Hey Yea Forums, let's play mahjong!

Hey Yea Forums, let's play mahjong!

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Other urls found in this thread:


So there's no way to get other avatars unless you cough up the green? Or they'll have events where you can earn event avatars or bits of premium cred?

You can't learn Japanese mahjong

Attached: 1544216130543.png (300x200, 137K)

Can't find the room for whatever reason

If you click your jade there's a section for free jade, so there's a way to get it somehow. Ranked matches give you chests so maybe Jade Room+ chests can drop it or something

i accidentally backed out of the room! please forgive me!

Once you're cool enough to play in the silver room you can win prizes for performance, and these prises can be ground up into powder. 50 powder buys one summon scroll, though characters are the rarest drop from that.

Mahjong really is the embodiment of a "Just one more game..." situation for me. I have trouble to stop once I start.

Reminder to always go for big boy hands
Sure you may only have 1/10 winrate with it
But it only take one. Big win for you to come out on top

Is it like janryumon? I don't get it. Can someone post pics?

Attached: pic.png (47x26, 273)

It's chink ripoff of Pairon.

Made another 60s room

Reminder to always call Riichi, otherwise you're a pussy.

>everyone in tenpai

that was a fun match everyone
t. nipah

Neph here, gg bros >---<
at least i went out with a bang kek

I always Riichi even if it puts me in Furiten.

Attached: stupid cat.jpg (156x158, 14K)

Post big hands

im a big retard someone explain how you can win with a striaght
i looked at a list of yaku and figured a straight just had to have 1-9 in the same suit and anything else can be disregarded, but i got that in a game and couldnt do anything with it

It's so tempting

Attached: Why_people_push_the_Riichi_button.png (364x3120, 72K)

Thanks for the kan

Attached: CuteGirlâ„¢ThumbsUp.jpg (734x810, 127K)

you still need another set and a pair

you still need a valid 4th set and a pair. to go with the 1-2-3/4-5-6/7-8-9

It should still follow 4 trips + 1 pair. If you open call 345 and keep 126789, your hand is busted.

2/4, get in here you weebs

go for 111-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 next time

Still 2/4

how the heck do I get jade as a free2player

says that it's started

Absolutely based.
Who needs a winning tile when you can just win by intimidating the opponents into breaking up their hand with your big dick riichi calls?

lmao if you think i'll ever fold with my sick tanyao only hand
those 1000 points are mine

>finish dailies
>run out of motivation to play

you guys are good! everyone plays so defensively!

>still no english apk

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Oh dear, this might be the first gacha I get sucked into.

Attached: Take all my money.png (749x806, 919K)

>If you can bend me over on the mahjong table, I will give you a little surprise.
What did they mean by this.

it means she has a penis

can you spectate free games?
is there a replay function?

Where the rooms at?

seems like you can spectate friends matches

Does the game have a tutorial? Tried half-heartedly to read up on the rules but the jap terminology confuse me.


what do the numbers mean?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1041x601, 125K)

replay and replay sharing is under "logs" on the bottom right


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Gg, got soundly beat

There's a loading screen tip about changing yaku name display in the settings. I assume it means to Japanese romaji names, but I can't find the setting anywhere. Is the tip a lie? Only thing I saw was removing tile numbers/letters.
Once the game ends, depending on your final placement you get X amount of ranking points and progress towards earning a random item.

what about Entry Limit and Exchange Rate?

Game's up, rev up dem 1 han hands

gg triple richii last round very excites

free slots here 2/4

I assume some of your points at the end of the match get awarded as bonus copper based on the exchange rate with a limit.

>60 seconds
no thanks

2/4 gogogo

you're never going to get to that limit
it's probably a poorfag check and it won't let you in unless you have the minimum credits


I'm not silver yet so I can't confirm how exactly Mahjong Soul handles it, but it's something like on top of the entrance fee listed, you have to pay for your starting points in copper up to the entry limit, and after the game you convert what points you end with back into coins.

that is incredibly jewish
do you just start with less points if you don't pay then?
what happens to the minimum points needed to end the game if no one has any points then?

Could be it is at least in stead of up to the limit. And everyone probably has to agree to buy in with the same amount before the game start to avoid rolling in with a 100k lead on hand one or whatever.

lobby's closed, will make another one when i have more time if the thread's still alive

What's with the hedgehog?

how do I git gud at this

Attached: 9_K96DQvrekwXxfRxcFMbMn5zCqPJP6lr1DrYyty3gY.jpg (2362x1334, 276K)

play as the cat

Oh geez I haven't played mahjong in years, I don't even remember anything other than going for a riichi

Wouldn't you like to know.

looking at the stats from the top 10 players then I guess it's a combination of being defensive and playing for big hands

an user from the /jp/ general made this super helpful sheet

Attached: Simple Yaku New.png (2600x1740, 564K)

Learn a couple of hands and practise buildin' em.
The flashing tile means that it's a bonus tile, boosting your hands value.
If someone is one tile away from winning, you can discard tiles he has already discarded.

tl,dr: practise, practise, practise.

Mfw in tenpai and get cocky so I throw out the tile I got until I can get that one tile to win. I keep drawing someone else's winning tile.
Had this happen to me 3 times in a fucking row.

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Alright, hop in you faggots lets try this out.
Shitter friendly room

3/4 lets go

>immediately fills up
fuck me

Thanks for posting this.

And I thought Poker hands were confusing


Lets go friends! 60sec newbie friendly room

So how many of you guys are actually asian?
Don't tell me you're a yellow fever whitey.

>tfw all I know about Mahjong I learned from Koizume

I'm sure to win everything, aren't I?

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It really reminds me of old janryumon when it used to be free to play. The game doesn't have that many effects probably but it's still cute and fun. I hope i can play it a lot as f2p.

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The game is F2P. Unlike JRM or Sega MJ, you can just join lobby and play the thing. Pretty much the cashtap option in this game is just for cosmetics, like new girls and visual effects.

I'm reading through this now but boy does it nosedive after the Ragnarok arc. The author couldn't have made his butthurt about the DPJ winning the 2009 election any more obvious.

where the hell do I sign up

Default settings

Login is signup, enter an email, send code, enter the code and log in

oh, right

Just use facebook option. You do have facebook account, right?

one more

i actually do, but i don't use it
i do also have a twitter acc and a google account, but i'd rather not link them to anything

>Look at profile
>See this
>Only haneman
I feel sorry for you, user.

Attached: NoLuckLuck.png (829x432, 157K)

Still waiting for final spot

Please don't be.

I thought it was Tenhou?

Tenhou is the yakuman

Tenhou (Blessing of Heaven) is dealer winning on their first draw
Chihou (Blessing of Earth) is non-dealer winning on their first draw
Renhou (Blessing of Mankind) is winning off a discard before the dealer's second draw, as long as no calls are made

Tenhou: tsumo as dealer in 1st turn, yakuman.
Chiihou: tsumo as non-dealer in 1st turn, yakuman.
Renhou: ron as non-dealer in 1st turn, either yakuman/mangan/not recognized as yaku.

Oh fuck I didn't see that

Good match friends

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Holy shit, from 46k to -5k.
Such savagery should be outlawed.

Damn right.

On the side note, what do I spend those chinese money with holes on them on?

Lmao nobody answered the question

>anime girls
pick one

Gifts to give to your hoe so she unlocks voices and emotes.

One more game, 60 seconds this time if people felt it was too hectic.

3/4 letsa go

fair warning you need coppers to enter Silver room and above

Still open

how do these numbers work

When you come in 1st or 2nd you get some bonus coppers and when you come in 3rd or 4th you lose them
No idea what the Entry Limit is


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I always riichi 3 sided furitens like where I dropped 1 in the beginning and now I somehow have 23456. People slow down just enough for me to draw it.

You'll get npc prizes in better rooms, and also copper which you could spend on more of them. You feed them to your girl (2 a day) and rise your bond. lvl5 bond allows her to speak up the yaku to your enemies and you and gives new skin. Certain gifts give 150% of bond exp, cookies = cat, gems = neesan. That's about 6 months worth of f2p grind, have fun.

there's a delay for obvious reasons so fuck it

>West 2
Kill me

Goddam that was intense, tsumo-city

Finally off the wild ride

I'm curious if I can join you NA guys with my CN server char

make a room and find out

Sorry Haagenti, that match really didn't like you.

what do revival tokens do

standard rules

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you can spend all your copper and get free moneys every day

looks like it werks!

it works but it doesn't look like I can add you to my friendlist

www expert

gg lads

gg, was so close to second.

>mfw i always think dora gives yaku for your hand, and end up in tenpai with a trash hand that had insane potential

Feels bad to be this bad

fun game
needs more pon

standard ranked rules here

Why doesn't Cat have a "sorry" sticker

a loaded question


is there a collection of the emotes?
they're wonderful

there is, in telegram

Is the android port out yet for the west?

tfw misclick and 3k noten fee

Attached: Tiny little Tsukushi-kun.png (987x425, 144K)

Oh standard rules means hanchan, I'm sorry.

I'm making a bunch of sequences or triplets but what do all the different hands mean? How do I end a round when I have like 5 tiles left?

you need a yaku to win with a hand

Is mahjong general still alive?

>meh, catgirls are overra..

What does level 1 of bond gives? 1 voice line and some other thing, daily something i was too slow to read.

You need 4 triplets and 1 pair (unless 2 exceptions). Having same triplets of different types (like 234 bamboo and 234 circles) makes hand better.

Damaten's your friend.

where's my fucking DAIGYAKUTEN


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Thanks for the game.
t. celery stick guy

shit happens

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riichi or bust

>dealt in twice in a row
kill me. ggs

How do you leave a room? Does the game keep going until someone loses all their points?

How can anyone resist the allure of the riichi button?

Dealership moves over to another player every time someone that isn't the Dealer wins

If it's East only then the Dealership moves 4 times before checking if someone can win(ie if one player is above 30k points)

If it's West(default) then it moves 8 times

>>If it's West(default) then it moves 8 times

Majsoul Friends Room 59345(4-Player (1 Game)): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=59345

How do you check your seat and the prevailing wind

>he woke up

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time to get rekt again

Letter in front of you shows your seat wind,
Dealer is always the East

Prevailing wind changes when the dealer at the start of the game becomes the dealer again (so you get East 1 to 4 then it shifts to South 1)
Wind moves E>S>W>N, same as player's play orders

Attached: winds.jpg (586x405, 44K)

I just want to watch the world on fire.

>was looking for some mahjong vidya yesterday
>find this thread today

Fuck this shitty game, imma finish Yakuza 4 instead

Good matches boys, that double ron finish was perfect

where are the nopan lesbians

Sorry, this is strictly a pointy-nose only club.

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the cat players

hanchan room here!

playing mahong with pants on is not good for your health

so in this case the prevailing wind is E and my seat wind is E?

Dat lag on auto-ron

Any open rooms?

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why do boys like to play with toys?

can we play 1 full round?

Have fun, lads.

More sips are always appreciated, thanks.

Attached: Kujou_Riu-9.png (100x100, 24K)


Any open rooms out there?

Wait a second, this girl looks familiar.


Its a masturbation thing, you wouldn't understand.

I played the tutorial but I still have no clue what I'm doing, I got absolutely destroyed by some chinks.

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Thanks for the games. Guess i prefer long ones.


I too prefer longer games. I find them relaxing and fun games.

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There's this shit on sega MJ, 1)one hand game 2)sanma 3) with a huge game dosh bet to boot
oh god I remember accidentally clicking it

Really wanted to win this hand

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Should this game have a general on /vg/ or too niche?


Most likely too niche still


Lets go anons! 60sec newbies, east only.

Can you go down in name ranks or star ranks?

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Gib room

Dunno, I would participate. Let's fo invade fucking /tg/

I am opposite, I get tired in south round.

Just out of curiousity, do you have a specific preference for Mexican food?

but east-south is more balanced luck-skill wise

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Is this game worth gachaing cute girls over?

the default girl is the cutest

Thanks a lot guys, now I'm addicted to this shit.

Somehow it's still really fun even though I'm getting destroyed every round

mission success

Attached: Ichihime-spr1.png (100x100, 22K)

>learning a few rules and now addicted to a gambling game

gib room tho

Attached: angery.jpg (696x715, 58K)

I don't get what the fuck is happening, but I love it. Can't wait for the android release

Made a room with default settings

I sincerely hope there's no mobile version of this shit, because I already have FGO to deal with and I'll be addicted even harder to something with actual gameplay.

What's the coolest hand you fucked up?
I was tenpai for a big winds but nobody won.

What will the owners think of this thread?

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but default girls are perfectly fine so no need to spend a dime

all greens

It's not a bad thing. At least you can exercise your brain in mj.

Mobile version is coming, we just don't know when.
>something with actual gameplay
Well, knowing how to play mahjong is always good if you plan to visit China/Japan.

Do we have a release date for the mobile version?

Oh god I want to watch Saki again now

Attached: [Kotori-Asobi]_Saki_18_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_x264 _AAC) at 00_18_13.826.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Are all girl available from the start or do you need to unlock them?

ara-ara > neko

maybe if you're gay

>knowing how to play mahjong is always good if you plan to visit China/Japan
user... it's a bad idea to know how to play in asia because you'll get your money taken away from you in shady gambling parlous.

hah, cute

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CN player here. The app runs even better than the browser. Totally, absolutely recommended.

they are almost impossible to get with a freebium

holy shit what a run, i think if that guy hadn't disconnected there would have been a different end
ggs, i need a break after that!

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I am from EU and don't really have mexican food here in any sizable quality. I like wrapped kebab (i think its analogue to a burrito) if that helps.


>Bunch of grown men want to impersonate being cute girls and playing mahjong together
Mission accomplished

Fuck, who are the default girl(s)?

The two shown in

But anime told me it was an excellent way to meet nopan JK seeking some tanoshii~

The flat nekomimi that calls you goshujin and this sexy "yamato nadeshiko with strong presence".

Fuck, is there a gacha or do you just buy new characters? I want the Koromo expy.

A cat girl and a oneesan type which max bond skin I really want.

Attached: fuckin jpegs.jpg (622x689, 146K)

It's a gacha, contains characters and other decorations, and garbage. 10x roll gives 10 Faith currency, 1x gives 1. You need 150 for a guaranteed character exchange of what's in the gacha, you can also exchange other shit.

Attached: summon.jpg (1169x651, 278K)

If you fuck up 150 gachas you get enough holy cross things that you can just buy her, from what I understand. At least it works that way in several other games I played.

Thanks, I'll give it a try once the mobile version is released.

Register today to get free shit (4 cakes and 4 gems).

>Riichi on a garbage hand with only two outs
>Rewarded with a comeback ippatsu tsumo through pure skill alone
>Three open tanyao spamming chinks leave the room immediately after

Never played mahjong online before, this is fun. I was always too scared to queue with other players on FFXIV but maybe it'd go better than I thought.

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Also it's 1800 Jades/10x roll and you need 150 Faith (15 10x rolls) that's 27000 Jades for a guaranteed character. Looking at the prices (pic related), You basically need to buy the last option for 80 USD 3 times (9800 x 3 = 29400 jades), that's $240 for a guaranteed character.

Attached: prices.jpg (1124x620, 202K)

They actually just won't let you play in the gambling parlours in Japan if you aren't Japanese. Since gambling is illegal in Japan they don't want some gaijin getting into diplomatic trouble and bringing attention to them

cool thread

I'm a little whale and don't plan to play with another character, ok maybe the miko but she's low priority).

More like LUK=100%, but I take what I can.

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Men of great strength and wisdom spotted.

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Need two more, boyos: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=80373

Room for 2

Thank you for the game, gotta go

>that's $240 for a guaranteed character.
Jesus I just want the punchy maid but not like this.

Attached: 1378247605225.gif (400x225, 1011K)

by the way there's an official discord, mainly for submitting bug tickets and such but you could probably play with voice here with another newb faggots

ggs, i was so close to tsumo so many times

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any room not full?

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#85127 come join


Can't seem to ready, rank/region differences?

Might be

For a complete newbie, should I never call Pon or Kan? Or is it worth it if I use those special/dragon tiles?

cute cot

Attached: Ichihime-3.png (100x100, 23K)

Some novice try joining

How the fuck do I learn to play Mahjong

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wind and dragon pons are good especially if you're packing doras

>Closed triplet of east and three dora
>Chi to get to tenpai faster and close out the round
>Forgot we were in South 2 and have to present the tenpai of shame at the end of the round

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If you use Pon/Kan/Chi you better already have a yaku because if you don't, you'll lose your closed hand yaku.

you can't befriend another server dudes but they can join and play non ranked matches just fine

Do you need all of these things for the bond or is it enough with just one of them?

Attached: bond.png (661x620, 222K)

What does this have to offer over Tenhou?

keep in mind that kan'ing gives someone that wins with a riichi another roll for an uradora

Game has a tutorial but check mahjong-europe.org/portal/images/docs/Riichi-rules-2016-EN.pdf out

Attached: Ichihime-m1.png (100x100, 7K)

>the last option for 80 USD 3 times (9800 x 3 = 29400 jades), that's $240 for a guaranteed character.

lol nope, the 4900 bonus is only for your first purchase (see top left corner of each bundle). Afterwards you're paying 80 USD per 4900 or 1 USD per 60 jade for any of the smaller packs which means you ACTUALLY need to spend:

>9800 for first purchase 80 USD
>3*4900 for 3 more 80 USD Packs, 320 USD total
>Another 42 USD for the remaining 2500 Jade,

Bringing your grand total to 362 USD for 150 faith.

Attached: happymerchantchink.png (308x359, 52K)

Don't ever call unless you know what you're doing, is the general rule. If you want to end a round quickly (for example if you're ahead and the game will end in a couple rounds, or if you're dealer and want to preserve your dealer turn) go ahead and pon your way to a quick win. But if you're doing this you need to make sure you have a yaku (tanyao, round/seat wind or dragons are the easiest). If the round's close to a draw then you can also call just to get to tenpai (even if you can't technically win) and not have to pay the 3000 point penalty at the end. You shouldn't do it at the start of the round generally, because opening your hand has a huge cost.

Only if you are feeling like Rinshan Kaihou.

Is there anyway to gain jades as a free player

>Animu grills
>Anumu grill emotes
>more match customization options
>much better production values and polish, looks almost as good as the Janryumon desktop client despite being browser based
>Arabic numerals for newbies/players who can't read chinkrunes
>Cosmetic MTX like Janryumon had (different characters, riichi sticks, player "hands")

I was told to just continue feeding her. Maybe I'll get the yaku voice but not the dank picture which is those shits. fug
(all of these are obtainable besides the heart stones which are recycled duplicate characters from the gacha...)

Attached: recent.jpg (570x321, 45K)

cute girls
native english menus
easily make lobbies to play with >friends
cute girls

You can't gain Jade, but you can scrap the free gifts you get from the game and doing dailies for star dust which you can exchange 50 of for a summon scroll which is effectively the same as a 1x Summon AFAIK. It's super grindy doing it that way though so unless you're willing to spend money you better get used to playing as the free characters.

Play the game for the mahjong not for the girls!

Anyone up for a east only game?


Attached: save.png (1736x976, 1.47M)

gg lads


I think their twitter had a discord link

>getting dunked on by nihonese in ranked

all links are on the starting page

There is a "free Jade" listing if you click the + Jade button while already in the Jade shop, but there's no way of getting free Jade yet. Presumably future events or hopefully something more grindable can get you free Jade eventually. Maybe tournaments when they get implemented?


Attached: washizumoe.jpg (640x519, 37K)

1 more

Good luck guys!

If you buy jade the bonus jade is listed under free jade

I played a fuckton of mahjong and yet I'm constantly getting furiten in this.


Use your willpower to control the flow.

If you're getting furiten that means your discards are trash

Just be loved by the tiles


Use this to train your discard efficiency. Once you git gud you just have to learn to play defensively when you think someone is in tenpai.

Is it laggy for everyone else or just me?

I feel kinda weird that I can understand these, thanks for the tips

Where can I see all the skins? Like

There was mahjong general on jp last time I checked

Board is too slow for this kind of threads though. If this shit gets popular it'd need to have a thread on a faster board.

What's the difference between silver and bronze players in this game?

Better UI that's far more idiot proof about tenpai waits, no yaku/furiten tenpai, dora highlights, amounts of each discarded tile when moused over, tiles to draw left in round, etc.
Also cute girls with reaction emotes so you can Gendou and tableflip to your heart's content.

speaking of cute girls with emotes
anyone else remember the mahjong game over at nico douga that was shut down?

Mahjong gambling is a meme. The rates in public parlors are so low you'll be getting (or losing) a couple of bucks for each full game after paying for your seat. Gaijin can play there btw.


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Thanks for reminding me I never finished S2. The site the subs were hosted on blocked my country all of a sudden, I'll go look for another source right now.


One more boyos.

>tfw cucked out of 1st in oorasu
congrats man

someone join 80373, we're one man short

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that was some magical sands bullshit

How high do you need the bond to unlock reading yaku out loud when winning a hand?

You mother fucker got me back there

Attached: Profound Sadness.jpg (1077x595, 207K)


Time spent

I was noticing it too, playing on my phone


When will the day reset so I can feed my cat??

Attached: Ichihime-m2.png (100x100, 7K)

he just raped everyone

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I have no idea about mahjong,in general, should I call pon to get the wind/dragon tile I need or is it not recommended?

depends on what yaku you want or if you want to call richi

it's a trash yaku as good as any other
make sure the you got the winds right

Depends. If you are going for all pons or some shit like like all terminals/honors it might be adventageous, but just for the sake of pon its pointless.

Got a red dragon triplet and it was the dora too, riichi, but I didn't get to finish it :(

stop playing this chink shit,dont support bugpeople play tenhou

If this game was less jewish with the cash currency it'd be hot stuff

How does rank loss work?
Can you go down levels(adept to novice)?
Can you go down stars(3 to 2)?

Got Under the Sea, don't even know what it means lol

tenhou doesn't have cute girls.

Haitei? You won by drawing the last tile of a wall.

No Nadeshiko for me anytime soon.

Attached: Nadeshiko-m1.png (100x100, 7K)

It means you like loli lesbians that look like alice form wonderland.

basically just going to the original (chinese) server and click on all the top rankers

you can click the ? on the front page to check out all the yaku

I do, but she isn't lesbian afaik

Attached: kamisama no memochou - alice foots.png (1280x720, 534K)

/tg/ please! we need 100iq+ autismos

in 3 hours

Lets settle this before it gets out of hand.
Ichihime or Miki, who do you you prefer?


give me the miko

mahjong cat

Was she particularly lesbian in manga? I only saw anime.

How many of you guys are white?

miki, I don't like screechers

I'm not white but I wish I was

I'm a slavic mongolian rapebaby, so maybe

Winning with only 1 han is pretty pointless unless you're 15k points ahead and just want to end the round. Simple yakus are also great for just winning a hand with many han due to dora. So if your wind is dora, call the fuck out of it, cause that's gonna be a mangan.

>atk 99
Yep, that's me

But at least you prevent someone else from winning and getting possibly many more points.

How do I memorize yaku

They both are absolute monsters
Rikka, Sharo...
Homura, Senjogahara, ...

You make them up as you go, just like the Japanese.

That won't help you, if you're last. It really depends on context. Being east is also a reason to call it. And if the round is slowly coming to an end and you might reach tenpai with it, it might be worth too.

You just play a few rounds.

someone host a game pls


Just remember it like this

Are all my tiles on the inside?
No? then are they all on the outside?
Still no? Do you have any relevent winds or dragons?
Still no? Is my hand all triples?
Still no? Then you better hope your hand is closed.

Also if you have a pure straight opportunity, you're good.

what's the problem
most yaku have memorable patterns

Just go for 13 Orphans every time.

Just do Tanyao but with 5 dora like my opponents

5+20 sec big think time with 3 red dora

Is open tanyao allowed?

Is it possible to pon/chi to high score or is it just for quick win?


rooms full atm, check back later

Attached: soul.jpg (697x534, 74K)

Doesn't look like it. I could only get dragged down to 0 points on the current bar.

that would be every 500th hand won kek
about as much effort as getting any third char in Majong S*ul as a free player

Are you suppose to quit early to stop losing ranked points? I was close to getting back my points as last place with the letter N but I lost 31 ranked points as a lucklet.

Ichihime's emotes are better so her. All she needs is one to better convey "aw shit, didn't mean to do that"

you could hit a daisangen
you could have multiple dora
but it's usually used to quickly end a game, keep your dealer spot, or move the dealer spot

Get in her guys.

You can spam "four triplets" for a high score, but it's not a strategy for lucklets to attempt.

>already full

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How the fuck do I summon waifus.

there are only like 5 worth memorizing if you are starting out, seat wind, round wind, all simples, dragon tiles and of course ricchi. Just try to focus on these 5 while prioritising dora's and red five's. After like 10 games go look up more yaku's and try to make them in game.

Fuck me, I can't find it anywhere. Guess the only thing left to do is use a VPN directly on the site. Can anyone confirm if they can see this episode in their country?


This game is fucking hard.

You mean 7 pairs.

>in riichi for 7 pairs
Every time

We need a general on /vg/ because frankly this game is everything a Yea Forumsirgin may want - it has both mahjong and slutty wives. And zero jank.

>only yaku is bottom of the river

sorry, guy

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>Single tile wait on 9 man, no yaku
>Or 3 sided wait with yaku
>Actually draw the 9man next turn
>Actually gives someone the win
>On the last discard
What just happened?

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wait so all the recent mahjong threads were viral advertising for this new site?

shut the fuck up about viral advertising and play some maajan

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How many versions of mahjong is there?

exactly 1, and it's called Riichi Mahjong

I've just witnessed a murder.

Attached: yaku.png (1166x656, 696K)

anybody else have performance issues? I have a decent computer but this game is running like shit

It's more eop friendly than tenhou
If some retard here wants to pay for waifus that's his money not mine.

>Have a look at available voice files
>There's a line for fucking sextuple yakuman

How do you even do that?

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There's a power saving mode, try that.

I have a potato computer and it runs fine.

All honors, big four winds, suu ankou with single tile wait I think

the music is comfy as fuck and is also in english tenhou just doen't do it for me

Or maybe that's just 5, then add 4 closed kan

>tfw managed to beat two (2) chinks
ahahahahaha fuck, this is great
thanks for the advice not to go for pons and shit, it's actually pretty good

just go for all simples no terminals

how do i stop going for pon and chi is my free sex button

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>the turn i start with 4 pairs of dots is when everyone hoards them

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I wanna join bros, I wanna test my mahjong GAINS

That sounds rare enough that I would doubt it's ever legitimately happened in history, even counting all casual tables and throwaway games of video mahjong. And they recorded voice lines for it with every character?

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Isn't there already a regular /jp/ mahjong thread though.

riichi is supposedly the big dick move, so I want to riichi as much as possible
also ron and tsumo are a thing that I click, because they win games, I think

I mean, it's not much work, but probably not gonna come up, yeah. Winning the lottery sounds more likely to happen.

So when do you fuck the girls?

>mfw I'm the only westerner in the room

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need one guy in 58288

to slow

I'm not getting a verification email with cock.li, and I'm not giving the chinks my real email. Should I just sign up with a 10minutemail? What's the worst that could happen?

>its not a phone app

what the fuck?

phone app coming soonTM

An actual soon or in like 3 years when the game is already dead

Good luck ever logging back in if it logs you back out. Since the log in seemed to be one-time codes every time instead of registering a password. Just log in with a burner twitter account instead at that point.

Kan user fucked up hard there.

Should be actually soon

gg folks, sorry kan dude

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user you can just ask for another code

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I was desperate, okay?

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push the free sex button

Don't be that guy who kans after someone's called a riichi. It's not going to work.

one more

And new to the game since just a kan won't give you a yaku. At best you'll hit a dora, but against riichi's who'll get 2 doras per kan, it's probably not worth it. It also opens your hand, so you probably lose a han or two.

Click ready if you wanna play another round.

How are you gonna get on your 10minutemail to retrieve that code?

On his temp email?

shit im retarded


user was never heard from again, so we need a new one at 81458

>Just log in with a burner twitter account instead at that point.
Thanks for the suggestion, it was a good idea. Only now I'm not even getting the verification mail from Twatter. Guess the problem is on cock.li's end.

the dora is one of the 4 tiles or not?

Red number tiles and the tiles indicated by the dora indicator(s). It's always the next tile for the dora indicator, so 1->2->...->9->1, NESW and GRW for dragons.

no i mean if the dora is a red dragon for example does that mean that there are only 3 red dragons in play?

Yes. Dora are made with the playing set

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>riichi turn 2
oh boy

>Declare Reach on Turn 2
>Tsumo on Turn 3

Hoooooly fuck I love this game sometimes.

>win with tsumo pinfu tanyao dora4, 18000
>tfw had I gone for the furiten riichi that would have been riichi ippatsu too.
I'm sorry I doubted the free sex. I'll do better next time.

Any rooms up?

Yes, dora indicators are part of the dead wall, 14 tiles that won't be drawn. Unless someone calls kan, then he'll draw one tile from the end of the dead wall and one tile from the live wall will be added to the dead wall to make it 14 big again.

spot open

Accepting friend requests:



Is there an easy way to memorize hand scoring? Theres like 40 fucking hands to remember

>Kazoe yakuman
I can't believe that shit worked, I just wanted to end that hand quickly actually. Last pon wasn't even smart.

Two spots open at 81458

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You get +1 han for that too (ippatsu), if noone fucked it up with chi/pon/kan between your turns.


You'd have to check DMM or Nijiyome for that.

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Just concentrate on easy ones you know at first. Like tanyao, yakuhai and all pon.
Slowly extend your memorized yaku from there, a lot are intuitive or have poker equivalents. (Flushes, straight->straight through, full house->all pon)
There are also those that sort of have a hierarchy. "Every meld has at least one terminal/honor tile", "every melt only consists of terminal and honor tiles", "all melds only have honor tiles" and "all melds only have terminals". Last two are yakuman.
And if you think something is a nice shape, it's worth to look it up. (7 pairs, same run in all three colours, same triplet in all three colours, same run twice)

need two lads in #58288

How do I play vs AI?

Also where do you spend copper

Create room and set it vs ai

this shit turns my laptop into a jet engine
>started smelling something during the last game
>it was my laptop vent

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>see this
>drop 3 man

Attached: 1.jpg (175x301, 12K)

In ranked when you get off shitter ranked
In higher tier ranked room you actually need to spend copper in order to play
When you win high tier room you can get free jade which you can use to roll gacha

So yeah you get to gambling even as 100% F2P

Only an idiot would drop the red dragon.

safari runs it like shit, try ch*ome

>NESW and GRW for dragons
A helpful tip to remember the orders of the dora indicators for winds and dragons:
winds follow the compass directions clockwise
dragon go in alphabetical order (G before R before W, looping back to G)

Just memorize tanyao, pinfu, sanshoku, toy-toy, dai-san-gen-, kokushi. There, you're good, don't forget to use doras and don't put yourself in furiten.

>no free summons after registering
I claimed the launch campaign gift and the compensation gift though

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Forgot seven pairs but you won't use it anyway. You need to have some game sense for that shit.

what happens when you run out of copper? need to spend money to buy more?

East 3 never


2 more

you go the lower rank I assume where you can small copper but you wont have to pay anything to play

the one that give jade probably are high stake room

Game log is really good. It's easy to use and reveals all hands.


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If you mean the han/fu values, even Japanese players rely on computers or paper cheat sheets to calculate them. Don't worry about those if you intend to play irl.

chinese ver has it already running, so it's actually soon

Somebody needs to break 30K to end the game right?

What are the basics regarding locking in your pair? You don't want to end on a pair wait right?

I just whaled

Yeah I was pleasantly surprised. For a freemium gacha game this shit has good stuff.

Chiense jews.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

There's also a kan on 9s, it's not gonna come togetehr anymore. Also it's barely good enough for a start.

It's not the worst wait. You can even switch your wait on some shit tiles like honors or terminals.

reminder to collect those Jade
there will eventually be Live 2D exclusive skin

Bronze is the only rank you don't need to pay to enter, but it doesn't give any copper either. Also gold and higher can't even enter there anyhow.
You can end up in a situation where you're forced to either pay up or stop playing ranked until your daily quest refreshes for the bit of coins you can earn through them in friendlies.

Can you get jade without paying?

I played a hanchan. It seems like an overly designed platform that offers nothing superior to Tenhou that Yea Forums is hyping because it has anime tits. Am I wrong anywhere?

irl I do it all the time. Fuck stronger players.

>thinking of buying gifts and breaking them down into dust to buy summon scrolls
>realize you'd need 750k copper for a single roll
well fuck

the game is pretty new so no one ran out of copper yet
I imagine people will eventually bitch enough and they will probably and something just in case you flat out on your copper

Y-yeah, tenhou is better in every way except for anime tits. Upperdan+ experience is exceptionally good.

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As far as I'm concerned, pair waits suck, but you can sometime get stuck with double pair waits. As it stands, you can always try to play nasty tricks with single waits. Easiest being using honors, 1s and 9s as your pair. The other being throwing out a number in the middle that's 3 away from your wait as your riichi tile.

You haven't had to pay for Tenhou in many years.

>no one ran out of copper yet
Funny you say that, because I wasn't making that scenario up on my own. My friend just had it happen twenty minutes ago.

I only play this at all because of anime tits

Anime titties are very important user.
But really, it's much slower than tenhou. Dora tiles shining, being able to go auto cal win and the game telling you your waits are neat functions, but they probably don't really outweight tenhou's speed.

God, I want to play this for anime titties, but when I played mahjong in FF14 I got stuck for like a day trying to figure out hands.

Thanks, good to know. I don't begrudge anyone their anime tits, I just wondered if I was missing something.

in boxes silver league or superior

It looked approachable and I've actually wanted to check mahjong out, two birds with one stone

I play this because anime flat chest (is justice).

>apparently missed a thread about the second coming of tenhou with big anime tiddies

So is this actually any good as a mahjong client, or are people just playing for the tits?

Come for the tits, stay for the mahjong.

the problem is the game telling you what you can call other than that is actually petty good anime tiddies aside

I'd say it's easier for newer players to get into

It has a lot of babby coddling tools so it's good for newer players.

What the hell? You can play as Kodomo?

#88620 open

Room 88620 is open! I'm doing good today but I have to stop soon

Attached: curtains.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

she is not kodomo, she is 1000 years old!

on serious note, i think you mean Koromo, and not, not unless you are willing to pay up

Tenhou is only better if you use the client. The website flash and html5 versions are shit.

Man i just wish we had a decent client with all the good stuff in 2019. Including good seiyus, anime tits, flashing yakumans, icons, achievements, etc. I can play tenho for a month or two, then it gets boring.

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I just need a senpai or small group of people to learn with...

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>Instantly full

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Friend rooms should have a chat function. The emotes are not enough.

^ this. + People waited for a Janryuumon clone way too long.

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shame it has lolishit in it.

but people will be too toxic
I think they chose the right choice

>tfw sitting around in tenhou took forever to fill up but these apparently fill up instantly
>missed an entire thread of Yea Forums actually playing mahjong

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nothing Koromo is about that annoying shitter


If there was an in match chat i'd be tempted to dunk the social credit of the chinamen I encounter.

thread is sinking
thanks for the games

gg lads
mahjong is fucking trash

>Hey man i need pei, please drop :)
>don't drop terminals, this guy probably waits for them
>don't drop man, he has honnitsu
Fuck no.

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Two threads
This is the second, we already had one hit reply cap earlier
It was a good day

>being able to go auto cal win
That exists in Tenhou, actually. It's one of the options in the lower right corner. Arcturus has the menu translation.

Yes, finding children sexually attractive isn't cool or epic. Seek help.

>hey on what level of mind games are we right now hehehe
Fuck no indeed.

Attached: oooooooooooooh.jpg (256x256, 112K)

Why? Don't you like children?

Attached: koromo.jpg (848x480, 67K)

and both chrome and FF add-on stores have the translation add-on.

>Two threads

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xth for bullying the cat AI

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