Not even a week and its already dead, holy shit HHAHAHAHAH
Not even a week and its already dead, holy shit HHAHAHAHAH
Not as dead as your life
hey calm down there
so op is an undead?
Haha dude, that was FATAL. Get it?
Its really early in the morning right now.
>the bar for NRS's AAA game is compared to that of an anonymous neet in a mongolian weaving forum
MK11 is fucking dead.
I'm considering buying this. Do you think the price will drop quickly?
You always have a handful of people discussing the problematic gameplay (same as with SCVI) while everyone else is only on the bandwagon because it's a high tier IP and all the salt and outrage before the release.
Then the game is out and surprise surprise, the gameplay is a fucking boring mess.
See you all back when MK12 is announced, this time surely NRS will get it right! And no MTX to boot! Hell yeah! Oh ... and maybe Mileena .. better pre-order now!
Oh and Injustice 3 won't have zoning! We promise! Now empty those pockets.
The PC and switch versions are absolutly unnacceptable trash right now and are several patches behind already.
>using same metric as fortnite for a fucking fighting game
Fatality lmao
not as dead as your bedroom
After this post OP may as well consider doing a fatality on himself
>Not as dead as your life
Do people actually care for MK as a game franchise anymore? It feels like a "play for the story" kind of thing.
No one has time to watch MK11 because they're too busy grinding for 40 hours to unlock the costume they want.
Play for the story. >Its shit.
That’s not the second post newfag
you make it sound like mk was ever well known for its quality gameplay.
Flawless victory
This has nothing to do with MK more so that it's a fighting game thing. If there aren't any tournaments going on fighting games probably aren't getting any viewers.
MK was more known for its spectacle.
Have sex
I wish Cassie was my gf
fighting games are never that popular
So what's the best fighting game at the moment?
>Yea Forums keeps shitposting sekiro saying it has no replayability
>still has plenty of players
>Yea Forums hypes up MK11 as the hottest new thing
>completely dead a few days after release despite being a multiplayer game from a popular IP
it's called harakiri
>SJWs don’t actually play the games, they just buy them solely for the political propaganda
That explains a lot actually.
on what planet did Yea Forums hype MK? If anything MK is doing far better than Yea Forums and /pol/ had hoped
I'd say the gameplay is savable. You just need a better range of options rather than a small handful being way stronger. I don't feel pressed to ever use anything but my safe options, they usually lead to better damage anyway.
But visually the game is boring. The game is technically pretty, in the sense that yeah it does look realistic. The animations are even a lot better than before and faces are expressive. But it fails at making the combat exciting. The neutral isn't an engaging back and fourth but trading safe strings with little movement. Your normals often don't stand out from the stages and when you do a technique like perfect block it is very easy to miss that it happened. Projectiles not clashing mean instead of a tug of war with big flashy clashes, it is two people chucking a wall of damage at each other and hoping the opponent gives up on it first.
It is like a Hollywood movie vs a kung fu flick. Yeah the Hollywood movie has the bucks to make everything look good, but some bootleg Chinese film you got for 50p was made by people who know what makes a punch really feels like it hits.
Sorry, I mistyped Resetera. I sometimes confuse both Yea Forums and Resetera.
That's definitely the mindset of MK kucks.
>Daily MK shill threads disguised as """"""lore"""""""" threads
>Now nowhere to be found since the game is released
All signs to MK11 being a flop
>hypes up MK11
>on this board
that didn't happen. You also have a Sekiro defence force, same as an MK shitposting force. I'd know, I love Sekiro.
NRS fighters aren't taken seriously by the FGC. It has its niche in it, but usually with the same people like Sonicfox. It being dead in Japan is also a huge red flag. Hell, even Killer Instinct has a place in the Japanese FGC, that should tell you about how dead MK is over there.
This - also all the mysterious MK threads that started appearing right before MK11 was even possibly rumored/announced.
>make ugly characters
Just look at the fatalities online.
>sekiro on top.
Damn steam users are patricians.
Mk has always been about fatalities and couch 1v1.
Maybe online if you're into it, but even that is still shit.
Mr. Boon fucked up allowing WB to penetrate this game so hard with all dem monetizations.
Series went to shit after MK4 anyway.
>series went to shit after MK4
>Tobias left after MK4
It all makes sense.
I'm the MK lore master now.
Yet another sad case of Get Woke Go Broke. That's a mighty big tally for 2019. When will shareholders rise up against Marxists hijacking their investments?
I already watched that movie once on youtube.
Why would I watch it again on twitch?
The game got the reception it deserved honestly. Watching the devs desperately try to talk their way around the krypt being random was pretty funny. I'm actually pretty disappointed too, a lot of the character designs were pretty neat.
shitty, generic design, terrible name.
I'm not saying 'sub-zero' is super deep name, but it's not 1995 anymore. They could come up with something better.
if you do buy it don't buy it on pc or switch
bothe ports have graphical issues along with still not having gotten patches that ps4 and xbone have gotten, who knows if they'll fix this shit but right now it's fucking awful
I got a refund on my copy, first game on steam I've gotten a refund for
Yes, you will see a proce drop within a month I'd say because the game isnt very good. Might see it drop on price even sooner than that.
what am i looking at in this picture? did they remove blood?
Thy made hit effects less colorful/smaller
told status:
[x] told
[ ] not told
This, the dev's were obnoxious faggots but I still bought the game like a moron thinking they'd at least made a good game since they were so arrogant lol. Talk about disappointment, got a refund on it within a day.
>still 50k
and these faggots said it would be dead in a year
>If only you know how bad things really are
How bad is it user?
Post more if you got em.
It's so bad I blame the recent mass shooting and church bombings on it