Japanese game

>Japanese game
>the romance story line is borderline fantasy / unrealistic
Has a Japanese game ever portrayed romance with realism?

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Why would you want realistic romance?


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It doesn't insult the player.

Why doesn't she kick him in the balls? "Confirmation notice" lol what a fag.

This is rape


Nah, just sexual harassment.

They were made for each other


Who the fuck kisses like that jesus

japanese people do, because they're not a kissing culture

What show?

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Is this what women really fantasize about or a dude's idea of what women fantasize about ?

It's not like the kiss was consensual it was bound to be awkward

>kissing culture

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Dumb japs didn't even have a word for kissing until they lifted kissu from English.

so they didnt have girlfriends until they got girlfriend from the americans?

Attached: morning kisses are an american thing to do.png (1280x720, 1.43M)

Objectively wrong, they knew how to kiss they just did it in such a way that doing it in public was taboo, they didn't do it like they do in the West they sucked on each other's tongues and exchanged saliva this way.

Learning about it from "outside" as made them weird about it. I don't think any other culture has produced trope of "indirect kiss" in fiction.

Ive seen sharing icecream, or not minding eating something a gf has halfeaten, while of someone else like a friend its disgusting to do that.


They are nation of autistics or NEETs, what are you expecting?

Let me remind you that most young people dont start a family since they cant afford a simple apartment in country where bussines/office culture is glorified to the point where everyone is underpaid, where people marry their childhood friends or co-workers after being ARRANGED by their supervisors/bosses since once they start working, they don't have time for ANYTHING, let alone meeting new people. Country where guys escape into fantasy realm and bussines woman pay fortunes to male prostitutes that instead of sex adore them and give them basic couple treatment. All directed by 50+ olds who barely tolerate anybody non-Japanese and are unhealthy attached to MUH TRADITION so this shithole will remain like this. People who treat woman like shit, where female politician from Tokyo city council got shitstormed when she tried to talk about woman abuse by other council members with shouts like "get a man already" and the like and any unmarried woman past 26 is treated like trash.

Video games, manga and anime are supposed to give them fantasy they need. It's pure escapism.

No matter what /jp/ will tell you, Japan is shithole.

>unmarried woman past 26 is treated like trash

how does fantasy romance insult the player?

>having traditions and safeguards against degeneracy is bad
shut the fuck up schlomo

At least they don't have niggers and feminism

I would not call Japan of all places non-degenerate country.

jesus christ lmao

The japanese used to be like based Goku. They knew that the mouth is meant for eating and that doing anything sexual with it is a perversion.

>They are nation of autistics or NEETs
I guess being at work 120 hours a week is autistic by western standard

>no degeneracy


God I wish that was me