What happened to Etna's costume over the years, why did it change so much??

what happened to Etna's costume over the years, why did it change so much??

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Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: D1_Etna.png (861x1550, 708K)

The mini-skirt was a better look.

The emphasis began to shift toward the cunny so as to comply with the needs of modern audiences.

Anyone who thinks the skirt + thighhigh stockings is better than the leather hotpants + thighhigh boots is actually incorrect.

it's hard to improve on perfection.

lmao what a prude

This, but I also dislike hotpants in general.
If you are going to design the Etna in the OP, just draw her in pantsu and stop beating around the bush.

Absolute territory and the mystery of a skirt > not-panties
The boots should have at least stayed black

Attached: D1_Etna_02_Bust.jpg (853x1000, 397K)

She had to be ready to welcome her onii-chan

>Absolute territory
Holy shit I forgot about this term. What a forgotten art.

Leather hotpants are unmatchable, sorry.

I'll give you that some people like ZR specifically just as some people (myself) like thighhigh boots specifically. But you can't tell me there is anything better than leather hotpants.

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Your challenge for today: find a good Etna cosplay.
Picture not related, you guessed well.

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>Picture not related
I don't think I've read anything on Yea Forums more truthful than this, in regards to what you posting. Holy fuck.

Inferior spats


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You are a pervert of impeccable taste.

Zettai Ryuki is still popular AF.

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she got obsessed with being called "sexy" and like all girls with that problem, it lead her to slut up.

>bioware Disgaea.jpg

could be worse

Attached: flonneevo.png (2000x1000, 790K)

spoopy the one with open eyes follows the camera.

Reminder that everything after D1 didn't happen

She got sluttier. After their native game all Disgaea characters get reduced down to their base elements and become flat, one note cardboard cutouts for future cameos. Especially the original trio, though I'd argue Laharl has it the worst.

That skirt is 90s as fuck.

Busty Etna!

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>though I'd argue Laharl has it the worst
explain, how could he have it worse than

delete this

somewhat soul

Laharl had a strong character development in Disgaea 1, and with the good end he's on his way to become a good overlord.
But in every other games he's back at being Disgaea Chapter1 Laharl, a whiny kid obsessed with petty immature things like "being the main character" and using violence over all sort of conflict, things that D1 taught him doesnt work.
the popularity of the sex change joke also means that now he love being what he used to dislike for no real reason except the fans liking to masturbate to the pics.

Laharl as a character was compelling because the entire overarching plot of D1 tailored to him.
He denied love because he was emotionally scarred and couldn't accept that his mother sacrificed her life out of love for him. Then you have Flonne come along, naively preaching her shallow idea of love that she learned from a text book. They both lack things the other person has, and over the course of the game, Laharl comes to care for her so much he's willing to make that same ultimate sacrifice for her.
Meanwhile just a cackling idiot with a napoleon complex in the cameos.

disgaea6 when?

Attached: D6.png (2894x4093, 1.54M)

Batle costume.

Cursed image.

Flonne was always a ditzy weeaboo, even in D1 it wouldn't really have been out-of-character for her to want to act like a magical girl, putting that slutty design aside
Over the course of D1 Laharl goes from a spoiled brat who almost cuts a kid in half for getting in the way of him executing the kid's father to sparing the life of the man who he thinks killed the girl he loved right in front of him because he knows deep down it would just be more senseless violence that wouldn't fix anything. In the next game he destroys another Netherworld throwing a tantrum over losing a fight.

Attached: Disgaea-Screenshot-2.jpg (620x425, 48K)

it got both funnier and cuter, what's the problem?

Holy fuck.

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>I only watched the first chapter, development is for nerds lmao fuck the weebs

1 and 2 look fine. Dunno why she turned into some sort of super heroine magical girl or whatever. That really should've stayed as a inside joke in the games.

>Yeah mom, your cosplay project came out great. Now, could you please put some clothes on.

I love demon Flonne, so cute.

How is this series , Ive heard both good and bad things.

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One of the between-episode skits literally has Flonne narrating herself as a magical girl fighting Etna, fuck off. Character development doesn't mean she doesn't have hobbies anymore, she still gets fired up over the Prism Rangers and gets everyone to do a big power-of-friendship team attack in the final fucking chapter. I'm not insulting her, she's a goofy Love Freak to the core and it's endearing.

Attached: Disgaea1CompleteReview003.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

Why do Americans have to ruin everything?

It's a nice TRPG series with a lot of content

just look at your own pic, right side is how trash it is now.

but that's not a Disgaea character is it?

Was Disgaea 5 a bad game? Haven't played it yet.

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>Flonne 1
Cute and simple design
>Flonne 2
>angel turning into little devil
MUH tier
>Flonne 3

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I dont know , I guess its in our DNA too much race mixing
Thanks! I like TRPGs
I do like the left side better , but shes making a really ugly face so...

3D ruins everything

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When I played Disgaea 1 for the first time ~10 years ago, I thought Flonne's bare chest was visible through the slit in her shirt during the dialogue scenes. I was pretty disappointed later to realize what I was seeing was her red undershirt thing.

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cursed image

People realized that elbow gloves are shit tier and that shorter ones with large cuffs are much better.

Could the failure of the phone game kill the franchise for good?

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Tell me the truth, it has a dick doesn't it.

Her costume should be her birthday suit next.

that's when she transform you dumb fuck. she's still the second picture

>implying you wouldn't

Attached: etna-kun.png (774x1000, 312K)

Futa would be way more interesting than trap.

I will now buy your game


Why did she sleep with just her left leg in the sun

I need more Etna in my life.

>Was Disgaea 5 a bad game?
It continued the trend of flat girls acting like 7 year olds instead of flat girls acting like 13 year olds. Fuck all the toddlerfuckers who want to have sex with Usalia.

she fell asleep under the sunshade with her leg out.

5 is a good game (even some new mechanics just trivialize parts of the grind) but the story is abysmal.

I'll never have enough Etna in my life, no matter how much I commission.

What's harada up to these days? I haven seen new official Etna art in ages.

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Making F/GO characters.

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He's not employed by NIS as regularly as then. Some of the more recent "official" Etna art is just older art with some other clothes drawn on top of it. He's doing other shit now.


How many kids has Etna had by this time?

that outfit looks illegal

it happens

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Reminder that Etna is a loud mouthed perma virgin that cries herself to sleep every night hugging a krichevskoy body pillow.

Literally 1,395 years old.

But she's a succubus who has lived for a like a million years in some games. You're telling me she doesn't have some kids?

It should be

Attached: wu.jpg (2894x3700, 1.04M)

Well, she's not really a succubus.

Fuck sun, seriously. I knew being a basement dweller was a good decision.

Magical Girl Flonne is entirely optional, she's barely the same entity. It's like saying Female Laharl is his definitive progression.

I guess when you're immortal leaving kids just drops off the list.

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She's not a succubus, and afaik she's 1473 years old, I haven't seen a game where she's portrayed older.

>But she's a succubus who has lived for a like a million years in some games.
nothing there is true.


Attached: disgaead2__laharl_chan_by_erichankun-d67n4ht.jpg (816x979, 195K)

She became waifu bait. Same reason they completely destroyed her personality.

>Losing to hoggmeiser

that's kinda the point

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Its really not that bad a cosplay, just an unattractive woman.
Surerly it would not have been that hard to find a better tail though.

except literally mandatory for several chapters

based beanis

Attached: beanis.jpg (1000x1200, 553K)

It didn't help.
>Gacha is the most lucrative genre for games in Japan by a wide margin, so much so that companies are making gacha out of fucking anything and have nearly stopped console development altogether
>SRPGs are a great fit for mobage
>Nippon Ichi's flagship title has the worst launch out of any mobage in recent history, possibly ever

Gonna be hard to recover from that.

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They could sue the studio they outsourced to make the game.

>goes from slightly angelic looking girl
>to succubutt
>to Magical Slut


To be honest, the fans of the series are just angry at ForwardWorks for fucking it up, not at NIS

It was mandatory to play as FemLaharl and Etna Blue too.

There's literally nothing wrong with a design canon to her mindset since the beginning, other than shit Evility

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Flonne is a miracle of the universe

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It’s a heavily photoshopped/edited picture, if that makes you feel any better.

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Absolutely, it makes perfect sense in my opinion. It's a cute and over the top sentai/magical girl transformation with love inspiration, fits perfectly with Flonne.

So all that happened is that she left that dumb belt skirt somewhere. Wow, what a change.

>Metallia reacting to getting manhandled like that
I don't think so mate. She'd be punching Etna in the fucking stomach.

Gross nipples

lately watching girls sleep gives me raging boners just by looking at their chest and tummy rise and fall

Like this?

Attached: 1477604162856.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>New sprites have new outfits and portraits are the old ones
>Etna doesn't even seem embarrased in her sprite

My god, Disgaea 1 Complete is fucking horrible.
Glad steam has the best version of the old game

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In the sense that tarantulas or car accidents are miracles, yes.

Etna is the one and only best girl of the series

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>real girls are so icky so ill just masturbate to cartoons and blame the Jews for all my failures!

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Started wearing less somehow

I just got Disgaea 5 on sale for Switch. When should I redeem the special content? I want to experience the main story without outscaling it and becoming too OP, but I saw there are new classes available too. Should I wait til post story or do they have minimal impact on the difficulty?

The new classes you can grab right away. Everything else is I'd wait for as a few of those DLC characters can be stupidly powerful.

uh oh, a wild obese woman appeared

Is Disgaea 5 actually fun, thinking about getting it on the switch. Worried that it's mainly only for cunnyfags and weebs

Unsurprising. This place became incel-central in 2016. It’s going to get even worse as the Trump cuck shills start flooding back to this sight for 2020.

Disgaea as a whole is weeb as fuck, but it's still fun.

There is a demo for it on the switch if you want to try it out.

I'm looking forward to official nude Etna at this rate. With every game she wears even less.

>my holes are too fragile to compete against drawings! make them illegal now! you must worship ME!
go dilate somewhere else, tranny

Hara draws nudes then add the clothes all the time.

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Thanks Obama

I love Etna!

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No, I love Etna.

Etna is the best.

Attached: etna sexy beam.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

There's literally no reason to not just go ahead and do this.

Yeah It's very fun. Characters aren't as good but if you don't expect anything from them they're still enjoyable.

Damn her thighs got fat, pyon~

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Etna is the best!

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4 letters : snoy

Bunny Curry.

fuck off to Yea Forums

>anime imageboard

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99% of its fans are in it solely for the fanservice and waifus. That should tell you everything.

t.never played the games
The games themselves are legitimately fun if you have a specific type of mental disability that causes arousal when exposed to exponentially increasing numbers

Trying Disgaea 5 as my first Disgaea game and it's alright but I think I'm going to be done with it forever once I kill the final boss. The grind doesn't seem worth it.

Reminder that Disgaea 1 was the peak of both character design and personality. Recurring characters like Laharl and Flonne have only gone downhill since.

>Disgaea fans
>Play the games for fanservice
When Disgaea 1 was released, there wasn't any real strategy RPGs available for the PS2. At the time, there wasn't even a lot of JRPGs. NIS carried JRPGs until every other company started developing them for the PS2. By that point, a golden age started, but it was dead before then.

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western designs

why would some shitty cosplay ruin your enjoyment of a game?

D3 PC when?

>wearing underwear

how about FUCK no

>at least 50% less belts

What was fatlus thinking

Working on the labyrinth sequel.

her panties getting stolen is the plot to one of the spinoffs

When it gets a PSP port that NISA can lazily port over.

Where did this meme come from? She's always worn underwear, it even says so in the concept art for Disgaea 2, where he draws her black underwear with the text "Black panties that you can't see because of the rating"
All her figurines have panties too, aside from the ones based on Disgaea D2 which have hotpants and so you can't see them.

Hell, they were a prize for a pre-release contest.

Where would Etna rank on the Tummy Tier list?

Attached: majorita4.png (850x1134, 919K)

Also this, there's an entire game based on her panties, NISA even made a contest about her panties.
I own a pair

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And to top it all off. She has tattoos,which makes everything even worse

Just because she owns a few pair doesn't mean she has to wear them.

Attached: 114.jpg (2379x3472, 2.59M)

delete this, DELETE THIS

Spinoffs are non-canon and figurines are censored

It's right here in the concept art, at the bottom.

Attached: Etna D2 concept.jpg (1000x703, 351K)

This one isn't bad, it's hard to find one where both the cosplay is good and it isn't being worn by a fucking goblin.

Attached: etna.jpg (1200x1200, 142K)

ultra low cut panties are a gift from god

it already has a vita port

>the white tips on the wings
Someone who hasn't looked at more than 2 pieces of art carefully and didn't realize it was a light spot and not fucking talons.

Too difficult to port to PC mate.

>NISA even made a contest about her panties.
i remember seeing that but i thought it was scrapped in the end

No matter what she's supposed to wear, she doesn't have them in basically every piece of art that doesn't directly show the underskirt.
As far as the cannon goes, She's has a nopan fetish.

Attached: 069.jpg (2403x3480, 1.17M)

have they translated anymore art books?

Only okay one I've seen was from a YouTube vid, pic related.

Attached: etnaCos.png (598x939, 1.09M)

No it went through, I even put in two entries for it didn't win And people were angry that they chose a winner that didn't abide by the contest's rule of monochrome.
They sent a pair of panties to the top 3, 50 random participants, and gave out a bunch as promo at a prerelease event.
It took me YEARS to find a pair on ebay, and have never seen one again since.
That's literally the fucking opposite of canon, you peanut.
Like the concept art states, Harada wasn't allowed to draw her panties being visible because that would give the game a higher rating, so he did his best to avoid drawing them in official art.
Claiming that she canonically has a nopan fetish is just stupid, and literally headcanon.

Her original PS2 version VA is still the best. I don't get why they had to change it for the PSP/PC versions.

This is possible the best cosplay I've seen of her yet. for outfit at least, the face is just very regrettable.

because of sexless weeaboos and incels.

I prefer Tomoe Hanba's japanese voice, but I do like Michelle Ruff's take on her as well, though I may prefer Michelle Ruff over the woman who did the first game because I started with the second game.

i would fuck both

>that one recent etna riding animation

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Amanda Win Lee is a weirdo pothead

"Sex sells" has been a thing since before either of those terms existed.

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>they can't show panties because of the ratings!

Attached: Harada_077.jpg (1086x1536, 164K)

because half the voice cast of Disgaea 1 was random acquaintances of the localization team that did it for a laugh but didn't want to make a carreer out of it.

That's more like a bikini.

Shhh don't complain just enjoy the cute and funny demon lolis before sony hears about it

Attached: how cute.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

Not a main character who gets into all the promotional material and all the scenes, not as important.

1) That's just a heavily pixelated sprite ingame where you can barely tell.
2) Actual panty slips are rated a hell of a lot more severely than just seeing someone wearing what pretty much amounts to a bikini.

are they going to recover from the mobile game?

>hurr weebs and incels didn't exist previous to definition
weebcel detected

If I have the PC version of Disgaea should I bother with Complete?

Stop making shit up. Disgaea 2, where Etna's 2nd look come from, was on the PS2, at a time when Japanese esrb didn't give a shit about panties in games, at all. Stop being a retarded zoomer that believe the world 15 year ago was the same as last week.

Complete is a cheap cashgrab, although it does have SOME improvements over the Steam version, like healers getting EXP from using their healing spells, and not just killing enemy units, like in vanilla.
Although I'm not sure if those fixes are in the western version yet.

So you're saying Harada lied in his concept art?

Bitch it's literally written on the fucking concept art sheet, RIGHT FUCKING THERE, for Disgaea 2, so obviously it mattered

That's literally what is written in the 15 year old artbook I have on my shelf. But okay.

I really don't know, I wish they would stop.

Devil Flonne makes my peepee hard

>dude trust me I speak japanese

because society's views on whats acceptable in the 1990s has changed to whats acceptable in the 2010s. etna was dressed just as slutty in the first game as she is in the last, you just dont realize it because you werent alive during the 90s. Shes dressed like a pill popping rave-slut in the first game.



Black pantsu
Because rating
Can't see.

Yes, actually, I do, I went to a university to study Japanese, so go fuck yourself.


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What does Etna's vagina taste like?

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Prinny cum.

Something about her top seemed off, but it's more that she's missing her long sleeves and got big cuffed gloves instead. Sleeves are far superior to simple gloves.

Actually, maybe this is why they did away with her skirt?
Take that ratings boards. Can't get upskirt shots if she's not wearing a skirt!



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pizza iirc

To be honest, I like absolutely nothing about her DD2 design.
They made her limbs really thin and noodly, they ruined her tail, and I much prefer her long sleeve gloves, skirt and thighhighs from the second game.

Attached: Etna Chart.jpg (1350x750, 138K)

How is the tail ruined? Just because it's longer?

>Etna gets angrier with every game

It's weirdly thin, imo, I like how the tail has substance in the Disgaea 2 look.

I don't dislike her limbs, and I kinda like her top. I can also appreciate her hotpants, but her D2 skirt is superior.
But yeah, D2 design is the best.

I don't really have a problem with the top, but I don't really like hotpants, regardless Disgaea 2 version is the best one though, Disgaea 1 version drawn in a newer art style is also really nice.

Attached: etna psp remake.jpg (800x1137, 296K)

Who is best Disgaea? It's me for Majorita

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I would say she is cuteFunny

Could be flatter, but pretty good regardless


You know, I think this was one of the first images I saved when coming to Yea Forums. Odd seeing it posted again.

Not enough

Attached: happymajor.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

This, though I'd be willing to include the second game.
3, 4, and 5 are not canon. D2 doesn't even exist, I refuse to acknowledge it.

it's a good image

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That navel needs a good tongue cleaning

Still my favorite design for her.

I'm sorry but anime girls don't need cleaning so take your tongue elsewhere.

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Costume in this one could be better. The skirt is too long.

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Why did they drop the ball so hard with D2 anyways. I feel like there was a ludicrously missed opportunity in making Laharl an overbearing brother in an attempt to make up for his familial failings with his dead parents. Rather than the same completely undeveloped Laharl he's been reduced to forever. It would also provide a better mirror to Etna's story with Xenolith at least. Actually, I wonder if any of the current writers from the original Disgaea are still around or if the current writers have even played the first game.

I hate her new boots and gloves.

Imagine licking her navel without consent

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funny etna eat a borgr

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Games you can't play with an unerect dick

What ever happened to the mobile game anyway?

the only good Etna cosplay would be if an actual 10 year old did it, and nobody is going to post such a thing

They're the same outfit dumbfuck. They just added more detail to Flonne's sprite that isn't in-frame on her portrait art anyway.

I doubt such a thing even exists to post. Nobody would let their kid do that.

Do I have to play all the disgaea games in order to get into them?

more games should be THIS cute and funny

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Did someone say tomboy? No? Don't care

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I want to lick that tummy

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I've seen a fair share of stupid designs but that belt headband and belt top are probably one of the worst

Still cute

Read the thread, the first one is the only one that matters.

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*the best

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What is it about flat chests? I mean I love mega milkers, but there is something tantalizing about DFC.

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god I want to tie up Etona, and lick and suck her stomach

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this looks so off
like they stuck mammoth legs on a small girl

Bimbofication gets me rock hard so I can live with this.

No wonder the angle was so high

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why the fuck are all the Etna cosplayers so growse

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goblin jews are so disgusting

the best thing about league is the cosplays

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only a female neet would cosplay etna, and female neet are gross like male neet

It's not called Fatlus for no reason

female neets are usually that way for a reason yeah
cant rely on their attractiveness to carry them through life

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Cosplay is cringe and never sexy. I've never seen a good cosplay in my entire life; in-game characters are always more attractive.

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Rise is better looking both in-game and in the anime.

obviously 2D is superior but I think this one does a good job

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need moar

Her outfit looks both uncomfortable and hilariously out-of-place.


Attached: 470.png (266x273, 131K)

Either extreme is great. Middle ground is not.

I find her pose in DD2 very weird. If you look at her D1 and D2 design, she stands with her hips forward, shoulders a bit slumped and backwards and with wide feet. It's a kind of masculine pose, showing that she is in control.
Then in DD2 she has her knees much closer together, is sticking out her ass backwards and pushing forward her chest. Suddenly it's a very feminine and sexualized pose.

And it ruins her characterization just from the pose alone.

This is the perfect body you need to cosplay Etna.

Attached: 1549365839826.jpg (720x720, 90K)

thank ms. skeltal

Is she dead yet?

Dude there's something about this chick that makes me want to break all of her bones. I want to stomp her out like a fucking beer can.


I feel terror, disgust, and pity all at once.

Attached: [Laughter stops].jpg (313x254, 56K)

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yet that's the only body type that can be Etna without looking obese

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No but she finally got professional help after crying from youtube comments because she was even worse than that image.

Etna has a little more meat in the right places
She also doesnt look malnourished
skinny is not skeletal user

are you by any chance a fat obese offended by skinny girls
skinny doesnt mean they have to show bones, something like etna's just requires a low fat percentage and also low muscle development

why is meltyfate so perfect?

Majorita deserves to be locked up in my bedroom and live on a diet of my cum

Can she even recover from that?

Attached: 1335736018728.jpg (600x600, 87K)

It was hotter when she was wearing a skirt and you could imagine nopan.


Attached: 1407318435568.jpg (500x705, 312K)

Easily. anorexia leaves less marks than obesity by far.

pelvic curtain > hot pants > skirt

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 23434343.png (1920x932, 1.55M)

vote ABE

Just look at her arms, and you can see Etna has more meat. Etna's arms are basically straight lines, on that other girl you can clearly see bone structure in the arms.

Attached: kaosmatesalot.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

>playing in windowed mode
>not using printscreen

thats a very specific fetish

I don’t think Harada would draw her with bones even if that’s what she’d realistically look like

literally just lower work hours and give tax breaks per child had.

doesnt work for the nordic countries
as income grows birthrates decline, hence rapefugee imports

Will she be nerfed for Disgaea 6?

Attached: 1445669593944.png (315x399, 154K)

she will be replaced

>belt headband
>belt tanktop
>actually properly-placed belt doesn't hold anything up because she's wearing bike spats

Attached: 1534792453462.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Because the nords are taxed out the ass regardless.

a minute of silence for those who fell and never came back.

Attached: android.png (520x446, 128K)

yet they have some of the highest incomes, almost everything is deductable and they work fewer than almost any other country

and still, birthrates are low
when people can afford to buy means to entertain themselves they dont want to have kids
poorer people cant afford contraceptives as easily and have nothing to do besides fuck, so more kids are born
the only other solution is to import poorer people or do as japan is trying to do and replace many jobs with robots so the declining workforce isnt as much of an issue

Attached: do_it_for_Majorita.png (1400x1000, 990K)

Why did they drop him after 3?

Attached: Majin_Illustrations_(Disgaea).jpg (702x1000, 191K)

A few burgers and that is it.

Forces time off and forced paid overtime.

Global warming is real

Doesn't Disgaea dabble in alternate universes or something? There's a lot on inconsistencies with the timeline if it even exist.

they kind of dropped the idea of "perfect unit for the new game plus" now that any unit can just become perfect.

Attached: D3_Cheerleader.png (794x912, 463K)

I'm glad. I don't like having to make my colorful cast of units all Majins.

it's kinda nebulous from game to games. Technically demons, humans and angles are in the same universe, but from games to games there are "alternate netherworlds" that are either considered planets, or actual dimensions accessible through portals.
That said, while the game lore aknowledge alternate worlds, so far no alternate world was actually a "different version of the current ones" with like, other etnas and stuff.

Jesus Christ I didn't know that...thanks for the info user.

>After their native game all Disgaea characters get reduced down to their base elements and become flat, one note cardboard cutouts for future cameos.
Does this happen in Disgaea D2 as well?

Kinda? Llharl throughout the game shows how much he's changed since the first game by saving people?

Attached: 902b85f1cea341de7feaad297b601a2c.jpg (748x730, 60K)

I dunno, I kinda like how blatantly ineffective and unbalanced the design is.
the drawing just looks dumber than the original

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (1000x867, 299K)

Fuck this literally is the best one, only because of the face.

Disgaea 5's story made me want to puncture all the orifices in my body with sharp steel sticks.

You get desensitised pretty quickly when playing them.

bottomless skirmisher waifu might be cuter though

Attached: Pb-valkyrie.jpg (165x490, 22K)

>her breasts shrank

can someone explain the pizza nabe

Attached: 219293-dis2_concept2.jpg (600x800, 85K)

jesus how new are you?

Please bring back yandere maids

Attached: cute.jpg (320x401, 60K)

Attached: Dis2-ninja-female1.jpg (680x900, 57K)

Attached: giphy.gif (300x225, 1.59M)

me on the left

Because the artists wanted to change it, genius.

She was a princess so she heard several different complaints of civilians while at her parents' side. In order to pretend she's not thinking about food or thinking about some personal issue, she brings up another issue she remembered once hearing about instead.

Maid is definitely the most interesting class in D5. She is getting removed.

Which Disgaea is she in?

phantom brave

I hate buffers, they are such a pain to level up. Sure the buffs are OP but DAMN she can't kill SHIT.

Is it any good? I bought it on steam a couple of months ago.

Modern snoy would censor Etna wouldnt they? The entire game she would just be a pillar of light.

it's ok but while your choice of character expand quickly, it's highly recommended to only fill a team of like 6 until the end, because the xp curve is abysmal.

Just teach her Tera-Magic and buff her INT stat using essence bottles. D5 makes buffers EXTREMELY easy to level up through squads as well.

You'd be suprised.

Still the best Disgaea duo.

Attached: best couple.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

I'll say that the battle system felt very experimental; the use of range circles instead of grids feels cool when it works and infuriating when it doesn't (characters pathing awfully, stray objects/corpses getting in the way of targeting enemies)
the story is also super negative for the whole first part of the game

I imagine if they brought back the skirt like in Disgaea 1, there wouldn't be too many complaints. Which is fine, because she looked better with it.

Marona suffering is a miracle of the universe.

they're boring

dunno, some game covers are now censoring skirts without opaque pantyhose now. Snoy really seems to become worse by the months.

All the ps2 NIS games were good

>that shark face
>that nose
oy vey, and ugly on top of it.

t.seething incel

no this is the best couple

Attached: 050.jpg (2405x3480, 2.86M)

Adell can't compare to the true chad Axel and rozalin is a boring stacy.
The better couple was priere and croix

Cope harder yuricuck.

Attached: 02938.jpg (889x1000, 295K)

why do so few items increase int?

Raspberyl X My Dick is the best couple tho.

it's way easier to raise int thanks to glasses and orbs than fucking strength that only has belts.

>Other characters gain clothes as the times change
>Etna loses clothes

Attached: 1552182076042.png (1920x1080, 1M)

I always buy their DLC and I regret nothing.

The only thing keeping me from having kids, besides being a disgusting piece of shit, is not having a decent income. If I could afford kids I would be a hell of a lot more inclined to have them.

The poor people strategy of having a dozen kids in the hopes one is successful enough to support me in my old age is not for me.

I know none of you actually care about the games but I just want to say I have finally Maxed out myself insert death with 300% apts in all stats,

maxed out everything and the highest health value possible,

It's been a long as fuck journey but I did it. Thank you for all the support everyone,

I was also easily able to defeat the current #1 ranked pirate crew with him as well as solo LoC Baal

Attached: Death Concept.png (1000x344, 216K)

Good job user.

Not like they have any competition. Laharl is still a brat, I honestly don't remember much of D3 but I guess it had Almaz and Sapphire if you want to count them, Valvatorez and Artina is hinted at in the end at but for the most part she friendzones him. The only other real official couple is Killia and Lieze.

Attached: 06.jpg (1018x1442, 279K)

Don't forget Priere and Croix, there are other NIS games besides the mainline disgaea.

Well it's hinted at they get together in the 5 dlc but keep it on the DL hence his power to turn into a Tyrant has returned hinting that the Artina ending in 5 is canon and he drinks her blood somewhat regularly but exclusively.


I made her my lover in Disgaea 4 with the legendary tree and we fuck every night, Croix is her limp dicked Ex and not half the demon I am you take that back RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Attached: 385cde1a29aa535f90c335f0eb3fb397.jpg (750x1140, 76K)

Man I really wanna get turned into a big titty anime girl.

Attached: Dgw3qc0VAAAnk-w.jpg (1700x1201, 269K)

I thought you wanted to smell their feet make up your fucking mind user.

user, are you ok?



I want to get turned into a FLAT anime girl

I want Etna to fuck me with her giant horsecock

What's even the point?

Attached: Horse-Wiener.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Yes, exactly

Fuck off yurifag.

>a belt
But why?

To keep her pants up.

Post more of this.

Attached: muh huh huh.jpg (672x434, 23K)

it holds the butt-prinnies

Attached: etna0000.png (2172x1536, 1.72M)


>cosplay professionally or as a very serious hobby
>cover yourself in tattoos or otherwise do nothing to hide them

Im not even an anti-tat fag but holy shit this activates my autism

she keeps trying to be sexier, next game she'll probably look like two rubber bands on a chopstick

She'll never be sexy until she grows some tits and gets some meat on her thighs.

She is the sexiest demon around, user.

Maybe in 20,000 years when she develops a bit.

ur dumb

No, she's absolutely perfect the way she is.

Etna please get off of the internet. You need to accept that flat is dead and work on your form.

I've loved her flat for over 12 years user, and will continue to do so

You're very bad at keeping this charade up. Just look around you for inspiration and drink your milk.

Attached: D0EKzYIVAAAPz8T.png (1350x1140, 509K)

This is me, user.

>Etna owns a pair of her own panties and about a million dollars of merch of herself
Checks out.

Haha, no

Attached: 1545857908616.jpg (640x326, 25K)

Clean yourself up and get a girlfriend dude jeez I literally felt nervous and scared for you looking at that.

>Clean yourself up
Wut? I'm pretty sure I'm not visible in this picture, I'm doing just fine user
>get a girlfriend
Not interested in a relationship, I'm happy having a waifu

Ok sorry if I came off as mocking I just hope you find someone who loves you. You deserve that

I like the fact that this thread is still up. While the following links got deleted.




No user, you don't get it, I have no desire for an irl relationship, Etna's been my waifu for 12 years and I'm perfectly happy with that.

Disgaea threads are Yea Forums culture and never get deleted despite lack of popularity and people sneak in the shit ops thread to talk about the games since they are rarely up

sorry but

Attached: 1539677896279.png (1012x749, 471K)

Maybe its time you became someone elses waifu there are plenty of asian women in china or japan who would dress up like her for you ,

But she's a loli.

I try to ignore it since I like the games and they make the heroine big breasted and covered for the most part.

to be honest i never liked her and she like over 1000 anyway

>explicit pedophilia vs genuine discussion about a characters design changing over time

That just sounds creepy, user...

Sorry user but I don't see it. And M* are fucking cunts.

They shouldn't have been deleted
Probably some janny sperging out earlier

What's creepy about two consenting adults doing roleplay in the bedroom ?

This happen to this thread as well.


One is discussing a character with a proper OP and those 3 are just spam.
Why wouldn't they be deleted?

Based user. Congrats.

Don't betray her never

She's not a loli you fucking retard, Flat=/=loli


Attached: 1534706673605.jpg (959x960, 225K)

Disgaea 6 when?

Wasn't planning to.
Didn't have these rings made for nothing.
Don't mind the date on the box, that's just the date of the first wedding related image I got

Attached: 20180317_184341-2.jpg (4128x3096, 3.68M)

>the fucking face

Attached: yikes.jpg (663x659, 77K)

Didn't see cosplay images in this thread?

Real women cosplaying Etna is always disgusting
He wins with the original

You didn't even look did you? Also seefaggot.

I did.
>Kid thread, no comment
>Dont even think about it
>Can you watch my daughter

And not even one thread was talking about her or the game.

If you're so upset you can't indulge in pedophile circlejerks I'm pretty sure some of those other, more degenerate chans out there may be better suited for you.

Okay, now this is what I call based

>No hips
>Those shoulders
that's a man

Attached: 1471897941695.jpg (564x400, 47K)

>Kid thread
Yes it was are you fucking blind?
Bitch I see others thread that does the same fucking thing and yet there still up.

>indulge in pedophile circlejerks
Dude do you even know what thread you are in?

>Still no disgaea 6
What's taking them so long?

Attached: 1525509135403.png (1000x1565, 1.35M)

Read that thread again, and tell me about the VIDEOGAMES related discussion going on.

Do you think she is a size queen?

What could they possibly do to iterate on the last?

I want to play the Disgaea series more but I always get bogged down by making one of every class and leveling them all evenly.

Attached: 1429203392094.png (602x691, 260K)

Can Prinnies have different dick sizes?

So..playing the game normally? I don't see what the problem is.

Attached: 1542609592685.png (252x258, 37K)

Why a you fucking lying?






Still see nsfw pic up I see.

Because ever since D2 onwards, having to reincarnate to Lv1 of the next rank of a class just to be able to unlock the next tier makes progress maddeningly slow.

Learn what nsfw means you fucking retard.

Attached: 1435458027628.png (1500x1500, 925K)

Only 3 posts related to a hat in time, the rest of the thread is shit and you wonder why it got deleted?

D5 has you promote to the next tier automatically.

Yes, and she exclusively does anal.

Oh thank god. I might have to skip straight to 5. I've almost completely dropped my run of Disgaea 2 due to this shit.

Attached: 1491531104411.jpg (850x1200, 224K)

>nsfw means you
Pedophile detected.

Are you really a retard or you choose to ignore this ?

I want to say DD2 and vita 4 let you promote to the next tier in he assembly too.

>game characters aren't game related

They look like threads that deserved to be deleted to me, even the senran threads are more videogame related than those threads when they are just card/image dumps.

Prove it faggot.

do tattoos ever trucking look good on females?

That goblina girl from DMCV isn't so bad

Good to hear that they dropped that bullshit earlier then. I might just have to drop my non-story characters for D2 and turn one of the story ones into a healer to bash through the main story. I dunno if I'll even bother with the Dark Sun stuff at this point. Especially when I unlocked it early through the power of poison and now I can only play some levels once for fear of triggering it and insta-dying.

Attached: 1535439017972.jpg (1200x1200, 174K)

Attached: 14c.jpg (207x253, 17K)

Attached: Totally videogames related discussion.png (768x1360, 242K)

Etna looks 14-15, not like a prepubecent kid.
Laharl IS a kid going through puberty and both etna and flonne look bigger and slightly more mature than he is, they're just flat.

That one Ann cosplayer who was spammed months ago on Yea Forums had this giant tattoo all over her arm, and I had the same thought as you.

This is my fetish and I am 100% ok with this.

My trips.

Attached: what-a-shame-954595.png (500x711, 150K)

So, D3 PC version when?

And DD2

They just forgot DD2

Please God, let me meet her. All I want to is to find that perfect girl I know exists. She’s sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself. The girl who won’t secretly think I’m a loser, the girl I can cuddle with (even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Someone who can reciprocate the love I put in, the girl who I can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and can fill this gaping, empty void in my heart.Please, just let me find this person. I’ll change everything about me if that’s what it takes Please, I just can’t take the loneliness anymore.

Attached: Dy9q3OXU0AUmg8o.jpg (1484x1913, 424K)

God? shouldn't you be asking Satan?

I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;

Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!

Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.

We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.

Attached: DdU0YhXWsAAPBCT.jpg (562x800, 39K)

The classic.

Attached: 15388fc4f30295d1ac258b589c04fc9d.jpg (1280x1717, 322K)

Imagine being imprisoned by Etna, and prostate milked by her once a week. That would be funny!

Wew boys, this thread made me buy 5 on steam, finally convinced to dip into this series, this is what Yea Forums is about

Should have started with 1.


He does have a knack of actually paying attention to us user, give it a try

Been some time since I've last seen someone posting it, figured now would be a good time. Sorry for interrupting the imagedump Etnabro, carry on.

Ah sure look I'll grab that one too, 5 is still downloading anyway, 2 as well while I'm at it I'm guessing?


Funny, maybe a little cute.
And here I thought I was the only one who was here forever. Since 2004.

Attached: 1524414357265.png (679x1200, 1.1M)

Will Laharl's character and development ever go anywhere or will he forever remain just a meme that exists to cameo in other games?

Attached: etna.jpg (544x765, 197K)

2006 for me, during my first year at university.

>first few seconds of this track are kino
>the rest of the song makes my ears bleed
Why did they do this?

Attached: DELETE THIS.gif (211x188, 151K)

Well you have me beat. I'm a late '06er .

Attached: 1497993194236.jpg (1920x1080, 633K)

are you having a stroke now?

i didn't know etna was shy
am i missing something

You just KNOW

Attached: etna__fallen_angel_flonne_and_a_prinny_by_wryn_negade-dbteq7h.jpg (600x848, 108K)

It's just copy pasta bro.

Attached: __etna_and_laharl_disgaea_drawn_by_kaeru_kenshi__6e96263122fd90baf606888f2f2f7f5f.jpg (849x1200, 572K)

no i don't

The one thing I disliked about Disgaea 5 was one aspect of the ending. Lieze completely coming back to life was an asspull and everyone knows it. Seraphina should have won the Killiabowl she deserved it.

Attached: disgaea-5-official-visual-collection-art-book-3.gif.jpg (575x780, 464K)


dey fugged dat prinny

Attached: __etna_flonne_laharl_and_prinny_disgaea_drawn_by_yamamoto_keiji__1a85a4ba5fb67c3afbc533195d9731b6.jp (800x1120, 281K)

Everything about the final chapter and ending as trash.

"Go fuck yourself."

Attached: 34183035_p0.jpg (700x980, 401K)

are they furries

What's wrong kekface?

Attached: __etna_and_prinny_disgaea_drawn_by_go_robots__1ad1468c912d8987fc1901c5f6c3f20a.jpg (1247x985, 288K)

How do you all feel about Omega Heal?

Attached: Omega Heal.jpg (1142x686, 67K)

I liked the reveal that Christo is most likely a younger Serpah Lamington but aside from that the final boss and ending were pretty boring.

Attached: tumblr_opcnr4k7lr1s5s4wlo1_1280.png (878x1200, 722K)

Attached: tumblr_onz57qfhZP1s5s4wlo2_r1_1280.png (851x1000, 1.2M)

Its just the thing about the series is, it tends to improve the gameplay a lot, so much that it makes going back to the earlier games a lot harder. Starting with 5 just spoils you with good shit but you wouldn't know unless you played the earlier games. These games are also pretty long too so its not like you are going to finish 1 game then start the next right away unless you're only playing this series for the main story(which you shouldn't do). So its real easy to burn yourself out after while.

Attached: tumblr_onxd506TXJ1s5s4wlo1_1280.png (827x1200, 433K)

I really, REALLY wish there was a lexicon to explain more about some of the characters in the upper tier spells, even if it was just some flavor text. Cause honestly, at times it's just character cameos from previous games, and others it feels sort of like LORE and shit.

I was gifted Disgaea 5. Should I play that first?

I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing, there are so many rules.

Yes. You should

I heard people say D1 first instead, is that an easier way to learn?

Disgaea is weird in that the older games have better characters and story while the newer games have better gameplay. Personally I'd start with 1, starting with 5 will make playing the older ones hard as hell.

Attached: Etna319.png (1280x1829, 1.12M)

Disgaea is a yuri series.

Attached: 1522201833281.jpg (3904x5361, 1.4M)

I didn't finish D5 but man that's gotta be the biggest load of fuck ever every time it happens.
And it happens all the damn time.

Attached: DCC8qlWVYAAFm1u.jpg (630x898, 80K)

The issue, is that after a while the main campaign has become more and more of a tutorial, and the post-game has become the actual game, with most of the previous protags showing up, and the current mains falling more and more into the background.
With improved customization of characters, it hits harder, since the main characters were always sort of OP, now EVERYONE can be with enough work.

So I should buy D1 first then?
Ok I'll put D5 on ice until the steam sale.

Play D1 for the story then change to D5 for actual autism numbers

Ah yeah I get you, was the same when I played the older SMTs after I played P4 (we don't get a huge selection of games were I live) alright I'll start at the start so, cheers user

Only the first game exist

Yeah, that's probably for the best. D1 is worth playing for the characters alone.

Attached: 2017-05-01-185020.jpg (960x544, 85K)

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D1 is also not all that long if you know what you're doing.

No, she didn't. She deserved to be cucked like the boring and annoying entitled piece of shit she is. Her character development was utter shit and you should kill yourself for lacking that garbage character. Fuck off, retard.

what a coincidence, the one thing i disliked about disgaea 5 was that it was part of the disgaea series, a boring series of repetitive grindan games franchise

Attached: 1523109576430.png (600x900, 232K)

see you guys on /lgbt/ in a few years when you all realize that you're gay. Lemme help you along, bodyhair is not gross, dick&balls are way more interesting than Etna's prepubescent vagina, and RL guys have the thin bodies that you crave.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-28-21-58-23.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Fuck off literal faggot.

loli is superior to mentally ill trannies, eat shit

Attached: 20160313224745.jpg (1765x996, 195K)

Would serve under

Based literal autist