You hanging in there Yea Forums?

you hanging in there Yea Forums?

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No I'm not. My ex took my dog.

I'm doing quite better actually. Things are improving.


i’m doomed

>tfw pretending it's alright
>know deep down it's far from that

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fake it 'til you make it

I don't feel like playing anything, every video game related purchase I've made in the past 4 months has been waste of money since I don't want to play those games/no interest in learning them (games that might take a while to get into like Kenshi for example)
Maybe I should start jogging

The only thing I have left is mindless escapism

years keep passing and i hardly accomplish anything. everyone one seems to have clear ambitions in mind but i'm almost 30 and still don't know what i want

I'm hanging by the thread

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Life is so stagnant for me in a time when they should be ramping up. I know what i need to do but I dont have either the balls or the drive to do anything.

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I've given up on life being worth living so nah

>dropped out of university
>got a job working in local government with people in their 40s
>tfw no friends
>tfw only socialness I get is from people online
>tfw seeing friends together, going to anime cons and having fun together
>people at work like me but they're not the kind of people I'd spend time with outside of work, mostly because they all have partners and kids

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You're just me and I sadly have no advice for you.
I hope you end up doing better than I am friend, please take care of yourself.

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Let's see.

I gotta go to the doc tomorrow morning to get a prescription for a foot orthesis because I have a crippling nerve-disease and I can't properly anymore. Right now I'm using a test model I have to give back tomorrow and then wait 3-5 days for my own to arrive.

I really want to play Sekiro but my hands don't work well anymore for precision in games.

I'm gonna pick up a shit ton of weed and fuck a hooker when I get my disability bux next week.

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>College dropout
>No talent/ hobbies
>Daily routine is waking up at midday and browsing here until midnight

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>done everything in my power to improve my situation without success
>treatment and meds has no effect
>neetbux running out in september
it's looking grim bros

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Just about hitting my limits here, but still being a pussy to do it

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Did you jointly get the dog or was it yours prior? That sucks ass what a cunt

I can't take it anymore, bros. I see nothing good ever happening in life. Why would anything good ever happen?

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I got my hopes up and was disappointed. Again.

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What about, what's up man?

i'm already a ghost

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I have money, a job, a healthy life, a house and a lot of friends
But no gf

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Nothing good is likely to happen
But you may as well hang in there to know for sure if anything will
At least that's what I've been telling myself. I think it's a good attitude though

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Not really no. I was trying to create a youtbur channel that I dreamed up for years. I wanted to discuss mental illnesses. I made my first video after planning it for months. Only got 9k views on it within 3 days. I feel like a fucking retarded failure.