Game takes place in the military

>game takes place in the military
>everyone is functional, mostly respects one another and get's along to a reasonable degree

Alright that's cute and all but what games portray life in the service accurately?

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Do ppl ever get the Private Pyle experience in the military?

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Murdering Innocents for Israel wouldn't fly with the publishers

Now, when you say accurate do you mean hours of drills and marching before ever seeing combat. Or do you just want the commander to say nigger?

marine here, bootcamp was way worse and more intense than that shitty movie. Sock parties didnt happen but it was still worse.

>7 drill instructors in my platoon when the training hats joined

Not when I was in Navy bootcamp

>90% of the armed forces
>seeing combat
A mortar landing half a mile away doesn't count POG

Shit like that is why the EIB has value again

Clown World


Today's school bullies are tomorrow's Marines. Semper Fuck yourself

Why would you join any branch other than the air force?

To avoid being the laughing stock of all the US military branches.

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That would be navy though

>Caring about what a bunch of retards living like animals think

So, what OP wants is a spurdo simulator.

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That is why no one Will listen to you either

Brainlets (ie. almost every non-finn) wouldn't understand the intti experience.

Probably Rimworld
>main ranged colonist goes on drinking binge as drop pod raid happens

Yes to a degree. But the Marines are trying to crack down on that and I don't like it.

>Way worse
>Shitty movie

Some serious shit opinions

Air Force vet here. Getting jokes that we are coddled seem better than jokes about eating crayons. Also, every Marine I'd ever met was full of regret about joining the Marines.

>Nerds are school bullies
Have you seen any basic training videos of the marines? The majority of them look nerd as fuck

Every ex-navy have been the biggest douches I've ever met in my fucking life.

I'm so sick of the false machismo they bring to ANY JOB THEY TAKE AFTERWARDS. And they never EVER shut up about their time in the navy.

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They military will constantly praise the worst branches, while reminding you that your branch is for pansies. When your time in the service is over, Airforce and Navy members go on to lead normal lives, Marines and Rangers are batshit insane and have adrenaline releases nonstop, causing random rage.

>That is why no one Will listen to you either
This is the most stupidly typed thing I've seen all week.

What do they brag about? Painting the side of a ship or replacing non-skid?

>Navy members go on to lead normal lives
Ugh, I fucking wish.

>people willingly sign up for this shit

They only bring up the hazing shit, which makes them seem TOUGH, SO TOUGH.

Yeah what a fucking badass you are in your glasses and your beer belly.

Visited soumi on an excerize with our boots and theirs. Was really fun actually. Reall finn hours

Hmm I wonder if they mean during boot camp or line crossing ceremonies (i.e. equator or international date line). I thought the Navy/USCG phased that out.

navy basic is basically daycare and a test to see if you're not literally retarded

fucking mile and a half run was the only reason i didn't pass

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I think joining the military would be cool but I'm too much of a pussy for boot camp and hazing. I'd probably hang myself a week in.

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All the vets I've been around in the Midwest have been obnoxious, too badass for school douchebags who take themselves far too seriously 98% of the time.

>Even if you're in a wheelchair, we'll find a job for you. Get ready to be treated like a number!
>We're the gayest branch of the military, also, hope you enjoy working the lowest deck. You may get paid better, but that's because if the ship ever does get hit by a missile, you are guaranteed to be the first one to die
glorified thugs who haven't protected the US from a legitimate thread in over 60 years. Always the ones with the obnoxious bumper stickers exclaiming they're marines, probably to cover up their glaring lack of personality or even soul
Air Force:
>the least insufferable of all the branches. You actually have to earn a fucking spot in the ranks and should have more than just muscles to get in. Gets to be free like a bird while the Navy is stuck in their floating coffins

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>Willing going to the Army to have free PTSD

Enjoy your hot flashes and random anger sessions

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>Game's theme is about sacrificing for the greater good

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Navy and Air Force are literally the strongest branches of the US military and the main ones who project power and are superior to other armed forces Navies and Air Forces.

I never had a problem with basic training and i actually liked that some of these boys who sailed through live thinking they have a right to do everything got a reality check.
But these days i wouldn't want to be an instructor with roasties being allowed in.
How do you draw the line between the normal hazing and toughening up and muh sekshual harassment?

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>Gets to be free like a bird while the Navy is stuck in their floating coffins
navy has more aircraft than the air force

>Enjoy your hot flashes and random anger sessions
What if i already have that without ever going to an army?

That’s the military
It’s mainly a job 1st duty 2nd and taking shit from Chief- officers whenever
We all get along because we all hate the ensigns-O1’s equally

Imagine joining this racket

Does this mean they're used as fodder? War sucks ass.

>plane gets hit by missile
>die instantly

I was going to join the military, but cancer kept me sick for 2 years and I just went on to school. I'll join when I finish.

Nah that’s hazing and that’s no allowed in the military anymore.
You can’t even get taped to a chair anymore without the entire shop getting in trouble anymore

The US army has become an employer for the lowest trash of society.
When you're too stupid or antisocial to get a real job, you go to the army.

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>fuck-up for life that gets turned into a killing machine
Yeah. Everybody.

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Well that guys a big fat liar

How fat are you? I’m slow as fuck and walked most of my mile and a half and still had 50 seconds to spare

Pilots only make up a tiny fraction of an Airforce.

Why are you taping people to a chair and preventing them from leaving an area? That's against the law, mate.

>All the vets I've been around in the Midwest
That must be the issue, in the southwest, they all seem to live exactly like the 30 year old boomer mentally either from drinking at starbucks or drinking beer on their lawn chair in their front yard

>stupid shit isn't allowed anymore
Ah. Good.

>posts painting of the army of a country that doesn't exist anymore
Hm, yes.

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>you can't even tie people to their beds and throw them down the stairway or put glue into their ears while they sleep because some snowflake is going to cry about bullying or harassment
Fucking shame.

>everyone is functional, mostly respects one another and get's along to a reasonable degree
that's mostly true, because men who work in same field and do their fucking jobs properly usually get along pretty well.
there was plenty of intimidation, especially in beggining, but no actual beating by people you could not punch back. IRL tards either listen and do what told, or are removed if they can't fit in.

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Eh, boot camp wasn’t really that bad.
Honestly if you get a company job you can avoid a lot of ass beating by actively contributing to improving QOL
Laundry captain is easily the best job if you can handle pushing 85 lbs of sweat and shit covered clothes to the on base laundromat
Really easy and avoids ass beatings with ease

You seem to be under the impression that 99% of the Air Force ever set foot on a plane during service, outside of a flight on an airlines to get from one posting to another.

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>Germany doesn't exists anymore.
>Bradenburg the literal successor state to Prussia doesn't exist.

didnt know there were blacks in the red army

You forgot coast guard!
We’re all underfunded alcoholics who fuck navy wives but at least we save a drunk boater every week or so.

>When you're too stupid or antisocial to get a real job, you go to the army.
Buddy I don't think you realize what's happening to the job market as a whole.

Are you one of those people who hears "low unemployment" and assume jobs are doing just swimmingly?

Because that's one stat. There's another. Ever heard of LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION before?

Automation comes for us all muchacho

Poor running posture and just generally being out of shape before basic. Got put on LLD for half of it because of shin splints too.

Don't worry, that shit will stop as soon as there is an actual war around again.

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Oh. Coast guard is a seperate thing from navy?
I either forgot or never knew.

Oh boy, another deranged faggot who larps as a lifelong veteran despite being rejected by the army on the grounds of being fat and mentally unstable.

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I dunno, we had a pretty good team spirit. We helped each other when things were tough and had fun together when they weren't. Of course we would fuck around with each other, but it was never malicious.

Not American, btw.

>muh successor states
We say Poland now, not Prussia, go play to playing Victoria 2, since that's the only place where germans can get anything done.

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That's America you fucking commie. Show some fucking gratitude for saving your worthless ass. If the Nazis didn't conquer you, Soviets would until we told them to fuck off.

That's what's holding you back? Not the impending fear of getting caught and killed in action?

t. seething Armyfag from his shitty tent

>every Marine I'd ever met was full of regret about joining the Marines.
think about it, they promise you you'll be shooting people, you get trained to shoot people, they send you with purpose of shooting people, you drive around doing dogshit tasks waiting for right people to shoot, and when they finally show up and IT'S FUCKING TIME, Apaches blow them to pieces and all that's left to you is to pick through carcasses like trashman sorting out someone's else junk.

you'd have lot of pent up anger too

>we're gonna beat you up with socks full of quarters because you're not enthusiastic enough about your new life as a diepig for Israel (remember, you signed your rights away)
Imagine willingly joining any military organization.

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It is the duty of every male to fight for his country. If you haven't served, you're not a man, and certainly don't deserve your citizenship.

>Wife will fuck another man while you are deployed

Ultimate cuck session

>not pulling a private pyle instead

Go back to your Heinlein wet fantasies, faggot.

that attitude sounds like a surefire way to get discharged

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Was was it unfiltered kino, bros?

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>these mongrels should be allowed to vote because the army is the best job opportunity their useless ass could ever have

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Why do I hear news of US veterans committing suicide on a regular basis? Are veteran benefits drying up, or is it not enough for a sustainable retirement?

Sucks man. I went into Navy basic at 280lbs, failed every run test but the last one, and was 230lbs 2 months later when basic was over. Because I was fat anytime anyone in my division got beat for any reason I had to join them. When I first got there I was supposed to be on limited rations, but the guy doing weigh-ins lied about my bmi so I wouldn't have to. Thank god for that guy cause I was getting beat at least 3 times a day and needed all the calories I could get.

T. Fat soinumales who think a stubbed toe is a deadly injury


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I was 120lbs when I got weighed in. I would have rather been a fatass at any point of my life than being stuck as a hungry skeleton.

because war fucks you up

It's because modern warfare with global enemies and abstract war goals fucks up minds much more than old "here is easily definable enemy state you must win and conflict will end with peace treaty"-warfare.

>Thread about capturing military life in gaming
>The results thus far
Could have had some first hand experiences lend themselves to the discussion but nah. Any veteran that sees this shit thread's gonna do an instant U-turn.
Way to fuck yourselves over Yea Forums. Have fun bathing in assumption.

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