>leaving saving AAA vidya to me!
Leaving saving AAA vidya to me!
The only thing this game is going to save is me money because it looks awful
>it looks awful
pff hahahaha
Probably the only game I'm actively looking forward to.
nice """gun"""
care to explain how it functions?
>designed by a leftard
>Armed Paramedics
>10 black people in that shot
to make sure you survive. people pay top dollar for their service.
Healing bullets
The gameplay demo looked boring as fuck.
What about it was exciting at all?
It's california.
ESL kurwa
I bet you 50 bucks you'll play the game. just remember this post and donate to charity when it happens
When the gun goes pew pew
>he thinks its still anything like what they showed
It's DRM free so the devs are literally telling you it's okay to pirate it.
And that's a good thing seeing how the demo was utter shite.
Imagine how it will look downgraded when the bullshots look like that. Yuck.
what the fuck, does Yea Forums really thinks this """game""" will be any good?
Not that guy but yeah I'll play the game. I just won't waste money on it.
Das right whitebois
I remember when i had just moved from south america to europe.
there was this dutch girl in high school that talked like this.
>every sentence that came out of her mouth had to have a spanish word.
>Only swearing in spanish
just because she lived there for a year.
>guards visibly armed with le scary a salt weapons
Why do video games that try to be futuristic do this? No one is allowed to be armed and not even law enforcemente will be able to do anything else than kindly ask the assailant to stop what they are doing.
The idea of an open-world cyberpunk RPG is exciting to me. It hasn't been done before, plus CDPR is a great dev so there's that too.
why are they using kriss vectors in this futuristic sci fi game
>body alterations are possible
>blacks still exist
I hope the first mod that comes out removes all the niggers from the game
>takes 7 years to make a flavor of the month forgotten the next season over game in your path
>yet witcher 3 still not forgotten 4 years later
They are the coolest thing about the Cyberpunk universe desu
Literally who?
notice how they don't say better, just different, ergo worse
>body alterations are possible
>every male isnt a black bull giga nigga
you'd benefit from enlarging the picture
it's not a vector, far from it
seeing how small mechanism is I assume the lore about this thing is in the bullets, seems like self propelling rocket-like principle, I think it's that self aiming gun from demo
I like the idea of armed services like that. Reminds me of paralegals in The Supernaturalist, which are basically super lawyers who will zipline through your apartment window and shoot at you until you go to court
This thread isn't about Rockstar's games though.
keep pretending to be retarded, it suits you
I hope you're right. If the gameplay turns out to be even more generic than TW3 I'm gonna be sad with CDPR.
How did we go from THIS
Idk what you're talking about. Police in America are undergoing rapid militarization.
Its a first person voiced protag with a dialog wheel. Its going to suck bro.
Fuck the sun
Daylight sucks
A franchise of paramedics operating in the US, Canada, and parts of Europe. Trauma teams can be summoned by dialing 911 on any phone, and can trace a call to its source. The client is billed from the moment you call until delivery to the hospital.
A trauma team client may also opt to carry a deadman transmitter, which will activate and automatically signal a Trauma Team the moment the client's brainwave pattern falls into a coma state.
The Trauma Team is composed of paramedics expertly trained in combat, who will go to any length to deliver their clients from harm. Those wealthy enough to afford a Trauma Team medical plan receive a card and biochip implant.
Did you even watch the gameplay vid? There's no dialogue wheel.
Okay, where's the wheel though?
I want to believe
but it literally isn't semantics.
A dialogue wheel is shit because it implies basically always having just 4 choices that are always pretty much the same.
This on the other hand is literally just a list of choices. Sure, no dialogue wheel doesn't mean that there will be a lot of choices, but at least there's the possibility.
Lost interest at first person announcement. Whats the point of character customization if you cant see the model.
>muh cutscenes tho
Fuck off
no you dumbass drm free means they dont want shitty spyware slow down your machine
going to epic is telling its okay to pirate since they already got the money anyway
do you literally only enjoy games because you can play dress up?
All I'm saying is that if you leave your shit unguarded on the sidewalk it's up for grabs. If you don't even bother to protect your property, why should I respect it?
How many inches of barrel is that?
I like how CDPR shillcucks are so quick to discard some of the most appealing RPG traits just to damage control like this.
sorry I thought that Im talking to a white guy for a second
Its fucking stupid. Why even bother with customization if you cant see it. So you can go "oh look theres my new hat!!!" or whatever when the game railroads you into a cutscene? Thats dumb
>CDPR shillcucks
I literally didn't enjoy the witcher, and I'm skeptical about this game too, but to say that you instantly lost interest in a game because of one stylistic choice is retarded.
So again, if you drop a game solely on the point of "I can't see my character" then I think it's safe to assume you mostly play games because you enjoy dress-ups.
Define an assault weapon.
Thanks, i will pirate it :)
>applying modern law to the future
too much
You can see your character though. The inventory screen, mirrors, select cutscenes and photo mode.
What if the client die though, who is gonna pay the bills?
Reminder that the entire development of this game has been a fucking disaster and half of the dev team has quit cdpr and been replaced. Please dont get your hopes up.
it's insurance kind of system, not after the fact payment deal.
>stylistic choice
But it's not stylistic. It's game changing.
Also I really don't see the retarded reasoning behind trying to downplay some crucial RPG elements like customization and role-play. You're coming off as a secondary moron.
>2 people left
They aren't just paramedics, they are basically a private military. You don't contact them if mommy falls down the stairs, you contact them if your drug deal went bad.
I hope they take another year, I need money to upgrade my shitbox first.
thats how they work in america
dont you see bro, it's metallic, boxy and there's warning signs and brand logos all over it. do you see all those holes and all that tactical shit? it definitely works somehow.
>They aren't just paramedics, they are basically a private military.
Wtf, no. They are high-end medical insurance, essentially.
You can stop replying to yourself now. It was already shown in the gameplay vid, it doesn't even fire conventional bullets.
>in development for like 7 years
>ex employees complaining about poor work conditions
>show demo and then backpedal saying the game is totally different now
>axe half of the classes
>first person
Its going to be shitty. How can you not see the writing on the wall.
By todays standards, they are a private miltary with a focus on rescue you stupid autist. If you hire them to go somewhere to save/extract someone injuried they will kill anyone who gets in their way. Kind of like a private miltary. Stupid fuckhead. When was the last time you saw a paramedic gun someone down?
You joke but how long realistically till paramedics are carrying firearms in America? Its not like there isn't any call for it, niggers in bad areas who need medical help, active shooter situtations like cinemas and schools.
>in development for like 7 years
3 years*
>ex employees complaining about poor work conditions
How very shocking. I bet you buy clothes that have been made with child labor in India or somewhere, stop pretending like you give a shit.
>show demo and then backpedal saying the game is totally different now
How are they backpedaling when they said like ten times that it's work in progress and everything is subject to change?
>axe half of the classes
They didn't axe anything. If you have played Cyberpunk 2020 you'd know that the roles don't actually make a big difference at all.
>first person
Good. FPP is much better for interiors which Cyberpunk will apparently have lots of.
everyone should carry a gun everywhere in the world, life would be safer.
one example: israel, some idiot(arab) tried to hit people with an axe in a mall, got shot by several housewives in the head the moment he pulled it.
they're pretty dope, if they were an option to play as they would be a guaranteed first run
now THIS is shilling
It takes place in 2077 tho.
i swear you fags give top much credit these days
>no arguments
>better pull the shill card, that'll show him
Disappointing, but not unexpected.
>3 years
Nigger what?
thats some ancap meme shit right here
>everyone should carry a gun everywhere in the world, life would be safer.
This, proven by the fact Americas violent crime rate is amongst the lowest in the world.
I was using modern day parallels to explain them. Are you autistic or something?
Yes, ANNOUNCED, my illiterate friend. Actual development didn't start until they shipped Blood and Wine which launched May 31, 2016.
Its well known they scrapped a lot and restarted. That said 3 years is some hot bullshit, its 5 years.
>writing, research, and early design doesn't count as development
Ok im done talking to you. Enjoy your daytime cyberpunk game faggot.
they said several times already development started after hearts of stone, and full team after blood and wine
you probably believe anthem was 6 years in development.
shit, you beat me to it, chummer
they were working on witcher 3 at that time, the last wticher DLC released like 3 years ago maybe even less and only after that that they shifted all their workforce on cyberpunk
sun fags will be completely oblivious to this fact though no matter how many times this is explained
a term used by leftist media that doesn't describe anything that actually exists
They are also on the clock and won't get a pay unless they deliver their client on time so if a trauma team happens to show somewhere you get the fuck out of their way because they don't have time to ask you to move aside.
>That said 3 years is some hot bullshit, its 5 years.
It's literally not. Jesus christ this board.
Yes, a skeleton crew brainstorming some ideas doesn't count. You don't develop a big open-world AAA RPG with just a skeleton crew.
i cant wait to see contrarians getting BTFO this E3
I am not a fan of first person games and I see your point though RPG is about immersion and first person can help that. I have to play the game before I can make my judgement. Remember it's DRM free so you do what you want.
>Full speed
They were working on during Witcher 3 with a smaller team. You're talking to someone who has followed this game autistically, so get fucked.
>They were working on during Witcher 3 with a smaller team
It means nothing. You need the core team to make any real progress.
You would be doing a fetch quest after fetch quest, the quest giver being a hospital. The only missing thing would be "made by Hideo Kojima" after each mission.
>How very shocking. I bet you buy clothes that have been made with child labor in India or somewhere, stop pretending like you give a shit.
>>>implying you have to care to see that this can result in a bad product
are we just gonna forget about anthem already? This is how you lose your best people, retard
>It means nothing, because i'm gonna go ahead and move these goalposts.
Witcher 3 apparently had a pretty serious crunch and the result was one of the best games of the decade so I wouldn't be too worried.
Bioware's problems lie within EA and other incompetent management, that's not an issue for CDPR since they don't have a publisher.
I didn't move anything. You clearly know nothing about game development.
okay, go tell them to give them up
>one guy shilling his heart out
I hope they are paying well
capitalism providing the best medical care anywhere
This this this! Bunch of idiots. The game time in the dev cycle is basically just a doss lol people play with nerf games, doodle pictures and shit talk no work is done in the early time it doesn't count, he isn't moving goalposts it doesn't count as dev time because reasons lmafo
one more reason for them to look out for your health
no sun anymore? can we finally have a cyberpunk game?
still seething
Why do sci fi guns always look so impractical? They are always bulky, That barrel doesn't really work when the bullets are chambered right at the end of the muzzle
>if you don't push for tortanic 2.0 you're a shill
Lmao nobody cares about this game
Also read a book nigger.
Except millions of people lmao.
Ok, imagine a concept artist. He doesn't have a good imagination, so he takes a bunch of photos of guns and powertools from Google images and mashes them up in Photoshop. He makes 200 different mashups and sends them to the art director. The art director selects one and tells the 3D modeler to make it happen.
Boom, you get generic scifi gun #235789489
bugmen aren't people
shut up, little double nigger
I'm sure there would be a story in there. Since your part of a team, it could be like republic commando, and it would be nice to be the one charging the shit out of people for healthcare for once.
yeah what were they doing? pre pre production? are you retarded?
real pre production started after blood and wine and they probably even had a couple changes in direction if you compare the old artwork to the new one
When you are going to be using guns for the majority of the game, They should at least put more effort into them, Or make a concept that's some what believable. They are not complicated, Inf act they are quite simple, We have been making them for hundreds of years now.
>scanning actors and designing characters and creating a cg trailer, announcing the game and starting social media pages ISNT development you morons
Who the fuck is this guy
Cope a little harder nincels.
The worst city to live in america.
>real pre production started after blood and wine
Pre production started during witcher 3, they literally had two teams going, Red and Black, the major team was in full production with Witcher and its dlc, the other Cyberpunk.
Keep being a fucking retard. You know being user lets you save face and accept your stupidity without anyone being able to call you out, right?
hopefully it looks darker and the sky is greyer, like in BR2049
but then... who are you going to shoot?
Literally 6 posts into the thread you dumb nigger.
Exactly, but this is the state of scifi art right now. Everyone is doing photobash concept art, and it yields these confusingly industrial looking rube goldberg machines like the one in the picture.
When the artist actually DESIGNS the gun like a true industrial designer would, with an attractive form and a logical function, the result can be something really cool and iconic.
because it's not your normal bullets. did you miss everything in gameplay demo?
>they create irl day and night cycle where hours pass realistically so in game day lasts 12 irl hours.
>you can decide when to play the game thanks to your bed.
>your recoil control aim and dialogue options get worse if you dont sleep for extended peroids of time
What an abomination.
It looks fine you sperg.
It looks like a creatively bankrupt trash.
prepare for the downgrade boys!
How do bullets go from magazine to the chamber.
Why the fuck half of the gun is useless add on weight.
At first I just thought the ejection port and mag well were miss aligned but after closer inspection it looks like the bullets are being chambered at the literal end of the barrel. Would this even be functional?
Damn I wish I was that cool.
yes, what an abomination using self aiming SMG in closed quarters
Wow, not the inventory screen and mirrors! That's amazing!
>pollack space magic
rewatch gameplay demo when it's shot. it's a smart gun, it fires micro rockets in essence, not bullets.
>t. Mr krabs
It's not rocket science.
After having owned every witcher game and never even coming close to getting half way through any of them, it is painfully obvious that CDPR cannot make a game with any sort of depth.
They make decent stories and can design giant world's, but they don't have the depth to make me want to continue playing the game. Due to the lack of depth, their games quickly feel stale
I'm stupid though so I'll probably buy it anyways
What is trauma team gets called to save someone who is being killed by another person who is insured at trauma team? Do they kill him to save the other one?
almost as based as marine corpsmen
>hurr durr you can't see your character
>except you can
Neck yourself.
I have a feeling this would be awful and a disappointment..
Can't shake this feeling desu. I'm gonna have no expectation cause it's CDPR.
>hollywood worship
this picture made me not interested in the game, fucking clown world
Do you only communicate in memes?
Is this bait? Lizzy Wizzy is from the source material.
Why are /pol/cucks so obsessed?
>moved from south america to europe
you need to go back
I'm just a memer. I meme my life away.
I do realize how the gun works but it just looks so fucking alien to me with that hole in palce of firing pin or whatever is that moving part.
>got complaints for being too white
>2077 is littered with nogs
CP77 = Anthem 2
i just want to play a depressed cyberpunk cop
Because it's takes place in california, in 2077 no less when white people will be the minority in america.
I dont know how you could ever be excited for this game if you've followed the development at all. Its a shit show on wheels.
Fair enough.
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
CYBERFLOP 2077 copies sold
>Implying there will be any white people in 2077 California
>screencapping your own posts
>futuristic corporate dystopia
>call medics with guns
>they arrive to extract you to hospital
>they shoot everyone in their way
>treat everyone that they wounded
>send bills to people they shot for services rendered (ammo, medical equipment and medical services)
It's like those burger memes where you get shot, visit the hospital, get shot again, and you then have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars because the hospital automatically took life saving measures and your insurance didn't cover any of it
do we have any idea what the story will be? I hope you aren't always doing gangbanger shit
>being braindead drone
Nope you'll always be the same character and can't join other factions
CDPR are a bunch of fucking hacks
You can become a corp shill as well so there is likely going to be some high class shit.
young booster V crawling her way out of the slums
"punk" = street scum, loweest layer of society, redneck
has access to "cyber" = high technology controlled by a machine
what is wrong with this image again?
>Nope you'll always be the same character and can't join other factions
How bored do people need to be to just come spout stuff that is flat out false. Are (you)s really that great?
kys shill
>patient revived and charged extra for ammo costs
coping retard
Nice PS3 game you got there CDPReddit
>implying it's a bad thing
we've been over this. beign ehad of all faction like TES sucks, joining one faction like in gothic works only for gothic
New Vegas system of not really joining faction but working for whoever you like is ideal.
Wait so you're complaining that the game is sticking to the lore?
>giving the players options is bad
You guys will just blindly defend this game at any cost huh
Other than the story being low-level and not a "save the world" type of story, nope.
>"The story will be low-level, we are not going to save the world, or even save a city, it's about saving yourself. We are focused on the main character and his/her problems."
>New Vegas system of not really joining faction but working for whoever you like is ideal.
Nah you piece of shit stop spamming this. Even CDPR devs themselves stated that it's not like NV since NV was faction driven. Moronic fucking shill.
>R-Restrictions are a good thing
Fuck off and die that's not what Cyberpunk 2020 is about
>Release shitty looking demo
>Release bullshit Witcher 3 fakes
This. I want to be able to blow up all the buildings in the game and start a farm out in the wilds. Bet I can't do that, for a game that values 'freedom' its a joke, fucking shit game. Go shill elsewhere, fags.
>in a crowd
>in cali
>in the future where there are more black people
How shocking, whats it like being knuckle dragging retarded?
>New Vegas system of not really joining faction but working for whoever you like is ideal.
Yeah, CP2077 is not New Vegas system though. Since NV lets you join Brotherhood of Steel, NCR etc. Even has faction gear.
Desperate shillcuck.
>CDPdRones defending the devs being lazy faggots and making it Witcher with guns instead of making a real cyberpunk game
I had my heart set on being a taxi driver, if you can't be one whats the point of this "game".
They're a glorified security company that kills anyone and everyone that gets between them and the client.
Is a game made by a privately owned studio with no publisher considered AAA?
>making a broken mess of barely working features contradicting each other like they did in shit 00s games is a good thing
you children really missed on the mess that was early early 00s when every games was buggy barely working mess with zero consistency
>real cyberpunk game
Tell us what a real cyberpunk game would be like user I'm curious.
"AAA" literally refers to budget and nothing else.
>Counting the niggers
Phew now thats an absolute 'redpilled' triggered snowflake.
it really doesn't, it has reputation system, that's all.
Gothic let's you JOIN a faction. Really join. Every other game is on NV level of "joining"
Like the table top RPG it's supposed to be based on
The second it was announced all the games classes wouldn't be included it clued everyone with a brain that the game was shit
They take an ergonomic design and ruin it with unnecessary parts to make it look high tech
But you can't join a corp in a (well ran) tabletop game of cyberpunk. Corps would not employ you. They might use you, and hire you from outside the corp, but they wouldn't literally hire you.
Its like you're just talking out of your ass.
Not even CDPR is spouting the shit you do here, you shameless cunt.
What is with you autists and having the title of being part of a faction? When you join factions in NV, nothing really happens. I was part of 90% of the factions.
niggers cant even invent the wheel
how they gonna make a cyberpunk world lmao
It should be a third person action game taking lace in a grimdark city where its always night, with heavy thunderstorms, tons of neon signs and street lights, akira bikes, stupidly tall buildings choking the sky, women with big tits and even bigger hair, neowave/techno/industrial/rock/metal music, and third person action combat that plays similar to dmc series
It is when you subtract ghettos from the equation.
Basically this
IRL today in Chicago, Baltimore etc and similarly run cities paramedics routinely get fucked with and stop going into high rises and crack dens subsequently. Cyberpunk saw it coming long ago.
Trauma Team aren't the typical paramedics.
>implying gun ergonomics changed significantly in last 80 years
of course you will change mechanism, which they did, of course you will change firing methods, which they did
but ergonomics you wouldn't.
thee is plenty of shitty gun designs in videogames, it's not one of them.
support polish economy
This doesn't make any sense to me. My experience with CDPR is a DLC to a game that is bigger and more polished than full AAA $60 games.
The fact that there are any while people at all is what's suprising
So whats setting off the round? That barrel looks to "slim" to be holding a pin let alone a mechanism to activate when you pull the trigger
What happens when you cock it and press the trigger?
Is poland even the "west"?
oh hey it's schizo-user, how you been you big fat faggot?
Are firearms actually going to look this fucking stupid in the future?
No shit, who cares, the faggots on the left drum up enough of this identity politics bull shit on their own, now its everywhere.
I wonder whats an acceptable amount per 100?
Eastern european, so not really.
you know you can shoot guns using electrical charge instead of a pin, right?
>voiced protagonist
>named protagonist
>protagonist with preset personality
>dialogue choices aren't the same as spoken lines when you choose them
>only three samey classes
>no factions
>no killable NPCs that affect the quests in a negative way like Morrowind because it would ruin the story the devs want to force on your character
>no cyberpsychosis because of the same reason as above
>no modding tools
>no third person
>only bland console FPS mechanics complete with sprinting and aim down sights
>melee is just clunky scripted takedowns
>horrible mexican dialogue 90% of the time with magnificent lines such as "cleaner than a cunt on a coven" and "shitfuck" non stop during the gunfight without your control
>cutscenes where your character moves and speaks on their own further defeating the role-play value
>game looks like poorly modded Saints Row 3 on top of it all
It's not an RPG senpaitachi. It's just an ugly FPS.
Seeing how this one is shitty, yeah this is one of them.
No human purist run either.
White American males, like a real white man should
Geographically they are smack dab in the middle of West and Eastern Europe, so Central European. Culturally I would say they are western since more often than not they would ally with what we would traditionally think of as western interests.
The game looks like shit graphically but im sure it will be improved since there's like three or more years gap to release, i just don't want the shade-less roads and empty zones that the "alpha" had
US-fucking-A, baby.
Isn't the west everything to the west of asia and predominantly white?.?
and how common is that? It requires power so it's inefficient compared to the pin, may as well just have a laser gun if you're going to bring electricity into it
Why do they have small lights on their helmets?
Why are cables hanging from their sleeves?
For what purpose. This is worse than ejecting the first bullet by hand and coming back again with engraved revolver.
>voiced protagonist
Not necessarily a bad thing. Plenty of great RPG's have voiced protags.
>named protagonist
If you look at the gameplay vid, you can actually see that the "name/surname" blocks are empty. So no, the protag is not name
>protagonist with preset personality
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>dialogue choices aren't the same as spoken lines when you choose them
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>only three samey classes
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>no factions
There are factions. In the gameplay vid alone we saw the Maelstrom's and the corpos.
>no killable NPCs that affect the quests in a negative way like Morrowind because it would ruin the story the devs want to force on your character
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>no cyberpsychosis because of the same reason as above
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>no modding tools
It'll probably get similar tools to Witcher 3. So not great but better than nothing.
>no third person
Not an issue.
>only bland console FPS mechanics complete with sprinting and aim down sights
It looked fine, since there's a full melee system too.
>melee is just clunky scripted takedowns
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>horrible mexican dialogue 90% of the time with magnificent lines such as "cleaner than a cunt on a coven" and "shitfuck" non stop during the gunfight without your control
Most of the demo is already rewritten.
>cutscenes where your character moves and speaks on their own further defeating the role-play value
Hard to say without playing the final game.
>game looks like poorly modded Saints Row 3 on top of it all
Nice memes.
Dunno, I'll come back to you once I've played the game.
Trauma Team operates in The United States, Canada, and parts of Europe.
>health bars
>visible damage numbers
I can tell already that its gonna turn into a grindy shit show where by the end of the game 99% of guns are useless because they do too little damage to harm the fucking bulletsponges you'll be facing by that point
>so it's inefficient compared to the pin
it saves a lot of space. no need for gas chamber if mechanism is electrically operated too. thus smaller size.
exoskeletons aren't efficient either if you consider modern electrical tech, we are talking the fantasy future resembling reality here.
Witcher 3 had the same thing but it never turned into that.
I sincerely fucking hope youre right
tw3 wasn't that even at deathmarch, that's without minmaxing alchemy which made every enemy one shot kill
but chance is there, yes.
>Trauma Team International is a corporation that specializes in rapid response medical services. As the premium paramedical franchise, Trauma Team is one of most powerful corporations of the cyber age.
>A franchise of paramedics operating in the US, Canada, and parts of Europe. Trauma teams can be summoned by dialing 911 on any phone, and can trace a call to its source. The client is billed from the moment you call until delivery to the hospital.
>Someone posted the Trauma Team page already
I'll be ok with bullet sponges as long as its reserved for bosses, and those bosses have weak points that can be shot at for massive damage
>as it's reserved for bosses
What about the people who upgrade their bodies into cybernetic bodies? Androids? etc?
>what we wanted
>what we got
>Yea Forums hates daylight
This unironically explains a lot of things
Maybe a slight buff to HP along with a armored status that makes them immune to non AP rounds but other than that they shouldn't be that hard to put down. Bullet sponges are fucking cancer
Yeah I'm not saying they should take 5 minutes to take out the mooks.
Every fucking screenshot I see of this game seems to have at least one african. I was hoping that it was just a few unlucky shots in a row. Depressing. I do not buy games to be surrounded by things I hate seeing.
Literally nothing. This guy looks like he'd fit right in with the corporation in Snowcrash that's basically just a bunch of aussie rednecks. But since it isn't muh BAYBLADERUNNAH NEO-TOKYO NEON SIGNS, it's obviously not cyberpunk.