1 more left to chivalry 2.0. What does v think of it? Imo this is the game that we need but dont deserve

1 more left to chivalry 2.0. What does v think of it? Imo this is the game that we need but dont deserve

Attached: jqgWySx.jpg (1920x1200, 793K)

>floaty slippery meme combat.

>he was dogshit and couldn't kill anyone so he blames the combat

Attached: oops.png (97x112, 21K)

Want to play this but never played chivalry so Id probably just get raped 24/7 which will get old

Is there any word on what the price is?

30 € with 10 % discount on release which means 27

Floaty and slippery meme combat
>Floaty and slippery meme combat
> autism

Attached: mordcuckage.jpg (606x529, 84K)

I too enjoy making things up about games i never play

>look up at the sky
>spin around while spamming attack
Game is shit