I cant concentrate on the gameplay

i cant concentrate on the gameplay
her body is driving me crazy!

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have sex

>That doujin where she fucks that ugly, fat bastard noble.

Attached: 1518137242781.gif (540x304, 1.93M)

i can't concentrate on the gameplay
his body is driving me crazy!

Attached: Best girl.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Remain pure and continue to masturbate.

with laxia?
i wish

Attached: 43.png (316x490, 364K)

>ugly bastard

it has ugly art
it doesnt help

What game

i cant concentrate on the gameplay
her body is driving me crazy!

Attached: 470920-ys-viii-lacrimosa-of-dana-deserted-pirate-ricotta-ps-vita-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 106K)

post ricotta gameplay

A bad one.

It took them long enough to release the switch dlc on steam.

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i can't concentrate on the gameplay
her body is driving me crazy!

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Bend over

This body deserves better graphics

If only displayed the same amount of commitment in activating your windows Krout-kun as you do in shitting up this place with your autism.

Are the threads repeating themselves again?

Anyway, this fucking cunt is so annoying, I can't believe anyone actually likes her.
Tsunderes were a mistake and need to fucking go

A bad port.

Why are you black?


YS 8 is pretty good.

The only thing dragging it down are the shitty tower defense segments that interrupt your adventure.

wait its out??????????????
how do i get it?

I thought Falcoms official design philosophy was no waifubaiting shit as it is "dangerous waters" that they do not want to thread?
What the fuck happened?

shit taste

Attached: butt.jpg (1896x956, 680K)

>how do i get it?
By pirating.

>this thread again
kill yourself autist retard

>autist retard
That's a bit redundant.

yeah but which one
i got the fit girl repack and dont have the bikini costume

you first, spic

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Did he activate Windows yet?

more like "Laxative"
shit character

So what is this game actually like? Do I need to play the rest of the series to understand it?

Nah, you can start with whatever title you want, pretty much every story is self contained. Its a great action rpg on a budget

There is *technically* a timeline, but they're all pretty self-contained. That and the games have been released in a very funky order

shit taste and gaypilled

Attached: th.jpg (532x876, 153K)

Your windows is showing kraut-kun

>every thread there is one of this dude

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utter garbage taste

It's an action game with some rpg elements. There are many different difficulties to choose from if you are really good.
Combat is basically mashing your ability button and doing perfect parries on enemy attacks.
Not really my type of game to be honest, but there we go

>utter garbage taste
yes you have

Attached: uf.jpg (732x1080, 228K)

>no you
laxative-fags everyone

Well, you didn't really make much of an argument. You just called her shit.

dont tell the shitty loli lives here
why was there a porn mag in the shelf?

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>liking ass makes you a fag
dumb pedo

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>game makes you fight 10 times the same enemy
fucking budget game

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How would you help her Yea Forums

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>it's a webm now
you're stepping up

(press 4)
Lol, who needs to concentrate on game play?

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hit her with a lead pipe until she goes unconscious


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so adol isekais as lana?
thats gay

ow, the edge

>hitting a beautiful lady at all

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I really want to play this game, but fuck off with it being full priced. Are any of the PSP ones any good?

Oath is definitely good. IIRC, the PSP version has voice acting while the Steam version doesn't.

I tried Napistim, but it was too grindy for me.

just get it for pc

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You need to support Falcom and buy it at full price or you aren't a true gamer!

>recommending the crashfest that is the pc version
pc gaming is a meme

i am playing it on pc and it only crashed 5 times in 7 hours

Attached: fas.png (341x757, 547K)

jesus fucking christ pc gamers just love eating shit don't they

Just leaving this here. Like already said, titles are standalone except I is played before II and Origin preferrably after those two. Origin and Felghana re considered best.
Be a man and play the games with bump combat, too.
I should make a copypasta to go along with the image already.

Attached: ys_chart.png (1600x900, 145K)

0 crashes in 60 hours.

Attached: 6a0120a85dcdae970b0128776ff992970c-pi.png (200x193, 30K)

its for free so its ok

>60 hours
fucking autism

>people playing video games is autistic to Yea Forums
I hope this board fucking burns.

Attached: No more v.jpg (960x380, 156K)

Trails of Cold Steel. When they learned they can sell bikini DLC. Since then, we've had shit tier games like Tokyo Xanadu eX, where the bikini DLC was the best part of the game.

It's an easy fix just don't be retarded.

No where else to go

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>wasting 60 hours on a budget game is autistic

>That lack of a chest

Some say that's part of the appeal, if not the main appeal.
Not that I'm one of those, just saying. The whole game was midriff heaven though and I loved it.

Same here

Even though I have and played through the JP Vita version years, ago, I'm a bit pissed off that they didn't have all the outfits from the original Vita version in the PS4 or PC versions...

I guess they stop being stupid. Only faggots or incels get mad about """waifubaiting""" they don't want to see any sexy females in skimpy outfits because either they hate it outright (e.g. faggot) or hate it because they don't want anything reminding them in their """hobby""" that they will never get a sexy girl IRL.

Attached: Ys 8 - ricotta chan pirate outfit 01.jpg (960x544, 271K)

she ass great pussy ass for it

Her chest size is very inconsistent.

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That being said, it's simply sad to see an actual mature studio do a 180 after almost thirty years.

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How much worse is the Vita version than the PS4/PC versions? I played Cold Steel 1 on the Vita and the load times were unbearable. I honestly didn’t mind the frame drops, which could get pretty fucking bad, but the load times between battles and between zones made it a slog. I’m playing Tokyo Xanadu on PS4 and it’s like night and day.

I start to think this user is Falcom employer trying spam this thread to promote Ys 8 and it work

post more art that isnt on booru

i wish

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the constant shilling of this game is tempting me to buy it, stop it

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Do it. Don’t you want to go on an adventure?

Really? All that shilling of Blue Reflection had the opposite effect on me (as far as that game is concerned).
Women are not adventure. They are temporary. The glory of adventure is eternal.
Playing the game because someone kept spamming Laxia's butt is going into the game with the wrong attitude.
Though maybe that user would find the right path, who knows.

Lax with a fish

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how do i pose her like this?

I can't concentrate on the gameplay, her body is driving me crazy!

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Get with Switch version

Attached: 2018070814563000-5833A8D7B8549416BB4EBE5DC8B38D6C.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

i have it but it was shit so i got the pc version

You got the shit version.
Good job.

>all that aliasing

nah see

there's no antialiasing in that image
also why weebs don't use aa?

Wow I keep posting it. I'm an unoriginal fuccboi snoy


>what is this game and how much money do i pay