High tier
>Classic Matt and Pat
Alright tier
>Woolie and Pat
>Classic Matt and Woolie
Low tier
>Matt and anyone
>Liam and Woolie or Matt
Comical tier
>Liam and Pat
High tier
>Classic Matt and Pat
Alright tier
>Woolie and Pat
>Classic Matt and Woolie
Low tier
>Matt and anyone
>Liam and Woolie or Matt
Comical tier
>Liam and Pat
Other urls found in this thread:
images that should result in a permanent ban
God Tier
>Pat and Paige talking over the video game and saying retarded bullshit.
How funny is it that Pat and Woolie are so desperate for money that they joined Roosterteeth? Wouldnt making a patreon like Matt give them more bucks?
>anything other than cancer tier
I guess with Rooster Teeth they'll have a steady income as long as they're with them compared to patreon which rises or falls at the whims of patrons.
Time will tell how much them joining will affect their content.
funny how you never complain when it's a giant bomb thread
>Do attend
>Woolie talking about how confirmation bias makes you a crazy conspiracy theorist.
>Tells trannies how brave they are for mutilating themselves.
Woolie no.
Pat is a cuck and Paige is a degenerate whore.
They have an "open relationship" because Paige will die young and therefore believes she has to ride as many cocks as possible before that happens. Every time she "goes travelling" she's fucking other guys, she barely ever lives with Pat. She's with him maybe 3 months out of 12, the rest of the time she's riding the cock carousel.
>b-but mustard girl is innocent incel!
If it looks like a whore, talks like a whore and acts like a whore. Then it's probably a whore.
>Indirectly proves Woolie right
I do complain though, you literal nigger
have sex
>writing e-celeb fan fic
Come over baby.
I'll suck you dry.
except you don't, hypocrite.
Archangel tier
you wouldn't know what to do, incel.
I miss getting one hour of content a day from these guys.
Pat's streams just don't fill the void.
Get over here and find out.
Might let you fuck my ass if you behave ;)
>Hours of reading donations
>Dry commentary for the most part
>Whiny asshole
>See Woolie streaming more Sekiro
>Minh is there
Fucking kill me
>moaning about donation reading you can just skip
You can't skip it when you watching live, user.
Then don’t watch it live
>Hey, it's ya boi Woolie here with some fresh content
>Hey subhuman ESL friend o mine, how's it going?
>You ready for this LP?
Pats streams are nothing but donation reading.
Even when he's not reading them out loud, he's looking at them on the screen and not playing the game. In a 6 hour stream you're lucky if you get 20 minutes of gameplay with funny commentary.
You'd be surprised how depraved and whorish girls who don't look like whores , don't talk like whores and don't act like whores can be.
And there are girls who like to dress sexy , are confident and outgoing and will fuck up anyone who does you wrong and are loyal as fuck.
I swear I'm the only person who doesn't have a problem understanding Woolie's guests.
>Pat and Woolie using "folks" to describe people
I want to personally gas these two canadian liberal cucks
>I come on Yea Forums to project onto people I disagree with
I understand what they're saying most of the time.
Problem is that they're all charisma black holes.
>And there are girls who like to dress sexy , are confident and outgoing and will fuck up anyone who does you wrong and are loyal as fuck.
Yeah ok, live in cloud cuckoo land.
>You'd be surprised how depraved and whorish girls who don't look like whores , don't talk like whores and don't act like whores can be.
No, I wouldn't actually. It's just more obvious when they dress like whores.
Reggie's pretty okay. The other two can fuck off tho
Wtf even is that?
I liked the guy from the Katamari lp
Sounds like you just have a hateboner for pat, I know that’s you Liam
How did they still not finish RE2 after 3 months? It's not a long game..
Woolie is so pathetic
I guess Woolie wants to take his distance from Pat and prove he can prosper with his new LP friends.
I used to love Pat, Pat was my favourite and the kingpin of SBFP. Modern Pat is a disgrace.
What's the problem? It's well-known black people love antagonizing any black person that doesn't speak like gutter trash.
Woolie can't play any game without crawling through every millimeter of the level at the pace of a snail. That and Pat is too lazy to leave the house anymore.
That was a white person complimenting the black guy on sounding white. Woolie finds this insulting, that only whites can sound intelligent, even though it's widely accepted blacks are dumb, violent apes.
I guess it's hard to leave the house when your gf is in hospice care and you have to gake care of her
Why would anyone be upset that somebody thinks they don't sound like a sub-human?
Pat can't take care of his own hygiene, let alone his bulls womans health
How is Pat even still alive? From what I can tell, he chugs Redbulls as if they were water, eats like shit and sits on his ass all day. This can't be good.
Any day now
Poor Woolie, him not being able to stay afloat without Pat is hitting him really hard now.
>Why doesn't a black person see eye to eye with my views on his own race
I don't think it's on Pat. It's not like woolie is making much progress with his streams without Pat. He's still not halfway through with Sekiro. Deltarune also took him forever and he still didn't finish Nier Automatas sidequests
>Matt becomes 10x less annoying on his solo channel
>Pat becomes 30x more annoying on his solo channel
>How is Pat even still alive?
One day soon in the next few years out of the blue, Pat will be pronounced dead like the fat man from Giant Bomb.
Woah, boogie gained a lot of weight
Woolie should stop being so ungrateful and act a little more appreciative that whites have accepted him despite his race's shortcomings
>dabs on SBF and trannies with facts and logic
You can be a gay homo but still be based and redpilled.
Fucking calm down Woolie, no one wants to watch solo Pen or Teller, they're there for the duo and there's nothing wrong with that
>Cannot figure out anything on his own
>Glances to his right every 30 seconds so people can tell him how to play the game normally
>Breaks immersion whenever possible
Was there even a video with only Pat and Liam? I can't remember
Yes and?
Who doesn't love a good gossip?
All that black bull cum he slurps
They did the Barkley game together
Except if Pen or Teller did something solo crying to them to do it with the other is fucking stupid.
>Hiding his ugly manchin
Atleast three different LP series with just the two of them, MGS5, Mario RPG and Barkley.
Mario RPG.
Barkley's shut up and jam gaiden
They were comfy.
Gunjumping Solid V
>Except if Pen or Teller did something solo crying to them to do it with the other is fucking stupid.
No it's not, it's the only way to get what you want, Woolie.
No one wants to watch your boring ass solo, you need a white man to add balance.
>Woolie's videos aren't funny anymore
>No hype whatsoever
>Keeps bringing in non-english speaking charisma voids
>Says he doesn't want to be a constant duo with Pat, even though every video and series featuring him get 6 to 7 times his sub 10k normal view count
>Pat's streams aren't any better
>Drier and more boring than unbuttered toast
>Paige wore out her welcome and hilarity 2 years ago, has become obnoxious meme loving moron that runs jokes into the ground worse than Matt did
>Podcasts ruined by becoming political seemingly at random
I miss the old team, though I don't miss Liam, Fuck that piece of shit. That golden period during Omikron to the breakup was great.
>golden period
>woolie is down to one video a day
is this the end
She's bi, of course she's a slut
I wonder when he admits to himself that all his friends not named Pat have 0 on-screen charisma.
Why has Paige become noticeably more obnoxious? I used to genuinely like her.
It's called pacing content uploads so you don't run out of shit to post.
Woolie is desperate to be a nigger even though he hangs out almost exclusively with white people & has primarily white fans, and his blackness consists of occasionally spouting 25 year-old Tupac lyrics, not understanding simple concepts, & smelling bad.
Why do you think he joined Rooster Teeth?
Wooie's desperate to have any of his solo endeavours pay off and it shows. It's pathetic and just desserts for thinking he could go it solo without Pat full time.
Because she no longer makes your peepee hard and you're seeing how truly annoying and dull she is for the first time
Can't really blame him. He relied on a group before for his main source of income and look at what happened.
>Pat keeps going further and further up his own ass since making it big on twitch
Yeah, okay. I never really found her attractive, she used to be genuinely funnier and more likable. Conveniently I've noticed her becoming worse the more outspokenly supportive of trannies she is.
>Still doesn't know left from right
>Gets insecure around real blacks and chimps out
>Any allusion to him being the uncle tom he is causes a mental break
Peach(Paige) is so funny on The Dick Show.
I think its completely fine to want your solo stuff to take off, lets you be your own master so to say, but the shit part is that Woolie gets REALLY butthurt when people even suggest doing more stuff with Pat. Granted Pat didnt seem interested in doing anything together either, but Pat has twitch paypiggies.
>she used to be genuinely funnier and more likable
Yeah, because she made your peepee hard. I hated her from the get go, she was an unfunny, unknowledgeable, boring, shrill cunt.
Matt's channel is surprisingly decent if you don't watch anything with his wife in it, and try to forget you know he doesn't really like or play video games.
It's really obvious how inflated his ego is getting.
It's seeping through more and more that he thinks anyone who doesn't throw free money at him is a subhuman troll who doesn't deserve to even have their existence acknowledged.
Wait what
What do they do for RT?
>Oh boy a shitty Star Trek LP this should be fu-
Okay, here's your (You) I guess, thanks for playing.
One of the recent podcasts about how he loves turning on sub only chat because they give him money and another time about how he likes to stall playing the game when people say he's reading donations for too long
And it should be obvious to him now that it's the best deal he's gonna get
They stated a few days ago they just joined so not much for right now.
>about how he likes to stall playing the game when people say he's reading donations for too long
This. He says he does it out of spite when a "non sub" complains about him not playing the fucking video game. What kind of fucked up thought process is that?
>this week's podcast
I'm getting fuckin' tired of this ginger midget
Not my fault you let your dick get in the way of judging character. I was right from the get go, you only realised her true nature after your penis got tired of seeing her.
>oh hit Woolie played Automaa that's coo-
>he makes Woolie skip all side quests and not use Attack+ Chips
>miss unique side quests that complement the story and complains about enemies being bullet sponges
God I hate that inbred retard
I lurk nearly every Pat stream and he has only used sub-only mode maybe twice. That’s just untrue.
Pat gets a boner for thinking that he is a epic troll and making people angry.
What? Now I have to listen to this week's podcast. Pat is a known asshole but that's really shitty.
>By the way this is the best track in the game ;) Does this repeated line make you laugh yet?
I am literally homosexual on a personal level and on an objective level always considered her mediocre. Why are you so desperate for attention from anonymous strangers on an anime imageboard that you're actually going to type the same post several times?
>Liam just wants to rush through the game
God he ruined the mgsv playthrough with that shit.
And how many times has he acted liked a spiteful child when he isn't having free money thrown at him?
What is her true nature? Being a whore? Any proof? Pics?
You gotta have balls of steel to mutilate your dick. He isn't wrong. That's brave, but crazy
"Patt, buddy, amigo.. it's time to come home."
I think he’s just kind of an asshole all the time. I’ve never seen him be like “gimme money” unless he’s clearly being ironic.
Just google paige dick show. She goes camping with Dick and his gf.
Literally the only gaming podcast that matters.
No but epic madman moments! Did you see how cool it was when he jumped the gun!?
Liam got Pat into Nier, thus cue to Pat acting like a Nier elitist despite him not playing the game for a number of years and just read wikipedia article summaries.
>that one time he blew up on Matt autistically because OMG YOU DON'T THINK AUTOMATA IS A DIRECT SEQUEL TO NIER?
Shut up you fucking secondary. Jesus christ.
>I am literally homosexual on a personal level
Oh so you're one of those camp gays who acts like a woman, thanks for clearing that up you mentally ill degenerate.
I never saw him use it and I watch his streams quiet often.
Pat just likes acting like he's an asshole even if he isn't really one
>haha let me just try this trick I just thought of
I remember her talking about that several times on stream and I think she said it was in a big group. Did she fuck an entire group of people? I don’t remember her talking about sleeping with anyone, but then I don’t listen to Dick Show.
>What is her true nature? Being a whore? Any proof? Pics?
If you can't spot whores, you're in for a long life of pain.
But Matt was objectively wrong during that argument.
>If I get to ending A thats enough, I have seen the game already
>What kind of fucked up thought process is that?
"I'm gonna consume your content for free and simultaneously bitch about it"
>a woman cannot associate with a man without choking on his cock
yikes, unironically have sex
>If a whore doesn't go around loudly proclaiming she sleeps around it doesn't happen
ok retard
kys, Matt was the retard in that argument. You can't talk out of your ass and state that Automata isn't a NieR sequel when you haven't finished the fucking game.
What the fuck am I looking at?
>a woman cannot associate with a man without choking on his cock
Yes, this is a fact. He's either friendzoned, gay or she's chocking on his cock.
Protip, you're friendzoned by your female "friends".
Not Vidya tier
>This Thread
>Black podcast
>Most of the members dick suck sony except the xbox guy
>They go off topic constantly because they can't go 5 minutes without roasting someone for saying something they disagree with
>Members threaten to kill each other every other month to the point one member got kicked off for going too far
>30-40 year olds still arguing over the console war
I only listened to a few of their episodes and it's the most bizarre shit ever.
To be fair, 9S is a fucking slog, and that is several hours of retreading for just a few extra tidbits.
Weapon Wheel sounds it like its a bunch of 360 kids. What makes it good? I'm looking for more podcasts.
But Matt didnt even play the game once, he was making statements without playing ANY game in the series.
We never got that MGS3 LP lads
To be fair, Automata is the only game in the series that has decent gameplay.
Somehow I feel like you, someone that's never had female friends and never will, isn't exactly an authority on this matter, incel :^)
I was there, we all ran a train on her. She called pat up on the phone while having a screaming orgasm. It was epic, epic for the win.
I miss roundtable live.
Why is he at fault for wanting his solo stuff to take off? Personally I think he should do more stuff like his fighting game streams though.
Irrelevant, he still didnt play it yet was talking shit and getting mad when called out.
Thank God. It would be a monumental blunder.
>"I'm gonna consume your content for free and simultaneously bitch about it"
Yes and?
You're playing video games, you should be grateful ANYONE is watching you let alone paying you.
>The Zaibatsu fell apart and their solo projects are mediocre
>Half of Critikal's videos are vlog shit about literal who douchebags
>Robbaz sometimes goes an entire month without uploading, and what he does upload feels phoned in
I miss the youtube of 4-5 years ago
i had no idea incels got so pissy. If she’s a cheating slut then she’s a cheating slut but if there’s no proof other than she’s hot and wears tighter clothes off stream then you’re just a gossipy old yenta.
It's not good at all. The only reason to watch it is because they constantly get into dumb arguments with each other that manage to escalate into shit like this: youtube.com
She's a whore, I don't need video evidence to be sure of that
You're right, I don't have female friends.
I'm either fucking a woman or she's just an annoying obstacle. You're just rationalising being friendzoned.
I literally don't understand this thread who the fuck are they? What does it matter? They are video games or what the fuck? Is this a zoomer thread? Or e-celebs have tier lists too? What the fucking is wrong with this place
V I D E O G A M E S - Yea Forums
dead by 30
Omikron was the logical conclusion of the garb-age.
There is absolutely no video game discussion in this thread.
>retsupurae dead
>Spike and Barley dead
The YouTube's dyin', Cloud
The state of you
I'm sure you thought that would make you seem really cool to anonymous internet people. Seethe more, virgin :^)