What is the OFFICIAL Yea Forumserdict on this so far?
Did Paradox deliver another good work like EU4 to the table?
I already have CK2, is it in a good state as it is, or should I wait for at least another 3 months like with Stellaris for the DLCs?
Imperator Rome
it's shit
wait a year
>CK2, but no incest.
Abandon ship lads.
>another good work like EU4
Post empires lads
Why, is EU4 not good? I mean it's fleshed out, is adequate in terms of bugs and mechanics, and does its job for that time period well....
>Being stuck in the past
It's time to let Alexander go.
How do I avoid diseases in CKII?
I don't understand how important Hospitals are for characters, for example. They are so expensive, and my characters get sick anyway, I feel like I should just close the gates.
Which is better, a Court Physician with 30 Learning but no "Physician" trait or a Court Physician with the "Physician" trait and 25 Learning?
You said it,close the gates
The fonts are FUCKED
Close the gates my dood. It’s the only sure way to keep out disease, even a maxed out hospital can crack to, say, the plague.
Literally just check the appropriate files for all the factors, they're in events folder names dlc_something_blah_blah_14
Anyone getting crashes at startup? Mine says
failed creating render backup and refuses to open at all
>anything but worthless
EU4 is badly designed from the ground up. That I personally have any fun with it is nothing short of a miracle and is not an indicator of it being good, more of an indicator of my incredibly shitty taste.
redpill on manashitism
Was Eu3 better?
He likes spending money points to make everything happen.
epic meme for the win
Fuck em, I got what I wanted anyway
EU4 and I:R rely a lot on spending points from a pool or pools of those resources. The points are generated over time at an almost fixed pace and the mechanics tied to their spenditure are many and often completely disconnected from each other.
We call them mana because they feel a lot like mana from a RPG, and the things you can do with it are so abstract and disconnected they feel like magic spells. You can spend the same resource to improve your technology, lower your inflation instantly, improve the taxes on a province permanently... The level of abstraction is excessive to the point it stops making sense, it's effects might as well be magical. Thus, mana.
I played it for a while and it's boring as fuck, also Selucid and Maurya seem unbalanced as fuck (they start out with like 400 cities)
what does that even mean? They were literally the two largest empires of that era. What do you mean by balance?
Seleucids collapse early on though, and so do the Phrygians, Maurya usually expands into Persia because of it and they are unstoppable at the late game
Game is shit
Gaul is too strong
Game won't stop crashing on the 4th of February
It gets a lot worse
In my opinion it's a better vanilla EU4.
Which means it's still shit and maybe in 3 years it will be somewhat satisfying to play after you pirate all the DLC.
I hope it's more modable and it'l get a good overhaul mod like CK2 and EU4 got.
Mana is bad on two counts:
1. If not inherently so, the way it is handled in EU4 is beyond abstract and utterly divorced from reality: it doesn't map into any real-world phenomenon and many of the effects are almost reality-altering magic-like (hence mana).
This is a damning fault because people (certainly I) play these games for roleplaying a sovereign (what else would you play them for? compelling strategic depth? kek), but that doesn't work if the game, despite its realistic presentation, is more abstract than Civilization.
2. It's just a mind-numbingly dull mechanic. There's something to be said about utilizing scarce resources for maximum benefit (you know, resource like money, which would be a much more appropriate scarce resource for many of the tasks mana is used for: in actuality manas actually take away from this strategic element), but waiting for mana to accumulate before you can do anything is just boring, especially considering your limited means to influence how much of it you're getting. Low-abstraction mechanics have much more room for interesting interactions and, tying to the previous point, more room for emergent gameplay and narratives. Say, instead of getting new techs because your leader is such a nice guy with high diplomatic skill, what about if you could foster innovation your nation?
>Gaul is too strong
I feel like there isn't enough flavor in the game. You gotta have some other shit to do than just prepare for your next conquest.
oh my god just fucking end it you pretentious shit
Guys, this is the shoreline luminescense in the files...
We're getting that fucking China expansion aren't we?
based, fuck Johan
Kys yourself jewhan. Mana is a garbage mechanic on all counts and the only thing more timesome than it would be to explain why it is shitty time and time again. I would be glad if "it's awful" was sufficient, but clearly that's not apparent to everyone.
>good work like EU4
too much fucking mana
How hard is this to run because I have a shit tier laptop at the moment and it could run eu4 with some lag
Can you make a caliphate?
Serious question because I'm not playing an unfinished game that doesn't have any middle east mechanics.
based and uneducatedpilled
Yeah, Nabatea and the other tribes of Arabia exist
I guess I just don't give much of a shit about the game. Paradox and their jewish tactics made me less interested in their products.
Go back to civ you fucking troglodyte
It's way before the creation of islam. I don't think christianity is relevant either even if it ends in 27BC(E).
China has become a huge market for gsg, they'd be dumb to let go of that opportunity.
>Ahn Lushan Rebellion
>Northern and Southern dynasties
>3 kingdoms era
>16 Kingdoms
Good stuff.
How good are automated armies in IR so far?
Are they as shit as they sound, or do they get the job done, siege the forts down and such?
>can you make a caliphate before islam even exists
fucking retard.
I thought the game went all the way to the 600s?
Who told you something like that?
The game uses AUC, it begins from 377 BC to 27 BC
Not even close
Game seems barren. It needs like 10 DLC.
1 ship type (I know they already said they're going to patch more in, but 1 at release?)
Only 4 building types?
Your "court" sits there and stat pads.
I'll come back after a few patches/dlcs.
When will someone tried to make gsg clone
Fuck is it that hard to for someone to challenge paradox. Why. I just want some fucking competition. I wanna sommeone to made gennuine political geopolitical simulator and not a mana board game when only thing to do is mindless blobing.
People are trying. They all suck.
give me money and I'll make it
Please no...
There's "Realpolitiks" on Steam
Don't know how good it is, though
people's front of judea or judean people's front?
all of those are in the wrong time period
303 to 27 bc
A problem with mana in EU4 that nobody ever mentions is that it is the main mechanism for advancing in the tech tree. This means you much choose between spending your mana on tech advances or spending it on doing stuff that the tech affects. So you can spend it on naval/diplomatic tech, or you can spend it on building a navy or engaging in diplomacy. What this in turn means is that you will always get worse and those things your nations does most. Naval nations will lag in naval tech because they have to spend all their naval mana on maintaining their naval activities, warmongering nations will fall behind in military tech, etc.
It not only doesn't simulate anything, it actually produces counter-intuitive effects that are completely the opposite of what you would expect and what would make sense.
I thought that it was 350 years, it is kinda short
the game isn't "incestuous relations and demesne management: a autism simulator" nor is it "colonize the entire world; or how I learned to love genociding minorities". the only thing you realistically could do in a rome style game is to have engaging combat mechanics and empire building and 276 years is plenty long for that.
They'll add more via DLC. You'll probably eventually reach post Christianity and fall of western empire.
Isn't 70% of the map just guess-work? I mean the 767 Start for CK2 is just fan-finfiction tier of historical revisionism which is why historical overhaul mods don't even include it
essentially yes, southern italy, greece, anatolia, persia, syra, egypt and carthage are pretty well mapped-out but germany, france, iberia, britain and scandinavia is just pure guesswork based on tribes that may or maynot have existed yet at the time
Inb4 dlc makes you able to play as Jesus
I see no reason why we wouldn't.
It is not like CK2 where adding a million new characters will cause the game to become unplayable.
I don't think you know what that word means.
it's already almost unplayable at higher speeds. maybe if what they add is reasonably coalesced and not a shit heap of OPMs all calculating troop movements
This is such an alphabet soup collection of buzzwords and pretentious phrases. I doubt you know what "abstract" even means.
>I doubt you know what "abstract" even means.
tbf it means is very abstract
No it wasn't, everything he said was valid and accurate. The fact that you're too stupid to follow along with fairly basic and clearly articulated criticisms is not the fault of the author. Abstraction and levels thereof are an entry level concept in game design. It's time to stop getting upset with other people when they say things that go over your head and just accept that you are just not very bright.
based retards, that's literally the most comprehensive and damning argument I've ever seen someone pose against mana.
despite all this eu4 is still genuinely the gsg i have the most fun with. maybe johan was right all along
why not an americas DLC?
It's also time for you to stop referring to yourself in the third person when it's glaringly clear you are, in fact, the original giant sack of air I replied to. How about you get the dildo out of your ass and try talking like a normal human being, because nobody's impressed by your attempt at seeming intellectual. Are all grand strategy fans this autistic?
UI is fucked
Patch 1.1 looks like they'll try to soften the immediate impact of mana but I'm skeptical
moving pops really needs to be over time or cost money instead of civic. it's annoying to have my capital be starving because there are 200 captured slaves there i can't move or promote
There's incest, dummy. Play with Egypt.
>It's also time for you to stop referring to yourself in the third person when it's glaringly clear you are, in fact, the original giant sack of air I replied to.
>try talking like a normal human being
I am.
>nobody's impressed by your attempt at seeming intellectual.
If you think my bog standard stream of consciousness shitposting on a Cantonese comic book forum comes off as an attempt to appear academic I can pretty much guarantee that life will not be kind to you.
Well, I don't have autism, so I've already got a better life than you.
How the hell do you play steralris?