Why aren't you looking forward to Gears 5, Yea Forums?

Why aren't you looking forward to Gears 5, Yea Forums?

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Because gears 4 was pretty bad


This. 343 and Coalition are weak tribute bands.

I'll be sure to play it on my Switch once it comes out on XBL

How was it bad? It played exactly like all the others.

The gameplay was fine, not much of a change from 3, but god damn did the game die when Dom did

The story was genuine garbage. The ending where it leaves with that chick being an heir to the locust queen or some bs is just stupid too. But ya it’s the same as the others in every way

Gears of War 3 sucked and became a slog to finish towards the end, I've heard Gears 4 was messy, and the games are on the Xbone which still does not have any exclusives to warrant buying one yet after multiple years.

Also, remember this monstrosity shown off a while back? Any interest I may have had in the series prior died after seeing this shit.

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>replace the protagonist of one of THE most stereotypical and quintessential testosterone fueled shooters on the market with STRONK EMPOWERED FEMALE
>turn the game into Tears of War with forced drama

I only need two things from a Gears title. A new carmine and fun multiplayer. If they are really doing a girl power game they better put a female carmine in there or they can suck my tiny dick.

because 3 was the conclusion of the story and there never should have been a sequel.

The formula has run it's course it's time to put it to rest. Not every game series needs to continue for 10+ years

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Gears was never good

This. Shit was a messy conclusion, but it ended pretty damn cleanly. I know sequels have to happen because developers want to afford rent, but they continued straight off of the ending and even dragged Marcus back into the fray. I was good and done after 3, never felt the need to keep diving into the "story" of GoW.

gears 4 is on pc

And it’s one of the worst ports I’ve ever seen

Well shit, guess that goes to show the attention I put into the game. Ah well, I stand corrected. Still not interested, but I thought it was an Xbone exclusive alone.

The port is very good though? Only negative part is downloading the ~100gb

>turn the game into Tears of War with forced drama

Ironic you say this with the trailers the original trilogy had pushing the narrative of the games being emotional but you then have cut scenes completely dumb shit like Cole saying "LOOK AT ALL DAT JUICE" etc.

le stronk brown womyn protag is the last thing Gears needed

Ya I love watching a cutscene and all of a sudden JD starts moonwalking and I can’t actually play because he needs to walk off screen for the cutscene to end, shits cash

Especially in a series where the women were legit already. Anya, Bernie, Sam, and that supreme hotness redhead Sofia were all legit soldiers without going to hard on the feminism shit.

Because i stopped caring after 3.

>oh no it had one bug, the worst port ever!!!

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>thinking that’s the only issue with the port
You really are lost aren’t you

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Juice line was fine, the entire squad was reacting to how much fuel that was.
>Look at all dat juice!
>Hey Markus, how much do you think all that emulsion is worth?
>I don't think I can count that high.

I literally didn't have a single bug and I played it on the day it came out.
Optimization is also really good.

Just because you experienced 1-2 bugs doesn't mean it's a shit port in general.

I don't like the new guys, they're so devoid of charisma. Give me the Cole train or don't bother.


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It's a good port you brain dead faggot

I am. Always excited for more laura bailey!

>Gears of Intersectional Feminism 5

Fucking roasties, man. Kiss me, bro.

Sure, bro. No eye contact, that's gay.

>Gears 5
shit, I hardly remember there being a Gears 4
what happened in that one? Every game they go "yup, locust are dead and gone. We win, sort of." but I thought 3 was supposed to be the end

I bought gears 4 on PC at launch and the online has been permanently dead. Not going to subject myself to that again.

Campaign was dogshit as well.

Why aren't soldiers in Gears wearing helmets? Isn't the head kind of important to protect?

>Locust are gone but sike not really they're still alive and it's implied Kait's grandmother is the Myrrah
Gears 4 officially killed the series for me

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Easier to spot snipers without them, apparently.

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>Acts like a cunt
>A soldier driven purely by emotions
>Looks like a radical lesbian feminist
>"It's about ME!"
Her officer should have slapped her and told her to stand down.

Cool it Dom...

Can't you leave just ONE series that's designed for men? Just fucking one game where you play as a comically oversized space marine and chainsaw aliens? Please. You've taken enough.

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Graphically looks nice, story seems to be dumpster fire. It's a wewillhaveonegamebox exclusive and Yea Forums is full of nintendo fanboys so who is going to talk about it?

>The ending where it leaves with that chick being an heir to the locust queen or some bs is just stupid too.
Reminder that Myrrah spent almost her entire adult life among the Locust and there was only ever one man who could put a baby kn her; Adam Fenix.
JD is literally banging his cousin.

>Locust corpses become Emulsion zombies and start attacking people
>Marcus is too old for this shit, still proceeds to wade waist deep into said shit
>Marcus' kid, JD, quit COG to join rebel shmucks because he wanted to bang their leader's daughter
>Turns out said leader was actually Myrrah's secret daughter, apparently, and may have been trying to subvert COG for her own purposes. Don't really know because that shit gets revealed in like the second to last cutscene

But Rod Fergusson is such an awesome custodian of the series.


>Kait becomes a leader
>Almost immediately begins showing radical and uprofessional tendencies
>Has freaky Locust blood in her to boot
By the end of the game she's going to go nuts and COG is either going to put her down or remove her command, mark my words.

>Take the video game equivalent of the Commando and Predator movies and make the new protag a strong independent brown woman who's only concerned about MUH FAMILIA

I've never been more upset about a franchise being jewed up

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