>be me
>never really was a talkative person, decide I want to break this habit by forcing myself to play games that require a lot of communication like ArmA 3, Rising Storm 2, Red Orchestra, etc.
>boot up ArmA 3
>"Alright, today's the day I go talk to people!"
>play nothing but Editor mode
>607 hours since November in fucking editor mode
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
I know that feel
>864 hours in dota 2
>16 normal matches
>know how to fly a helicopter perfectly
>don't know what key to type that activates chat, voice channel, radio, etc
>Playing Rising Storm 2 as the commander
>Team is winning
>Someone asks me if I really expect people to believe my accent is "real"
>A whole bunch of people agree with him and tell me to stop putting on a voice
>I'm not putting on a voice
It actually made me insecure for a while. After asking around I found out that apparently DO have a strange accent that's probably related to my mother and father having different accents to each other.
I wish I had the patience/friendcount to play arma 3 properly, seems like it'd be so fun with a good squad
030 enemy infantry short range
But the editor is the best part
>native English speaker
>learned Italian later on in life
>whenever I go online I talk as if I'm Italian and I'm learning English, not the other way around
>"haha, a tony VC, haha"
Squad might be good. Some squad leaders will do a mic check at the start of the round to make sure everyone has a mic
Do you have bad social anxiety?
I know, setting up convoys, base raids, fictional battles or reliving existing ones great and all but when you do it alone it feels so awful and sad.
never went to a psychotherapist in my whole life. Never really had a need for one either
>have over 200 hours in RS2
>half of them are in multiplayer where I never choose to be Commander or Squad leader, just a simple Grunt
>other half is spent in singleplayer with the GOM mod
No I mean like I'm not trying to play armchair psychologist, I just always used to be nervous about talking to people I didnt know / social situations and I didnt get over it until I just forced myself to try and chat with people. Itll get easier if you just force yourself and then being sociable with people will come naturally.
>try playing SS13
>always end up as an assistant or janitor
>don't interact with anybody the whole game
Get squad. All of the registered servers are heavily team based and rely on communication at different levels. People will also not give you shit if you mention you're new; no dealing with clan registration bullshit like with Arma servers, and a much lesser learning curve
What do you do in Editor mode OP? After you are in editor do you then play what you have designed or do you literally just play with the editor?
I actually did this once to a girl in my class and she asked if I wanted to have my dick sucked by her. I didn't know how to respond so she laughed at me and told the rest of the class. it was super fucking embarrassing. I know all situations aren't going to be like this but holy fuck did that scar me deep
Fuckin racists
you can't be racist against italians
I set up convoys, are various battles that happened through time. my latest one was a large team of Syndikat members trying to take over a radio tower and surround building that was guarded by a PMC.
Wow that's actually sounds like a fucking nightmare. I hope I've never made other guys feel that way when I've openly flirted with them or propositioned them, but I've only done it out of genuine interest.
What the hell
Well what's your fucking accent sound like???
Post vocaroo recording
Please stop anytime
tfw I am retardedly autistic when it comes to being afraid of talking to people but playing a few hours of Squad each week is slowly helping me overcome this
Stay there.
Is this supposed to be funny?
Are u having a laugh
What’s next
>all the shy ESL's scared of the booming americans and english lads
haha get fucked desu
porco dio ti spacco la faccia stronzo di merda
>tfw you spent most of your childhood talking only to americans
>random people you meet ask if you're american
>I say why
>they say its my accent
Ué, scemo di merda, cazzo dici oh?!
I remember that time another girl in my class told me she would fuck me if I would help her cheat in the next test. I told her that I had no interest in "certain types of girls". Basically calling her a whore. She got so pissed at me she actually tried to slap me a couple of times. Me, being the autist that I am, pushed her and she fell back (she's 4'9"). Now everyone thinks am a woman beater even though I did nothing but defend myself
non so se sei veramente italiano o se sie un cuoco tibetiano con accesso a google translate
just call everyone a nigger
call chemistry niggers for not giving ammonia
call everyone who is dragging boddies without bodybags a nigger
call security a nigger for droping smoked cigs on ground
and robocists that they create borgs that steal your job
>using google translate
What did he mean by this
“pig god I'll break your shit asshole face”
Try harder
Good job user. You should have hit her back but a push is good enough.
>defend yourself
>from a woman
you have autism
what is better than triggered Italians? the triggered French
Not funny
maybe if you weren't insulting me on this Hungarian cuisine forum and learned about Italian sayings instead of getting your information from a translation program coded by a bunch of men with less testosterone than the average woman
did you surrender so fast already?
fuck off
Yah no ur definitely not Italian
The French are perpetually triggered.
>ay Tone, dere's Chahlie in da booshes
my sides are on existent
Bullying the french has never be funny
yeah because they never really put up a fight
no wonder they were shitters thruout their dumb ""history"", what a bunch of suckers of muslim and niggerish cocks
t. triggered Frenchman gay
ok mec arrêter n'importe quand visage moyen
how the fuck did this thread go from 607 hours in singleplayer to a strong debate over which country is better: Italy or France
when are we gonna get /pol/ flag symbols on Yea Forums?
I’m from Alabama actually
Doesn’t mean ur not a jerk
sparati nelle mutande mangiarospi bastardo
after that encounter I started lifting weights so that if something ever happens at least I'll be able to pack a bigger punch
I don't know, but I'm sure here in this thread is lurking some obnoxious, triggered soidrinking Frenchfag, watch out everyone
Mama mia.
dio can se sei divertente
god created Italians so the French could win some wars
Even Ethiopians can beat Italians
>considered myself friendless for years
>some people have added me
>i accept
>they say nothing
>i say nothing
>some weeks pass
>i remove them
>either i never hear from them again, or they'll find a way to message me somewhere else asking why i removed them
holy shit it's just like in my animes, sugoi desu ne
nihon is sugoi
I dunno what this is but that is a cute cat.
>from the first world
yeah... this ain't it chief
You dont have to say a single word to play any of those games. I wish more people would shut their fat cunt mouths desu.
I added lots of friendless loners but none of them wanted to be friends or even just talk, deleting them became a chore
What kind of kitty is that?
I dunno but it's coming over!
Here it comes!
Here it is!
Looks like a munchkin
My problem is that I talk excessively and I open up very quickly, habitually revealing secrets about myself and afterwards getting deeply regretful about what I said EVERY TIME, and as such I rarely start a conversation anymore. I reply immediately though.
But if they add me and expect me to be the one creating that friendship on my own, just fuck off holy shit.
I used to talk with everyone. Id have multiple teamspeaks/ventrilos/roger fucking wilcos Id hop on for diff games. American, Euro, young, old, conservatards, libtards, everything. Now I talk to no, and everything people say annoys me. Somewhere along the way I snapped.
My problem is that I talk excessively and I open up very quickly, habitually revealing secrets about myself and afterwards getting deeply regretful about what I said EVERY TIME, and as such I rarely start a conversation anymore. I reply immediately though.
But if they add me and expect me to be the one creating that friendship on my own, just fuck off holy shit.
Huh. How die that even happen?
Oh well.
sounds like actual autism, not being facetious with that remark.
howd you post twice in 11 seconds?
Editor is fucking sick in ARMA though, I don't blame you.
Looks like I lost connection from the wifi for a moment and double posted because Clover told me that it failed to post.
What is wrong with that lad?
it is turbohappy
Fair enough.
this for me also. I think it is age related for me as I have less energy and time to play games.
>play World of Tanks on the NA server with an American guy from /vg/
>half the people talking are also English
I have this problem except I just hate talking. It's too draining to talk for that long and I usually end up ghosting them because I get burnt out.
It sucks because all of my favorite games require communication.
Nah I play the absolute fuck out of game, all day every day. But listening to some faggot in Rising Storm 2 or Squad starts making my blood boil if they go beyond basic shit. Or hopping on Teamspeak and listening to my old internet buddies talk about their dumb jobs, family, illnesses, motorcycles. Drives me insane.
I dont know if I could handle listening to 1 more faggot make a fake asian accent is RS2 again. I'll be in the news soon.
The waters are now calm. Italians and French are no longer enemies
>games that require a lot of communication
Here lies the problem
>be me
Who the fuck else are you going to be OP?
I've been playing online games since I was 12 and being around Americans a lot has clearly done something to my accent. Yet when people ask why I talk like I do and I give them the probable reason they just tell me I'm talking shit and I'm just putting it on.