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Days Gone


Dishonored is a GOAT contender

Super Fancy Pants Adventures

ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove

(I had a 33 second cooldown period. Does that still count? If not, what will happen to me?)

Risen 1 was pretty good

Plants vs Zombies (The original, not the sequel)

Rain world


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God of War

Titanfall 2

Divinity: Original Sin (1 and 2)

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Now what OP

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Kingdom Come

>Fallout New Vegas
>Bioshock 2
>Dead Space 2
>Mass Effect 2
>Borderlands 2
>Batman Arkham City
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>God of War 3
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time
And that’s not even getting into indie games

Poland isn’t part of the west, it’s Eastern Bloc

Obra Dinn

Go to sleep, Todd.

>PvZ will be 10 years old in a month

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Does it matter? How many Poles would it even take to operate the compass in order to be able to tell?

Prototype 1 and Darksiders 1

It's right in the center of Europe and part of the EU, dumbass. The cold war ended 30 years ago.

Hollow knight.
Oz counts as western, doesn't it?