and Snacks so much.

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If digits I'll actually fucking murder Moot

He looks actually pretty cute in that picture.
I kinda miss him.

Who the fuck uses greentext like that?

This is why we can't have nice things.

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the corporate life is like that, as long as he gets the google money doing 9-5 in Tokyo I do not see anything wrong


Now I need to know what happened to this guy? Who runs the show over there, now?

What fw??
Blank? Did your face fall off when you realized your proximity to m00t?

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Accept your new overlords.

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Yes, my face literally disappeared into another dimension

fw means feel when newfag

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Do your eyes still work?

>fw means feel when newfag

Attached: wreck it ralph.jpg (474x531, 55K)

what does moot do nowadays? isnt google plus dead?

I sincerely hope hiro gets ZUN to post on /jp/ one day and for him to tell them to all get jobs.

Then whats the feel?

He moved to Tokyo and now he works on Google Maps.

>have no idea who are snacks and hotwheels
>only know moot from know your meme page
Feeling missing out brah.

Am i the only one who thinks moot is a pretty good looking guy ?

>eCeleb thread
Mods, feel free to delete this one.

Lurk ten more years before posting.

>hiro still has no fucking idea what he's doing

Attached: 456_2019042820240491e.png (400x225, 189K)


He calls moot "God himself", so he's probably new to the lingo

They are both, have both and always will be a pair of aimless bastards, it's part of the charm

what does it say?

Does there exist something called data?

Fuck you moot, this place went to shit after you abandoned it

yea no, he literally made pol the way it is

we could've been freed from the menace

asking if there is data for something

So, where's the data?
aka, Where's the proof?

Stop using your average size as an excuse to not try dumb incel

are you kidding me

the nigga actually gets to live in Japan now

Do these happen regularly? I might check it out even though i know nothing about touhou or niconico

so is he being asked that, for his response to be to shrug?

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Why would he do anything? Swaglord is in charge of everything.

>he now lives in Japan with a cozy job
we're all gonna make it, bros.

Watkins usurped him.

it's either 'that feel' or 'my face'. Nobody says 'my feel when'

At least moot had the decency to not write this kind of shit

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who? Because I thought that Hiro was in charge of the ordeal

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You should look up why hiro got forcefully removed from running 2channel a few years back.

Yeah, there was one yesterday.

>tfw moot got the good ending after all that shit

Yes by leaving Yea Forums.

>we're all gonna make it

Attached: 100% sweetie.png (680x680, 430K)


I'll catch the next one I guess. I'll check this twitter for more info. I'm curious how many gaijin attend

The guy who fucks with fonts sometimes. youtube.com/watch?v=4j4owNkALjI

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>moot still works for google, but now while living in Japan
>wtsnacks makes shitty house music in his basement

Did he though? Is pretending to be "deeply passionate about online identity and expression, and community building" a good ending?


Attached: teh bepnis.png (648x789, 994K)

Are you telling me you would turn down google money to prevent having that on your linkedin? Shit you must have the best fucking job

Whats the appeal of living in Tokyo again? I would love to visit but I dont see the point of living there

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collecting google funny money in a pretty comfy city seems pretty good to me

>missing a guy that ratted you out
daily reminder that he sold out his friends that treated him like family to a bunch of gooks like a lying dirty jew he is. Moot can smile and be social all he likes in front of the camera, we all know he lost the only real friends he had

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Google sent him there.

You sound like a jealous, bitter faggot who's only purpose is to shit post here

That ended when Google+ died, now he is working on Google maps


New gags wont get it

You sound like a NEET

Everything you need is there. The good thing about a shiton of people in a relatively small place is you can find ANYTHING.

I like Jackie Yea Forums
But I miss moot

>sold out his friends that treated him like family

You sound like someone who gave up and submitted to authority


how much is google money? not him but frankly office jobs aren't for me, im gunna be a carpenter

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>being jealous of a cuck
you do know he's still chasing that chick that cucked him right

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What would moot even do at google maps?

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Are there any translations of his books available? I'm kinda curious.

200k USD probably

Good food, billions of otaku events nearby, nice city and great hiking spots near Tokyo.
If I had to choose between Google USA and Google Japan it would be a nobrainer, the pay is good there also, relative to japanese salaries

Attached: gdoor.png (695x566, 68K)

Yes nigger he's getting a form of socially acceptable neetbux
That is the dream

Map things

I guess in a city like tokyo its around 150-200k plus all the benefits you and your family could want for.

>Works at Google
>Uses an iPhone

why do we all become less like ourselves over time, what about the people we were supposed to be?

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

Moved to Thailand, now he fucks underage hookers on the daily.

He probably visits Zun's 2hu conventions most of the time. You can catch him there.

considering that there are people at google who have spent thousands of work hours debating on what color of blue to use in their logo, moot likely does more actual work than the majority of retards working at google

That's Zucc, the dude who owns facebook.

You came here years after he left, you need to shut the fuck up.

>gets called a faggot for years
>turns out to be true

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I loved being in Tokyo for a month and would love to try living there, everything you would want is a quick walk away and failing that the metro system is really good.

I wouldn't want to work for a typical Japanese company though, fuck that shit.

living that 4+2+2chan dream life

Maybe we could find him
We should become reddit? or fags?

Y'all realize Google does everything from self driving cars to military contracts right
Also graphic design is kind of important when the face of your multi billion dollar business is just your logo and a search bar.

Sir I believe that is moot, the original founder of the website, and the replies u r getting is because u have outed urself as a newfag

It's because we need cash so we have to change who we are to survive. Others change for pussy

same senpai

>you will never be that happy

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/pol/ is already reddit, faggot.


Never forget

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Sounds like a silly thing to do for a disabled dwarf man. It will get hard for him to survive there eventually

It's a conservative estimate to say that 10% of the employees of google do essential work, with 90% doing non-essential or basically nothing by comparison.

Moot come back!

I play soul night. It's a very basic roguelike like, but it's fun to do some runs on the bus and shit.

fuck he's old

>graphic design


who the fuck is this faggot? i don't know him but he looks like a piece of shit traitorous kike fuckface loser. but that's just me.

>Led countless user into social life death by creating Yea Forums(nel)
>Left it and became successful himself, achieved his dreams.
Bravo moot, bravo

For the last time, the instagram that this came from outright states that one of the people in the photo is her boyfriend.

lol I'm the one who sent it to him in IRC. Where does time go?

wait he's actually gay? I thought it was just a meme

Attached: moot literally the biggest faggot you'll ever see.gif (312x346, 1.45M)


She's a cuckquean

>t traitorous kike fuckface loser.
Oh please. If you had chance to dumb this shit website and get google on your resume, you would.

>that awkward smile
He's creeped the fuck out, it looks.

He's just a bit fruity.


You'd have to be to make this website.

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He made Yea Forums.

you realize that google's human resources department is larger than all others combined, right?
there's a huge amount of dead weight at google.
of course graphic design is essential, but debating on which hex code of blue off by one bit is superior isn't a part of that.


I miss W.T. Snacks more. Again, who he was, not who he is today. The only person I can think of from back then who hasn't changed is Lanced Jack, but he doesn't do anything noteworthy anymore so oh well.

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>years after
I came from 2009, faggot

lol what a cuck

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Color theory is absolutely part of graphic design you nitwit

No I wouldn't. There isn't an ounce of me that would do such a thing given the opportunity.

then why are they still keeping him til this day??

>W.T. Snacks
>Lanced Jack
Have any of these queers from way back when moved on and gotten jobs yet?

t. liberal arts major with 300k in debt and no job

Nigga I work in construction, the polar opposite of liberal arts.

Yeah, I think zer0kage does professional art work now. Snacks does DJing or radio talk shows, something like that. Lanced Jack is still just Lanced Jack. People pretend to be him on twitter but I don't think any are confirmed to actually be him.

Dan works at Ubisoft but it is killing him.


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Lole thats bullshit but I believe it. And to answer your question, straight down the shitter.

ron paul, Yea Forums?

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Last I heard Lanced Jack is dead.

>tfw moot left us entirely
>he never posts on Yea Forums
>he likely never checks it anymore
>has never used his founder capcode
>probably doesn't even keep up with any of it outside of what his friends, and hiro, tell him

We were supposed to be here forever, but forever was too long for you, huh...

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This is oddly unnerving, makes me feel weird knowing those boys have fully fucked off and I'm still here

>newfag outing itself

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Why are we still here?

Unironically still better than all the other chans

i dont think people realise how talented he was. keeping up a site for more than a decade from your bedroon that was famous for cp and doxing. so many things could have gone wrong but he managed to stay neutral the whole time. just look at the management of twitter and fb, a complete shitshow

KC is fine

You see, the kids these days, they listen to the rap music.

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I doubt they left for good, They probably lurk every once in a while, To Check up on things.

He literally just gave the cops direct access so he wouldn't have to deal with anything personally after the first time he had to go to court

Your modern choices are mobile full releases like pubg, ark, rome total war, civilization series, and fortnite or a switch. Otherwise just grab your old PSP/DS. My go to public transit game is RTW.

>tfw even today Yea Forums changes more and more from its original vision as a small anonymous community of weirdos talking about anime and other hobbies to just a bunch of political namefags, falseflagging and wojak edits
>no more comfy oc like Yea Forums.org/flash?file=cakeformoot.swf&title=Cake+For+Moot
It never stops hurting bros...
And yet I can't stop coming back here

Mate, he lives in Japan.
Chances are he reverted to his SomethingAwful self and is once again browsing through shit on 2 5ch.

Who's the guy in the picture? He looks like a huge FAGGOT

Down and syndromepilled

I've been here since 2015 and yet I still feel like a massive newfag. That was beautiful user

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He made it while you sit around broke, NEET, autistic and gay.

Because you ARE a massive newfag you piece of shit.

i'm not gay

Japan is doing pretty well these days user. Stop living in 2002

What the fuck is he working on in Google Tokyo? He already killed G+

>my best friend (moot) and boyfriend (the other guy)
>hurr durr she's the gf I read it on r/Yea Forums

>selling your soul to Google of all companies

He is like a walking husk

You weren't even here for any of the good times user.
Admittedly I've only been here since 2010 so some people would say the same about me, but I think it really started to go downhill in 2012 before gamergate irrevocably fucked the site in 2014-2015.

no need to remind me that I was born in 1997 so I was too young to experience early Yea Forums and 2000s internet in general

Attached: 1554687342722.jpg (584x575, 50K)

>moot going around murdering google departments
still /ourlad/

2013, I will always be a massive newfag too

tbqh it became too normie after chanology. Then again I came here in 2007 and the originalfags would say the same about me and claim that it all went downhill after us newfags started arriving from Newgrounds.

I was born in the same year but found this place in the cancer era, Lucky enough to experience the internet from about 2006 onward

well as far as I can remember the internet for me as a kid was youtube and marriland

He will always and forever be /ourguy/, no matter how much we come to hate him

>born in 1996
>found this place in 2007
I love how my parents didn't give a fuck about what I was doing online
If only they knew I'd be jerking off to futa porn by age 13

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>self important faggot plagiarizing 2ch

He has never been my guy in 13 years


based and futapilled

why does my heart drop when i see him

oh god i am crying now

He knocked off Futaba, not 2ch.

Reminder it was him who gave Yea Forums moderation to tranny SJWs then sold it to an insectioid data mining scammer.

he was also the guy who created Yea Forums

At least he will never be as huge of a money hungry faggot as this dude

Attached: Sopsy2.png (291x395, 276K)

Youtube, Newgrounds, And freewebarcade were my go to as a 9 year old, Then when i was 12 my cousin introduced me to Yea Forums in 09, Used to share memes over msn, Good times, Now i'm 22

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Finns like him for some reason.


But does he still run the site?


vitun jutku

Only newfags and other kikes like him

> Plot twist: teamate betrays you

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its been so long

Owner of current biggest finnish imageboard which he turned into a mtx experience with actual gold accounts. Also banned porn because muh ad moneys but allows gore.

>banned porn
>allows gore
How utterly based

>banned porn because muh ad moneys but allows gore
based and americanpilled

>i bought a platinum account in 2013
>haven't been on yli since 2015

Attached: 557_zpsaac5235c.jpg (2448x2448, 1.03M)

You can't even call it an imageboard anymore. It's all reddit cancer now.

>actually gave the jew monet
Tapa ittes

t. joonas

>tfw you were there for the 8 hour goodbye stream where he eternally christened Yea Forums "the best large board" because it actually stays on topic and polices itself
Based mooty

Attached: [Bakaiser] Kakegurui - 06 [BD 720p].mkv_snapshot_09.39_[2019.04.01_17.32.45].jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Lurk 2 more years and learn to greentext fagggot.

Well yeah it's full of underage jonnes and facebook tier normalfags with shit content, it's just masked as an imageboard

>looks normal size in japan

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The admin of the biggest Russian imageboard is a literal fucking Muslim sandnigger on top of being a money hungry faggot. “Le based white Christian nation”, my ass.

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>receding hairline thanks to kike genes

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If you smoke, it's far more likely than you think.

>my feel when

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He's like 31 or whatever
Everyone's gonna get hit by the follicular jew eventually

I can tell you that it never ends. Even moving to Japan and seeing the harsh realities of their culture will not turn you off.

He's /ourfag/


I took off work for that hella comfy and yet depressing

There was no joke to go over anybody's head.

Ever since moot left any mention of him always gets that "who?" response. It was never funny or clever though.

>introduce passes
>make them utterly useless
Abu's ways are mysterious

nice sigourney weaver thread faggots

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I assume Mail.ru (FSB) pays him enough.

I was gonna call larp but that legitimately seems like something that would happen. I've been to Google campus in nyc and its obvious many people there that were hired just by diversity alone.
Interesting story.

>If you just deleted /pol/
Want to know how I know you're a newfag?

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/n/ /news/ and /pol/ are and were always the cancer that killed Yea Forums

you have to go back

>/n/ and */new/
/n/iggers and jews and /new/ were just stormfront tier posts about hating obama and muslims. It read like stormfront. It wasn't until /pol/ that they actually started posting their stupid shit across the site
Political discussion of any kind kills websites, ESPECIALLY hobbyist ones like Yea Forums was intended. Politics isn't a hobby, it's normalfag shit

>Tfw was born in 97 but have been posting here since I was 12
Yeah I didn't grow up well

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>He is now happy with his normal life

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If that's a receding hairline I'd like to know what isn't to you

>It wasn't until /pol/ that they actually started posting their stupid shit across the site
>Doesn't remember "keep /new/ on /new/"
>Yea Forums is a hobbyist site and keeping track of politics can't be a hobby
Are you just retarded? Morons like you use to say the same thing of Yea Forums

The funny thing is that moot promised to kill /new/ if they turned into Stormfront and when they did and he did he ended up feeling guilty about it and bringing it back. To think that if that hambeast girlvinyl didn't kill ED we'd never have gotten /pol/.

Attached: First post on new by mootles.png (208x191, 5K)

You used to say the same fucking thing about Yea Forums and you know it. /pol/ had some of the greatest moments this site ever had , the only people who disagree are total faggots

People saying "keep /new/ on /new/" is entirely different than /pol/ taking over the site culturally. The fact that you see no difference between the two is fucking retarded.
>Keeping track of politics can't be a hobby
No, it's stupid normalfag shit. If you care about politics, you're a normalfag, and if you're a normalfag, GTFO my Yea Forums.

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Ok zoomer kebab out you go

>leave this shithole behind
>get a nice job in Japan
maybe I do the same thing

He also said this after he deleted /pol/ leading to massive amounts of spamming because the way the format of this site works makes it virtually impossible to "get rid of /pol/"

Attached: 1540486386414.png (1080x977, 133K)

Newfags here, around 2014. Why does an anime website need boards for news and politics? /po/ is more in line with the theme, the banner even have miku.

Most boards have had some of this site's greatest moments. Yea Forums spent years at the forefront of this site's creativity churning out moment after moment, yet look at this board now. /pol/ doesn't get a free pass just because they did something funny a few years ago or made fun of Shia LaBeouf. I wouldn't give a damn about what /pol/ did if they weren't so determined to stop their enemies polluting Yea Forums that they pollute Yea Forums with their politics first.

>/pol/ taking over the site culturally.
Once again, the exact same shit was said about Yea Forums and you know it
>Normalfag shit
Fuck off back to /r9k/. People like you used to be bullied here to the point of suicide

>To think that if that hambeast girlvinyl didn't kill ED
god the salt on #ed/irc when that happened was beautiful
Yea Forums is Yea Forums and has always been Yea Forums it was here from day one Yea Forums is random chaos its the internet being free and talking about anything

Same, but I was born in '94. 13 years and counting.

Attached: nagito.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

This site quickly outgrew specifically anime/Japan discussion. Yea Forums was never about just Japanese games and it's been here since 2004. Plus if you want to discuss those topics then without the Yea Forums board you'd have to put up with all the downsides of regular forums.

is that a chinese woman behind moot?

Yea Forums is a shell of a shell of a shell of its former self.

I miss Snacks and his love of public execution style bans.

>Thinking it's only a dedicated effort by /pol/, the designated political shitposting board that has no monolithic identity and never has, that everything became more political on the internet
You're giving /pol/ way too much credit here

Nice deflection. The same shit was said about Yea Forums and the same reason was given as to why getting rid of it was a bad idea. It was a containment board. People were naturally inclined to shitpost. That's why political boards were created as well, to give people a designated board to make political shitposts. That's all it was.

>anything past 2008
Newfag doesn't apply anymore. You guys are cancer too.
Find the truth in order to become oldfag.

>tfw Yea Forums is a shell of its former self thanks to the mods now

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I've been coming here for somewhere around 10 years and I still don't know who Snacks is. Was he an admin?

yeah, I am a high school graduate.

binding of isaac on my phone
or i word cut trees and fish on OSRS mobile

Attached: E9bwDOe.jpg (616x462, 24K)

Something like that.

>Anime website
This site was never just Yea Forums and various weebshit. The point of the layout is to have x amount of boards per kind of discussion in order to organize conversations. Political shitposting ranks pretty high the amount of conversations had on the internet , wasn't always that way but once more and more people started coming online the internet started to be used more seriously.

He was a mod who would ban you for really silly shit.

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 26K)

He banned everyone. Bring back Snacks.

Attached: Snacks.png (500x365, 162K)

He was moot's roommate who was given mod privileges because he lived with moot. He would often get drunk and just publicly ban masses of people for no reason.

An aussie

Gotcha, thanks.
I could have just googled that but it's funner to ask.

You look at that gif again and tell me it's a fucking meme

Moot is as gay as they come. He's the deluxe faggot model. Over 20lbs of boypussy and (small) penis.

Did it go to shit in the past few years specifically? I heard some mod started banning a lot of traditions.

Lmao dude's balding.
Literally turning into the bald cuck as we speak. Now all that's left is that he gets fat.

> Went to work on Google+
> Destroys Google+ from the inside either by scheming and politiking or by shear incompetence

GG moot, well played

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This, hell, without /pol/ I'd still be stuck in reddit. I'm eternally grateful that they "recruited" us in '15

You make it sound like he's well into his 30s. Dude is barely 30.

Unless you're a weeb there isn't. Way too cramped, and crowded with most apartments being tiny bug dwellings with no insulation and barely any room.

Visit but don't live there.

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They banned Sakurafish and DJT and a whole bunch of other shit.
People blame it on the mods but the real reason Yea Forums has declined is because anime is ironically trendy on the internet at the moment and the entire board's user base is now insufferable underage faggots that literally have no idea how to act sincerely.

They banned Sakurafish, and basically anything like "Write an anime plot one post at a time", or any other fun games. If it's not a general or sales numbers, it's banned.

Imagine Yea Forums, but it merged back with /vg/, and the only threads allowed were generals and sales numbers threads (aka thinly veiled consolewars).

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