ITT: games that copied other games but actually ended up being better

ITT: games that copied other games but actually ended up being better

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What did it copy

RE4 is better, DS has zero variety

I bet he's gonna say RE4

It's not better than System Shock. Fuck off.

It very much did copy RE4

Resi 4

what variety does RE4 have?

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I think they're referring to RE4. I can't imagine anyone with a straight face saying Dead Space is better than SS2

It has a village, a castle, an industrial area... Dead Space is just a space ship

SS2 is fucking overrated

I disagree. I think it deserves all the praise it got.

Not that user, but I agree, it is overrated. It's still better than Dead Space. I don't think it's a good comparison to make in the first place though. Dead Space wasn't trying to be an immersive sim, it had very light immersive sim elements. It was very much a third person horror shooter.

Because it's literally fucking true. Even the director said it if you are one of those "Word of God or it's not true" cunts.

Dead Space is leaps and bounds better gameplay wise

I think it's an apples and oranges type thing. No use even comparing the two.

>Dead Space is leaps and bounds better gameplay wise

>clunky shooting with over the shoulder view where your character covers half the screen removing any sense of situal awareness, system shock 2's first-person view is obviously superior for shooting
>very limited mobility, your character can't even jump or grab ledges like in system shock 2, and movement speed is way slower than in system shock 2
>clunky menus that interrupt the flow of gameplay, whereas system shock2's inventory and other menus take up only a fraction of the screen and can be used to seamlessly interact with the game world

In what universe is Dead Space's gameplay better?

Again, I disagree.
Gameplay is a bit faster but it's not particularly interesting. Even for a 3rd person shooter DS is pretty mediocre.

Because they're different genres you stupid inbred

Not that guy, but the menus in Dead Space are one of the best things about the game IMO. Not a single HUD element is placed traditionally on the screen, it's all part of the world. Does wonders for immersion, and I didn't think the menus were clunky at all, and they didn't take too much of the screen either. I wouldn't have it any other way, though I think it's clear SS2 and DS weren't trying to be the same kind of game

I mean I like dead space, but saying it isn't an RE4 clone is asinine

how in the fuck is anyone comparing SS2 to dead space
all of you kill yourselves.

Dead Space has
>better polish
>better enemy design
>precise aiming at enemy weak points
>more satisfying weapons to use

You do know some of the anons you've quoted agree with you right?


Castle and island are shit though
Space ship is good all of the time

Kek none of those are true

>Not that guy, but the menus in Dead Space are one of the best things about the game IMO. Not a single HUD element is placed traditionally on the screen, it's all part of the world.
But that's just a cosmetic effect. I'm talking about how it actually affects gameplay, In Dead Space's menus lock you into a full-screen view and while it technically doesn't pause the game, it covers the entire screen so it still effectively interrupts gameplay.

By contrast, System Shock 2 uses the immersive sim style of menu design where the menus can be seamlessly accessed during gameplay. Not only is it much quicker and user-friendly to select/use items, but it also allows for all sorts of uses of inventory and interaction that arn't possible in Dead Space.

System Shock 2's inventory is also better because rather than taking up slots, items take up different amount of space (e.g. a shotgun takes up more space than a bag of chips), and increasing your strength increases your carry capacity.

>Dead Space doesn’t have telekinesis or precise aiming

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>reading comprehension

Dead Space has
>better polish
Of course it has better polish, it had a budget of like 50 million dollars, whereas System Shock 2 had a budget of only 1.7 million dollars.

But polish isn't everything. Everything from the exploration to the sound design of enemies to the sort of obstacles you encounter to the psi powers and hacking and interaction in System Shock 2 elevates it far beyond Dead Space.

Dead Space is a competently and polished put together game.

But System Shock 2 is a masterpiece.

Heck, even SS2's art direction is better, with some mods that increase the texture solution.

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System Shock 2 has telekenesis as well, as well as precise aiming (namely headshots). The enemy design of DS revolves around nothing but fleshy monsters, SS has fleshy monsters, cyborgs, robots, robot assassins. The weapon are subjective since in DS aside from the dismemberment gimmick it still felt like some enemies were just bullet sponges.
As for the polish that's the only point I'd concede.

>Dead Space's menus lock you into a full-screen view and while it technically doesn't pause the game

It's hardly a full screen menu, it's around 2/3 of the screen. But that's not the point. The menus in SS2 are more practical but the ones in DS suit a horror style game better. They're more immersion-enhancing and that's important for a game that tries to scare you. I think the developers of both of these games made the right choices for how the menus work in both of them. For what it's worth I'm one of the anons ITT saying that to even compare SS2 and DS is pretty pointless since they don't have a lot in common from a game design perspective.

What reading comprehension you retard?
>"Because they're different genres you stupid inbred"
>how in the fuck is anyone comparing SS2 to dead space all of you kys
Drink some bleach boyo

doesn't matter if they were smart they'd end their lives

I’d argue that Dead Space has better sound design and lighting and I greatly prefer the industrial setting
It’s not fair to cite a modded game when comparing art design

How come the first game is so much better than 2 and 3?

>how in the fuck is anyone comparing SS2 to dead space

Dead Space was originally going to be System Shock 3, EA held the rights to make a sequel,

Then Resident Evil 4 came out and the develoeprs decided to copy that instead.

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>more satisfying weapons to use

none of that matters since you can beat the game easily anyway with just the plasma cutter

you have a point

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I'd say 2 is pretty close to 1 actually. There was less horror and more action, but the gameplay was improved a lot. It was a lot less clunky and the environments were much better and more varied. Definitely a worthwhile experience IMO. They dropped the ball hard on 3 though.

kek this will never get any yous nioh fucking sucks

>I’d argue that Dead Space has better sound design

The audio design in Dead Space is some of the worst I've seen in a game. An entire fucking orchestra goes of as soon as a monster jump scares you. It's absurd and completely kills any sense of immersion. The developers had no sense of restraint or subtlety, which is one of the ingredients of good horror.

By contrast, the audio design in System Shock 2 is fantastic. Not just the ambient environmental sounds, but e.h. the desperate pleas and cries for help of the humanoid Hybrid enemies are creepy as fuck.

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Not that guy, but that's still no argument. The first DMC started development as a Resident Evil game but it's still incredibly stupid to compare DMC to RE because the development took a drastic turn and the game became something else entirely. Similarly, not much of SS3 is left in DS at all. It's much, much more inspired by RE4.

hello graham


>Electronic Arts announced Dead Space in September 2007.[24] The game was developed at their studio in Redwood Shores, California. A 2006 rumor had suggested that the studio was working on a System Shock sequel.[25] This was later confirmed by Dead Space designers Ben Wanat and Wright Bagwell, who stated that it was originally intended to be System Shock 3, before the release of Resident Evil 4 inspired them to go back to the drawing board and develop it into something more along those lines.[26]

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>what is reading comprehension

Are you even trying? Apply yourself.

Dead Space has some amazing sound design, the sound effects for reloading, picking up ammo, opening doors, etc are all iconic and necromorphs sound terrifying

I'm sorry, but this sounds incredibly bogstandard and generic, and the fact that there are literally movie-style orchestral music cues for the jump scares mixed in doesn't help your argument.

Now listen to this:

>expect resi 4 and ds arguments
>get ss2 out of nowhere
just go make a prey thread for the love of god

>not this

>white noise is good sound design
Lol ok

Why was 3 so bad?

Any chance of a reboot?

>What variety does RE4 have?
variety = diversity
Spanish = basically Mexicans
Mexicans = not white
not white = diverse

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System Shock

That's just an elk scream with some work done on it. Might be layered with an actual human scream

Some months ago someone posted another example and it was literally just a tiger call with barely any work done on it.

Hopefully not. RE2 was the closest thing we'll get as a Dead Space game. Dead Space 2 was the peak Dead Space, it refined everything that Dead Space did right and IMO it's the best game of its genre in Gen7.

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I like how aggressively Issac smashes boxes with his foot stomp.

>amazing sound design
>literally someone just screaming with some distorted post-processing effects

Meanwhile, Ssystem Shock 2's audio design actually has a distinct gamplay purpose, by allowing you to locate enemies in the vicinity by their sounds:

>white noise is good sound design

>anything that isn't a generic Hollywood-style score is white noise

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>by allowing you to locate enemies in the vicinity by their sounds


What a revolutionary concept!

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>What a revolutionary concept!
It's not, yet Dead Space's supposedly amazing sound design is so poor that it barely even allows you to hear enemies that are a few feet away.

>Meanwhile, Ssystem Shock 2's audio design actually has a distinct gamplay purpose, by allowing you to locate enemies in the vicinity by their sounds:

Are you actually implying that wasn't the intention of the stalker's sounds? You could've argued that maybe it sounded better or some bullshit that's completely up to personal preference, but alright.

Also bonus

Notice in the video how you can hear the direction each stalker is from their sounds and footsteps? And how their call alerts you to their presence before you enter the room? Maybe you need better headphones.

I have actually yet to play the games but proves you wrong.

In your first video there is a whole herd of stalkers that are effectively completely silent, despite literally standing 2 feet in front of the player (behind industrial crates).

How does that help your argument?

One of the reasons why Dead Space's sound design is poorer than System Shock 2 is because its much more scripted. Enemies in Dead Space are generally spawned in very close to the player.

While System Shock 2 does have respawning enemies, they are spawned away farther from the player and are allowed to roam and patrol a wider area.

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>preach about game sound design
>understand fuck all about it

You're the one not helping your arguments. Watching this from the sidelines i can say that you don't have a leg to stand on.

>hurr durr why isn't the enemy making noise while still stalking its prey before actually attacking

>hurr durr why isn't the enemy making noise while still stalking its prey before actually attacking

>hiding behind crates for some reason and then when it finally does make noise, it does so by extremely loudly banging on those crates so that the player is sure to hear them
>"stalking its prey"

0:01 The stalker screams, allowing the player to know that there are enemies in the area.
0:09 Something metal clatters in the distance, allowing the player to know the general distance and direction the danger is.
0:11 - 0:31 The stalkers are INTENTIONALLY BEING SILENT so they can attempt to ambush the player. This is where you (the dumbass) make sounds proving to me that you're retarded:
>In your first video there is a whole herd of stalkers that are effectively completely silent, despite literally standing 2 feet in front of the player (behind industrial crates)
This is because they want to ambush the player. Hence the name stalker.

0:32 They clatter around all at once. You can hear that there's one on the crate behind Isaac and one a bit more back from where he came.
0:34 You can definitely that the stalker is extremely close, to the left of Isaac, until it jumps in front of him and runs off behind a crate further ahead, you can hear the footsteps the entire time.
0:38 You can hear a squack from one of the stalkers peeking over a crate.
0:40 You can hear a stomp from the stalker hiding behind a container up ahead from the right. Shortly after the stalker that squacked behind the crate screeches, allowing the player know that they are being charged at.
0:50 More footsteps can be heard from stalkers far on the right. One can be slightly heard ahead behind some more crates.


How fun would it be to get attacked from an enemy in a game that's completely silent. It would catch you way more off guard, but it would be poor game design.

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Stalkers actively work on distracting you so that another one gets an opportunity to attack you. They often make noise and peek around corners making you focus on them as another one flanks you. Them making noise when they're not attacking or trying to distract you would make no sense.