Opinions on him?

Opinions on him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


why haven't you unsubscribed yet?

Has 1 or 2 funny videos, but overall he is very bland and unlikable.

Having the luxury of making money on youtube while doing whatever the fuck you want is rare these days

He's an annoying clickbaiting faggot who does the worst kind of vide.

>Here's something interesting, let me talk for 18 of the 20 minute video runtime and keep interrupting a 2 minute clip

I don't like how he caters to the drama/outrage mob now, I prefer when he did chill vidya reviews and nobody knew what he looked like, still watch him sometimes though cool guy

I like Justice, especially their cross album

Used to be based, then his videos became cringe, now his videos are based again but not the same kind of based

where does he buy his onaholes?

I wish I got free plastic vaginas

a sellout that chased the "youtube" money. But who cares at least he can now live comfortably with that money that was once going to charity

not my thing anymore, though i've been subscribed since the first fun series videos when he posted them on gamefaqs. He became annoying to watch and i've basically stayed subscribed just for infomercial videos

I hope he realizes how much he turned back on his virturous ambitions from when he actually made good content


i dislike most of his new videos. Hes just another channel on my list which had a tiny audience at first and sticked to being themself(no facecam, no video about the hot shit of the week), simply put they didnt care. Now hes just succumb to money and fame and sees it as a job which makes it bad.
>2014 was 5 years ago

He can be annoying when he spend 5 minutes describing in intricate detail a simile of how shitty something is, describing the texture and food particles seen within the shit, only for when the simile/comparison he's making is done, both he and the viewer have wasted their time and no real point has been made towards what he's trying to convey.

>i'm the king of monkey nuts in osrs.
>i have so many fucking monkey nuts, i might as well be the boss of a secret mafia corporation that smuggles monkey nuts
>i have more monkey nuts than you can even comprehend
>[10 minutes later]
>[he's still going on about how many monkey nuts he has, the jokes stopped being funny 9 and a half minutes ago, and you still don't really know why or where he's going with this intricate analogy to being a mafia boss for monkey nuts]

Honestly, he's just kind of autistic. And often times his "real life" stories often reek of that usual white guy who reaaaaally stretches the truth into high fantasy, and you can't really get a grasp of the limit of where and how much you can really trust what he's saying.

So, seriously, imagine that your family/friends were kidnapped, and he's the only one that saw the perpetrator. When you ask him what happened, he'd give you a half hour spiel about how this person supposedly looked like, followed by an hour long spiel about how the events took place, and at the end of it, you still really don't know shit about where the perpetrator went or how he looked like.

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its like wow, after classic got popular they stopped caring.

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What the fuck is with his hair, now he even looks like the faggot he has become. He hasn’t been decent for years now.

Face reveal and moist obsession is where it all turned to shit.

titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking titty jiggling ass fucking

You realize that most "charities" are a scam right?

used to be decent tier, went to complete shit after the shit he's doing now.
i get that he needs to do something new, but he went the wrong way with it

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I miss his old videos, now he's just an indistinguishable generic YouTube/streamer

everyone complaining about him in this thread is a 2019 guy

He is become what he is kritikal about

He sold the fuck out. End of story

went downhill after his face reveal

Trying way too hard spastic cringelord with shitty opinions

I think he's not video games

>his face reveal was on snapchat

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>waaah he's not an ugly unfuckable incel like me waaah unsubscribed waaaah waaaaaaaaaaah

Just as good as he always was, still a fan. He didn't change, you did.

Not a fan of his anymore once he started twitch streaming full time. His content quality took a massive hit right around that time.



wasnt he like walking to class in slippers and pajamas? like wtf lol ive never seen anyone do that how fucking retarded

he has really weird facial features. hes like arab and asian or something


He is just a simple tryharder

did months ago

I don't mind his face being on camera but I wish his videos were longer like they used to be. Now all his stuff except for a couple videos every now and then are like 4-6 minutes long, which doesn't really appeal to me as I use youtube as background noise during online games, and I hate alt tabbing out to swap videos.

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That last paragraph was entirely unnecessary. The exact kind of spiel for which you criticised him.

I open his video and turn on autoplay to fill the background noise.

he's a manlet sooooo....

He was cooler when he wasn't an opinionated bitch.
I miss his edited reviews and skits.
Now all he does is twitch streaming and videologs talking about the most recent controversy.

I guess that's the only way to make money now since youtube is so fucked, you are forced to make +10 minute long videos with zero copyrighted material of any sorts, not even a 1 second frame of mickey, if you want to make some money and not get your shit demonetized

Streams are not my jam because of the game selection and constant overblown burping, is that some wack medical condition he actually can't help? but I still watch some of the Youtube stuff. Still shocked the fucker was like 15 when he started making videos with that voice.

>+10 minute long videos
Almost all his vids are short as shit


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Fuck off Charlie

shut up!

Did this dude dress himself from the bargain bin at TJ Max?

am i on /fa/?

I started to find the schtick old but then the face reveal happened and the channel became an unrecoverable pile of shit, doing everything he said he'd never do. Good for him if he's happy but I'm no longer interested in his videos

He used to be better.


And he's so fucking weird. He makes no facial expressions while talking to the camera, like he's still new to the whole thing.

he looks like leafy but with facial hair

out of all the pictures taken of him, this is one that gets saved and circulated
goddamn i love this universe

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ass and titties haha am i right guys
please laugh

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His face is shaped like a small shield lmao

Did he ever fight the demon of hatred?

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literally this

based cringe "I'm smarter than everyone" poster

But he's right
He said in a video regarding charities that he would stop donating to so many because alot of them pocket their money. Not that i know if he still donates to any but still.

I liked his recent Earth Defense Force video where he has to be all defensive about playing the game because the fanbase he has left consists of insufferable zoomers.

even if a lot of the charities are scams, he should've just given the money to popular reputable charities instead of some seedy random ones.
but it doesn't really matter since i highly doubt he wanted to keep donating that money, and the whole "charity is a scam" thing was the perfect excuse for him to starting pocketing the money.

He is a normalfag who doesn't know he is a normalfag.

What fucking ethnicity is this?

His video chastising people for making fun of Fortnite children was all I've ever seen of him and it was fucking gay. I liked faggot nerd shit when I was in school, but I never got to fucking dance around wearing my interests on my sleeve unscathed and these fucking zoomers shouldn't be able to either.

I said that he looked like a gay lovechild of a mexcian and asian when he did his face reveal and he deleted the comment

He's at his best when he's doing dumb, silly shit like speedrunning shit games or having a laugh at youtube videos. At his worst actually putting effort in. Entertaining streamer though.

Still I wish I didn't know his name was Charlie, and I wish I didn't know what he looked like.


His a legend

Used to be a funny weirdo and is now a turbo normie and needs to die.

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Last year



Permavirgin turned into broadbanging chad.
Used to be funny when he was a permavirgin. Nice to see that guys like this can make it I guess.

horribly unfunnny now

He thinks he's hot shit and funny, but even idiots have their purpose, his gaming journalism video was useful.

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Have you seen the dude's gf?

Same. No interesting or original opinions really, and his reviews are basically “I liked this, I didn’t like that”

How do I get /fit/ like Charles Yea Forumsros?

unsubscribed a while ago
he is just so bland now and the Official Podcast was the only thing that kept me subscribed until that went to shit too

Meant for

>5'5" 90 pound manlet with a 4/10(6/10 if you consider how many fat women there are dragging the average down) gf

fpbp unsubscribed years ago after he started becoming an e-celeb

Why the fuck are jannies so inconsistent.

this lmao

yeah she cute

that's very common in the US. people did that all the time in high school, usually the chads and staceys. i expect it's even worse in college

Just stop eating for a few weeks.

Eat at a deficit and never touch a single weight in your life, do 10 push ups every morning instead.

Popular doesn't mean trusted and also who cares what he does with his money. He should of pocketed in the first place.

Went to shit after face reveal.
A hypocrite.

i dont want to sound like an asshole but how old are you? just a simple question

I stopped following him after he tried to become some authority on internet humor.
When you're claim to fame was making jokes like "This is soggier than Tom Pickle's butt hole", you can't really look down on others

>that nub earring

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D.A.N.C.E is a classic.

I really did not expect a post this based here. Cross is legendary but I liked Woman as well.

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wut? he is a skinny manlet that look like someone dropped a piece of ham on the floor of a barber shop

DMC5 was cringe btw.
I mean what the fuck is "up your butt" who would find that funny haha please follow me on twitch.

>Wrists thinner than his woman's
She's cheating on him 1000%

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Anyone following the CoX private server drama knows he's a fag.



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>had him in my subscriptions for years without really watching him
>Makes dmc5 "review"
>Says Nico is insufferable and and a cringe character for making 1 "up your butt” joke
>His entire schtick is cum pussy fart ass penis tier humour

Fuck that guy

>tfw a decade remove from that feeling of listening to Cross as a freshman in high school for thw very first time
I miss the feeling of just starting to get more into music.

good raff


It still sounds fresh years after first hearing it. It's so good.
>this got featured in Midnight Club LA

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he looks more and more like a mexican every time I see him

that looks more like the sonic mania guy


Unsubscribed the moment he did facecams

Never liked him or how cringey his "tiddies pissflaps durr monkey nipple fucker" jokes were. But one thing that really surprises me is how many people seem to agree that he is sexy, seriously? Is it an American thing or something? He looks disgusting, manlet with shitty hairtyle and shitty features and facial hair, he looks like a woman transitioning to be a man I find it unbelievable how many people find him attractive.

Pessimistic, pretentious, monotone-voiced low-effort content making skinny wh*toid male that needs to get a haircut and shave youtuber #(insert random numbers here)

I listen to his podcast , seems like a decent guy

What's he even talking about?

I look exactly like him and it's a curse

>ultima online and aion still standing
>tera, neverwinter, eso and ff14 dead
To this day I still don't get this image.

I literally did this two days ago to my 8am final. I live off campus too, I could not give less of a fuck.

did it 4 months ago, youtube still recommends him


I like his humor, but his opinions are complete shit-tier, and yes, I'm mad about Billie Elish and DMC5 moist meters.

>But one thing that really surprises me is how many people seem to agree that he is sexy, seriously? Is it an American thing or something?
1 - people have different standards and yours might not be like others
2 - maybe it's just me but from his voice and mannerisms I expected some lard-ass catastrophe of a man so how he actually looked was surprising


fuck him

What did his dumb "moist meter" give DMC5?

wtf is he wearing holy hell

He's hot

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One of those people who looks like utter shit without facial hair

The secret club private server for City of Heroes

>People have different standards and yours might not be like that
I know that, my point was that "so many" ie. The majority seems to think he is really really good looking, what exactly is good looking about him?

33, I've been watching Charlie's videos since about 2007. Still a fan of him, he still makes me laugh.

He's 160cm so no.

He talked shit about pizza hut and called everyone who worked there stupid, now whether i work there or not regardless he just sounded like an annoying bitch and im sure it'd piss off anyone who has worked in the food industry

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>now whether i work there or not regardless

Downward spiral after face reveal. Now he's insufferable. That's fine though. At least we still have Jerma and Funhaus' Wheelhaus and Demo Disk.

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Unsubbed as soon as he succumbed to the cancer of making videos about his face rather than about video games

>"haha, remember to check le epik swaety nipples stream ecksdee"

You're fucking stupid

FtM is the ideal way a man looks to women.

So he is actually a fag, right? The hair. The tattoos. The finely manicured beard. The stick muscle build. The plucked eyebrows. It all screams fag to me.

He's become one of those guys who just complains about other youtubers for drama clicks.


>90's style shitty hair
>Pubes glued to his face
>God awful tattoos
>Skinny bitch arms
>Gayboy eyebrows and earring

Got much fucking worse after he showed his face.

he's not funny anymore

unsubscribing from you guys too

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>Downward spiral after face reveal
nice album reference

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Either I grew up or he became worse and worse as time went on, ESPECIALLY with the youtube drama.

What youtube drama?

over a year ago

>That one throwaway comment from Nico which summarizes his entire Youtube career
>"Yeah the writing in this game is cringe"


This is actually kinda baffeling. Doesn't he work our regularly? Is he doing crossfit?

Went too big, never should have revealed his face

that's what a review is you fucking retard

in some ways yeah but he can't review for shit lol

>1.7k average viewers on Twitch
>6.5k subs
His fanbase is really something else.

No, a review is talking about why something does or doesn't work, not just if it does or not.

an absolute toolbag

is that good? i don't use this gay site

He was cool back when he did funny gameplay videos and shit but he changed to pander to youtube and is now a clickbaity drama channel who just appeals to a mob.
His song isn't even good but people jerk off to it because he went along with the muh soi drinking strawman we're so much better than them!
Which is just the fuck hipsters or fuck emos of like 10 years ago.

He was good like 9 years ago when he did old odd games, he became a total faggot with no humor as time went on and he started focusing on podcast trash and being an e-celeb

Kinda look like a douche, but none beside that since I don't give a fuck about him.

It fucking hurt when I did man

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Getting 1.7k average is shit when you consider he has 3.3mil youtube subs and shils his twitch channel every minute.
He makes at least 16k a month just from Twitch subs don't forget all other donations.

he completely sold out his old audience to appeal to youtube drama zoomers
I dont see how you could be a fan of his old content and still like him now, his old content was very anti-youtube establishment and he's literally become it.

Guy looks like an iranian male prostitute.

I did, years ago

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I feel bad now cause he looks happy here but people are being mean about him :(

I don't like him but I don't think he looks bad.
It's just a very easy thing to go for.

Was never funny.

did as soon as he stopped playing bad games

The Party is a classic in the slutcore genre

also seriously literally everyone I know calls the album Cross but the album is apparently supposed to be called Justice

I feel like his voice is an affectation that he puts on. I don't know anyone in real life who talks like he does.

I don't think he's the kind of person to be offended by literally whos on the internet.

He was way better when he was depressed, didn't have a camera, and was just playing random dogshit russian steam games while talking in a monotone voice. He instantly lost his mystique when you realize he's just some twink who's living a fairly comfortable middle class lifestyle, and recording himself playing with his dog. I don't know what it is, but people get way less interesting when they get their lives together.

The Monkey Nuts video was at least about video games and was made better by his little brother
>Actually I have invested heavily in ropes and pottery so when the monkey nut economy crashes people have to come to me to hang themselves and get cremation vessels

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and HOPEFULLY he just lost a bunch of weight but was too lazy/cheap to buy new clothes that fit.

Shit, that's actually funny.

he got incredibly cringe after he started using a facecam and got a girlfriend

His streams can be great chill entertainment, exception is when he gets butthurt about some aspect of a game that he doesn't like etc. cause you can just see him stop caring in the slightest.

it's funny how these threads always gather a shitton of posts despite the hate he receives lol

>everyone is making fun of him because he's short
>tfw I'm even shorter than him

Unsubbed after it took the other hosts on his podcast 10 minutes to explain Plato's cave allegory to him, which he then spent 10 minutes calling "pretentious stupid shit" because he didn't get it fast enough.

How is it funny.

I unsubscribed after he went on about doing cocaine and going to casinos. Talking about it like it was nothing and how he "couldn't handle his cocaine at the time"

But I ha-
>Also come watch me on my stream moist critical
-ve ages ago.
>Also remember when I sent all money to charity, SYKE.

D.A.N.C.E. is unfanthomably based

The only good content he made in half a decade was Soul Calibur 6 and he exhausted that gimmick in less than a video. Of course he went to make several more like the average twitch retard

I really loved Woman Worldwide, it got an Emmy too

>did as soon as he stopped playing bad games
He literally played Days Gone two days ago.

> Sings a song about how he is an unironic cuck

>nu-cr1t sucks
>nu-criken sucks
>nu-vinny sucks
Who do you even watch nowadays lads? Seems everyone's gone to shit.

Podcast is still fun
Mostly because anf andrew


What's wrong with Vinny, also Jerma

Wait what?

2019 guy

him growing his hair out looks awkward as shit, like he has that weird thing where no matter what it looks like shit, just waiting to get that 10/10 emo fringe desu

>Jerma managed to connect with Star_ again
>The videos they're in together take an instant nosedive in quality any time Star_ utters a single word.
>They still do the joke of Star being super hyperfocused on efficient gameplay while Jerma does some fuckery - but Star doesn't even try to say something witty anymore and just stares back

How can a person be such a shitty personality? Seriously, he ruined all the VR videos. Meanwhile jerma was trying to triple weild grenades.

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Fuck STAR_ (or ster) and FUCK gamers.
That is all.

Andrew is fucking his wife and he says it's win-win.

I feel like Star_ is mad jealous of Jerma's natural magnetism and how he overtook him in popularity when Jerma was originally the literal who in his videos.

Poopy butt fart pussy ass dick pickle

>Mostly because of Kaya.

He was funny when I was 15

Is his anger justified though? Kinda brought it upon himself by deciding to only stream Overwatch, even long after it was popular

Kaya is a anoying cockroach woth shitty opinions

this is probably my biggest gripe with him. even boogie cut his hair for shits sake

Thats clearly satire

That song he released is absolute dog shit

He is the only one who is level-headed, and whose sense of humor is not at the level of a 15-year-old teenager.

>implying Yea Forums the ones that think this tweet is genuine will understand that the video is satire

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that guy projects so hard there is no way he isn't a pedophile


No way, he shot himself in the foot and deserves the consequences


There's like 3 mods who gift a fuck ton of subs, before i stopped watching his stream these people were gifting at least 100 sub per stream

he said the dialogue was trash and Nico's dialogue was especially cringey

What does that even mean? Mabey I'm getting too old for Yea Forums.

Why do some youtubers feel the need to change their video style from a disembodied voice to close up facecam?
I mean look at this guy called Big Joel youtube.com/watch?v=3JcwGKzoaC8, he does critique/analysis videos on movies and such but for some reason his new videos have his gormless face front and centre, it's unwatchable.

Andrew is the only one I watch consistently throrugh his streams
I miss his Lone N00B videos though, his new ones suck

Because showing movie footage can get you demonetized and most viewers don't actually watch videos but rather listen to them while doing something else.


>charities are entitled to your money even if you don't know for sure if they're actually doing the things they promised to do

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He used to be an interesting personality back in the day that, he was pretty akward, autistic and he made dumb videos that were fascinating to watch.
But ever since he got some ego, he is more and more turning into a whiny bitch.
Also he is pretty dumb so his insight is unnecessary.
But his podcast is still sometimes good, thanks to every other host....

More like bored burgers, because those burgers aren't having any fun

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he is a faggot who clearly ggoes to Yea Forums for his "opinions" and shit them out in his faggot streams.
I mean nothing wrong with having the same opinions as Yea Forums, but don't go and act like you came up with them yourself.

And he turned into a dramaqueen the second he showed his face, losing all his charm.

>Also he is pretty dumb so his insight is unnecessary
That's why I wonder why he makes those moist meter videos.

>that beard
jesus dude

I'm surprise no one has said something about his discord server yet

>Podcast is still fun
That's pretty much the only reason I'm still subbed. I generally prefer listening to podcasts over music and somehow they've managed to become my favorite one.

I started to dislike him when he made a horror game video and was humble bragging he didn't get scared from them or something like Joseph Anderson. Hes not funny and repeats the same joke over and over like a monotone AVGN.

Well, he is from Turkey.