1 more left to chivalry 2.0. What does v think of it? Imo this is the game that we need but dont deserve
1 more left to chivalry 2.0. What does v think of it? Imo this is the game that we need but dont deserve
>floaty slippery meme combat.
>he was dogshit and couldn't kill anyone so he blames the combat
Want to play this but never played chivalry so Id probably just get raped 24/7 which will get old
Is there any word on what the price is?
30 € with 10 % discount on release which means 27
Floaty and slippery meme combat
>Floaty and slippery meme combat
> autism
I too enjoy making things up about games i never play
>look up at the sky
>spin around while spamming attack
Game is shit
hitting them with the sword like that is fucking dumb. You'd smash them with a pommel like a hammerfist in MMA after knocking them off balance.
it is floaty. any combat that allows you to move freely while attacking has that pronounced floatiness and lack of impact. it's in everything from TES, to Dark Messiah, to M&B, to Chivalry.
is sjw-less mode confirmed? Not buying without it
>It is this way because i say it is
>SJW-less mode
Whats the difference between mordhau and chivs?
mordhau fixes all the shit chiv did wrong like dragging, spinning, falchion and uses unreal engine
You new here?
>not an argument
Mordhau's combat has more depth and options while also removing the ability to do the ballerina bullshit, there are more directions to swing from and most weapons have alternate grips (can turn halberds around and hit with blunt side, can halfhand zweihanders, use a mordhau grip on normal straight swords etc.) Also you can be disarmed and even chuck your weapon at someone willingly. There are also horses on some maps you can ride around and kill people in (with jousting-type lances as map pickups, but you can use your own weapons on the horses as well)
Instead of picking a class you create a character and pick their arms and armor with a build point system
I'm someone completely different. I'm saying if you came to this board and expected anything but the the most retarded of takes on literally any subject, you must be new or horrendously optimistic.
Been here long enough to fuck ur mom lol
looks like shit
Chivalry was largely renowned for its impactful combat, you just have autism my friend
But wait you're not my friend, you are a For Loser SHILL clinging on to a dead 3rd person canned animation Simon Says Sim atrocity ahahhahahahahaa back to /fhg/ YOU CLOWNS
This is a phenomenal game to have a squad for. Good for just killing some time, unmatched for griefing as a group.
Faggot earlier in the thread is correct in that its a first person melee game but much like Mount and Blade there are definite righr and wrong ways to fight.
you know, there used to be a time where video games were actually discussed and retards wouldnt wrap themselves in 10000 layers of le irony.
I know.
iirc devs said even if they add female models post release it would be client-side toggle
Does it use that retarded waggle combat form mount and blade? Because if it does then it means the game is a piece of shit.
>clientside toggle
if they actually do that they are the #1 most based devs in my book
Depends on how you choose to see it, you get to bash women's heads in if that's what you mean
Come on, after a certain point Chivalry combat got incredibly fucking silly for any player that was decent with all the fucking dragging it was still fun as fuck, i miss it very much
I hope Mordhau doesn't suffer the same fate
>releases tomorrow
>my new PC hasn't arrived yet
I explained exactly why.
Who renowned Chivalry for this? You?
And For Honor sucks nuts nigga.
>whip your mouse around like a crazy spaz
>"it's good combat guys!"
Every reviewer, feel free to use a search engine of your choice
tell me how mouse dpi can affect your swing when a turn cap is in place? please?