I want to make a VN but I can't draw

I want to make a VN but I can't draw.
Does it matter?

Attached: Untitled4.png (1000x784, 82K)

Of course it matters why would I want to read something that feels like very little time and effort was put into it?

Draw a killer robot for me

No. If you write something appealing enough, someone will fix it later.

Attached: MittHands.png (1024x768, 835K)

i don't understand the appeal of visual novels. i got stein's gate for free with PS+ and i just sat there reading text for 20 minutes . i was literally falling asleep it was so boring. is there any gameplay at all or is it just like reading a book but with sexy anime bitches to lure NEETs?

I only came to this thread to post Higurashi, but you beat me to it.
Indeed OP, if your writing is good enough, bad art isn't a complete dealbreaker. But really, if you can't draw for shit, you should just write a book instead. Why a VN anyway?

Visual Novels are Adventure games without puzzles. You may not realize it, but people are REALLY turned off by adventure game puzzles.

Also sex or whatever.

I tried.

Attached: Untitled.png (992x784, 76K)

Now draw a Platypus!

One platypus, drawn from memory.

Attached: Untitled(1).png (990x784, 19K)

his art actually looks good though.

see, there's already an improvement in the way you draw sun rays.
Make a VN with these and Yea Forums will say it's SOULFUL.
Can you draw a volcano for me?

make it a volcano with a cool dude surfing on the lava

chances are you cant write either so id say no need to bother

My 10 sister draws better than you op, do you even have a drawing board?

Rate the MC for my VN, drawn by me ofc. (not op)

Attached: vn.png (454x405, 47K)

90% of the VN's selling point is the porn scenes, so yes. The whole "it's so deep i cried omg" is just an excuse.

how's this?

Attached: Untitled(2).png (988x784, 24K)

better than what i can do ;.;

just pay someone else to do it, you can make a visual novel super cheap

This OP is a funny guy

Attached: 1546947587843.jpg (204x247, 14K)

>best VN ever made has no porn scenes
What now?

Attached: battler portrait.jpg (400x566, 65K)

Nonpornographic visual novels which are successful are exceptions, not the rule. For every good visual novel you've seen, there are piles upon piles of garbage which you will never see because no one outside of Japan could be arsed translating it.

I can't draw shit, but here's my WIP alien for my VN

Attached: alien bityh.png (922x791, 24K)

Well duh, anyone familiar with VNs knows that. 90% of everything is trash, this goes up to like 99% for VNs but the rule still applies. No one gives a fuck about the chaff not worth mentioning, whenever someone says "I read VNs" and it's for reasons other than fapping they're only talking about the highlights.

Clean the lines a little and it looks good friend.

middle is best

If you don't have the attention span needed to read book just give up

now make it erupt


cute drawings user
draw Klonoa

Thanks man, I'm still working on it but with a slow pace. I'm more interested in writing but I don't have the balls to bother anyone else with my shit so I'm trying to do the art too.


Attached: umineko-30-7.jpg (448x336, 34K)

Follow your dreams OP, i seriously want to see a VN game with your drawings

Download DAZ and write about mother-son incest. Enjoy your patreon shekels.

Anybody remembers that guy who made shittons of money with a VN he made using Honey Select models and didnt draw shit?

What is a good engine to make VN with?

microsoft powerpoint lole