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Other urls found in this thread:



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What's this?



>just put a crowbar into your UE4 demo project and you get international attention

world of clowns

damn... valve better hire this guy...
Just like they hired that Indie company for one (1) game

Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

portal? tf? dota? counter strike?

what is black mesa...frickin noob


>random dudes on twitter are much more talented than Basedtendo, Soyn and Vavel

How do they do it? Why is no one hiring these guys?

they are jealous

Would have been impressive ten years ago. Which funny enough, we were already saying "where the fuck is HL3 already?" by then.

This but unironically. When 1 guy does better than a whole team of professionals, you need to reevaluate your personnel

At least it was before I fucked Alyx up the ass.

>those assets

hl3 leak, valve are clamping down hard on this, happened yesterday.

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They throw assets in a stock engine. Why would companies want to hire anyone for that?

Prove it or take a horse dick

Thread is probably gonna get deleted soon, its getting DMCA'd everywhere

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Lol this is just a bunch of UE4 free assets that some fucko made a map in 30minutes for a screenshot

kek, try harder

nice proof

so.. this... is.. the.. power.. of.. source 2...

It's a HL3 demo someone made in UE4 and that's the whole map.

You're asking for a thick horse schlong with that big fat throbbing lack of evidence right there.


a bunch of generic assets maybe, but is that the default Source engine crosshair?

Why did they buy that studio? I don't get it.

Totally not a youtube video for some mod you guys

Attached: file.png (96x104, 13K)

what talent? it literally just a small area filled with stock asset

This is UE4 though, it's the same rock texture as in 90% of UE4 games

> ( i )

>Small area
Its the whole game
Alyx fucking dies

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You're an absolute goddamn gay nigger.


OP is literally a brainlet

Look at every game made by Valve and you have your answer. At this point I think that Half Life 1 and that shitty card game is the only original game they've ever made.


Fake, its a coverup for a real half life 3 demo

Gordon Freeman is Wallace Breen from the future so you have to travel in time to kill yourself

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Looks like ass

Yeah but all the other people they've hired justified their weight, whether it's the Narbacular Drop students, the Team Fortress team or the counter strike guys. What the fuck does Campo Santo bring to the table?

just 3 more days

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It's just a shitty asset flipped map with a crowbar slapped on.

>Vlave hires him
>he spends his years in a Kafkaesque cycle of making one prototype after another who get all rejected as usual

i cant imagine being an actual game dev with creative ideas would be fun to work there.

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I like horsecock too but you don't have to pretend you don't like it, friend.

It's just one shitty map dude

Shit fucking thread

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you're hired!

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Isn't holding and using a crowbar like that highly impractical?

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Dont fucking tell me you're one of the suckers who still hasn't moved on? At this point HL is irrelevant and over rated.

HEVsuit son

OP still sucking dick
No end in sight say experts

Attached: tvandmoner.jpg (764x913, 188K)

I like the way you hire people. You're hired!

HL & HL2 and Episode rated amazing by community.
Suddenly Valve doesn't release game, everybody starts to hate HL.

Attached: Alita smush.gif (405x405, 3.47M)

are you trying to tell me they haven't hired this man?

I don't know about irrelevant or overrated, but certainly HL3 wouldn't be the OMGWTF game 1 and 2 were. Those games were groundbreaking for having NPCs actually follow you with their heads / eyes when they talked to you, and for having babby tier physics puzzles on top of a kinda cool story and the gimmick of a (admittedly very fun) physics gun that let you use shit around you as weapon. That is NOT something that would impress modern audiences at all. Most all of what you found in the old Half Life games are things that you now find in your run of the mill trash tier shooter. To make HL3 a similarly impactful game, they once again need to re-define the entire genre by pulling something amazing and new out of their hat. Being innovative was a lot easier in 2004, when 3D gaming was still in it's toddler pants. Sure there were 3D games were a thing waaay back, but the "rise" of 3D games started in the 90s, with pseudo 2D games acting 3D, and then towards the later 90s with full 3D games.
So by the time HL2 came out, 3D gaming was still "young".

hmm what in gaming is young now

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For what? Putting some assets in an Unreal editor, giving the PC a crowbar to hold and calling it "Half Life 3 Prototype"? Are you fucking kidding me? It's not even well designed
>placed the PC too high to avoid getting stick, you can see him "falling" into the level at the start
>very clearly walled the whole area in quick and dirty so you can't see that there is literally nothing in the skybox
>random rocks clipping into each other
>flickering textures
>looks at items but doesn't pick them up.
all this shows is that you can make pretty good looking (in terms of realism) environments in unreal engine. This we knew already.


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VR and Mobile. As far as I can tell. VR is failing due to expensive hardware (some argue it wouldn't even be saved if VR goggles were free), and Mobile is a cesspool where the most innovation is made towards "how much money can we continuesly ask for without people rioting?" to a point where even Kanye West complained why the games made for fucking toddlers have "purchase shit!" buttons every 5 minutes. And when mr "I sell plain white shirts for $100" calls something a sketchy ripoff, you know it's TURBO sketchy.

Valve know this and won't release half life until they are happy with VR tech or it is popular enough for them.

>implying that Valve would hire him when they don't even make video games anymore

Looks way too shitty to be a Valve game.

Real HL3 is that VR thing releasing with the new headset

Delusional. Valve VR is already projected to be a complete and utter failure by numerous video game experts.

Nah any HL game for Index will be some prequel/sidegame thing as a copout
The whole format is too experimental rn

Care to share them? I haven't seen anything like that.

woah experts...

Attached: The Internet Naysayer.png (751x2908, 461K)

Most of Yea Forums has been saying the same thing about Valve VR. I trust Yea Forums when it comes to unbiased opinions about Valve, and Yea Forums has never been wrong about Valve. Valve VR is going to flop hardcore and be the source of humiliation for Valve for decades to come.

holy shit it's a half life 2 leak!

>some guy being wrong about predicting the future of something entirely different. Yes people made mistakes thinking certain things will never take off, but there is very real evidence that VR as it is, right now I already said to be a failure, even by the fucking co-founder of the Ocolus:
quote: "You could give a Rift+PC to every single person in the developed world for free, and the vast majority would cease to use it in a matter of weeks or months. I know this from seeing the results of large scale real-world market testing, not just my own imagination – hardcore gamers and technology enthusiasts are entranced by the VR of today, as am I, but stickiness drops off steeply outside of that core demographic. "

It is just not a thing with enough main-stream application for it to take off. Does it have potential in the future? Absolutely. Do I think in many years VR will be a super popular way to play games and watch videos? Yes I do.
But do I also think current gen VR will fail for the next 5 to 10 years? Yes, absolutely.

The problem is that there's not enough software reasons to buy it
If Valve launches this thing without games then that is a massive blunder

>If Valve launches this thing without games then that is a massive blunder
And considering the fact that Valve evidently don't make games, that's gonna happen.

3 days to see if Yea Forums melts down or not

>If Valve launches this thing without games
games plural. they'd need to bundle this shit with like 10 top tier games to be noteworthy. Like the blogpost I linked said: the problem is that it's just not interesting enough for the "normie" market and as much as Yea Forums likes to scream NORMIES GET OUT REEEEE, we actually need them to buy the shit we like so it keeps being produced. Valve could give their new headset away for free and it would still fucking die, because just no one is into it.

eh 3 is a good start
no amount of games is going to make this thing explode in the normalsphere, it's still enthusiast territory

Everyday, I pray that Gabe gets cancer and no longer fit to be CEO, Valve gets bought out by Activision or EA and they're forced to make and release Half-Life 3 in less than a year.


No one can even explain why Epic is bad besides boomer nostalgia

Epic is the lesser evil compared to Valve. Valve is scummy as all hell and has done awful, vile things to gaming.


Attached: Yes.gif (500x279, 783K)

Hey, consider dying in your sleep tonight.

>creates DRM stores
>creates loot box gambling
>follows trends just to make money (VR, MOBA, F2P, Card games)
>doesn't make games
>no response from Yea Forums
>competes by paying some devs more
>outrage from Yea Forums


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Holy crap Lois is that Half-Life 3?!?

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I mean he was clearly wrong about some things but he wasn't wrong about everything.

>make some gay fallout looking map
>spawn in with a crowbar and add HL music
>call it a HL3 map
fucking kids

God how the fuck this shite channel has 141k subs
>Zero personality
>Huge ass text thumbnails
>these clickbait videos
fucking cancer

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you gotta be shitting me

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Yes i am because it's just shit content.
Fucking logan paul makes better videos

>person likes video game