Oh boy how exci--
>map literally broadcasts future Middle East, Sub-Saharan, and Chinese DLC
>AI wobbles between idle, attacking, moving, and then when it comes to allies? forget about it
>Diplomacy AI still spams alliances and locks things out without any good reason
>Mechanics also broadcast who's going to be getting DLC. Who will be first? German or Pontic regions?
Oh boy how exci--
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll expand
>UI has a ton of empty space obviously for DLC
>EVERYTHING is based on mana now
>Literally nothing to do outside of war
This is what I got from 20 minutes of gameplay. Fuck you paradox.
A fellow refunder?
And come on, you can colonize...just like in Rome Universalis.
Really, it's just Rome Universalis with some of the shitty EU4 systems thrown in.
We also forgot Day One DLC.
Never buy paradox games before they release a complete edition.
I mean, nowhere did he imply that he bought it... , and people can get pissy about games they got for free.
Would I be able to know if I like it or not within 2 hours of playtime so I can refund if it sucks? Because Im not letting the Parajews fuck me in the ass this time
Yes. I figured it out in about thirty minutes of gameplay because I've learned the shape of Paracuck's dick.
I mean, they put the complete background music save for two tracks in the Deluxe Edition. I:R looks to be the biggest kikefest so far
>Buying Parafags games n DLCs
Well, how else do you get the money back from the paid reviews and the "viral" marketing copies that you threw YouTubers that have never been critical of your games?
You'll see everything the game has to offer within half an hour. I'm actually dead serious. It's pathetically barebones.
Looks like the cheque for Eurogamer didn't clear lol
Well, given the way they price for European markets, it makes sense.
If I had to put a date on when Paradox really began their downfall, it would be when they brought on that modder that did the shattered retreat bullshit.
After that, EU4 had its time-management-style mana bullshit system, the coalitions crap, and they shifted their DLC focus from
>stuff we would have loved to put in the base game but never thought about doing so
>hurr, you can be a satanist in CKII guys!
This is Paradox's target audience
By their own definition, toxic posts are only those saying stuff like
>if these cucks release another shitty DLC cashgrab I'll kill 'em
>the devs are retarded puppyfuckers who couldn't code their way out of a paper bag
and I've never seen either of those on the Pducks fora. If anything, the critiques from Pducks users are some of the more insightful out there. Sure, they can be brash and sometimes crass with it, but if you need constructive criticism handed to you with over 50 qualifiers of how it's just an opinion and everything else is "Great", rethink the idea of having thick skin.
what's with strategy games,antiquity and flops?
It's new industry models. Typically, mods for antiquity and older titles set in antiquity are great. The Caesar games, Rome I, all that stuff.
Only Pdox's former Rome title was kinda trash, and that was because it was a throwaway title in between EU III and Vicky 2, if I remember right.
Pirate the complete edition, numbhead
Amerifats hate history. This is why Cleopatra is one of the biggest bombs of all time and Rome died after season 2.
I thought Rome died after season 2 because they were spending millions on location shooting and set pieces before they had the infinite fat stacks from 'Game of Thrones, Season How do we change the story even more to be Days of Our Lives in Westeros?'.
Rome 2 still is their bestselling title
How the fuck would you shoot a story about Rome "on location?"
I'll pirate it when it's fixed.
>banned the guy who blasted their game on the forums
>immediately puts up a damage control road map where they add shit that should've been in day 1
>Steam reviews at 45% positive and still falling
>some youtubers shitting on it already
Very cool, thank you Paradox
what are the chances they'll abandon it?
i mean they have people working on EU4, HOI4, CK2 (which they planned to drop years ago, but people are still buying DLC) and Stellaris, can they afford a 5th team?
How do people such as this breathe? What drives them? Can't be brains, so what is it?
>Jews Against Cybercrime
What's fun about excel spreadsheet simulator?
You mean Aurora? Not much.
Parakike 'games'? Visualization. Except there's nothing to visualize this time, hence all the rage.
The drive for justice!
But there's nothing just about bad business practices...
There is when your fandom identifies you and gives you meaning in the cold darkness that is your world.
They sell the soundtrack separate from the game. Without it, you have literally 2 songs.
Not even CA dlc model that bad.
Waah waah, babby's first internet hate machine LOL WE DID IT TORTANIC 2.0
Listen, I was there during Paradox's legendary meltdown during the truce timer debate. If they didn't kill themselves then, they won't now.
Aren't they the same?
Is this for real or you're just being dumb?
>Rome I
I guess you forgot ai in rome total war
Or you just too young to actually playing game where computer offers alliance and declares war in same turn
I will be pirating every game from paradox from now on. Ive been scammed out of enough money for several more $60 games. Johan doesnt need any more of my money and he wont get any. Maybe if paradox stops the scumbaggy shit i might reconsider but that will never happen.
But that's a good thing. Fuck soundtracks--I watch YouTube videos in my second monitor anyway while I'm playing games.
Not even close. Imagine putting basic mechanics behind paywall.
>from now on
Looks like it.
>The complete music suite composed for Imperator: Rome. A fitting accompaniment as you plan future conquests. As the game's score expands, so will this living soundtrack, with new music added in most major updates.
Uh... yeah, I concur. I just hope they crash and fucking burn, the sooner the better.
I actually got Rome on release, so maybe my memories are more tinged with nostalgia and a lower standard for strategy gaming.
On the other hand: have you ever expected good diplo AI from a CA game?
I wouldn't be surprised that they would introduce "mana packs" with a Lootbox system at this point.
There is another indie rome game in the works. Grand strategy / tbc might turn good.
I just want a fun roman themed game that's not age of decadence, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?
can you genocide people?
>stop having fun, i had fun doing this a long time ago so you CAN'T now
fuck off
>white people games
no wonder this genre is dead, just like their demographics lmao
Oh please, they wouldn't be that transparent.
But with the new 'Academies' DLC, you can establish centers of learning that boost your current leader's ability to produce Oratory and Civic points, and the new 'Martial' DLC lets you generate more martial points.
These provincial borders look like utter ass.
Paradox, much like Creative Assembly games are games you never buy on launch, you buy it 2 years later on sale with the majority of DLC.
based cotton gatherer
it's going to take a lot more than 2 years to fix this
Holy shit they sell you the ingame soundtrack as DLC.
Holy fucking kikery batman.
Since paradox entered stock exchange, they've gone full jew and beyond.
Not sure but looks promising.
>you buy the base game for $2 off some key reseller to get easy access to the steam workshop, then pirate all the DLC
>you pirate it 2 years later with all of the DLC.
Not even then, now.
Not after the excessive policing of community mods, which you need to SEEK OUT rather than have posted as updates.
Not after three consecutive releases which have clearly broadcast that they've moved from their model of releasing new features as reasonably-priced-to-work-needed DLC that later become base game features in their next title.
Not after the adoption of the mana points system as a universal constant from EU IV onward.
Not after the adoption of shattered retreats as the de facto method.
Not after the evisceration of any decent diplomacy system.
Not after the obviously-subjective obsession and balance bias toward 'tall' gameplay.
Not after their inability to adjust to differences in market pricing.
Not after their censorship in their fora.
Not after their 'viral' advertisement campaigns and clearly paid reviews.
Paradox isn't even a "buy after release and on sale" developer/publishing company anymore. They aren't even worth pirating.
White supremacist /pol/ fags BTFO
On the bright side, their composer is fucking horrible. Wonder how many people will buy the soundtrack if any.
have to wait for a few months for these features
>Tribes being able to decide what units their retinues should have.
>Adding of features from previous PDS games like moving capitals and regnal numbers on monarchs
>Better abilities to play tall, including centralising trade, impacting specific cities, etc.
how fucking barebones is this shit?
>Not after the obviously-subjective obsession and balance bias toward 'tall' gameplay.
if you want to play CK2 in 'ancient' times I recommend the CK2 mod lux invicta, I'm not sure if it has been updated to work with the latest version of the game but it adds a ton of greco-roman religions and expands the map. it's alt-history though.
>They aren't even worth pirating.
They were once, that's why this release is such an utter disappointment now.
They managed to create a shittier game than Rome 2 Total War. Bravo Paradox!
Yeah. Seriously. They've made it a personal crusade to quash gameplay styles that focus on wider expansion. In a grand strategy game where both options should be equally as viable, it shows an odd bias toward just a certain sort of playstyle.
Now, granted, they aren't able to balance well enough to make it so that it's truly the end-all-be-all way, but if they could, it would be.
Oh, you silly willy.
>yfw you realise rome existed
Looking at the steam reviews. What the fuck.
How many people out there are still buying paradox games day 1. You wait for the DLC run to finish. That's just what you do. Why wouldn't you.
Ya'll deserve your broken game.
Even though they fixed many things, Rome 2 still is quite shit compared to Rome 1, like where's a proper Guard Mode? And why can't I merge two generals into a single army like I could in Rome 1?
Every new game they release is blob-central, what the fuck are you talking about?
But rome 2 is good.
Right, but Rome: Universalis wasn't a Crusader Kings clone, or a Europa clone. Sure, it failed badly, but the entire scope was different. It was more about the emergence of 'great men' and their acceptance by the populace and their peers, which you had to balance against your civilization values, expansion outward into barbarous areas and your rivals, while managing a (lacking, and certainly could-be-improved-on) trade system.
Why are you playing games from two deacdes ago?
none of the people who worked on Rome 1 worked on rome 2
You've never read a dev diary or an update post, have you? You haven't played a game where you abuse development points in EU IV to become a powerhouse as an OPM without even needing to expand. The only reason that it's 'blob-central' is because you always have the one AI group that can do it because they're hardcoded to, and because a lot of players prefer to play their GSGs as map-painting sims, so they find out ways around the balancing against that.
Look at EU IVs balancing with territories and states to see what they're meaning to do, but fail to because they can't figure out how to monetize that model.
why is everyone so upset with mana? Ducats are literally the same thing. One guy I asked said "b-but I can increase how many ducats I earn every month" so when I asked "well, would mana be okay if they introduced a temple to Jupiter/Mars/Quirinus/Sol Invictus" and he responded "i-it's not the same"
>b-but I can increase how many ducats I earn every month
Yah you wish you could increase monarch points the same way.
>map literally broadcasts future Middle East, Sub-Sahara
it's just sand nigga
>well, would mana be okay if they introduced a temple to Jupiter/Mars/Quirinus/Sol Invictus
read the whole thing before you post you zoomer
What game was this guy playing?
There is a difference between using mana for some abstract aspects and using it for every fucking thing, that's just lazy and bad gameplay.
>full of squabbling nobles
Probably CK2
using mana is literally the same as using ducats. ducats are just another form of mana
It's a resource which is made out of thin air. For example in hoi 4 it's impossible to change laws, change your cabinet etc without political power. Like what the fuck is that? Did Stalin collected magical points irl to increase cannon fodder?
>Paradox games
>having complete editions
maybe 10 years after release
Because ducats represent money while mana represents arbitrary magic points.
If it's your first gsg you would probably be impressed
A.) B-but I can increase how many ducats I earn every month
B.) Paper/Sun/Helmet Mana is an entirely abstract concept, monetary wealth isn't.
C.) It replaces more complex, layered, simulationist mechanics with a set of magical buttons that bleach nignog slaves into #ffffff patricians with a single click
Think that Fraser Brown guy plays a lot of strategy games though. Think he might be on a strategy game podcast as well, Three Moves Ahead?
Literally removed most of the features of the prequel, like army merging (two or more generals leading the troops or being able to move independent units without a general). Removed the "pushing" mechanic of troops which would move foward as they were gaining the upper hand over the enemy.
Cannot set different tax rates for different cities, and to finish it off, the UI is shit without mods.
eu4 is already dead
I wonder what features they'll remove in the inevitable Medieval 3
several large mods are still getting updates so it's alive
Did you just read what I said?
Using mana to convert people is stupid, you should have to move pops, convince them, have some policies and get uprisings.
You can't really think clicking one button is better than having a more engaging game than that?
The negative reviews are obviously incel nazi russians who hate the fact that Imparator rome is about strong women.
What's left to ruin? Since MII: Kingdoms Total War has been an exercise n whoring out and destroying a franchise. FotS was a diamond in a sea of shit.
buy rome 1 and install some mods. good as new
They're forced to use mana to keep everything simple enough for a modern CPU to process. You can't expect a non-turnbased game to have complex mechanics for that amount of regions. That's the sad reality we live in.
There's a connection between what ducats represent, how you earn them, and what they do. This isn't true for the other forms of 'mana'.
>victoria 2 doesn't exist
Okay I'm now convinced you are just a shill.
Vicky2 did a lot of that almost a decade ago. With the technology of today extending that to even more provinces and mechanics shouldn't be that hard.
they'll find something, I mean they managed to remove things we didn't even consider being on the table for removal in Rome 2
also M&T has managed to introduce a functional pop system into EUIV so it is possible (and while yes: the damn thing is unstable, the only reason it is that unstable is because they can't reach into the source code)
Lad I...
In vic2 if you don't have enough prestige then the world market flies over you and most of your population starts dying from hunger with all your food being exported.
don't be a poor nignog then
>paid blood dlc
Just make more money and get more Mana nignog
True. Empire just felt like a cock up but Rome 2 felt like they were vindictively looking for things to trash
Non-sequiteur? Prestige is one of the poorer mechanics in the game but considering it can't be spent at all it realy matters little when discussing mana.
Besides, despite what the morons at /gsg/ might tell you, Vic2 is not the be-all, end-all of grand strategy. But grand strategy games would be better if they tried to improve on it's formula rather than discard it for mana-based gameplay.
>Mana is bad
casul please go
Idea as great as vegemite coffee
Every once in a while, I'll just take two hours of free time and rewatch, as a reminder, the Sane Critique of Rome 2
Shit is always cash
>Vic2 is not the be-all, end-all of grand strategy.
indeed, it's just the best 'grand strategy' (a marketing term invented by paradox, by the way) we've got
I feel like even that might be an too much - Darkest Hour exists. But Victoria 2 was a better direction for the genre.
>what features they'll remove in the inevitable Medieval 3
On top of my head, just the cuts for main campaign:
>Can't discover the Americas
>Shorten the time frame
>Pope dynamic simplified
>no princesses to marry off
>only on horde invasion
>crusade and jihad- instead of sending your troops you can buy a part of the mercenarys to lead
Basegame only features 7 nations, remainders are DLC
>Milan Pre-order DLC
Just a reminder that CK2 is the only good paradox game even without all 15 mandatory DLCs
>Someone at CA thought pic related is what a roman testudo looked like
>Rome 2 felt like they were vindictively looking for things to trash
They managed to remake games while removing features, it's amzing
Ck2 gets boring the quickest the more you learn how to play.
Mana is absolute cancer
I forgot that this is never coming back:
And this will be replaced with pictures:
Serious question: Why should I play this and not Imperium Universalis?
Darkest Hour has too little of a timespan to call it a 'grand' strategy since you can conquer the entire world in few years, this is my opinion.
It's basically (and especially with mods) a VN with wargame features.
I just wish we had a proper manpower mechanic that would be integrated into Victoria's population system and at the same time not be retarded like V2's military is. Then at least V2-tier economy and there you have a god tier, actual grand strategy.
>too good to enjoy eu4
>too stupid to understand vicky2
I imagine it has to do with trying to make things "epic" in a fairly primitive setting
Vic2 plays itself and only /gsg/ fags look out to make it seem complicated to make themselves part of a minority in an already niche genre.
You should play neither and uninstall both if you have them installed.
yes, I agree. Using mana for everything is bad, but the concept of mana itself is not.
to create more engaging gameplay instead of a gamey system which plays itself
money is inherently an abstract concept
>It replaces more complex, layered, simulationist mechanics with a set of magical buttons that bleach nignog slaves into #ffffff patricians with a single click
as done money
>durr instead of spending time and resources training an army I can just summon them with the click of a button
I have no problems using mana to convert people, but it needs to be an expensive action. The way it works right now is way too forgiving.
nevertheless they work the same way. only that one is "OK" because money is essentially something you can touch while political capital is entirely abstract.
>Darkest Hour has too little of a timespan to call it a 'grand' strategy since you can conquer the entire world in few years, this is my opinion.
The time span isn't really relevant, I think. Better than having you believe the mechanics that felt okay in 1836 are just as good at representing warfare in 1935. Ultimately I think DH is superior because it actually pays attention to the 'strategy' part of it, whereas in V2 the war mechanics are poorly thought out. You don't play V2 for the strategy, rather for the economy. I do agree with the rest, though.
Most of the paradox audience is dumb, fat and ugly. (read: basically the modern racist)
They target this major audience. Thats why you never buy these games early.
>army merging (two or more generals leading the troops or being able to move independent units without a general).
It's called a rework to recruitment system.
>Removed the "pushing" mechanic of troops which would move foward as they were gaining the upper hand over the enemy.
It kills your performance.
>Cannot set different tax rates for different cities and to finish it off, the UI is shit without mods.
Looks like a total war paradox game mixup.
>nevertheless they work the same way. only that one is "OK" because money is essentially something you can touch while political capital is entirely abstract.
You have literally said nothing. What makes money (as a mechanic) 'ok' is that it is a sensible abstraction of what it represents and very rarely steps out of it's boundaries. The fact that I have a number in my bank account that represents something similar has literally no bearing on the conversation.
Whereas mana very loosely explains what it represents precisely because it would quickly defy these boundaries anyways, you don't want the player to wonder too much why the same points that allow him to make his ships better instantly also has him annex an entire country after investing some points into it overtime.
Also it has in game turn based battles but it seems you need FOG 2 to actually port them to play.
> to create more engaging gameplay instead of a gamey system which plays itself
You don't need mana for any of these. Are you enjoying spending magic points on things?
Fair point, DH is great military mechanics-wise and only starts to seriously get out of touch by the 1950s. It suffers tremendously from being based on an outdated engine, which also affects horrodenous diplomacy (but the best avilable political system of similar games), making the campaign's 'skeleton' be based around events and not the dynamic in-built mechanics. Thus the VN comparsion.
Altough considering diplomacy and peace conferences in goy4 I uhh... I'm not sure, really.
I don't mind it in HoI4, I think that system does it right. EU4 has development and buying research, both of which I dislike. I:R does it somewhat right except converting and assimilating being way to cheap I think.
>I don't mind it in HoI4, I think that system does it right.
>entire game is based around magic
k buddy
you could replace political power in hoi4 with ducats and it would make sense 90% of the time
experience is also fine, albeit I wish tanks and planes worked like ships do now
Wow, I just posed a very similar review.
I love Paradox games, but that first line sums it up, it is just disappointing. I expected more from the people who gave us their previous games. I'd almost rather play a modified EU4 than this.
>It's called a rework to recruitment system
And It's a shit rework, it makes it "gamey" and unimmersive, why can't a general sent a detachment of troops to carry out a mission or garrison a city without having to be led by another general? Don't romans have officers like centurions?
Because of this, another nice feature from Rome 1 was removed, the Man of the Hour feature where after a hard battle a soldier would have done great things and eligible to be promoted to become a new general and to be married into your family.
>It kills your performance.
Yet modern TW games still run like shit anyways, now you have to babysit each unit and keep spamming the attack action for the units to do what they're supposed to do: youtu.be
I don't know what you've been playing but in Rome 2 you can only set a general tax for all or put exemption on certain regions unlike Rome 1 were you could set a tax for every city you controlled.
Also that new "modern UI" sucks a lot.
Autists who play these games are too literal and don't understand the "mana" points actually represent lots of vague real life stuff that would be a hassle to model. It's simply a simplified mechanic.
The recruitment was fucking annoying fuck that gay.
>wanting to deal with 10-15 single to half stacks of roman troops in a songle area
>tax rates and ui
literally minor shit and easy to "fix" with mods
>Expecting anything else from paradox
The are the worst devs at the moment they just release unfinished buggy games that they never fix and just shit out expensive dlc that does nothing but add unnecessary mechanics that the AI can't use. Anyone still giving paradox a pass at this stage deserve to get shit on
Got permanently banned from the IR steam forums for saying to just buy the base game and wait to pirate the DLC just like i've done with EU4 and CK2. I guess they didn't like that.
It wouldn't be a hassle to model, you're apologizing for a videogame company with more than enough employees, and experienced ones at that, and even with games in it's portfolio that didn't have that level of abstraction, proving the are (were) capable of designing less abstract mechanics. They even did it in less time and asking for less money.
>still bothering with paradox games post CK2
every DLC after Sword of Islam was bullshit and made the game worse.
But Vicky 2 had more in depth and realistic government mechanics and that's almost a decade old at this point.
>And It's a shit rework, it makes it "gamey" and unimmersive, why can't a general sent a detachment of troops to carry out a mission or garrison a city without having to be led by another general? Don't romans have officers like centurions?
roman military didn't function anything like what you're imagining. the only person apart from the actual command that could do something like that was the camp prefect.
centurions and centuries weren't even proper military units
can you recommend any papers on the subject? genuinely interested
What was gamey was dealing with single army unit litered around the map and killing off their faction leader while have to hunt the headless chickens or other single units army "stack" because the AI was pure trash and never able to form to one strong stack.
Now with the change I can actually fight army stack worth fighting for, faggot
papers? no
books? there's plenty
this guy does a good job explaining how it worked
>just release the DLC for the love of god i'll always buy it
actually it's this video:
>And It's a shit rework,
It's makes campaign harder and loosing battle more punishing. You can steamroll barbarians without any effort in rome 1.
>it makes it "gamey" and unimmersive
Gay argument.
>why can't a general sent a detachment of troops to carry out a mission or garrison a city without having to be led by another general?
>Don't romans have officers like centurions?
because it's not a real life
> Because of this, another nice feature from Rome 1 was removed, the Man of the Hour feature where after a hard battle a soldier would have done great things and eligible to be promoted to become a new general and to be married into your family.
You can recruit them anyway, so you don't even need that feature.
> Yet modern TW games still run like shit anyways,
Nice try, but any blob over 500-1k untis nukes your performance on any computer.
>I don't know what you've been playing but in Rome 2 you can only set a general tax for all or put exemption on certain regions unlike Rome 1 were you could set a tax for every city you controlled.
Whole point of taxes (in rome 1) is to control money flow, population growth and happiness. No brainier.
> Also that new "modern UI" sucks a lot.
Then how do you explain the battle of Cynoscephalae: youtu.be
This is not a single occurance, Caesar allowed his officers and second in command this kind of flexibility: youtu.be
>Suck nu-CA's every shitty change, the argument
>post 2011 paracux game
at what point do resources turn into "mana"?
all your examples were of centurions making tactical decisions mid-battle, which I never said they didn't. I said they had no overall command over their actions on a campaign, like a cohors splitting off to garrison a city or hunting down rebellious tribesmen.
>no counters
>sucks off shitty old ca
At the point where they stop corresponding to things that exist.
>Respectfully Disagree
Will never not be funny.
It sounds normal to you that in order to send a detachment from one general to reinforce another force, you need to send an actual general to do so?
Prestige is different considering you can't actually spend it and it's just a tally of your mil/navy/industry/other shit. It's basically just a record of your power.
>I don't think you'll love our games from now on.
>Respectfully Disagree x 212
How can Johan be simultaneously a cuck, a retard, and an asshole and have such a high position in Paracuck?
What about piety and prestige in CK2?
We're not against abstractions, we're against shitty abstractions.
MEIOU&Taxes abstracts Religion by two sliders which you're constantly able to influence, sometimes as a side effect, by decisions, actions, and general policy. The effects these sliders have make sense and how you influence them mirrors reality and makes sense as well. Having sliders isn't realism, it's actually bullshit if you look at reality, but it's a good abstraction.
I:R represents Religion as Sun Mana. It accumulates automatically (why?) at different speed for different characters&"states" (makes sense) and can be used to gain favours from the clergy (mostly makes sense). You can seemingly have infinitely many sun mana (how?!?), at least I have yet to hit a cap at 6k+, and it can also be used to instantly convert any pop to your religion (dafuq). It cannot be used in any other way to interact with the religious faction in your realm, even though that's appearently precisely what sun mana abstracts. It's simply a shitty abstraction.
piety is 100% mana, but prestige isn't really I'd say
no, but it does sound normal to me that rome didn't have 100 cohors of equites running around all over the italian countryside.
this could be offset by having an equites become a junior commander that's able to command up to 4 other troops or something, but since they didn't do that so what we have is the best we got.
That's not the best we got, since we could do that Rome 1, you could actually send troops from one general to another or to garrison a town as reinforcement without needing to send a general.
It could be any other officer in command like a Tribune for example.
>reccomending people pirate their dlc
hmmm wonder why faggot
>That's not the best we got, since we could do that Rome 1
>rome didn't have 100 cohors of equites running around all over the italian countryside.
no it isn't
>your country has been wrecked by war, the farms deserted, population slaughtered, war exhaustion is at an all time high
>just spend some mana and suddenly war exhaustion is zero and everyone is ready for another war
mana apologists will burn in gell
The funeral address for Pericles was an irl application of Oratory points.
Then they just threw denarii at the other problems to fix it.
No it wasn't
Were Romans really this good at converting people back then?
This shit makes EU4 blushes.
>he doesn't know about those times the Romans "converted" the Jews
It's called conversion because Paradox'd get into trouble for having a Gas button
if you mean slaughtered then yes
When will they stop using mana systems? God I hate gold, manpower and other retarded mana