So let me get this straight, From took their formula, removed about 2/3rds of the elements people liked...

So let me get this straight, From took their formula, removed about 2/3rds of the elements people liked, put more focus on a bad "stealth" system and gave bosses 2 lifebars, and decided that a naruto-tier villain and their reputation was enough?

Attached: yeah bloodborne already did this.jpg (1536x860, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything true except
>Re over about 2/3rds of the elements people liked

Nobody but autists liked the tacked on rpg elements. It's just fashionable on Yea Forums to be against streamlining games.

And it was fucking brilliant. With less fluff they could actually play test the damn thing.

I enjoy the RPG elements in souls likes because it allows me to personalize and create a character that more deeply resonates with me, Only "autists" wouldn't have an innate understanding of the human nature that is longing for self-expression through any means possible

It's just a cruder Nioh with a cringier baddie

>camera lock on is still shit
>grappling aim is broken
>center camera and target still on the same button
WEW I guess if they remove the remaining 1/3 elements they will have time to fix these fundamental things

I like RPG elements and builds and fashion souls. I also like straightforward action games with tight combat. I'm not a gigantic baby and I can appreciate when a company finishes one games and then makes a new, different game.

>muh compromising adultism

They already did that with Bloodborne, though, and Bloodborne is in every single way a superior experience to this lazy game.

You forgot the part where they added in stuff that makes up for anything they took out and then some. The deflection and posture system push aggression to the forefront more than ever before.

A thread just like this one will exist when they take it out of future installments of games complaining that they made that decision. From Software has been nailing new mechanics choices in each iteration of their new games ever since Demon's Souls. In fact, they introduce so many good ideas that people complain every time even the slightest aspect that was positive is abandoned in a future release.

Sekiro is just the next logical step in that line until they find the next combat mechanic to adopt.

>Nobody but autists liked the tacked on rpg elements
This is unironically the most retarded thing I've ever heard someone say about soulsborne game. Go back.

Game is meant to be played on PC and camera controlled with a mouse. Your fault for being inferior

The combat is fun but the stealth is genuinely cheap and feels very artificial. It doesn't help that the mechanics contradict each other. It is ridiculous to not exploit stealth and how broken it is until you get to a boss, then when you fight the boss, you have been detached from combat long enough that you have to get back into the swing of it with an enemy designed specifically to challenge you on what you have learnt from combat.

Sekiro is definitely funky, but it probably won't age as well as Bloodborne or Souls.

The camera did still spaz out, but overall the game felt more balanced because there's less to change about the character.

You can fairly play it and think "Am I just shit, or do I need to grind more?"

Yes, and it's great.

I am very confused by people who say things like
>The deflection and posture system push aggression to the forefront more than ever before
One of the reasons I didn't like Sekiro is because I felt that it was entirely defensive and offense was punished heavily and gave you very few viable options. The posture and deflection system meant that I had to press R1 more times, but most of those hits aren't allowed by the game to land and so what I'm really doing is hitting the enemy's block the prescribed three times in order to bait out a counter attack which I'm actually allowed to punish. The combination of a weaker dodge and tons of super armor one-hit-kills meant that more of the game was about blocking attacks and getting in one or two hits. The sheer amount of addon enemies also contributed to this. This is in stark contrast to some of the Souls games where playing aggressively was more optimal because positioning alone could avoid attacks, freeing you up to press the offense continuously. Sekiro ends up being relentlessly defensive, deflect or die.

there's no way you think Genichiro is more cringey than Kelley


The game was originally going to be a Tenchu revival, but Miyazaki pussied out and tried chasing after both audiences, with mixed results.
>too Tenchu for DS fans
>too DS for Tenchu fans.
This really should just be called Dark Souls 6.

>and decided that a naruto-tier villain and their reputation was enough?
And it was.
Best selling FROM game yet, baby.

I may be biased, I fucking despise characters of his sort and all I could think of any time he showed up was some shitty even cringier knockoff of Sasuke.

>having a bit of fun playing sekiro
>but i have to work a lot and dont get a lot of time to play games
>dont want to play it unless i have a solid stretch of 3-5 hours to spare, which is once a week or so
>can't fucking remember which areas have unexplored paths, where i'm supposed to go, what i'm supposed to be doing, even
i explored senpou temple and got the bell and fists, and found some way into the depths where there's big statues, now i'm just wandering around looking for a route forward from anywhere. i miss when dark souls 2 had a warp gui that subtly gave you some information about explored/unexplored zones. dont know why they didn't keep that in later games, i think its one of the few indisputably good things about DS2

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>The game was originally going to be a Tenchu revival
It wasn't, see this video: 3:29

Game was fucking great, 10/10.
The only flaw it has is that it didn't tell me I was missing a boss that I wanted to fight (owl 2) and I'm burned out from the 2 playthroughs I already did.

This kind of thing is exactly why when someone complains about a game not being 40+ hours I assume they're a child.
There's just so much shit a functioning adult has to do, I went from crushing RPGs/JRPGs/VNs to playing shit like Rocket League and MGR

Fortnite sells even better.

You can’t beat enemies purely with defense.
Sekiro forces you to be aggressive because most boss posture bars recover quickly. In any DaS game, you can just kite the boss untill he does his big attack, and then poke him for solid health damage.

I like actually sword fighting with people, instead of circle starting 99%of the time

literally have better memory, retards

And it was better than every single Souls game. Crazy how it works huh? Guess stats don't automatically make the game good.

It's impossible to cringier than Edward Kelley

FROM couldn't create Fortnite, given their infrastructure and reputation, so this is actually a great win for them.

I mainly enjoyed having different weapon options, that alone was enough variety for several playthroughs. I think they easily could've included a couple of options.

But bloodborne is just souls without shields and using a gun to parry.

>there are Sekirofags that actually believe this

Even DS2 is better, more complete package than this normalfag actionshit of a game.
>dude, they replaced rolling with parrying and inverted the stamina bar. Fucking game changing! Revolutionary! Souls BTFO!
How tasteless can you even be.

Attached: shrek_is_drek.jpg (210x240, 9K)

>tacked on rpg elements
...that extend the game's replayability factor. Each soulsborne game managed to make me come back to it simply due to the weapon variety. Sekiro on the other has none of that. It's quite literally a one and done kind of game.

there is a difference between offense and mashing attack haphazardly
you need to always engage with the enemy instead of trying to "take a break" and waiting for them to make the first move (or else they regain posture), and you also need to do controlled strikes instead of hitting the button as fast as you can
go watch someone do a perfect genichiro fight and you will see the perfect blend of offense and defense, where they will never leave ANY moment where either of them isn't attacking (if Genichiro isn't attacking, the player should be), there are never any real gaps in the combat except for perilous attacks

mental control is one of the things sekiro demands the most, and that's why you see lots of people complaining about it, they get greedy and attack too much or they get scared and attack too little; anyone who get's easily flustered or panicked can't play this game, because it requires you to be patient, reactive, and still controlled whenever you fight

There's nothing wrong with being a better iteration on preceding ideas, which Bloodborne is and Sekiro isn't.

Without any of the refinement of western one-and-dones either, since you can sneak past 90% of the game effortlessly and all you need to be able to do is fight the bosses.

>Have something else you want to do in that one time a week you get 3-5 hours to yourself, like watch a movie, or the missus wants to do some gay shit
>Literally have to remember a level design after a month of not playing because the devs couldn't bother to put in a drawn map with fog of war or something
Amazing, I'm sure you'll say some extremely stupid shit about how basic user friendly UI shit somehow diminishes the "soul" of the game or some equally retarded stance to defend something that honestly benefits no one

Except for ds3 :)))))))

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Why are you lying? The "rpg elements" are the only thing making the games interesting for a long time.

The "aggression" is totally mindlessly hitting an enemies block until you see the very obvious deflect effect and then you know it's their turn. They've changed out "kiting" (which is really positioning) to repeatedly pressing R1, so it's not real offense. That to me does not make the game more aggressive.

But it literally is mashing attack until they parry. Mashing R1 on their block is taking a break because there's no actual thought or decision making in the process. Your video actually illustrates it perfectly.

The RPG elements were the most minor of shit that mostly ended up being lost underfoot to just making your character too strong for the various engagements.
That a stat system has become synonymous with "RPG elements" is detrimental to the idea of an RPG.

That's not necessarily to say that some variety wouldn't be more appreciated. For the fact that the game has a single weapon it doesn't do a whole lot with it, especially since you're relegated to a single special attack rather than having a larger selection at your disposal.

While this is wrong I wonder just how stuck people on console are to Sekiro's retarded default control scheme.

You can still space out attacks, it's just that continuously attacking with a fast weapon now has less to do with poise/stamina and instead involves you in how the enemy will attack you next. And since posture damage will end an enemy much quicker than depleting their health bar a lot of the time it encourages you to keep up the offensive.
While I think that it does feel a bit easy at times it does beat what Souls deteriorated into which was just rolling or even spam rolling through enemy attack patterns and focusing on that almost exclusively.

You can still do the game over with greater challenges I suppose.

Fromdrones will tell you that the camera is fine, read it multiple times. That is why nobody takes fans of From games seriously

While Sekiro is easy. It is fun because of all the tool available to you.

Pretty low effort shitpost. Here's your (You)

>bad stealth
it is beyond bad, i have never seen a stealth system butchered to this degree almost one decade old batman game is better than this trash in almost every aspect

The game started off as tenchu remake, it had nothing to do with dark souls. It only became an action game of its own after a certain point when it started to be so different from tenchu.

Stealth elements are literally just an option you can play however you want

Which are all useless except for in a handful of situations

maps are for casuals

Play the game

yeah like that one sword, and the umbrella for 2 bosses

t. would get his ass handed to him in any semi popular multiplayer game so he compensates with singleplayer cheese to make his e-dick big

Sekiro has fantastic bosses though.


Champion Gundyr
Soul of Cinder
Lady Butterfly
Sir Alonne

Demon Princes
Orphan of Kos
Twin Princes

Gyoubu Oniwa
Corrupted Monk
Pthumerian Descendent
Pthumerian Elder
False King Allant
Ornstein and Smough
Fume Knight
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Dragonslayer Armor
Martyr Logarius

Four Kings
Fool's Idol
Old Demon King
Nameless King
Vicar Amelia

Guardian Ape
Cleric Beast
Storm King
The Pursuer
Executioner's Chariot
Smelter Demon
Bell Gargoyle
Taurus Demon
Shadows of Yharnam

I know Friede isn't listed.

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Sekiro sold a gajillion more than snoyborne, stay mad

You sound assblasted

I really don't get the hype for the game. I would go as far as to say that they might as well just have made this game a boss rush and it would be vastly improved, still not great. The game inbetween bosses is so mindnumbingly boring and easy that I don't know why it even exists. Not kidding, Asscreed has more difficult stealth at times. Not to mention that you only do stealth to not get too bored with just mowing down all these free kills around you. Replaying the game was so quick that I actually bothered with platinum but I will probably not install it again in the foreseeable future because I wouldn't know why

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I didn't want to be hyperbolic.

That's no excuse.

No don't say anything about my land of the rising sun masterpiece you stupid gaijin. You're just bad at the game there's infinite things to do like play through the whole game again but this time enemies have now health and do more damage

>big number mean good!

Attached: costanza minimal.jpg (125x125, 1K)

this, feel bad for the ignorant bastards stuck with a controller

Ass creed has more combat variety too :^)

People who claim the combat is mashing r1 until an l1 have never played ng+ hardmode which is where the game actually becomes rewarding.
NG is just to learn the bosses, NG+ charmless bell is where you actually have to apply these lessons to the boss fights and not mindlessly apply aggression. A single fuckup means your posture instantly gets shit on and you have to consciously be dipping in and out of the aggressive mindset.

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>talking about taste
shoo shoo

I found DaS1 and BB better, tbf.

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>you need to play the game twice to get the "real" experience

Wow, they're really dedicated to this 'shadows die twice' thing, huh?

Attached: Bad Girl.jpg (300x402, 34K)

I think it's appropriate given it's a far shorter and compact experience than the dark souls games. The fact that they have a specific modifier that changes the mechanics of the game that only unlocks at NG+ should make it obvious.

I'm on NG+ and just rung the bell, but i'm afraid of giving back Kuro's charm desu.

>3-5 hours a week for yourself
how have you fucked up your life this badly? almost everyone can say that on a Sunday they can sit down and do what they like, even people with kids

And a better soundtrack and better graphics and better waifus

>So let me get this straight, From took their formula, removed about 2/3rds of the elements people liked, put more focus on a bad "stealth" system and gave bosses 2 lifebars, and decided that a naruto-tier villain and their reputation was enough?

You guys loved it when Platinum did it with MGR

Overrated unfinished garbage

>we want the ubisoft crowd
rail a dick up your ass, retard

Attached: BB AAA.jpg (1024x576, 106K)

This is not actually adult life, this is what kids think adult life is like.

t. Filtered by Ogre

So let me get this straight, you took the time to make this shit thread and thought I would take you seriously?

DO IT asap, the game instantly becomes much more interesting. No more sloppy play, and taking out each boss will feel amazing


Imagine being this angry, do you actually think map knowledge is a fucking skill in a single player game or are you actually this retarded?
You the same guy that's buttblasted I said you'd get railed in anything that involved another human being?

>Got platinum
Yea Forums has really fried your brain cells

>faggot who unironically watches modern movies, has a missus and plays games 5 hours a week
>trying to pretend he's a hardcore gamer and would BTFO anyone
let me guess, your favorite game is Overwatch and you your platinum rank is your sole source of self-worth

>dis new IP isnt liek muh souls so ids bad!!
When did you realize that Soulsfaggots are the most cancerous fags on Yea Forums? Literally worse than Smashtards and Sonicautists.

>devs should make games easier because I don't know how to manage my time

Attached: 1486579922071.jpg (500x359, 30K)

dude if you found it difficult I have bad news for you...

this is how we can tell you're bad

Different is good, worse is not good :]

Are you actually samefagging not to defend your game?
You are pathetic

Games are supposed to be enjoyable for most people who play them. Games can absolutely be too difficult, even if they market themselves as difficult.

I think Sekiro is really hard but not totally unreasonable

Shields were boring
Spamming rolling is boring
Parrying and perilous attack counters are better than anything in other souls games

It's the truth though. Also I don't see how a couple of semi useless tools outweight a massive weapon arsenal like you had in their previous games. It adds fuckall to the experience

>there are "people" here who didn't ring the bell/remove the charm/did both
Big yiiks

Ok user you are really good at guitar hero. Here is your hero badge

>Imagine being this angry, do you actually think map knowledge is a fucking skill in a single player game or are you actually this retarded?
Evidently it is a skill that you don't have or you wouldn't need it.

Towards the end of the Souls games it was more of an obligation than a feature that they actually cared about but that also describes the latter games in their entirety.

No, it's not the truth. Have you ever used spear? Probably not, you think it's bad. Do you know how to use the axe? oh it breaks shields for 1 enemy in the game and nothing else, is what you're thinking. Mist Raven? Pfff, I can just hold right click and be invincible! Contact medicine? What's that?

You're bad and stupid.

Sekiro is better than soulshit

yes and somehow it is their best game. imagine that

As soon as I get this stupid game I'm going to mod it and just change it so that everyone has 1hp
fuck you fromsoft


you fucking wish son

Stay upset snoycoper. Best From game to date and way more fun to play than any of the souls games.

Shuriken is the only one that is consistently useful and somehow the only one you did not mention. The axe is "good" for a couple of minibosses, spear is useful for exactly 1 boss, you can also bother to use it on the optional big guys that you might as well just ignore because there is no point in killing them and the raven feather is literally always a waste of emblems you should have used for shuriken instead, unless you are too dumb to dodge.

Not him, but the spear seems to slow to be effctive and once you get ichimonji the axe becomes redundant. Im in ng+ w/o kuros charm btw

True, but I wouldn't call the other games "soulshit"
here's the objective ranking of modern from games
Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > DeS > Bloodborne > DS2

but all of them are good games

Sekiro is pretty much equal to Bloodborne and those two are better than any other souls game

Good job proving his point

Attached: 1544476132396.jpg (350x389, 22K)

Soulsdrone cope

DaS1 = BB > DeS > Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS3

Attached: just (1).jpg (612x380, 86K)


He never had a point.

It isn't, though. It's not even as good as Dark Souls 1, and doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Bloodborne. Unless the sentence involves the worlds 'serious step back,' I guess.

Sekiro is better than BB. BB isn’t fun to play after Sekiro

>DeS >
Yuck. A typical Soulstard.

Don't insult Bloodborne like that

Please go to your designated snoycope thread and stay there

Keep crying snoy nigger

>naruto-tier villain
>he doesn't know about based isshin

LITERALLY the only thing I agree with is the placement of Sekiro

post your ranking

You're a Bloodborne fan that doesn't like Sekiro? Incredible. I found this game to be like the natural evolution of what Bloodborne was doing.


>Don't insult Sekiro like that
Sekiro > DeS > DaS1 > BB

Fagiro shills on suicide watch that people don't like Nippon Souls: One Katana Edition.

He's just mad Sekiro dethroned Bloodborne

Just are just a zoomy in babbys first honeymoon phase. It'll pass

You actually liked them because RPG elements just allowed you to beat any challenge provided you grinded enough and skill/knowledge isn't actually a factor in completing the game when you can just jump online, look up a busted build and roll the game, which is what most people did

DeS and BB exclusivity was a mistake.

BB = Sekiro >>> DaS1 > DeS = DaS3 = DaS2

From Soft didn't do what i expected them to do. faggot

its not hard though

It sold more than Blunderborne, therefore more people like it. Stay cope.

It doesn't help that exploring rarely ever gets you anything interesting because the game has no items, it makes it feel so fucking pointless. How people fail to see this is one of the weaker From titles, I don't know.

>mediocre bosses
>bad score
>less varied combat
>dumb villain
>no fashion
>1 weapon


Attached: costanza swing.jpg (338x338, 26K)

This is one of the reasons Sekiro is a superior experience. While designing the game, From didn't have to think about how a specific encounter will work for STRnigger, DEXnigger, magicnigger, bownigger etc so they were able to focus on designing a good game for everyone instead and it shows. Sekiro is a stellar experience from the very first boss to the last. No single section is bad, in stark contrast to souls games where everyone agrees a lot of parts are shit.

So did DaS3, but that's unanimously a shit game in the series.

>not best
u dun fckd up


DaS3 is better than Snoyborne though

Attached: bloodborne (2).jpg (353x1095, 111K)


The removal of RPG mechanics was a mistake.

Attached: 1549941721553.jpg (450x589, 77K)

>mediocre bosses
>bad score
>less varied combat
>dumb villain
Yeah, I agree. BB was pretty bad.

The stealth is optional, it's just another way to get exp/items/deal with enemies. You could also just run past like the other games. Stealth is basically there because people would abuse backstabs in all the other games so this is like a spin on it. It can get more interesting once you get more skills and tools like the whistle if you want to spice it up.

concession accepted

>no fashion
reminder this is the kind of snoycuck that hates Sekiro

Attached: 1551595027880.jpg (558x558, 24K)

>dark souls 2 fag says a bunch of retarded shit

every time

I can't fault players for not using the prosthetic weapons more. The spirit emblem system is dumb and discourages experimentation. Farming for a resource didn't add anything in Bloodborne, and it doesn't add anything here. Just put in a damn mana meter and be done with it.

DaS3 aped BB and Souls, and ended up being a shitty hybrid boss rush.

>mediocre bosses
no fucking way
>bad score
not bad but definitely weaker and less memorable
>less varied combat
you have many more options than you do in Bloodborne
>dumb villain
as with most of these modern from software games
>no fashion
who cares
>1 weapon
gameplay was enjoyable enough with that weapon alone

It's a new ip, soulsbrony.

Running through zones is only really an option in previous games if you knew the zone. Stealth is touted as some meaningful new mechanic that gets a gameplay-interrupting popup and everything and it's sloppily implemented enough that you're seriously suggesting 'don't use it.'

>>no fashion
how dilated are you right now?

>Dark Souls 3 aped Dark souls

Attached: valuable opinion.png (704x528, 374K)

He's right though

Whatever happened to actual world difficulty? Whatever happened to environmental hazards and mobs being an actual threat? Every game seems to stray further and further, towards an autistic boss rush than a meaningful dungeon crawl. Every game needs to have their bosses more and more anime, to appease ADHD riddled children. If DaS3 and Sekiro are any indication, then subsequent titles will be reduced to nothing but a boss every 10 yards in a straight hallway. I think I'm done with Miya's antics. BB was the last time I truly liked a FROM game, and coincidentally is my personal favorite, with DeS and DaS1 closely behind. I just cannot get into Sekiro, and compounded with the fact that it's literally one weapon throughout the game just doesn't do it for me. It feels overly repetitive. There might be combat arts (which you can only use 1 at a time) and prosthetics, but they're merely brief firepower that synergize in moment to moment gameplay in small intervals. It doesn't FEEL like I have another weapon with its own moveset. And I enjoy having builds too, no matter what you think of BB's build count. There's many reasons why I, and many others, don't consider Sekiro better than BB or Souls.

Attached: nah just fucking stop.png (446x435, 74K)

one of the biggest issues I had in sekiro was there was never a difficult section of the game outside of bosses. checkpoints were placed way too often and there's not really any difficult sections to get through even if you combed areas killing every enemy.

the game also felt much shorter than any of their previous games as well.

I think the only thing it did better than its previous games was environments and even then they're pretty generic, but pretty

>facebook frog faggot
>a retard

>All these people desperately defending feature removal that has been in this series (and yes, Sekiro is just another Souls game no matter how they try to spin it) like this is an improvement

nah sekiro is GOTY and das2 was hot garbage

they aren't wrong

I have only played Bloodborne and Sekiro and after finishing Sekiro I find it hard to go back to the heavily dodge heavy combat of Bloodborne. Should I even bother w/ DaS 1-3?

The prosthetics suck anyway. It's like saying there's a bow in Dark Souls.

True but Yea Forums has fallen to hard to admit half of the board seems to be under 18. Sekiro is by far the worst from game ever.

I love how people come on Yea Forums to tell other people they're losers for playing video games a lot.

Why does Sekiro makes Souls drones seethe so much?

stats and dress up are gay. they can stay gone. the only people who are mad are autists and youtubers needing them soulslike clicks.

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I already have an outlet for my creative expression. I actually appreciate experiencing someone’s work being distilled/refined over time. Your argument is only valid for low IQ people. Go play the old games or go larp you nerd.

cause they can't grind stats or summon for help

>Roll, R1, Roll, R1, Roll, R1
>Deflect, jump, mikiri, combat art, prosthetic, Dodge

Attached: sekiro combats ba-.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Well, i'm almost done with NG+ too (going for Shura ending), will give it up next round.

I'd hedge my bets on it being mainly the extremely autistic dark souls 2 loving contrarian shitposters

Yes, having a memory better than a goldfish is a skill, friend

Sekiro is objectively better than any Souls game though. You have to be a delusional retard to think otherwise. Or a tranny.

because muuh autism overcomplicated "RPG elements" makes the game more 1337.

not a single boss fight in Bloodborne is even half as satisfying as fighting trash mobs in Sekiro

Attached: sekiro combat.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

Being this proud of your low cognitive capacity.

Attached: raction.png (740x740, 682K)

Literally because they can't spam r1 with a different weapon.

who here got all achievements? still grinding for all skills

they need to git gud to beat bosses instead of summoning, and they can't play dress up and ERP with other baddies

Attached: git gud (2).png (534x486, 378K)

Genichiro has an appropriate motivation and a great boss fight. Kelley is a clown and his boss fight is a total joke.

>calls others retarded
>is a cunny poster

If there was a way to switch arts/tools on the fly like DMC I would try so many combos out.

Dark Souls 3 had really hard mobs, like the pontiff knights. In Sekiro you can grapple past everything, but in other games you could run past everything, and in fact if non-boss enemies were very hard at all Souls veterans just sprint past them to conserve resources.

Ironically, Bloodborne didn't really do the things you're talking about here with the dangerous world design. The last time FROM prioritized that was Dark Souls II. People like yourself who do not enjoy Sekiro should understand that it isn't about a "fall from grace" and instead that Sekiro is not a Souls game. It was never a Souls game. Disliking it is fine because it is different but FROM was not trying to make those games with this one.

You are such a useless weeb why are you even still alive

Sekiro babies always refuse to address the real arguments, like shit stealth shit enemies and batman arkaham figth system but even dumber

>playing dress up and having a reaction.jpg of a cartoon girl

Attached: 1553007474317.gif (300x252, 2.79M)

that only looks good because you made it look fun with how you played

>batman arkaham figth system
holy shit how can someone be this wrong, just stop posting.

>shit enemies and batman arkaham figth system but even dumber
Hard to address shit that you literally just made up. The stealth is bare bones I'll give you that.

all of those things are awesome though

t. ChaseTheBro

Genchrio was pretty sad. His reasoning is "I love the kingdom/family/Japan as it is". I'll admit his bossfight was pretty good, but only the first time through.

>pontiff knights
>really hard mobs
what the actual fuck, they have no poise. The only difficulty in that area is when they throw multiples at you
Red Guard soldiers/shinobi are 10x as hard as any enemy in dark souls 3 anyway

They wanted an improvement on Bloodborne and got a worse version of Nioh.

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Because they can't over-level or summon for bosses. Most of Yea Forums got filtered by the chained ogre.

FACT: mikiri countering is the most satisfying type of parrying from any FromSoftware game, prove me wrong

mikiri is really cool, the problem is it's forgiving to the point of being broken and nearly ruins the final boss

ranged parries in BB are more fun

I hit the dude in the well before knowing you can talk to him. How do I reset his aggro now?

>like shit stealth shit enemies and batman arkaham figth system but even dumber
Not even worth the (you)

Doesn't matter, game's on rails

ty for proving that sekiro is made for brainlets

That's what makes Sekiro GOTY, OP.

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fish harder


Tips for Demon of Hatred? I can deal with most of his attacks pretty well, but I keep get railed by the flawing claw front-back-smack combo he does. Not one of the unavoidable kanji, just a regular attack. Is there a window for dodging out of the way?

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They removed all replayability from there game yes.

Unironic cringe

summon blue bro

not really imo, makes the fight less tedious and if you fuck up be nearly one shots you

That's the only attack that's truly dangerous in that fight because it's meant to hit where you're going to be sitting all fight, right in his ballsack.
Learn to parry the whole chain of four attacks and you'll take a bit of chip damage but it's better than giving up your positioning completely. It's also possible to dodge through all of them if you have giant balls or you could use the suzaku umbrella if you have no balls

sekiro is for chads

It's nearly impossible to fuck up that mikiri EVER, he does an extremely obvious and slow animation with his spear arm. Since a lot of his other attacks are really tricky to pin down and perfect parry it makes the dominant safe strategy to bait attacks, stand out of range of them, and come in for the mikiri whenever he does it.
I beat the boss on hardmode but I still don't have his 2nd phase attacks down to the point where I can perfect parry them, and the free mikiri + chip damage I got whenever he did that felt extremely like cheating.

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I liked Sekiro (my GOTY so far) but honestly the one weapon limit and the shit stealth are really big negatives. Like what's the harm in even adding chinchong weapons i'm not asking for DeS or DaS tier stuff.

Too much work.

Yes user you can make your own fun too. There are other ways to play.

BB > Sekiro > DS2 > DS1 > DeS > DS3

Have you ever considered writing down the last thing you did/what you were trying to do when you stopped playing?

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>From made a game with fundamentally good combat that had no bad levels?
Yup. And they even told all the retarded faggots who think PvP, dressup and builds that are cheese or play like shit to fuck off.

>I enjoy the RPG elements in souls likes because it allows me to personalize and create a character that more deeply resonates with me

That sounds like autism

Parry his stomps
You can run past his vertical slash and he will not hit you
Stun him with the malcolent ring AFTER stuning him whit normal hits. This is very important.
Stay close to him, if you don't hell start flinging shit.

that's just part of getting good m8 when you start to one shot every boss with ease like I do everything feels like cheating

I just get bothered with fromsoft bosses that have that idiotically obvious opening like Owl's stupid anti-heal ball and Dancer's slooooow grab attack
I liked Owl (Father) because it actually felt like he was out to kill you every second

It's a shit fight especially if you did him after based SS Isshin, just use the flame umbrella.

Thanks. I'll try learning the parry timings.

I haven't done Isshin yet.
How many normal hits does it even take to stun him? But yeah thanks. Malcontent only works 3 times right?

Waste of emblems. You can run past the horizontal fireballs and if you stay close he'll never do the other projectile attack.


>create a character that more deeply resonates with me
Too right bro, I also have 99 strength and 99 intelligence

I'd just save malcontent for the third phase

We're talking about the four hit combo he does that hits directly in front of him, even if you perfect parry all hits you take chip damage because of his flamin hot cheeto arm and umbrella lets you avoid that

Yeah the ring only works three times and the third time will stun him for less time.
I didn't really count how many hits it takes to stun him, but it's not much if you are on him all the time you can.

How does malcontent actually work? People are talking about it like it's this huge broken thing for that fight. Is it equivalent to the little music box in Bloodborne ?

Oh, well I didn't use the umbrella either, I just ran away from the first two hits and deflected the last two.

Want to know how I know your a shitter and can’t get past the beginning of the game?

It's kinda OP if you time it well tbf

want to know how I know your IQ is two digits?

>almost every miniboss is copy+pasted at least once.
>areas don't loop back on eachother much
>literally has you go through the exact same level a second time with different enemies because it just turned off your fast travel points
>no really cool hidden shit or optional areas which is a staple of souls games at this point
>healing is slow like Dark Souls despite combat being faster than BB
>terror in general. Instakill status effects are entirely stupid.
>combat arts are hilariously unbalanced
>exploration is less rewarding due to no gear to find.
>many upgrades feel totally useless. The ones that upgrade your max held spirit emblems only increase it by 1.
>doesn't even have interesting lore.
>stealth mechanics are terrible

Honestly the level design and lack of cool hidden areas/bosses to find was the most disappointing thing for me.

since people are still making ds2-3 builds literal years later ur retarded.(ds was a bit basic in this regard get 40 endurance 27 vit 40 in dmg stats etc etc) Rpg mechanics adding depth that sekiro retarded talent tree could only hope for

>series best
Fuck off with this meme already Gael is mediocre

FACT: perfectly deflecting thrust attacks is cooler and requires stricter timing than mikiri counter.

it is, but there is no reason to outside of style points because mikiri does more posture damage, is easier to pull off, and almost always means a free vitality hit. Not using mikiri is just gimping yourself at that point.

>>areas don't loop back on eachother much

Truly the Dark Souls 2 of Dark Souls 2

Works well when you miss a mikiri. When you know it's too late to dash in but it's not too late to deflect the thrust.

it's never too late to dash in. If the attack is going to connect you can just press the dash button and not l1 and you WILL get the mikiri. You don't have to be in the animation or anything, the window is unreasonably wide

Wait, Sekiro is meant to be played with KB+M?

I do wish the goomba stop was less finnicky. I felt like I could land it maybe 3/4ths of the time, rest I would just kinda slide off the enemy's side, especially if there's uneven terrain involved.

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they trimmed all the unnecessary shit and made sonething unique that is not just edgy zelda with stamina and stupid upgrades


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>muh espressohun

draw porn you fuck

The reason for that is because wolf's jump momentum is a bit weird and totally uncontrollable mid-jump so he'll always be at max speed in whatever direction you pointed at the beginning of his jump. Jumping from neutral (for enemies that sweep towards you) or directly forward is usually the key to getting a good one. Senpou Kicks/High Monk is a WAY more reliable sweep counter when locked on because it tracks, and I'm mad they nerfed it because it's back to being useless

sounds fucking boring. fun comes from not knowing what's up. what you're describing is a fucking job.


>Naruto-tier villain
What do you mean by this, Genichiro being 'edgy?' Hes barely present most of the time

this guy speaks truth, all these retards dissing spear when it's utterly broken when used properly

Sekiro gave up autistic rpg shit and provided the best gameplay in the series

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Dumbest thing ive read all day.
Overcoming a tough challenge is fun and the game leads you into this in the most natural way possible.
If you have such a low tolerance for learning new shit (notice this is not about skill) then it's unironically not the game for you

Yes, just like all games ever made that arent racing games

>and I'm mad they nerfed it because it's back to being useless
how? it still does more damage than a normal jump kick plus the follow up attacks stagger the enemy so you can always perform them

Good luck playing RE4 on keyboard.
I prefer playing on controller most of third person games, mainly envolving not shooting

no. what you're describing is blind obsession. the challenge has been beaten and ng+ is a arbitrary waste of time. you gonna go beat skyrim now with the difficulty slider up? that's ng+


>Good luck playing a game with aiming on keyboard
uh, thanks? I don't need luck though, I already did so.

the game is already super linear with every path leading to a dead end like das2

stop worrying about where you go and kill shit until there is nothing left

the difference between skyrim and Sekiro is that Sekiro is a skill-based game, and it's 100% possible to go through the game while taking zero damage, something not possible in skyrim.
sekiro also has 4 endings and ng+ doesn't just increase enemy health arbitrarily, if you give away the charm as you should non-perfect guards start chipping away your health, punishing sloppy play. the increase in skill points and access to resources also changes how you play.

stop posting

one weapon with extremely refined movesets and enemies designed around it vs. a bunch of weapons with 1-3 unique moves
not sure which one I liked better

The initial posture damage is the only thing that matters
Plus you are essentially locked into doing at least one follow-up because the single kick has a super unsafe backswing, and either way one of these things will get you hit vs. hyperarmor enemies or bosses
Yeah, because Skyrim has such a great combat system. I guess the implication is that you're never played a game more than once so good for you i suppose? Sekiro has excellent encounters like owl 2, monk, and isshin that only become better as the game becomes more challenging, but since you're completely averse to learning you wouldn't really know that

As the only intellectual in the thread I release the only valuable ranking. Everybody who thinks otherwise has LITERALLY SHIT TASTE. Thank you.

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I applied a mod that ups the damage of prosthetics while lowering their cost a bit. its pretty phenomenal how much it improves the game although having infinite base shurikens is abit OP against gunners

I'll never understand how people think nioh is better that sekiro

I see you're a man of gameplay

Sekiro is a masterpiece of game design, it's kino in gameplay form, literally a plebfilter.

I love both mikiri and stomping when they sweep. its the ultimate diasrespect togheter with one mind art kill nothinn personell motivated edition

So do baddies hide in corners cause I was just attacked as I passed a room?

>game locks you into being a dexfag
its worse than dark souls 2 and thats saying something

>literally just release order backwards

His reasoning was "I'll do anything to save ashina" did you even play the fucking thing?

When the last tier is 'Good', I guess there is no need for improvement.

Elana, Friede, ancient dragon, sinh the slumbering dragon, Midir and Oceiros are horrible fights. Oceiros I don't care about though, I just equip a shield for his instant 80 of your HP dash does not do damage

So did fortnite

I fucking hated this game at first. I was playing it like souls not reading any tip and just expecting it to be simple. I was frustrated and could barely kill genichiro

then something clicked. I remapped some binds. stopped trying to dodge. figured out you can bait counterable moves by watching weapon sparks and disabled that stupid red anime symbol that distracted me for a split second so I had to readjust my focus and judge the animation instead, I also used a shitty cheat so item pick ups are automatic and dont have to suck shit constantly

now the game is my favourite easily. I would love to see a dark souls spin off with a focused single character and combat structured around that like sekiro

Fuck Genichiro and his three phases!

play without locking on and dodge by sprinting around his ballsack
keep malcontent whistle for phase 3
hope he doesnt decide to get stuck in a corner shooting pasta meatballs at you

I wish more bosses had three/four phases. Some really good fights like lady butterfly and both owls feel like they're over before they even started

you can invalidate his entire third phase

I just did a month ago. after the patches that removed the accel shit its good but not broken like wii aiming that trivialized the whole game

Is this going to get DLC or not? I feel like Activision would've announced some sort of Season Pass bullshit from the get go if there was. BB was trash before it's DLC fixed it so I want to see if Sekiro gets any major DLC first before playing it.

Heh nuthin personnel kid...but your rules of death don't apply to me...

fortnite is a BR, a kids genre. sekiro is an action game, a boomer genre.

dmc5 is also amazing on mouse kb especially dante because no need for clawing and camera is entirely on your wrist so lock on is needed only to activate moves so I just tap with shift and do my thing. its not different than playing Tera