why are people suddenly pretending like they always hated persona?
Why are people suddenly pretending like they always hated persona?
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5 was underwhelming and the femMC looks like generic idol trash.
Objectively correct answer: it's a normie game now
The only people who can hate on the persona series are the SMT purists who think their entire franchise was coopted by high school dating simulators. They're still dumb, though.
Because it's generic mediocre trope-ridden garbage carried exclusively by god tier music and visuals pandering to, well, you, apparently, seeing as you're trying to defend this heap of shite.
I loved P5, but as someone who’s been with the series since Nocturne, I fucking hate what the fan base has become
Switchlets are mad. That's it, pure console warring.
They've always been glorified VNs for me, the combat is really trash in all of them and you only really have to prepare or think on the super boss fights, so really just 1 fight in the entire game. The problem is a lot of the time the VN portion isn't even that good either and the plot is fucking stupid, I don't know why I even bother with this shit sometimes
because your spamming and shit taste in girls ruins our memories of it
i never liked persona and wish SMT had taken off instead. persona seems like a glorified cringefest dating sim.
>The only people who can hate on the persona series are the SMT purists who think their entire franchise was coopted by high school dating simulators. They're still dumb, though.
but thats 100% true faggot
thats not feMC you degenerate. It's MC's canon love interest
>Forgetting the fatlus meme
Maybe P1 shouldn't have BTFO the absolute fuck out of every other relesase then.
Persona 5 is a boring piece of shit and is essentially Persona 3 for the 3rd fucking time.
play it on PC first before you reply incel
Not on shitch.
SMT is pretty cringe too bro
It's mostly switch owners who got their hopes up thinking 5 was coming to the switch
They got their wish in the form of a musou
Don't know, but I can't wait for the doujins.
It's just Nincels coping with
>15 year old in that outfit
Why is this allowed?
Why aren't SJWs attacking Japan for doing this stuff all the time?
same, i(d really like for them to release a new game as unforgiving as nocturne just so tehse "new fans" rage quit and shit on them so they can start making games for the actual fans and not bandwagon jumping normies
shes so fucking hot. I want sex now.
Language barrier.
They cant attack japan because they don't know japanese and if the jap devs don't give two shits what the american market wants, they give minus infinite shits what the american SJWs want.
That's why only Nintendo of America got the backlash for Bayo2 the year GamerGate happened and not Nintendo of Japan.
Japanese devs are a black box to americans, and they don't care what any american wants to say. They want hot girls in their games, they'll put hot girls in their games.
Not on Nintendo
>Could have used the extra scenes in Royal to give Haru more character development
>lol nope let's add Marie 2.0
Fuck Atlus
Just console war salt, but I guess some people who dislike Persona are using this as an occasion to pile on the shitposting.
Haru? more like Whoru lmao
>Kasumi is confirmed to show up at the start
>There seems to be various events with her well before she joins the PT
It's hilarious that Kasumi is being handled the way that Haru should have been handled.
it didn't get ported to the bing bing toy, so now it's the worst game ever!
Go dilate
Imagine if this were the default outfit.
I'll dilate your tight little asshole with my big fat cock you fucking faggot
>why are people suddenly pretending like they always hated persona?
don't know what you mean but p5 was an objectively bad game and a major let down compared to the rest of the series. dont think anyones complaining about the old games, and people have said p5 was shit since the beginning. its mostly just the herd of retards who played it as their first and only persona game who think they can say otherwise.
Amen.>wants to gmhave sex with men
>calls others faggots
Inb4 Roman rules, become 40% already, abomination
Go be gay somewhere else.
Has a character ever pushed you to straightdom? because this is really pushing me.
I always hated it but the uptick in hate is mostly console warring niggers.
Because persona has been garbage since 4 went full westaboo pandering
But hey, Atlus knows their market.
because half of Yea Forums only comes here to shitpost so they started making threads about how they own a switch and totally want this game for it
do not insult bubbles like that that's rude
P5 was shit
Are you trying to imply p1 was a dating sim?
Are you retarded or something?
The majority of the megaten fanbase has always hated what Persona had become with 3.
>wanted to say that literally no one does that
>scrolled down
>suddenly, p5 hate everywhere
what the fuck
although p5 sure had some tedious palaces later in game. okumura palace bullshit, even shido's ship had some moments when you felt like saving the game and doing literally anything else
Cute girls BAD.
>that guy who had a shopped switch template he would use every time someone asked him for a timestamp
The lengths people go to.
Why are you surprised?
Everyone has criticised p5 heavily since it came out.
It's just a drawing calm down son
lmao you have to be a genuine fucking manchild to be playing some shitty turn based salary man turd "high school simulator" like seriously, read that back to yourself "JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL SIMULATOR" fucking YIKES. Fuck chinkshit.
The hate right now is a bunch of salty Switch owners and a bunch of P3Pfags that wanted another FeMC
It got in Smash
Neither of which cared.
Tony stark dies
P5 is fun until you hit 25 years old and you realize how shit and faggy the game is.
>neither of which cared
You're completely delusional, samefag
5 was trash. That's when I started hating Persona
Hulk dabs
Do you just call everyone you disagree with a samefag?
I must have missed this scene
p4, maybe, but p5 is as japanese as it gets. it's literally a play-by-play critique of japanese society, especially its broken justice system and people's obsession with age-based hierarchy even when it goes against logic and common sense. most (if not all) of the villains are based on actual japanese news stories.
plus, the omnipresence of social media throughout the game (the phan-site polls and comments) and the pressure it puts on the phantom thieves makes a lot of sense if you've ever heard of how crazy japanese social media can be:
Samefag NPC libshit cuck shill discord tranny redditor yikes
Nincels are mad they didn't get a Switch port of 5.
The absolute state of american "people"
I'll take that as a yes.
Yeah, it does a lot of things badly, but it's very stylish. Doesn't sell it to me.
Oh, I hated it alright, but then 3 happened and it was such an improvement that I've now come full circle.
Thor plays Fortnite
Random contrarians on Yea Forums don't mean much. Even in polls conducted on here P5 sits on top of whatever rankings, whether that be best Persona game or best JRPG of this generation.
Hulk's off-screen death was the saddest. Now only some dumb nerd remains.
>5 was underwhelming
it's the longest game of the series with the best gameplay, art, and VAs.
No joke the "Golden" edition for P5 looks disappointing as fuck. How the fuck does it take 3 years to put out minimal shit (1 new area, 1 new party member, 1 new minigame, 1-2 new scenes and 2 new confidants) when the content should've existed in the base game in the first place? It honestly pisses me off when I bought both the JPN version and the Western release for full price only to learn that the "true" version comes out 3 years later because if I knew it was going to be so short I would've actually waited. Fuck ATLUS and their kikey shit, I hope Persona gets iceboxed forever.
the MC is a slutboy
Prof. Hulk is alright
worst dungeon design full of babyshit like littered save rooms.
Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so glad I didn't waste $10 seeing that disgrace of a movie, fuck Disney.
I'll only agree the ship was annoying, otherwise it was good
>worst dungeon design
Better than 3 and 4 which were just corridors
Thank you for the containment quarentine thread.
Kasumi takes over after the first palace.
And that's not even the cringiest scene
Since Persona 3, but especially 4. Didnt help 4 got too much spotlight
>babyshit like littered save rooms.
you know, as opposed to
3, which you find a green glowing circle on each for that you can use to go back, or the big teleport pad before every boss that you can also teleport to and from to save
4, you can use a go-home to be at the entrance and save, then resume at the floor you were previously at from the entrance.
you act like the series had difficulty
just seething nintendo fanboys
>each for
each floor
People have always hated Persona, they were just drowned out for a while after 5 came out.
>sony exclusive
that's why
He knows, he just wants to force the narrative that people hate it because it wasn't ported.
I never was a fan. Finished P3P and enjoyed it but that's all. P4G was poormans VN with boring ass dungeon design and dragging fights. I still like SMT but I had enough of the same shit.
the last part of mementos filled with hard enemies doesn't have almost any save points
and if you happen to get RNG fucked after the boss gauntlet, you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN
you have to run back, save after a boss, just to be safe.
Its popular now
stop lying
Yea Forums loves persona 5 when it come out
>Persona mouthbreathers actually got mad enough about twitter to make this
You only have best gameplay. Everything else in 5 was objectively worse
yeah okay, it should be as the most recent iteration
okay, as it should be because its been 13+ years since Soejima started on Persona
what about literally everything else that goes into these games
Like these queers would be okay with it if she was just a few years older in game.
Her outfit is cute though.
>here's the persona game I promised you, little bro
>it's a musou btw LOL
o b s e s s e d
it's funny because it's true
This. The game was great for the first half but shat itself for the second. It became a chore to play and I doubt Royal will fix much.
Which is why it was hated from the start.
>filled with hard enemies
That's an overstatement if I've ever seen one.
By that point you shouldn't have any difficulties dispatching enemies.
I was underlevelled a bit, then I grinded the 2 guys that give 10k each before the last boss
But before that point I didn't grind and didn't do a ton of mementos, just focused on palaces and social link stuff.
>character is a gymnast
>makes sense why they prefer a leotard
I don't understand why someone wants to turn a gymnast into a ballerina
They are. I used to be friends with a turboSJW that absolutely exploded at the mere implication of consensual sex between two underage people in an emotional relationship (not even explicitly described) but was suddenly okay with them being treated as pieces of meat the moment the magic number rolled over.
plain corridors are better for a dungeon crawler. 5's dungeons are littered with stupid inane garbage that rape your senses and disorient you.
I liked 5 but they underused all the characters. In 3 and 4 they gave you events that made you feel invested and give a shit about everyone, 5 cuts every single main story bonding session short with either bad weather or the villains fucking up shit.
Even if you're underleveled using items to abuse baton pass and all out attacks makes it a non issue.
you're cringe bro
I mean name a jrpg where endgame isn't a fucking joke
SMT Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, SMT IV Apoc
No, but Persona always had a huge level of popularity whether it was just spinoff school SMT but with Jung or school dating sim with RPG elements
ever heard of rythmic gymnastics ? kind of a thing in japan
Every anime waifushit series gets a lot of shit on Yea Forums, why would Persona be immune?
Wrong on all accounts dude lmao
There's nothing particularly hard about any SMT game past early game where you get randomly one shot from crits
You could have at least tried Strange Journey, at least that one has dungeons that are painful to navigate and that constitutes difficulty
Almost all the characters are underused, in P4 and P5, because they stop mattering as soon as they enter your party, and just become another NPC at your disposal, and one that doesn't develop at that. 3 is the only modern Persona game to get its characters right. Adding more bonding sessions isn't going to change that.
Certain FF games
4 Apoc
Technically pokemon because its a joke the entire way through.
>certain FF games
>didn't play on hard mode
laughing at your life
Because SMT has been always superior to high school anime drama.
if you think nocturne hard mode is hard you're the one that probably didn't play it
It depends. If you're doing a normal run then the end of Nocturne is pretty trivial. But if you're doing a low level challenge run, then the Lucifer fight at the end can be frustratingly dependent on luck.
>You could have at least tried Strange Journey, at least that one has dungeons that are painful to navigate and that constitutes difficulty
Only Grus and Eridanus's maze. SJ's just filled with some random spikes here and there
But he's right on Apoc, game's actually pretty balanced with its scaling throughout, especically coming from IV
random question but do I need to have played smt 4 to get apoc's story ? I really don't want to play smt 4 it looks so gay
>You only have best gameplay.
so it is the best persona game.
what the fuck is even a low level challenge in a game where you can't flee random encounters
Yes, 4 Apoc takes place in 4's neutral ending.
Yes. Apocalypse assumes that the protagonist of SMT IV, Flynn, took the Neutral route and then Apocalypse has you play as a new character and fuck everything up preventing Flynn from actually finishing the Neutral route and defeating the Law and Chaos representatives, extending the plot and retconning the ending of SMT IV. It's a direct continuation of the storyline.
>what is fatlus
>the 3 SMTfags in all of Yea Forums try to save face
>Easy game becomes hard if you gimp yourself on purpose
You don't say
I don't know but it's apprently possible
Persona 1 is the only game with any real difficulty curve. Persona 5 is a steamroll until Prime Minister Char Aznable.
These people all deserve bullets between the eyes.
digimon story cyber sleuth on hard mode.
Nintendickheads aren't human.
> tfw her schoolgirl outfit makes me hornier
Look at all these tutus.
>implying that it wasn’t normalfag the whole time
I'm really not fond of this formula they've settled into for Persona games.
I don't want to buy the same game twice with a few additions, make Persona 6 already.
Here, have a better reference.
>kind of a thing in japan
Kind of a thing everywhere on Earth you mean. It's fun but I only got to try it out in middle school during sports lessons. Wish I could do backflips and the slip like it's nothing like the really competent gymnasts
>the smt games sell even worse than the no more heroes games
it really makes you think
What's there to think about, they don't sell as well ad NH
*as well as NMH
What the fuck happened to america that made them hate attractive women?
This. You might as well just wait for the stupid "ultimate" edition they'll inevitably release two years after the next game. All this will add is a new character, a few scenes and some quality of life improvements anyway. It will feel like a patch at most.
Yes, they are in fact hylians.
They just use magic to hide their elf ears.
The current state of the left happened.
It can't go on forever, but until these mentally ill idiots lose their platform for their eternal outrage over everything things are going to be shtit.
We used to laugh at these people but for some reason businesses listen to these retards now. No idea why, they don't even buy the products.
its ironic considering the left has always been champions on a women's right to dress however they feel. But when its a hot character they rage? why is this?
Woah there buddy, those retards don't represent all of us.
Jealousy in the womens case
Betas trying to get laid in the mens.
Post more Kasumi
I want to fap to her again
You got it.
And that's all I got.
It has the best gameplay so 4 is the worst. 4s story is serviceable but uninteresting it has 3s SMT-lite gameplay but way easier. It does get some points with full party control on the first release but considering 3 has a rerelease with this feature, there's almost no reason to play 4 over 3 or 5.
Also this is my current head canon
Everything was fine until businesses started listening to them even though they dont even consume their product. Its fucking bizarre, its like they all want to commit financial suicide
>Atlus devoted all their time and energy toward creating what is essentially Marie 2.0 when they could have taken the time to make what would be the undeniable best girl
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with what some random twitterfags are saying? And why are you giving them so much publicity?
I don't hate persona, merely it's fans.
Well, I also dislike how the gameplay portion of the game is getting dumber with each release, but that's not exactly hatred.
I don't see what's wrong with this outfit
>plain design
>makes my dick hard as diamonds
>People have always hated Persona,
P5 was literally the third best game of 2017 voted by Yea Forums, it was even above Nier Automata
Neither do I. The other girls have skin tight suits and you can practically see everything. Not sure why this is different.
Her design is so bland.
I'm sorry user, but FemRyuji will only exist in fanart and fanfics
Good it looks terrible
Because joker is in smash but his game isnt on the switch... it confuses the children
femYusuke would be better tho
will she get in bros
Smash-fags has shown time and time again that they don't deserve shit.
because it's not on Nintendo, dud
Prove the twitter users in the picture are American, right now. I know the person who drew the original dress edit is from some sort of Hispanic country.
I only started playing them three years ago, played 1-5 throughout the year and as much as I tried to like them, 3-5 were hard to enjoy. It's just the overall design of the games, stretching out the plot far longer than it can really hold out so you can do social links for months, and the social links aren't that interesting either since they're very basic social sims. Dungeon design also sucks, but that's always been an issue in the series, though Persona 1's dungeons irritate/bore me the least (except the Ice Queen's Palace, fuck that place). I liked 1 and both 2s a decent amount, but 3-5 are hard to enjoy much, though 4 is better than 3 at least, and 5 is better than 4 in most regards. I don't understand the people that say 5's worse than 4, and especially 3. I think it's probably mostly nostalgia.
Played since 2 and I thought 5 was incredibly underwhelming especially when compared to 4 and even 3 in some aspects.
Who has better vacation and after hour events? 4 and 3.
Who has better party members that actually seem like a team of people or at least who could give a fuck about each other? 4 and 2.
Which MC doesnt have a fucking bed time/nanny? Literally all but 5.
Who never saw it coming? 5.
If it wasnt for the soundtrack and easy dungeon cheese so you can at least get close to all of the links in one go and experience most of what the game has to offer without needing to go through all this shit again 5 would be irredeemable. God fucking dammit I wanted a Sae route.
She looks like a sweet girl next door, but her outfit is kind of lewd, plus she's flexible so you know you could get her ankles behind her head easily as you pound away
>/fit/ tummy, ass, thighs and calves due to constant cardio
>bro tier gf, is willing to go out and do something or just stay at home and read manga, play vidya, and fuck all day
>Joker starts tearing up and nearly breaks down when she almost dies, but then smothers her in a huge hug when she reappears, much to her confusion
She's perfect